A Game of Sins.


the best of the best, ya heard
Here you will post your character sheets, and here's a skeleton for you to use. PLEASE READ THE OVERVIEW FOR THIS RP TO GET A SENSE OF THE RULES AND MY GENERAL IDEAS FOR THE ROLEPLAY.



Appearance: You may describe your character or use a photo. Since this is a fantasy setting, you are allowed to use anime/drawings.

Sex: Yes, please.

Age: some Sins are newer than others, and vice versa. Age does not indicate strength, so this is purely for story reasons. Please try to keep it consistent with human history if you decide to have your character be human, your character can not be x amount of years old if humans have only been around for x amount of years.

Height: Put with and without armor if your character uses it.

Weight: You may put with and without armor if your character wears it.

Personality: You may write a short paragraph explaining your character's personality or you may write a list, whichever floats your boat. Don't forget to add flaws to your character's personality, they're called Sins for a reason, they are not perfect model citizens.

Bio: Write a short bio explaining your character's origin, and remember your character DOES NOT remember this at the beginning. They will slowly start to remember through fights and such.

Likes: You may write a short paragraph or a list, this is to give your character some "humanity.'

Dislikes: ""


Armor: You may describe your character's armor or you may use a photo.

Weapon(s): You may describe or use a photo, you are only limited to 1-2 weapons.

Powers: Describe your powers, and be sure to explain what they do, how they adversely affect your character if applicable, and how often they're allowed to use them. MAY ONLY HAVE 1 MAJOR POWER AND 3 MINOR POWERS, LIST THEIR ADVERSE EFFECTS TOO.

Mount: If you wish your character to ride a horse as transportation, then describe or use a photo. This one is completely optional, and your character doesn't need to have this. I would refrain from using mounts that can be used as weapons, just to be fair.

Skills: Describe if your character is better at sword fighting, ranged attacked, stealth, etc. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM BEING PROFICIENT IN MORE THAN 1 OR 2 SCHOOLS OF WEAPONRY

Extra: Add anything here extra that doesn't fit into the categories listed above.


Name: Siegfried


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Siegfried.jpg.201c910705e60a8a1bc0e6518dcfa639.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37721" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Siegfried.jpg.201c910705e60a8a1bc0e6518dcfa639.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sex: Male

Age: 1,700 Human years

Height: 6'6/6'8

Weight: 350lbs/450lbs

Personality: Siegfried is quick to fight and ask questions later, he is a fiery being with little patience for games, trickery, deceit, and it doesn't take much to set him off into a blind rage, oft more than not, he'll end up destroying entire buildings. But there's always a good side to Siegfried, he is extremely loyal to his partner, the Queen, and is very strong willed and is not easily swayed.

Bio: Siegfried was born in the early 4th century to a Germanic tribe Chief, and was raised in all the traditions of the tribe, and taught how to fight with a battle axe. Sometime after reaching adulthood, he had decided to unite the different tribes in the region to rule as one.

Likes: Siegfried is man of fine tastes, enjoying wood carving, food and beer.

Dislikes: Siegfried dislikes many things, including theft, lying, betrayal, and anything dishonest.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/35ch7yr.png.134cd8ccc0facb82a660e6aae5bf390c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/35ch7yr.png.134cd8ccc0facb82a660e6aae5bf390c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon(s): Schadenfreunde

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Schadenfreunde.jpg.027374f10b210571213bffbf605ff576.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Schadenfreunde.jpg.027374f10b210571213bffbf605ff576.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bloodrage - Siegfriend becomes increasingly strong, and is able to shrug off pain, completely ignoring it. While he ignores the pain, it doesn't mean he's invincible and can only use it as a last resort if he accumulates enough damage.

Schadenfreunde - As Siegfried causes more damage with his axe, injuring others and destroying things, his axe begins to grow stronger, getting sharper and heavier. Can absorb a set amount of magic before releasing itself whether in a form of an attack or backfiring and injuring Siegfreid.

Teleportation - As King, he is given the power of Teleportation to open warp holes to either travel to the scenes of fights, observe others, and other uses. CAN NOT BE USED IN A BATTLE.

Increased Strength - Siegfried is able to leap high buildings, and lift and throw very heavy objects.

Skills: Siegfried is skilled at the use of most two handed weapons and prefers to use his battle axe, or his fists.


Name: Abigael


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Ariel.jpg.4905063dc9ca34ff5daa6cc2ebaa3b2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Ariel.jpg.4905063dc9ca34ff5daa6cc2ebaa3b2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sex: Female

Age: 518 Human years

Height: 5'5

Weight: 125lbs

Personality: Abigael is a patient, kind and compassionate Sin, often to the point of naivety. She is honorable and does not believe in cheating her way to the top or having an unfair advantage over the others.

