Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes


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This IC is for the side episodes of Miskatonic Academy.

Episode .5: The Halloween Masquerade

Almost two months has passed since the school year started and Halloween is around the corner and along with it, the Halloween Masquerade Ball. In the midst of preparing for the dance, the Volunteer Club is tasked with helping a girl ask someone to the Ball.

Episode List:

Episode .5: The Halloween Masquerade [CURRENT EPISODE]
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"So the last test is back and graded," Krause observed as he paced across Skye's small living room. In front of Skye, a series of papers were spread across her desk, a large A on each one. "As promised, you made straight As on every midterm this week." Skye felt conflicted. She was relieved, of course - competition for the Academy's top student was very competitive, and even a B on a heavily-weighted test could knock her out of the running. But she also felt stressed.

She was already driven to study as hard as Krause commanded, and he had left her unable to do more than study in her free time for the last couple of weeks. Even the mere sight of the stack of textbooks on her desk sent a shudder down her spine, recalling long, coffee-fueled nights; the sight made her feel almost physically ill. It took a lot to get her wanting to spend some time out of her dormroom, but Krause had somehow managed that particular feat.

She cast a sidelong glance at the demon. "Yes, but I think my taste for coffee has turned into an addiction for caffeine. It's gotten to the point where I need a cup just to wake up in the morning. I'm probably the only student at Miskatonic who owns her own coffeemaker." She stepped away from the desk, walking over to her window and looking outside. Fall colors had blanketed the campus in a sea of reds, oranges, and yellows, painting a very picturesque view of the campus. Skye almost wished she had a camera on her.

"Do I hear an accusation in your tone, Skye?" Krause asked, his fanged maw grinning in what probably passed for demonic amusement. "Would you rather I simply tell you the answers to your exams?"

Skye frowned. "I'm just saying you're stressing me out. I don't want to graduate as a nervous wreck. Besides, that would be cheating. That would be little more than simply writing the answers down on paper and smuggling them in."

"And summoning a demon to help you study isn't cheating?" Krause shot back. "I doubt any of your competitors have a demon around helping them study."

Skye started back with a sarcastic reply, but bit it back. Countless hours of hypnosis wasn't a pleasant means of study, but it sure was effective. "Even if I need your help, I still want to make sure I definitely deserve it the most. That's different from getting grades for subjects I don't know."

"And so you shall deserve it, Skye," Krause assured. "Maybe you don't like my methods, but you've gotten results."

"Speaking of which," Skye said, turning and looking at the demon. "You win, I got straight As." Her nerves shot up again. That particular order hadn't come freely, and it was time to collect. "So...what do I owe you?"

Krause stopped next to her backpack, and pawed through it idly. "Never let it be said I'm an inattentive demon, Skye," he said in an amused, admonishing tone. "Do you really feel it's important to do something entertaining this weekend?"

Skye idly wondered what demons considered entertainment. Other than pushing humans around, that is. "Yes, Krause. I need a break."

Krause extracted a flyer from her backpack, laying it on the desk. "The Halloween dance. A masquerade ball. You'll attend it. So we'll need to get you a costume this weekend."

Skye frowned, a sinking feeling in her stomach already confirming she didn't have a choice. "I was thinking something more solitary, Krause. We could take a day trip to New York. I heard The Phantom of the Opera is getting very good reviews - it won the Tony Award for Best Musical this year. Other than my coffeemaker I haven't bought anything for myself all semester, so I have a little money saved up to do some shopping, too."

"Nobody but you goes to Broadway plays alone," Krause said. "and besides, a valedictorian needs to be connected to her school community, not merely outrank it. You don't need to be the life of the party, just show up."

Skye's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine, but who would I even go with? I don't really know anyone on campus-"

"Claude," Krause said, interrupting Skye in mid-excuse. "Ask Claude to take you."

Skye shook her head. "I don't think we're that close as friends, Krause."

"It's not an order," the demon said, resuming his back-and-forth pacing. "Just reality. You just said you don't know anyone else on campus. So your options are narrowed down to either him or that strange freshman who keeps taking notes on you when he thinks you're not looking. Either that, or you start asking total strangers. Besides, you'll see Claude today in the clubroom. Perfect opportunity."

