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Fandom MLP (My little Pony)


Dragon trainer







Cutie Mark (images are great):

Relations (eg. Mum, Dad, friends):


Like=accepted- SORRY FOR NOT BEING ON :(

@Latios can also accept characters

Characters In Use


Earth Ponies

Atlas Roads
Bluegrass Nutmeg


Princess Noctis


~This has been redone~

Name: Princess Noctis (Noctis for short)

Age: Filly

Type: Alicorn

Mane: Same colour as thing round her cutiemark in the style of young Luna

Tail: Same colour as thing round her cutiemark (kinda like young Luna's)

Pelt: Really dark blue (darker than Luna's)

Skill: She got her cutiemark when she went into the dream dimension for the first time, but her special talent varies from raising the moon and stars to visiting dreams to magic in general.

Cutie Mark:

Relations: Luna (Mum), Celestia (Aunt)

Other: Her trail looks like the thing round her cutiemark (with sparkles)

As I couldn't export the image, here's her pony generator code: 1N2S0001401D1A60FFC49D0050100F7FEUO1837000000000Y01B00B2FF7FFF1G107F3FCC004CB2 I hate young Luna's mane so used another one. Put it in the 'create' tab.


Characters from the show

Any that aren't from the 'Taken' Tab.

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~This has been redone~

Name: Princess Noctis (Noctis for short)

Age: Filly

Type: Alicorn

Mane: Same colour as thing round her cutiemark in the style of young Luna

Tail: Same colour as thing round her cutiemark (kinda like young Luna's)

Pelt: Really dark blue (darker than Luna's)

Skill: She got her cutiemark when she went into the dream dimension for the first time, but her special talent varies from raising the moon and stars to visiting dreams to magic in general.

Cutie Mark:

Relations: Luna (Mum), Celestia (Aunt)

Other: Her trail looks like the thing round her cutiemark (with sparkles)

As I couldn't export the image, here's her pony generator code: 1N2S0001401D1A60FFC49D0050100F7FEUO1837000000000Y01B00B2FF7FFF1G107F3FCC004CB2 I hate young Luna's mane so used another one. Put it in the 'create' tab.
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Name: Atlas Roads

Gender: Stallion

Age: juniville/ adult

Type: Earth

Skill: Navigation/Exploration/Adventuring

Other: Has an English accent (brought up in Canterlot)

Mane, tail, pelt and CM are inclosed in picture

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b4ada57_Atlasfull.png.a30f8aae8db1eb0603f835ad4b398045.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b4ada57_Atlasfull.png.a30f8aae8db1eb0603f835ad4b398045.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cherry Tea

Age: 20

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Outlined in a hot pink and the main color is a light pink

Tail: Outlined in a hot pink and the main color is a light pink

Pelt: white

Skill: amazing at making awesome tea of many normal and weird flavors

Cutie Mark (images are great):


Other: She's looking for a place to open a tea shop
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NekoNekoNyan said:
Name: Cherry Tea
Age: 20

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Outlined in a hot pink and the main color is a light pink

Tail: Outlined in a hot pink and the main color is a light pink

Pelt: white

Skill: amazing at making awesome tea of many normal and weird flavors

Cutie Mark (images are great):


Other: She's looking for a place to open a tea shop
yep, RP when you want
Name: BlueGrass NutMeg

Age: 18

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Black and Purple

Tail: Black and Purple

Pelt: Turquoise with a black patch from behind.

Skill: She can use her magic spells and make any animals calling. Even can sing with her lovely voice.

Cutie Mark (images are great):


Other: She a loner and didn't have any friends.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/myPony.png.ab1a7c5fd98169ff7811a4929ac36d31.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/myPony.png.ab1a7c5fd98169ff7811a4929ac36d31.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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JessBeth said:
Name: BlueGrass NutMeg
Age: 18

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Black and wavy

Tail:Black and wavy

Pelt: Turquoise with a brown patch from behind.

Skill: She can use her magic spells and make any animals calling.

Cutie Mark (images are great):

Other: She a loner and didn't have any friends.

View attachment 259011
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.07ba1af26e4628fb44cd4967a0036640.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116674" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.07ba1af26e4628fb44cd4967a0036640.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cherry Blossom/Curse

Age: 18

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Short and Black

Tail: Short and Black

Pelt: White

Skill: Gardening/Assassination

Cutie Mark (images are great):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.07dfcdc81118db8ffaf502caba7b145c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.07dfcdc81118db8ffaf502caba7b145c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When she is Curse, her cutie mark is relatively the same....except with blood.