Bio: Born to a noble Knight in medieval England, she was expected to learn the ways of a lady. But being a lady didn't interest Abigael, and she instead took up the way of the spear, after many moons of trying to convince her father.

Likes: Abigael likes horses, spears, honor and tradition.

Dislikes: Abigael dislikes anything that is dishonest, dishonorable or shady.



Lion's Tooth

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c121890db_LionsTooth.jpg.89e450493fc7c462ae1cad3553fc230a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c121890db_LionsTooth.jpg.89e450493fc7c462ae1cad3553fc230a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Rain of Spears: Abigael summons a rain of spears that explode with mana in a medium sized area. Is somewhat hard to defend against, but can only be used once a fight, lest it completely drain her, leaving her vulnerable to attack,

Lion's Pride: Due to Abigael's morals, Lion's Tooth has an adverse effect on evil, often burning those with evil intent with a holy fire.

Lion's Speed: Abigael is able to attack and perform certain actions with an inhuman speed.

Recall: Abigael can recall Lion's Tooth to her hand if lost, but only over a certain distance.


Lynn - Abigael's mount, used for transportation. Can travel far distances in blink of an eye, summonable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Lynn.jpg.e83e2a97d771588a330e31afa3fbe101.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Lynn.jpg.e83e2a97d771588a330e31afa3fbe101.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Abigael is adept at using spears, and the occasional sword.

Extra: Abigael sometimes is prone to being quite prideful, sometimes looking down on those who are "less desirable."



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Name: Lethasis

Sex: Female

Age: 1388 human years


Humanoid form - 6'4'' (Including horns.)

Monstrous form - 40.5 meters


Humanoid form - 210 lbs

Monstrous form - 128 tons



Corrupt and amoral, Letha is a physical embodiment of sins. She's willful and overall perverse, often reveling in the misery and pain of others. Not averse to causing great conflict, Letha is not one to be easily intimidated and would speak to others with a tone of arrogance and contempt, even if it was the King or Satan himself. Nonetheless, she has a devious side to her and enjoys manipulating lesser demons to do her bidding.

Letha also carries a mysterious, dangerous air around her, being almost considered insane for demon standards. Although she is connected to many evils, she is best described by the Sin of Gluttony. Letha is ambitious, has an insatiable thirst for power, and would most likely reach for greater heights exceeding the status of King and Queen if given an opportunity.


Born as a unplanned child, Letha was left abandoned and sold into slavery. Without a name, she was taken under by a wealthy noble. Seemingly trusting the kind looking man, she was merry to have her life start to turn around. However her feelings quickly changed when her owner would begin to abuse and rape her at his own liberty. Not a day passed where she didn't think about numerous ways to murder the man, yet her shackles kept her intentions fruitless. Unable to achieve solace, Letha grew insane, resenting her life and herself with disgust.

One night in a spur of madness, she managed to attack the man while still chained. She tore off the man's jugular with her teeth and began to wolfishly disfigure the corpse in front of her. Still chained, a wicked grin crept across her sanguine features.

Likes: Everything that is immoral, the corruption of others, and the acquirement of power.

Dislikes: Purity, the weak


Armor: None

Weapon: Sorcery


Necromancy - She has the power of manipulate the undead, often raising restless souls from the ground to fight for her as grotesque, hell-like creatures. Although, she has a limit of controlling 5 undeads before they begin to act on their own accord.

Self regeneration - Having to cease her power of necromancy, Letha is able to steadily regenerate her wounds unless the damage received becomes too great e.g. decapitation from a higher demon or holy entity.

Telepathy - Letha is able to sense and invade the minds of others. As the Queen, she can control or drive insane humans of weaker constitution. Although she can hear other's thoughts, she cannot read other's minds.

Monstrous form - Letha morphs into her true demon form. In this form, she is truly deranged, losing all sense and awareness of the situation, mindlessly wreaking havoc around her. Her self regeneration is augmented, however she no longer have control over her necromancy or telepathy. Due to her sheer size, Letha is left immobile, but gains immense strength in return.

Mount: None

Skills: Letha is skilled in necromancy.

Extra: She prefers to communicate using her telepathy. She also has the choice to look more human; without her horns, scars, and other odd features.
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Reserving Sinspot.


Name: Alfangor (All fang or)


Sex: Male

Age: Old. (To lazy to com up with an actual age right now.)