For a long moment, neither of them spoke. "...never thought you'd want to set me up with an exorcist," Skye said crossly. "Besides, it's not very traditional for the woman to ask the man."

"I wouldn't pick out the wedding dress just yet," Krause shot back. "It's just a date to a party so you don't have to go alone. And besides, I didn't know he was an exorcist when you met him. I may be smart, but I'm not omniscient."

"Fine," Skye relented, cornered. "But if he already has a date to the dance, we're going to Broadway instead."

"Deal," the demon said, confidently.
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It had been a good while since Hunter had been concussed. A nice couple days of rest, some apples (doctor recommended), and missing class allowed him to heal right up. Although, Hunter accredits painting and the vanilla tea Skye gave him for his rapid recovery.

Today, October 28th, Hunter felt a like the last two months of awkwardly passing by Lucy had solved nothing. What was he to do? He didn't know how to confront her, nor did he completely understand why he wanted to confront her. So many days spent pacing back and forth, so may encounters spent avoiding her gaze to save himself the embarrassment, and so many minutes wasted looking, longing for an opportunity to help her.

Uhg... Fridays.

Fridays, teachers had an odd tendency to be either way too relaxed, making for a boring learning environment, or way to demanding for the weekend. For example, during Hunter's English class, the teacher had them read some of the current novel they were working on. The teacher then only assigned that those who are behind catch up over the weekend. Whereas, Hunter's history teacher, Dr. Holly, demand that the students pick a recent war, battle, or conflict that had bloodshed and write a four to five page essay... over the weekend. The weekend that the Halloween dance was right after.

Sometimes I wonder if the teachers even understand us students, and other times they simply seem lost in their own head.

Hunter slowly walked into his math class, his least favorite class by far. From a young age, he struggled with math, eventually coming around with arithmetic and basic algebra skills that got him through middle school. Now he was in geometry and it was murdering him. He couldn't memorize the simplest of formula, on top of that the proofs were impossible for him to work through.

With a sigh, he tuned out his math teacher and averted his attention to Lucy, almost absentmindedly at this point. He hadn't been sleuthing around for information about her like he does to so many others, no, he simply gazed thoughtlessly. A lot of the time, he couldn't remember why he was so enamored by her, but those few moments when he made eye contact there was a surge of emotion he didn't understand. That very lack of understanding drove him to look away and avoid contact. He couldn't handle the confrontation with is own emotions.

Unbeknownst to him, he felt such strong feelings because of that fateful night Lucy not only talked to him (a rarity since she stopped singing) but also because she carried him to his room whilst being so kind to him. When she left the note Hunter begged for, she culled fate's hands and ensnared Hunter's focus. It took days for him to find the note, but once he did, all the priorities he once had dissolved around him. Skye, he had all year to figure out her mishaps. Lucy, he didn't know whether or not the chance was there or if it would slip by without him knowing.

"HUNTER!" Mrs. Finch cracked his contemplating the year with a screech. She must have called his name several times by now, because everyone was looking at him and she was borderline screaming at him. "What arc length does this 30-60-90 triangle here-" she points at the black board, "take up with the hypotenuse if the triangle is centered in the circle and point b and a are on the circle."

Hunter couldn't figure out the answer if he had all the time in the week to study up on that one question.

"Uh... I... I don't know..." he stated weakly, embarrassed from all the negative attention he was getting.

"Then stop your day dreaming and pay attention in my class! This is the fourth time this week. Next time I see you staring off it's detention!" She was fuming at this point. Hunter doubted anyone had got her that angry in a long while.

"Yes, Mrs. Finch." Lowering his head, Hunter took notes on what was on the board, rapidly. He was already behind from losing himself inside his head.

Damn it... Every time... I really need to get my head on straight.

Hunter decided he wanted some spaghetti and another fruit medley today for lunch today.
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At the beginning of the year, Lucy had notes confiscated at least once per class. Always simple things; a morning greeting, a question she had for the teacher, a bit of - Lucy's habit of communicating almost solely through writing wherever she could had eventually gotten most of her teachers to give up entirely. Which was great, because as Lucy looked over the note she had just written, she realized she would probably just die on the spot from embarrassment if this particular one was taken.

