Modern Military Squad (Open)


New Member
So I'm looking for a small group of active RP'ers to do a modern military role play. We are Valor Squad, the top squad in Delta Force and all of SOCOM, and we are fighting in the GWOT (Global War On Terror). There are five open spots:

Squad Leader: Me



Rifleman (Medic):

Support Gunner:


Rules are simple: Be active, swearing allowed, 1 liners for dialogue only, 1 paragraph minimum otherwise.

Sorry if this seemed brief, but I am short on time.

Here is my application form:

Name: Alex "Shadow" Noble

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'2, 190 lbs, muscular build, fair skin, regulation length black hair, and bright green eyes. (Yes, that is all that is required.)

Rank: Colonel (Start at private, but will be promoted quickly, and to an unrealistically high rank.)

Equiptment: M6 IC CQBR (Suppressed, Holographic sight, Tac-Light Foregrip), M9 Beretta (Suppressed, Laser Sight), Battle Hawk Tactical Tomahawk, Black Raven Tactical Knife, M67 Hand Grenade, Smoke Grenade (Everyone has the same gear, including a C4 satchel charge, so you have space for an extra grenade)

Name: Jesse Fox

Squad pos: Sniper

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'11, 180lbs, athletic build, sunburned amber skin, high and tight cut hair, dark brown eyes, tattoos: Revelations verse upper back, St. Michael right forearm.

Rank: Lance Corporal

Equipment: MSSR Black(Suppressed, long range scope, bi-pod), Sig Sauer sidearm pistol(tac light), KA-bar knife black, smoke grenade, ghillie.

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