Height: 6'10" before and after.

Weight: 450lb and 600lb

Personality: He is a being consumed by rage. Very little calms him, and those he kills or destroys in some other fit or another, causing him to go off again. It's a vicious cycle. But when he is calm, he is almost lethargic, taking his good sweet time to do anything and everything.

Bio: WIP

Likes: Destruction, chaos, the one thing that he has kept in tact that is able to calm him down, a small statue of a dog of some sort or another.

Dislikes: Anything and everything that threatens to harm his statue. People, things that think more of themselves then what they actually are in reality.


Armor: Large, somewhat bulky armor that solidly covers everything but the joints, those are protected by chain mail. And it wouldn't be right to apply spikes liberally.

Weapon(s): An ebony great sword, and an obsidian hammer. Both glow a dull orange when he holds them.

Powers: Hot skinned; His skin burns at a touch, and quickly heats up just about anything that touches it to the same temperature., including his armor.

Fire Breath; Spews a stream of lava, more or less, that even he cannot withstand for long periods of time. Uses it sparingly, at most twice per fight.

Heat vision; He can find people in the dark by seeing their heat signatures. Useless against cold blooded creatures.

Rage: He enters a rage that increases his heart rate and, to him, slows down time. Similar to the Kings ability but not as powerful.

Skills: Best with two handed weapons. His effectiveness goes down hill the smaller the weapon gets, his hands are just to big.
Name: Jorah Hazule "Beast"



Built like a dam, scars from years of pure violence.

Sex: Male

Age: 177, not counting the years in mummified stasis.

Height: 7'6-7'9"

Weight: 410-420


-Scatter Brained, he doesn't stay on one particular subject unless it interests him

-Experience, though somewhat young he spent his entire life killing, or talking.

-Hostile toward potential threats.

-Relentless but has a conscious, doesn't feel bad about killing his enemies. Regrets killing the innocents in which he has flash backs.

-Hot headed.

Bio: At the age of seven he was donned the job of an Anubian vanguard. For thirteen years in a secluded city of his ancient demonic race. he was taught to kill and mane many human and inhuman creatures. At the age of twenty he was assigned to a pharaoh of his time. He was led into battle and slaughtered human and inhuman creatures alike. When his master grew old and he didn't his master was given a mortal poison. Jorah left his home to save his master, he found the rare cure and returned. He found out on his return that his master had been given the cure from other sources, but had his throat cut in his sleep. Jorah was cursed to an eternal life until his master was pleased with his redemption in battle. He was buried with his master, and when his master's tome was disturbed he awoke to kill for decades on instinct but he has no idea why he has the hunger to kill yet, until caught by Siegfried in the midst of a battle. And now he is here.

Likes: -Rare fruits.

-Felines, reptiles, and birds.

-Letting his enemies see his vicious strength.


-Being teased with meat

-Killing someone on accident



-Those who bluff and do not fight




Those green glows are enchanted emeralds that makes his armor feel light on him.





Egyptian throwing knives also.

Powers: As former vanguard he was taught how to raise other of his kind from the sands, at most two of his equal skill. Felines, reptiles, and birds see him as a god and admire him, he can command them to do simple tasks like, pick locks, steal items, distract enemies. The larger the animal the harder it is to convince it. His reflexes are very fast. He can apply his senses to be as strong as any creature amongst these three animal types, Felines, Reptiles, and Flying Mammals. Making his senses very strong if he applies them.

Mount: Runs everywhere, its faster for him.

Skills: Better at melee face to face combat, an expert amongst his own people. But he can throw knives at a proficient level, and he can use magic for basic needs, anything very basic.

Extra: After spending almost his entire life training against and with inhuman creatures he can point out weaknesses and can identify minor handicaps. Ex Anubians, his race, hate water. It burns their skin like acid. Meat is something they crave but are NEVER suppose to eat, it throws him into a frenzy to kill any and everything that he can swipe at.
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Name: Dedan "Wrath" Karatus

(Without the weapon, black robes worn out of combat)

Sex: Male

Age: 2,863 Human Years

Height: 6 foot 3 inchesr

Weight: 173 lbs

Personality: Quiet: Often reclusive and unwilling to speak, however he does talk when required

Wrath: Prone to anger, will be put into a trance-like state while angry, causing him to have incredibly violent tendencies.

Greed: Very, very protective over anything that belongs to him.

Clever: While being of average intelligence for a being of his age, he is incredibly clever, being able to outwit most people, especially in the heat of battle

Code of Honor: Naturally has a very honorable virtue, believing in face to face combat, despising cowards.