Glancing up from her desk, she looked to Hunter for just a moment, just as he looked away. It had been almost two months since she had run into him in the hallway, and every time she had seen him since, he seemed to be going out of his way to avoid eye contact, or maybe just avoid her entirely. Was he mad that she hadn't come back to check on him? That would be fair, but she really had tried to apologize, it was just really hard when he looked away every time she was trying to write it out.

As Mrs. Finch called Hunter's name, Lucy put the finishing touches on her request.


Lucy paced back and forth just outside the room of the volunteer club. Every few seconds her eyes shifted over to the box just outside the room as she nervously fiddled with a folded piece of paper in her hands. Every few times she passed it by, she moved to put the paper in the box before pulling away and going back to her pacing.

Asking for help from the Volunteer Club with something like this felt awkward enough without the added impersonality of just leaving it in a box to be seen to as the club saw fit. Lucy unfolded the paper, looking over the contents yet again. It was more than a little embarrassing, but when she thought about it just being left as just another piece of paper among what must have been dozens of others-

Nope. This had to be face to face. Lucy stopped her pacing, instead quietly standing outside the volunteer club door, waiting for one of its members to arrive for the morning.

Skye was already in the clubroom, not having a class this period. She chewed the inside of her cheek idly, suddenly anxious about seeing Claude. I really don't like you sometimes, she noted to Krause sourly.

"Aw, Skye, anyone's life can be improved with a good demon or two," Krause shot back, seeming amused with her frustration.

Claude walked briskly to his second period class like he always did. He passed in front of the Volunteer Club room like he always did. And in pacing in front of the door was a girl, like always.

Wait, one of those isn't like the other.

Claude stopped in front of the club room door to use his powers of observation and see what was different about today.

Box? Check

Door? Check

Passive Magical Boundary? Check.

Girl pacing in front of the door?

Claude snapped his fingers as he finally figured out what was different about today.

Lucy staredat Claude for a moment before pulling out a notepad and scribbling out a quick message:

[Hello! Are you a member of the Volunteer Club?]

Claude pointed to himself, confused.

She scribbled another message, clutching the note she had come with more tightly.

[Yes, you]

"Um, yes. Who are you?" Claude asked again.

After a deep breath, Lucy offered Claude the request, pointing at her signature at the bottom of the page and looking at him expectantly.

"Ah in that case, come on in," Claude said after taking time to read the request.

He opened the door and stepped to the side to let her in.

Skye looked up from the textbook she had been idly reading. "Hey, Cl-" She blinked in surprise when the figure that entered wasn't Claude's distinctive, broad-shouldered form, but instead a younger girl she didn't recognise.

Oh, maybe this is a "client," she realized. Out loud she said, "Oh! Please come in."

Lucy walked in and took a seat opposite of Skye at the long table.

Claude stepped in after Lucy had gone inside and walked to his chair at the head desk, placing the request down in front of Skye on his way to his chair.

Skye glanced over the note, her eyes lingering on the scratched-out text. Did that say 'afraid of'? Skye smiled for the younger girl. "I'm sure we can help you...what's this boy's name?"

[His name is Hunter Clark] Lucy glanced around the room as she finishes scribbling out the name, almost as if paranoid someone else was watching.

Krause snorted a laugh, watching Lucy from the corner of the room. "The boy who keeps stalking you?"

Skye struggled not to roll her eyes. He's not stalking me, Krause. To Lucy she added, "Hunter? I think I met him earlier this year. The one with the notebook, right?"

Claude resolved to ask Skye who Hunter was after Lucy left. It would be vital to completion of the request for him to know who he was dealing with.

Lucy's eyes lit up when Skye mentioned the notebook. Grinning, she scribbled out another, [Yes! Him!]

Skye smiled, glancing over at Claude. "Just someone who lives near my dorm, we've crossed paths a few times. ...actually, I sort of gave him a concussion once. Long story."

"Getting a concussion because he slipped and fell while following you isn't the same as giving him a concussion," Krause noted. He loomed over the girl and looked over her shoulder at her notebook. "A mute? I wonder why."

Give him a concussion.Concuss him[/s] Made him hit his head]

"Apparently, that's just how the boy meets girls. It's not the worst pickup tactic I've heard of." Krause said. "You humans are naturally sympathetic to the injured." Skye struggled to keep a straight face, suppressing an urge to react to Krause.

