[MLP] Battle Scars Chapter 2: Gateway Rising (Sign-ups!)


Junior Member
The thread is HERE

Character Sheet (Delete the parenthesis!):

Name: (Self-Explanatory.)

Sex: (Only male and female)

Age: (1-5 is foal, 6-10 is filly/colt, 11+ is stallion/mare)

Species: (NO ALICORNS! THEY ARE ALL DEAD (twilight, you're fine, I won't delete your well-though-out character))

Eye colour: (Anything)

Coat: (Anything)

Mane/Tail: (Hair style)

Physique: (Strong? Thin? Weak? Short? Put it here!)

Residence: (Describe your house and where it is (in griffon territory)

Occupation:s (What do you do for a living? Required for mares and stallions, optional for others)

Cutie Mark: (Include the story of how you got it!)

History: (Self-explanitory)

Character Summary: (Personality, goals, any details that were not mentioned in the rest of the app.)

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