Bio: Born in an ancient land, he was condemned at birth in the mountains. He was found by a reclusive monk, who raised him as his own. The monk, realizing Dedan had no given name, named him Dedan and Karatus after two deities he worshipped. Doing as any sensible parent would do, he trained his adopted son in the way of combat, under several strict commandments. After a dispute about the monks teachings, Dedan abandoned his father, and became a simple sell sword. During his travels he crossed a small gang. As a way of paying him back, this gang hunted down Dedan and stole his belongings he'd earned as a mercenary. After this, Dedan gave up his job and returned to the monastery he was trained at, only to have found his former trainer had passed away. He stayed here until a group of crusaders arrived, hoping to purge an "evil" religion. Unbeknownst to Dedan, his home was covered in his former masters religious symbolism. Dedan fought mercilessly, and killed at least a dozen knights, however, in the end, his fatigue got to him, and he was slain..

Likes: Art: Whether it be books, scrolls, religious texts, paintings, etc, Dedan has a strange attraction to it, most likely due to the symbolism in the monastery.

Weaponry: Dedan has a love for weaponry, and is very knowledgeable about it, to the point of being able to identify some materials in weapons

Cold: Dedan, having spent a majority of his years in it, has a love for the cold, and seems to have an invulnerability to it.

People: Despite being a quiet/anti-social person, Dedan loves meeting people and observing their personalities, however, meeting somebody generic, or having a similar personality to somebody else he's met leaves him quite sour.

Dislikes: Cowardice: Deceit and back-stabbing or sneak attacks. Dedan has a hate for people who are unwilling to fight face-to-face.

Thieves: Due to his life experiences, he has a hatred of thieves.

Religion: Due to his encounters with the crusaders, who wanted to purge one selfish religion for their own, he has a massive hatred of religion.


Armor:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesWD2X5YYNb.jpg.ea4ff9aac9f939db3bd47ae0d5377112.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesWD2X5YYNb.jpg.ea4ff9aac9f939db3bd47ae0d5377112.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (The Kama folds up and makes the robe seen in the picture above.)

Weapon(s): 2 Katanas, which he keeps sheathed at his hip, a broadsword he keeps on his back, and 2 rapiers he keeps in another sheath on his back. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2353453.jpg.a6b857523a6c21bd891a19c2ee954805.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2353453.jpg.a6b857523a6c21bd891a19c2ee954805.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2423423424.jpg.b531c8b306f7ac0f49ec91fed02d45e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2423423424.jpg.b531c8b306f7ac0f49ec91fed02d45e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Rapier.jpg.999c43c41ce96dfefd902fc1a84df161.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Rapier.jpg.999c43c41ce96dfefd902fc1a84df161.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Pure Wrath: Dedan's strength and speed amplify nearly 3 fold, however, it leaves him extremely fatigued and sore afterwords.

Inkei: Dedan summons 6 more arms near his, giving him the appearance of a Buddha. Any being made of pure evil touched by these arms is heavily damaged.

Wind Blade: Dedan slashes multiple times with his two katanas, sending shockwaves through the air, which cut through most objects with ease.

Telekinesis: Can move physical objects by willing them with his mind, including himself. Strain depends on how much use it receives.

Mount: No mount

Skills: Dedan is very skilled in melee combat, due to his mastery of the weapons. He tends to rely on it.

Dedan is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and can fight quickly and efficiently using it.

Dedan has some skill in mental powers such as Telekinesis, using it to rarely manipulate his own or an objects movement.

Extra: N/A

Finished. Please let me know if this is still too much, I'm a bit new to RPing, so my balancing may be a bit off.



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Sex: Female

Age: 26 Physically, 400 historically.

Height: 171cm

Weight: 68Kg


Shiry? is a calm and collected woman with a dignified air and elegance. Her way of speech is eloquent and flowery, contrasting with her brutal technique with the blade. She is infallibly polite, but yet distant and cold, as if the politeness is merely a formality before a blade is drawn. Shiry? speaks with a guarded and mysterious tone, as if she is constantly hiding something. The tone is not nervous, but merely enigmatic, ending in high notes as if to constantly ask questions. Shiry? is sly and sharp, with high perception in regards to emotions and motives of others, and at the same time is guarded about her own motives. Shiry? believes in honor in combat, but not because of a higher sense of morality. Shiry? merely believes that honor is the best way to draw out a fight into one more enjoyable, and as such despises shadowy assassinations as they take out the rush of combat. Shiry? loves combat, she feels most alive when her blade clashes with another's, both her and her opponent's wills and lives on the stake in a dance of fleeting blows and parries. However, Shiry? believes that losing a duel equates to losing a test of both will and life, and as such she sees it most fit that her defeated opponent loses his or her life, and at the same time Shiry? believes that should she be defeated that she should also be dispatched. Shiry? is most aptly described as a byanztine labyrinth, with twisting and winding turns and corners that make her personality innately enigmatic. Shiry?'s personality is the result of her upbringing and lifestyle, molded and accustomed to force Shiry? to survive in a harsh world. Perhaps beneath her built up self there is a kindred core layered layered by hardships into what Shiry? is now. Perhaps at the end of her life, Shiry? merely wished that she had lived her life with peace and happiness, with a loving family and friends, serving herself and not a facade and illusion known as the way of the sword.