- They are the same pony, just two different personalities (like Jekyll and Hyde).



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femjapanriceball said:
View attachment 259855
Name: Cherry Blossom/Curse

Age: 18

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Short and Black

Tail: Short and Black

Pelt: White

Skill: Gardening/Assassination

Cutie Mark (images are great):

View attachment 259859

When she is Curse, her cutie mark is relatively the same....except with blood.


- They are the same pony, just two different personalities (like Jekyll and Hyde).
yep, cool drawing
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Name: Galagus StarShower

Age: 16

Type: Unicorn

Skill: mental links, Offence Magic, control fire from any source

Cutie Mark: 3 falling stars

Other: Galagus is blind, he has a pet black Phenoix named Black Flare, he uses a mental link to see from his eyes. Galagus can also harness Black Flares fire into attacks or armor. Keeps to himself, protects the innocent. Was taken from his parents at 3 years old from pirates, was forced to be a slave and beaten, became blind from this.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d45a5846da1fc69fd7030587571e2ef3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d45a5846da1fc69fd7030587571e2ef3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Latios said:
Name: Galade StarShower
Age: 15

Type: unicorn

Skill: mental links, Offence Magic, control fire from any sorce

Cutie Mark: 3 falling stars

Other: Galagus is blind, he has a pet black Phenoix named Black Flare, he uses a mental link to see from his eyes. Galagus can also harness Black Flares fire into attacks or armor. Keeps to himself, protects the innocent. Was taken from his parents at 3 years old from pirates, was forced to be a slave and beaten, became blind from this.
Edgy xD Sounds cool, especially since have more than one stallion now xD Oh and it seems that he has a mare head rather than a stallion head... just sayin' xD
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iSurvivor said:
Name: Midnight Moon (Midnight)

Age: Filly

Type: Alicorn

Mane: Purple and and blue with hints of black in the style of young Luna

Tail: Purple and and blue with hints of black in the style of young Luna

Pelt: Really dark blue

Skill: Moon-raising (good at magic too)

Cutie Mark (images are great):

Other: Her trail looks like the thing round her cutiemark
So is she like the ascendent of Luna
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((Can I join the RP??))

Name: Starry Eyes

Age: 16

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Flowing and long, Light Pink

Tail: Flowing and long, Light Pink

Pelt: Lavender

Skill: Singing

Cutie Mark (images are great):

Other: Starry Eyes is the daughter of Princess Celestia. She never knew her father and she didn't care to. She liked being brought up by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and they even taught her magic. She loves to sing but is afraid to sing in front of other ponies.
SansLovesPugs said:
((Can I join the RP??))
Name: Starry Eyes

Age: 16

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Flowing and long, Light Pink

Tail: Flowing and long, Light Pink

Pelt: Lavender

Skill: Singing

Cutie Mark (images are great):

Other: Starry Eyes is the daughter of Princess Celestia. She never knew her father and she didn't care to. She liked being brought up by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and they even taught her magic. She loves to sing but is afraid to sing in front of other ponies.
I didnt expect to see you here lol
Starshot said:
Edgy xD Sounds cool, especially since have more than one stallion now xD Oh and it seems that he has a mare head rather than a stallion head... just sayin' xD
i didnt see how to change that when useing the creator, plus 80% of the characters are female so I didn't think nothing of it
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Kittycat said:
Hey @iSurvivor can i be the decadent of celsatia (I THINK THATS HOW YOU SPELL IT MEOW) and be your sister or something? Meow OuT!
Honestly we haven't seen her for quite some time. I've been RPing for 4 days here and not a trace to show up here.
SansLovesPugs said:
((Can I join the RP??))
Name: Starry Eyes

Age: 16

Type: Unicorn

Mane: Flowing and long, Light Pink

Tail: Flowing and long, Light Pink

Pelt: Lavender

Skill: Singing

Cutie Mark (images are great):

Other: Starry Eyes is the daughter of Princess Celestia. She never knew her father and she didn't care to. She liked being brought up by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and they even taught her magic. She loves to sing but is afraid to sing in front of other ponies.
I'm not sore if I'm allowed to do this but seeing how ISurvivor hasent been around at all I guess you could join
Latios said:
I'm not sore if I'm allowed to do this but seeing how ISurvivor hasent been around at all I guess you could join
Kewl. Didn't expect to see you here, my buddy, bud, pally, pal, chummy, chum, friend, bud, pal, amigo, bro, dawg, hot sauce, bread sauce.

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