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Fantasy Modern fantasy/paranormal pairs

Looking for a casual, but literate (decent grammar/spelling/effort into character development, keeping plot moving, and writing posts one another looks forward to) roleplay. Set in a Buffy/Hellblazer (or Constantine)/The Dresden Files sort of Universe where you may find yourself taking down a Big Bad in a Walmart, place ads for necromancy on craigslist, or Google search archaic summoning scrolls.

I''m an old lady in my late 20's and only willing to RP with people who are at least 18, which even squicks me out a little (21+ is best but beggars can't be choosers).

Some of my intro posts are longer, but I usually write at least a paragraph per reply. All that I ask is your grammar/spelling is decent, you don't god-mode, no one liners (give me enough to respond to), and don't just rely on me to keep the RP interesting.

I'm female IRL, but can write male or female characters, any orientation. I prefer flawed, unique relationships and romantic tension that takes time developing.

Can't send messages yet so you must message me first.

A few loose ideas:

An arcane crime syndicate with curse workers instead of hits where the Godfather is replaced by faerie Godmothers and you make offerings instead of offers that can't be refused

A grown up Hogwarts Mages College perhaps with fraternities and sororities instead of houses and subjects like Alchemy, Necromancy, Herbalism, Healing, Bardic Arts, History of Shamanism, Magical Linguistics (Glyphs, Runes & Sigils), Psychic Abilities and where your final usually involves you surviving death or having to summon a demon.

Good old fashioned demon fighting (or summoning) buddy cops in a supernatural investigation squad that either must cover up, or uncover, paranormal crime

Healers hospitals with shamans and exorcists instead of doctors where healers must find a cure to their own wounds before they heal anyone

'Knights Temp Agency' a modern day Knights Templar where our characters are assigned temporary knightly duties in different dimensions while awaiting the return of Merlin, Arthur, and the Round Table

Or a more mythic American Gods sort of thing. I'm particularly fond of Hades/Persephone retelling, but ask that I get to portray Persephone's psychopomp and Goddess of Witchcraft Hecate, if you're Persephone and I'm Hades

Or Rising Star Institute of Art an art college where one of characters is the Aeon of an Astrological Age (I'd like to portray the personification of a female Scorpio and male Aries, female Cancer/male Gemini, and/or female Capricorn and male Aquarius)

Here's a character I just came up with to give you an idea of how I like to blend modern day with myth magic and my sense of humor. I have plenty of other voices, just giving you an idea:
A druid named Rhydderch who's now an atheist after he realized the Goddess was just a faerie queen enslaving him to officiate sacrifices as tithes to the Underworld. He's just trying to be a dude instead of a druid but his life on earth is far from glamorous as he's couch surfing at his former enemies the Lady of the Lake in a basement under a medieval themed restaurant where she bar tends and he's stable boy/squire for neck beard knights on high horses. He keeps having dreams about a woman in wolfs skin with ravens on her shoulder who is calling him to serve the Goddess of War on the battle fields between dimensions. Rhyderrch is no longer a druid but he's a magician and magicians know life is an illusion he is more disillusioned than ever. But when teenagers start doing shrooms and undoing reality and child singers/actors/dancers are kidnapped by human traffickers in fairy rings Rhydderch has to pick up druidism and his sword back up. He's an atheist and the former Pagan Priest has stopped believing in the gods and started believing in magic coming from the self. He has a singing sword named Soothslayer crafted from cold iron and souls of the last triad of bards who were so sharp and silver-tongued their last words fused into a living weapon and their heads cut off but their voices could never be.

He also has a banshee named Maggie who is kind of like his Tinkerbell and has loved him and all of his druidic ancestors and is insanely jealous of any female who comes near him. She shows up screaming shrill as a barn owl to herald omens of his inevitable doom, and echoes the moans and cries of his ex lovers if they're reaching climax. But when she isn't washing the same dirty blood-stained laundry she likes to air, Maggie makes a good karaoke duo and loyal fairy familiar even if she can' get the stains out of Rhydderch's undies but not his Pagan past.

And an idea for a female character I can portray along with Rhydderch. Helena who is a Norse seer/shamaness and Staff-Carrier in the volva/seidr tradition. Her wand comes from the branches of the World Tree and is also a spindle wheel/Frigg's distaff/which draws its power from the three stars the Greeks called Orion's belt and the Norse called Frigg's distaff which weaves spells and the fabric of reality around her.

She isn't a priestess because she wanders worlds and villages and is Wand-Wed to her spindle wheel so never marries. But she still worships the Goddess of Love, War, sex, death, and gold whom the Norse called Frigg/Freyja. And she balances my atheist druid because she believes that a magical men in black/magicians in black type agency can tap into the cosmic womb and from its darkness birth the return of The Goddess and destroy patriarchal forces. She has a white warg puppy named Baldur who chases the sun and pisses on the trees of sacred groves and gets away with humping and sniffing Valkyries crotches.

Helena is a radical social justice warrior but as an avatar of the goddess of love and sex and war she's always either spinning from fighting about women's rights in forum threats or hooking up on Tinder but a Volva can never marry and is always Wed to the Wand. The phallic symbolism permits her to sit on thrones and puts her as a Norse witch outside the normal social hierarchies of whatever culture she's in. She also loves yoga pants, German thrash metal, and smoking leaves that may come from your dealer or the branches of Yggdrasil. And she brews a meade of plenty that any man who drinks bonds with her in sacred marriage like a valkyrie roofie. But she only offers her Meade to God-kings because a wandering witch may never bear a man's child or name or anything except Freya's Distaff.

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