At the twilight of the Keichou era in Japan, an unremarkable child was born. She was born to a rural and undistinguished family leading dull lives. Her father worked in his fields, toiling to ensure that his family survived. Her mother was a simple country woman with simple tastes, unremarkable in elegance or grace, but earthly simple and compassionate as a mother. The small family lived in an unnoticeable province in a small hut, where they led a life of gracious monotony. The child was christened with a name of course, a small little title bestowed by people so insignificant in history. A name inevitably to be forgotten and cast away as history washed over the physical, discriminating with it's fine eye as to which facets of humanity it should record. Of course, this era was still recoiling from political turmoil, and the effects of authorities greater than this small rural family encroached on their lull lives harshly.

During the march of a rebellious force, the child's village was razed and it's inhabitants were all slaughtered. Perhaps slaughtered is much too strong of a word. Though they were unceremoniously killed, and perhaps in some perspectives one can judge these killings as "unjust", there are no mentions of them in history, and so in the end what is there to care about? However, the small little child was taken to the mountains far removed from any strife, an impasse of natural force that looked down on the pointless bloodshed of mankind. The man was a ronin turned monk, who sought spiritual solace and comfort amid the unity and breath of nature, who chanced upon the child in a near death state after the village's destruction, having been hidden away by her parents. The monk raised her to the best of his ability, which was not especially nurturing or impressive. He did not attempt to impose any teachings or influence the child in any way, not even deigning to name the child as he believed that he had no right as a foster parent. To bestow a family name was a cherished honor, and the monk believed his own name would not be one suitable for the child to don her entire life, nor did he find it within himself to impose upon her a fabricated name. Thus the child grew under the monk, an austere and pragmatic young girl accustomed to the hardships of living in the mountains without the help of fellow human beings. Of course, one cannot reasonably nurture a child in the mountains alone, so the monk occasionally traveled when the child was old enough to let alone to gain bare necessities for adequate survival.

The monk did pass one thing down to the child as his inheritance of sorts - his swordsmanship technique. The young girl had a rich well of talent, indefinitely exhaustible, and at the same time wielded an acceptance and dedication that impressed the monk. She quickly adapted and learned from the monk, practicing the sword with a simple wooden stick from her early childhood onto her early teenage years. She soon surpassed the monk himself by the time she was thirteen, and the monk believed that she would have no equal in all the land. Under the monk, she learned of the world outside the mountains and quite an advanced education, eventually learning of her origins and her family when the monk deemed her old enough.

The monk, already quite an elderly man, succumbed to the harvest of death when the young girl was sixteen, but bequeathed unto her his sword, a heirloom which she cherished as the only memory of any family she had known. With nothing left for her in the mountains, the young girl moved out and began to seek out a purpose in her life. Of course the first purpose she found was revenge. It was natural in a time when family honor meant so much, but yet the young girl never found a true sense of worth in the ideal. She traveled alone as a self proclaimed ronin, tracking down the lot that had killed her parents. She never found this group as they had likely perished in some battle, but her travels did cement her reputation as a fierce swordsman far outmatching nearly all opposition. She did not hesitate to kill, and those that failed in a test of steel against her faced death. It was after she challenged an entire school of swordsmen and killed all ten of their elites and stalemated the master that her reputation became wide enough that she was given a name. People christened her Shiry?, the term for a fleeting but malignant and deadly revenant, such was her alacrity and dexterity with the sword coupled with her killing policy.

