Missing 1E charms in 2E


Bust :(
I noticed in 2E that some of the 1E charms were removed. An example would be Harmonious Presence Meditation. If a 1E character who had those charms were to converted to 2E would it automatically translate to one of the ability excellencies? The closest charm to Harmonious Presence Meditation would be the 1st presence excellency charm. But it seems somewhat inferior since HPM covers bureaucracy, socialize, and presence skills unlike the 1st excellency charm which only deals only with presence. What's your opinion on this?
IMO, you have a couple of options.  One, since its your game, you can add or subtract Charms, Spells, Weapons, et cetera.  If you and your players like it, keep it.  Another would be to take the Charm from the character if you want to keep with the strict rules.  I personaly like making the game more flexable.  If a power has been changed from one eddition to the next, give the players the option of keeping the version that they like, so long as it makes the game fun. :)
If you're going through multiple editions, some grandfathering of rules is often a necessity.  I would just make it an excellency that effects all three abilities, but clarify two things: it doesn't act as a prereq for any non-presence charms that require excellencies, nor is it available for any character that didn't have it before the edition swap.
Pretty much any dice adder, success adder, or reroll Charm from 1E is kind of redundant now.

Sure, there's no cross-Ability die adders, but I think Excellencies are MORE than a fair trade off.

Thanks for the input. I guess the excellencies were created to simplify the 1E dice/success boosting charms even though some of them may seem weaker than the 1E counterparts they replaced. Its less of a headache to remember every charm effect in 2E than it was in 1E and the charms are more defined.
There was a massive imbalance in 1E Abilities when it came to boosting them with dice. Why did Melee get a Charm which allows a Solar to double his pool, but MA and Brawl didn't? Why did Presence get a dice adder, but Lore didn't? It was wildly inconsistent.


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