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Fantasy Mission Based Role Play

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  • Engineer

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  • Medic

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  • Soldier

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  • Anything

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Indecisive Being
Title: Sector 6-10 Squad

Sector 6-10 Squad:
In the universe there are many sectors and specialized squads assigned accordingly to them. Each squad is in charge of 4 to 6 planets.

Roles available:

All members must be skilled in fighting. Ideally, a diverse crew.

Captain(1): They decide which missions to take on and manage the ship and its members.

Engineers(3): They come up with materials for weapon or armor enhancement. They repair any machine such as weapons, armored suits, robots, computers, ect.

Soldiers(4): They use weapons for offence or defense.

Medics(2): They aid injured comrades.


Missions may overlap one another. (These are not all the missions)

1. Traitor Alert- In Sector B9, the planet Phi're, there are some peculiar interference heard in our communication's system. Send two soldiers, one medic, and one engineer to investigate.

2. Secret Organization- The traitor spoke of some inconspicuous organization. Send any two squad members to investigate the planet Chordate. Find out more information about the organization.

3. Eradication- The organization was found. Now, it is time to eradicate the criminals and bring them to justice.

4. Missing Sheriff- A week has past without the appearance of Sheriff Po'poron from Ci-raph'rin town in planet Phi're. Send any two squad members to investigate.

5. Drug Lord- The merchandising of drugs has significantly increased since Sheriff Po'poron's Disappearance. The town has been placed into a drug-like trance. Send three soldiers and two medics on a rescue mission.

When squad members are not selected to partake on missions, they may (at any moment) be called into the mission for emergency purposes. In the meanwhile, they are either lounging in the ship or assigned a task within the ship by the Captain. This is the best time to incorporate romance, friendship, and drama.
SachiGrl said:
Title: Sector 6-10 Squad

Sector 6-10 Squad:
In the universe there are many sectors and specialized squads assigned accordingly to them. Each squad is in charge of 4 to 6 planets.

Roles available:

All members must be skilled in fighting. Ideally, a diverse crew.

Captain(1): They decide which missions to take on and manage the ship and its members.

Engineers(3): They come up with materials for weapon or armor enhancement. They repair any machine such as weapons, armored suits, robots, computers, ect.

Soldiers(4): They use weapons for offence or defense.

Medics(2): They aid injured comrades.


Missions may overlap one another. (These are not all the missions)

1. Traitor Alert- In Sector B9, the planet Phi're, there are some peculiar interference heard in our communication's system. Send two soldiers, one medic, and one engineer to investigate.

2. Secret Organization- The traitor spoke of some inconspicuous organization. Send any two squad members to investigate the planet Chordate. Find out more information about the organization.

3. Eradication- The organization was found. Now, it is time to eradicate the criminals and bring them to justice.

4. Missing Sheriff- A week has past without the appearance of Sheriff Po'poron from Ci-raph'rin town in planet Phi're. Send any two squad members to investigate.

5. Drug Lord- The merchandising of drugs has significantly increased since Sheriff Po'poron's Disappearance. The town has been placed into a drug-like trance. Send three soldiers and two medics on a rescue mission.

When squad members are not selected to partake on missions, they may (at any moment) be called into the mission for emergency purposes. In the meanwhile, they are either lounging in the ship or assigned a task within the ship by the Captain. This is the best time to incorporate romance, friendship, and drama.
This looks interesting but is there any more information regarding the story. Also, this seems like a futuristic, rather than fantasy, but that's just my opinion
ThatSideCharacter said:
This looks interesting but is there any more information regarding the story. Also, this seems like a futuristic, rather than fantasy, but that's just my opinion
Yeah, you're right. It is futuristic, but I feel aliens and stuff make it fantasy-like.

Anyway, this role play is mission based. The story is progressed through the missions. I do not want to disclose the stories behind the missions, so there is a fun mysterious aspect to it. The purpose of the Squads existence is to protect and aid the planets they have been assigned to. So, in a sense, this role play will never have an ending. I will always generate new missions with mysteries to unravel within them.

Did I answer your question?