Shiry? died early as many aimless ronin did, fighting back a host of sixty samurai that sought to avenge the losses of their fathers, brothers, and such. Her last stand ought to have cemented her a spot in history. She died backed into a corner in a lone mountain forest, fighting with demonic ferocity. She managed to eliminate forty out of sixty samurai, and the corpse at the time of her death missed both an arm and leg. She fought without a leg by tying herself to a low hanging tree branch and continuing to fight out with the last drops of her life. She left behind a legacy of challenging several masters of renowned swordsmanship schools. She left a near undefeated record. Yet nobody remembers her. Her name was scratched out from the annals of school records as they could not admit defeat to a woman. Her name was spurned by authority figures as a merciless killer, and blotted out of historical records. An entire life of extraordinary ideal and striving, reduced to far removed memories present to none. Perhaps as her life faded from her, the woman would have contemplated whether it was worth striving so hard for no apparent goal only to be forgotten.






-Honorable Conduct


-Prideful people

-Government authority

-Authority of any kind really

-Dishonorable conduct



Armor: None. dresses extremely lightly for agility.

An absurdly long katana measuring almost 140 cm in length from handle to blade tip. Though many would look upon the blade and immediately think "too long to use", this is not the case with Shiry?, who possesses a level of skill in swordsmanship so superb that the length becomes an advantage. Though a regular swordsman would stumble with such a long blade and perform an over exerted parry or extended swing that immediately leaves them to a counter attack due to the blade's length, Shiry? ensures that the blade instead performs as an impenetrable defense by moving the blade with a dexterity and efficiency so subtle and succinct that lethal slashes are performed by the slightest of wrist movements and defensive maneuvers enacted just the same. As such it is extremely hard to compete with Shiry? in a test of pure swordsmanship, as one is simply outranged form the start and attempting to close the gap with a reckless charge will only lead to being outmaneuvered and mercilessly cut apart.

Powers and Skills:


Shiry?, had her name been solidified in history, would possibly have been known as the best swordsman of her time and land, a testament of superhuman skill amid a land filled with men dedicated to a life tied with the blade. Shiry? can easily spot and perceive the slightest of mistakes and forms on her opponent's part and capitalize instantly, while her own vast knowledge of swordsmanship and its fundamental philosophies allows her to recognize the intent and basis of her opponent's movements to easily counter and predict them. Shiry?'s most distinguishing factor is that she has no stance. She merely stands calmly and confidently with her oversized blade, as if begging the opponent to charge in and capitalize on her apparent lack of defenses. However, Shiry?'s exceptional technique allows her to instantly perceive and react to enemy movements as soon as they are performed, in fact Shiry? instinctively understands attacks and their trajectories instants before they are performed, making up for the small extra time required to swing the blade to counter attacks. Due to the length of Shiry?'s blade, an opponent will be hard pressed to reach Shiry? reliably without being parried or wounded severely. Shiry? also aims her strikes with controlled but powerful lethal intent. Though she emits no active blood lust, the dead and focused luster in her eyes during combat should be enough to tell the opponent that all her strikes are meant to kill. All of Shiry?'s movements, from feints to parries, are aimed to lethally injure her opponent should they make a single mistake in reacting to her lightning fast movements. Shiry? also possesses a peerles combat instinct, translating into a natural talent to avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience, where accuracy of instinct has been augmented by experience -- somewhat overcoming the problem of visual obstructions that appear in the course of combat. The intuition is not like precognition where one can perceive events beforehand, but rather an advanced analytical ability whereupon Shiry? can understand and perceive the danger of certain weapons and attacks with sight alone.

Force of Will

Shiry? possesses an undauntable force of will achieved through arduous training and lethal combat experience. Her will allows her to resist mental impurities and manipulation to a high degree, but it's main strength is that it allows her to press on in combat under severe duress. Even if Shiry? loses an arm, she will remain calm and fight to her last breath. It is no exaggeration to state that a decisive fatal wound to the head or heart must be struck to put down Shiry? for good.

Respect and Harmony

A supernatural ability that represents Shiry?'s unpredictability in combat. It essentially makes all of her attacks and techniques unable to be understood by her opponent, preventing them from engaging a fight to memorize how Shiry? fights to counter it later. This skill is a passive effect that is constantly active, and as long as it is effective any opponent that challenges her will essentially always be fighting her as if it were their first encounter. As such it is effectively impossible to fight Shiry? on equal terms with just a sword as her movements are essentially unreadable and the opponent will be at a constant disadvantage.

