New Member
Hi! My name is JEM, I'm looking for an 18+ rp buddy. I like to rp as the older brother, and father in these types of rp. Ideally I'd like someone to rp as my younger sister, which I mother hen as the older brother, to your character's annoyance. My character is gay, so if you don't mind I'd like to ask that you rp as my character's romantic interest, I will gladly rp as your character's romantic interest in return I love drama, the more the better! I don't mind at all if your character is an OC or a character from an anime you enjoy! Any ideas I'm eager to hear and help create! I hope to make a long term rp friend, and I hope we can have fun!!! Please message me if you're interested! I roleplay in the first person POV, and on hangouts!