Planet Name/Number Planet's Photograph Planet's Description Planet's Inhabitants
__ Planet 6
Planet Phi're mostly consists of deserts and magma. The building structures on Planet Phi're are made to fit the communist style of the kingdom. All natives receive a standard amount of income to sustain normal living. Though it is not prohibited to make more money by doing services and such, the people of the land are mostly satisfied with what they are given and do not thrive to work more than necessary. The native language spoken is Phi (French) and the people of this land are known as Démoniaque Elfes or Demonic Elves. The people here are known to look human, but with pointy ears and skin tones varying from different shades of orange. The natives also can manipulate fire. Phi're is known for their exotic animals, specifically the Sanglier Démoniaque or Demonic Boar. The Demonic Boar produces lava rocks that are great for cooking grills. They cook more efficiently and evenly than other coals used for grills. The Demonic Boar's also produce a poison that cures certain diseases which are very valuable and are popular in exporting overseas and spacecrafts. Overall, the kingdom thrives in import and exports. The Demonic Elves would suffer greatly if any of their resource declined.



Planet 7
This blue planet has an endless ocean filled with magical aquatic beings. It has a very cloudy sky and is warm and humid all the way to the polar regions. The planet is mostly composed of ringwoodite rocks, wadsleyite rocks and water. Unique minerals within the ringwoodite and wadsleyite can include a significant amount of water in its crystal structure which is perfect for importing/exporting to other planets in need of water. Chordate makes decisions in a very primitive manner. The Royals of this planet has earned their status through Colosseum like battles and they dictate the decisions of the cities they reside in. Chordatians are aquatic beings residing within the planet Chordate. They have magical abilities allowing them to manipulate water. While approximately eighty percent of Chordatians have regular gills for breathing underwater, twenty percent have evolved their gills and limbs to land and air. Most of these Chordatians are home within caves containing air pockets. Their native language is Hmmz (Czech).


Planet 8
Nauvolous has about 75% of its surface is covered by water; the rest is land. The land varies widely and include forests, jungles, deserts, savannas, tundras, swamps, marshes, and mountains. This planet is rich in resources making it the most wealthy planet in Section 6-10. The circulation of air in the atmosphere, and the circulation of ocean currents, affect the weather in various parts of the planet. The people of this land have various names, but they are all Nauvons. Nauvons tend look human, but with animalistic traits, such as horns, tails, wings, fuzzy ears, and more. The inhabitants of Nauvolous primarily speak Naun (Spanish) and Vols (Japanese). Their people are so diverse, they have varying government systems from continent to continent.



____ Planet 10
This planet is man-made. It has artificially generated resources such as plants and food source. Terran is known to export militia goods and thrive of off the many factories and businesses residing within the planet. This planet was created in Earth's (Planet 9) place since it was destroyed. The inhabitants of Terran is very well known. They are called humans. Humans are very diverse and speak a wide array of languages, but the primary language spoken is English (the language of trade). ***All planets have varying races aside from their primary inhabitants. It is not rare to find a Human in Phi're or a Chordatian in Nauvolous. But, for obvious reasons, you won't find a Chordatian in Phi're nor a Demonic Elf in Chordate unless they have some special suit helping them adjust to the extreme climates.



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Looks like I got enough interest, so I'll start making the role play.

I love using BBcode, so it may take a few days, but once the character skeleton is complete, I'll tag you guys so you can make your characters.


I made a new race if you're interested.

They're Androids.

Man-made humans.