Hiken: Tsubame Gaeshi

An ultimate technique of swordsmanship, a supernatural manifestation of Shiry?'s skill with the sword. By taking a wide stance, breaking her policy of unpredictable fighting devoid of stances, and gripping her blade with both hands while raising it level to the side of her head with blade end pointed at the enemy, Shiry? concentrates intently and dashes forward while slicing at the enemy's side. At the same instant, two additional slashes will strike down at the enemy from the other side and in an downward arc towards the opponent's head, as if three blades were existing at once. In practice, the technique is unavoidable as there is no practical way to dodge it. The slashes are performed at four times the regular speed of Shiry?'s already mind numbing dexterity, and with massively enhanced force allowing it to cleave through most all armor. The only way to truly dodge this technique is to be able to instantenously move backwards or parry at three different angles. The technique is not applied to Shiry?'s Respect and Harmony skill, so it is possible for an opponent to develop counter measures for a next encounter if they should survive it on the first, and as such, Shiry? considers this skill a last resort or finisher.

Extra: N/A

My Character:


Name: Ryuza Koorimuri

Sex: Male

Age: 562 (human years)

Appearance: While being older than normal humans, Ryuza maintains the appearance of a 23 year-old version of himself.

With messy medium length pinkish-red hair, relating to the hair color of the character Natsu from the anime Fairy Tail, he wears a sleeveless vest with two customized black armbands. He wears baggy pants and black sandals.

Height: 6'2 (6 feet, 2 inches)

Weight : 185lbs (185 without armor + with armor)


*Ryuza appears to be a calm, "young" man However, that is just a clever ploy. In actuality, he is a merciless killer who will incinerate anyone and anything that stands in his way.

*Has sadistic tendencies

*Ryuza is highly protective of those he cares for, that being something rare, he was driven into a psychological pseudo-schizophrenia, so caring about somebody other than himself is rare for Ryuza.

*Ryuza does not seem to feel pleasure in killing animals, but he does not hesitate in doing so.

*Despite being a psychotic pyromaniac, he loves rain and snow, becoming truely calm in these situations. It may be because this activates one of his weaknesses, and he retracts from being offensive while he is vulnerable.

*He has immense willpower, and it is seen in how he acts.

*He seems to care for women, however does not try to take advantage of them. If they get in his way, or truely wish to kill him, he would not hesitate.


Ryuza Koorimuri is a man from the islands of Japan, born during the warring states/clans period of the many islands that make up Japan. As a boy, he trained to be a Samurai, but did not excel in the arts of the Katana. His father, who was a warlord of the Katon-Kamisama, was killed, and he was taken away. Usually, the family of the clan leader would be slain, which would happen, however, Ryuza had unleashed one of his important attributes, extreme physical strength. He had brutally beaten those who killed his father, and ran away. During the years that he had to hide after running away (ages 11-16) he had become a sadistic pyromaniac, after discovering how to wield fire in combat. He had slowly risen up as a improvised fighter, beating his opponents one at a time. He became a fearsome warlord, known as Katon no Kami-sama, because of his dangerous fighting technique. However, at one point, he became too dangerous, and many states of Japan had joined together to finally slay Ryuza Koorimuri, by, ironically, bathing his house that he was in, in flames.

Likes: Traditional Japanese Dangos, unsweetened rice cakes covered in soy sauce.

Weather, he seems to always enjoy the weather, even if it causes him to be at a disadvantage.

Women- Ryuza is not a womanizer, but enjoys the company of a woman more than the company of a man.

Fine weaponry, while not being very talented in this aspect, he enjoys finding and inspecting good weapons.

Combat: Ryuza enjoys fighting, and seeing how others move, think, and their perspective on battling.

Neutrality to : Chaos

Dislikes: People who go back on their word.

Greed, he hates people who only think about themself. This is a hypocritcal dislike for Ryuza.

People who try to maintain peace, even when there's no way it can be maintained.

Absolute immorality without a cause

absolute morality without a cause


Armor: Ryuza wears his armor at all times. His vest, is made of leather, and his pants are layered with leather.

Ryuza always has a sharp knife holstered at the waist of his pants, not very visible due to the bagginess of his pants.

Powers: Main Abillity

Banished by Flame: Ryuza was killed by being bathed in flame, and he came back as a Sin with immunity to heat, and so Ryuza's main ability is the ability to manipulate and generate Fire with his body and also other sources of heat to a lesser extent. He accomplishes this by generating extreme amounts of body heat, because it does not hurt him. He uses extreme amounts of physical power to manipulate fire into what he wants.

This ability causes him to be completely immune to heat-based attacks, hot areas, meaning he can not be burned or melted, and will never feel dangerous effects from heat. However, he can forcefully relinquish his immunity to heat on his own will, but it will tire him. He can also turn it back on, but again, will tire him even more.

