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Mobius's Newest Search


Three Thousand Club
I'm hoping this post will be more successful than my last one :P .The basics go like this: I'm Mobius,but you just call me by Mobi or Urp (Earp spelled my way) which is my RL nickname,I'm a gender and an age and very protective of my personal information.The rest I'll give in convenient lists since I find that easier to read than chunky text.

About my RPing and other necessary information:

~I've been roleplaying for over four years on many different sites.

~I can post from three to four paragraphs down to one liners.My average/normal is two paragraphs.

I consider paragraphs to be anything from four to eight lines at least depending on muse.

~I only roleplay female humans in any situation that could turn romantic,but I love playing male animals.

~I am a Christian,thus I will not go far in romance stuff,I only do mxf pairings,and I will not handle cursing in RPs.

~I am active,unless I am sick or without Internet (duh on the last one :P )

~I love smilies and chatting outside of the RP.

~I prefer to RP in form.

~I do not prefer group RPs,but might be convinced.

~I take drum lessons,horseback riding lessons,and have school (but I am homeschooled and have no schedule :P ) so that might keep me away from RPing.

~I will be starting 4H in November and I go to many concerts.

~I cannot play canon characters except some in Sonic the Hedgehog (Silver the Hedgehog and a rather funny Amy,perhaps more).

What I want from my partner:

~Literacy: I do not want any more short reply RPs at this time.By literate I mean that you can give at least one seven to eight line reply with writer's block *at all times*.

~Good grammar: Type like you're educated.Replies must have coherence (I don't mind having an -ing phrase somewhere and the rest be in past tense since I do that) and complete sentences.NO run one and fragments,although mistakes are accepted.You must know how to use the different forms of there and you consistently (we all make mistakes) since that is my biggest pet peeve in roleplaying.

~Not be perfect: It sounds silly,but what I mean is that you won't be afraid to make a mistake and will accept my mistakes.

~Play the male: If we are doing a human roleplay that requires a male character,you must be able to play the make since I stink at them.

~No cursing: Please,we're not sailors,so don't speak like one.I also ask that you will refrain from using God in any slang or curses.I do understand slips,though.

~Will keep things PG when it comes to romance: Simple enough.No disgusting crap.

~Can play canon characters: If our roleplay requires a canon character that I cannot play,you must be able to.

~Can create plot twists: While I love to,I cannot come up with plot twists all the time and I love discussing them with my partner.

~Can play in forum: I like forum RPs better.

~Likes to talk OOC: I like to feel like I'm friends with my partner and chatting at times makes it feel less tense.

What I want to RP (*ed ranks are what I want to play.+s mean how much I want to do that type of plot/pairing):

The Hunger Games++++++++++++ PLEASE:


-+++++Cato x OC*

-++++Finnick x OC*

-+++Marvel x OC*

-+++Gale x OC*

-+++++Peeta x OC*

-?Some other canon character x OC*

-+++++Tribute x Tribute*

-+++Capitol Resident x District Resident*

-++Gamemaker x ?*

Sonic the Hedgehog+++++++ (please have a knowledge of the comic book continuity):


-+++++Remington x OC* (please!)

-++++Silver x OC*

-+++++Shadow x OC*

-++Knuckles x OC*

-+Silver* x Blaze

-++Sonic x OC*

-+++Scourge x OC*

-+++++Dark Legion Grandmaster (OC) x Guardian (OC)*

-++Mighty x OC*

-+++Espio x OC*


-+++++Life in G.U.N. with Mobians

-+++Sonic Boom themed plot (Since it's not out yet,we can use what they've already released to create our own world.I would LOVE to have free rein with Sticks so maybe a Sonic x Sticks?)



-+++++Western Rider x English Rider*

-+++++Show Jumping Rider x Show Jumping Rider*

-+++Racehorse x Racehorse*

-++++Seasoned Riding Horse x Just Retired Racehorse*

-**Wild Horse x Wild Horse*



-+++++Lead Singer x Drummer* (OC band or a RL band ,but with OC members)

-++Drummer x Roadie (I don't mind either roll,but I must play the female)

-++Guitar Player x Drummer*

-+++Singer/Guitar Player x Drummer * (music school setting)

Other Humans+++:


-+++++Good Boy (police) x Bad Girl (thief that was captured and ordered to join the force)*

-+++++Popular Boy x New Girl* (school)

-++Assassin x Target*

-++++++Prince x Prisoner*

-+++Prince x Girl on the Street* (loosely based on Aladdin)


-A human and his pet*

There are others,it's just really late and I must sleep.Please message me or reply if you're interested!
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Hi there!

Those ideas are really interesting! I like the human section and the Hunger Games section! I will do any of those! :3

- Flipper
Great!I would enjoy a The Hunger Games one more right now,I'm craving one,actually,haha!What pairing would you want to do or would you rather do one without romance?Either is fine with me,although I would prefer a pairing more right now.

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