Just decided to add them >.>
Here's the Character Sheet:

[font=Courier New][Row]
[/Column][Column=span6][divide=thick][/divide][bg=#ccb291][border=1px Solid Black][bg=Ivory][Row]
[Column=span3][border=1px Solid Black][bg=White][img=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/spellbook/images/5/56/Insert-Photo-Here.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140522210002][/bg][/border]

[border=2px Solid Red]



[border=2px Solid Green]


[b]Doc #:[/b] SEC6-10S-???? (replace the question marks with numbers or letters)
[b]Date Doc:[/b] 05/??/3005 (replace the question marks with any number from 01-31)
[b]BIRTH NAME:[/b] (Required)
[b]NICKNAME(S):[/b] (Write N/A if not applicable.)
[b]RACE:[/b] (Chordatian, Demonic Elf, Nauvon, Human, or Android. If your character is of more than one race write Mixed and in parenthesis the mix. Example: (Chordatian/Nauvon) )
[b]AGE:[/b] (Chordatians Select from 100-200 years, Demonic Elves select from 30-40 years, Nauvons/Humans have a normal life span, and Androids select 10 or more years)
[b]GENDER:[/b] (Required)
[b]SEXUAL ORIENTATION:[/b] (Required)
[b]DATE OF BIRTH:[/b] (This is based in May 3005, so the math should be easy)
[b]HOMETOWN:[/b] (City, Planet. If you would like to create your own city, provide me a description and picture.)
[b]BLOOD TYPE:[/b] (Required)

[indent][b]SPOUSE:[/b] (Write N/A if not applicable. Discuss with other players if you'd like to be wed.)
[b]CHILDREN:[/b] (Write N/A if not applicable.)[/indent]

[b]OCCUPATION:[/b] (Select one of the following: Second in Command, Engineer, Pilot, Medic or Soldier.)

[b]Powers:[/b](List each ability and describe its usage and limitations/weaknesses. Write N/A if not applicable.)
[b]SKILLS:[/b](List each skill and describe its usage and limitations/weaknesses.)
[b]HEIGHT:[/b] (Required)
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] (Required)
[b]EYES:[/b] (Required)
[b]HAIR:[/b] (Required)
[b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] (Required) (Picture may be optional, but this isn't. If you have a picture, you need one paragraph describing what we can't see or any changes to the picture. If you have no image, please be thorough in your description as well.)

Example Length Required: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.
[b]ALLIES:[/b] (Talk with your fellow role players and list who's your friends)
[b]ENEMIES:[/b] (Talk with your fellow role players and list who's your frienemy)
[b]HOBBIES:[/b] (Required)
[b]LIKES:[/b] (Required)
[b]DISLIKES:[/b] (Required)
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] (Required)(1 paragraphs minimum. Lemme have a feeling for your character. At least some of who they are.)

Example Requirement Length: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.
Example Required Length: (Character history. 2 paragraph min. Let us know what kinda stuff has gone on in your characters life.)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.

Sed euismod imperdiet quam. Sed sit amet cursus metus. Duis eu ultricies elit. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur quis posuere elit, et sagittis nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed feugiat ullamcorper dui, sed mollis augue dapibus ac. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis mollis. Fusce vestibulum nibh metus, a consectetur nisl consectetur a. Quisque ullamcorper elit et accumsan suscipit.

[b]NOTES:[/b]  (Extra tidbits of information)





Doc #: SEC6-10S-???? (replace the question marks with numbers or letters)

Date Doc: 05/??/3005 (replace the question marks with any number from 01-31)

BIRTH NAME: (Required)

NICKNAME(S): (Write N/A if not applicable.)

RACE: (Chordatian, Demonic Elf, Nauvon, Human, or Android. If your character is of more than one race write Mixed and in parenthesis the mix. Example: (Chordatian/Nauvon) )

AGE: (Chordatians Select from 100-200 years, Demonic Elves select from 30-40 years, Nauvons/Humans have a normal life span, and Androids select 10 or more years)

GENDER: (Required)


DATE OF BIRTH: (This is based in May 3005, so the math should be easy)

HOMETOWN: (City, Planet. If you would like to create your own city, provide me a description and picture.)

BLOOD TYPE: (Required)



(Write N/A if not applicable. Discuss with other players if you'd like to be wed.)


(Write N/A if not applicable.)

OCCUPATION: (Select one of the following: Second in Command, Engineer, Pilot, Medic or Soldier.)

  • Powers:(List each ability and describe its usage and limitations/weaknesses. Write N/A if not applicable.)

    SKILLS:(List each skill and describe its usage and limitations/weaknesses.)

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