The weaknesses are :

Physical exhaustion after prolonged use, more so if he is not using an already existing source. If he is soaked in water, be it by rain, bathing, etc, his immunity will lessen, and it lessens the longer he is wet. It can go slightly below the average human immunity if it is a VERY long time, i.e several hours that he does not try to warm himself up. It will slowly come back as he dries off, sometimes being able to come back stronger than before. His fire is weaker to water than normal fire, aswell.

Minor Abilities:

First Minor

Extreme Physical Strength and Durability: He is very strong physically, being able to shatter concrete by using a forceful punch. however, he can be beaten physically by anyone who has focused on physical strength. He is also very durable, meaning that his skin is tougher than the average human, which causes sharp objects to be less effective, and brute force to also be less harmful to his body.

Second Minor:

Beneath Fury (just a cool name for it) : This ability ties into his Main ability heavily : If Ryuza is near death, or is about to take a killing blow, he can make his body combust into flames, and turn to ashes.This may seem very strange, but as said before he can control if he has the immunity on. By combusting himself into flames with immense heat, he turns himself into ash. A special condition is met if HE burns himself into just ashes and he can revive himself if he still has an extension of himself within 5 miles. This extension, is his fire. The weaknesses are, that the flame can be put out before he can revive himself.

How could he revive himself on his own will if he dies? He has a large willpower, that will let him think freely and activate this special power for three minutes of time in roleplay time. Another weakness is that if something intervenes before he is fully turned to ash, he can not revive himself. The final weakness for this ability is he is immensely physically exhausted, which causes him to lose his extreme physical strength for a length that depends on how tired he was BEFORE he used this technique, and his emotional state.

*No third minor power

Mount: Ryuza does not have a mount.

Skills: As shown in his powers, he is very good at physical combat, and also uses fire in his combat style, whether it be setting his fists on fire, or manipulating a creation of fire.

He is okay with weaponry, however, he prefers to use a medium-sized knife somewhat like a kitchen knife only when he is too physically exhausted to use his physical strength, or generate enough heat to create fire.

Extra: Sometimes, people jokingly call him Sakura, or Sakura hair, referencing his light red hair, that seems almost pink, or an odd purple.

He is referred to as a title "Red-Hair Ryuza".

*Please give me constructive criticism, I do know that this will need to be fixed, but I cannot think COMPLETELY clearly, and I will change a few things if it is needed. I do have some more ideas for abilities, so do not hold back on your thoughts about my not-so-great imagination.


My character~


Name: Jaron M. Kiron


Only a stunning 5'11", Jaron has a slender physique with a tightly-cut body, with dozens of scars on his body.

He wears the attire he died in, a butler-style coat and tie, and a top hat, with bullet holes all over his clothes.

Sex: Male


Jaron is a relatively older Sin, however his face is new to those around him.

Physically 21 years old


5'11" (180.34 cm)


140 lbs (63.5029 kg)

150 lbs with armor

Personality: Jaron is a drunken teenager that doesn't care about anything as of the current. When stoned, he tends to show off humorous horse-play. However, his temper has notably flared when sober, revealing a concealed disastrous, explosive destruction machine. When sober, he believes in his own divinity; if his blood spills, he becomes furiously outraged, turning him into the divine monster that he sees himself to be.


Jaron grew up as a gangster in the 20th century, prohibition era. He ended up in an inescapable conflict with the Moonshiners and was shot to death.


When stoned, likes any and everything.

When sober, he especially likes alcoholic drinks.


When sober, he dislikes anything that spits on his shoes.


Usually fights with the intent to kill when sober, however is a deadly killing-machine when his blood spills.


He wears a bullet-proof vest.


Dual Pistols

Steel Cane

Powers: (Only when sober)

Major Power ~ The ammo in both of his guns are infinite, in which can he add alcohol and infuse his metal cane into his gun, lighting the bullets on fire and turning them indestructable.

Minor Power 1 - He combines his two pistols into one mini-grenade launcher; he can launch up to four grenades without breaking one of his guns, but uses up all of his ammo in the process.

Minor Power 2 - He sticks his metal cane into his palm, in which he can manipulate the can and release it from any part of his body in smaller portions.

Minor Power 3 - He is able to deploy a gun as a turret that is set to automatically fire


When sober, Jaron expresses his belief in his divinity by riding on any type of animal that he can find, which comes off as a comidical purpose to everyone else. He is very good with a horse. And horses.

Skills: He was renown as the fastest draw in his time, and the fastest reload. He can learn to handle any weapon quickly and with ease. He also uses his guns as boomerangs sometimes.

Extra: He uses his guns for any and everything, turning the lights on, flushing the toilet, etc.

*I heard that you make better decisions on a full bladder. That is completely false. So this might seem rushed.*



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