"Well, if it helps, Lucy, it seems we're in the same boat oddly enough. And he wasn't mad at me about it." She tried to keep a comforting tone, despite Krause snickering at the poor boy's apparent penchant for misfortune. "What do you think, Claude?"

"I do not know who Hunter is, but if you must speak to him, the Volunteer Club will help you," Claude said after pondering this "Come back here during lunch and we will come up with a plan to allow you to speak to him without him running away."

Claude seemed somewhat proud of himself for coming up with that as he opened the drawers in his desk and started putting various trinkets in his pockets.

[Thank you very much.] With a smile and a wave, Lucy took her leave of the Volunteer Club.

Skye smiled as the younger girl exited. "It seems like we already made her day just by saying yes," she said while looking over at Claude. "What are the trinkets for? Hunter's not cursed, he's just awkward."

Claude stopped and visibly deflated. His triumphant atmosphere from earlier had completely vanished. Despondently he put the trinkets back in their respective drawers.

"I do have an idea, though," Skye interjected, surprised at his change in demeanor.

Claude stopped in the middle of putting another trinket into its drawer and perked up.

"There's a Halloween dance in a few days. I'm sure Lucy would be thrilled if we asked Hunter to ask her to it."

Krause paced next to her. "Bringing up the dance under the pretense of just helping your club's case of the week," the demon observed. "You really have become better at this since I met you."

Claude deflated slightly, as if expecting a different answer.

"Well, I suppose that could work," Claude said finally "But now, we should go to the office and get a late pass and get to our classes. We'll continue this talk during lunch."

"Sure thing." Skye stood, heading for the door. "Are you going to that dance?" she asked, feigning an offhand tone.

"Unless something comes up, I don't plan on it," was Claude's reply as he stood up, having finished replacing the trinkets.

He walked to the door and opened it, waiting for Skye to go through before exiting himself and heading towards the office.

"Me either," Skye said, "in fact, I've never been to a school dance before." She headed down the hall to the office, in no particular hurry.

Claude gave an affirmative "hmm" as he did not know what to say to that. He filed it away under interesting information but not that important.

"Do you want me to ask Hunter to come by during lunch as well? I usually see him around somewhere during the lunch period."

"Actually yes," Claude said "You bring Hunter, I bring Lucy and block the door from the outside."

Skye laughed. Laughter came easier than usual after holding it during Krause's antics in the clubroom. "Claude! I think you're taking the problem a bit literally!"

Claude was confused.

"We lock the door from the inside then?"

She shook her head. "I'm sure things will work out fine if we just get them to talk to one another." She laughed again. "Although I guess that could be our plan B."

"I like his idea more," Krause said. "It'd be more fun to watch."

An atmosphere of smug self-accomplishment descended over Claude.
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Time Skip: Beginning of lunch

The bell signalling the end of 4th period had rung. Students began to file out of the freshman Composition class when the long line of hungry students suddenly stopped.

"Hey what's going on up there?" one irate student yelled.

"I'm hungry, please hurry up," said another.

Closer to the front of the line, other students were able to see the problem.

"He's so big."

"He's just standing there menacingly."

Claude suddenly jolted where he stood. Waiting for five minutes for the period to end, he had let his mind wander and lost track of time. In front of him, he could see some freshmen about to leave their classroom. The younger students backed up, dwarfed by his rather large form.

Why are they taking so long to leave the classroom?

Putting this aside, Claude stepped forward. With all these students here, it would be easy to find Lucy. He just needed to ask one of them where she was. To his surprise however, the crowd stepped back. Frowning in confusion, Claude took another step forward. The crowd took two steps back this time.

"He seems angry"

"What is he here for?"

"I need some food."

Standing on her tip-toes, Lucy peered over the crowd before holding her notebook above her head, one word across the paper.


Claude looked at the crowd to see what was wrong when he noticed the notebook. He squinted his eyes to get a better look.

There she is!

"Ah hello Lucy," Claude said "Are you ready?"

Unbeknownst to Claude, his squinted eyes combined with his frown made the crowd retreat even more, leaving him face to face with Lucy with about 5 feet seperating them.

She nodded in affirmation as the crowd receded around her. It was almost funny, the way they just fell away like the tide.

"Let's go then," Claude said as he started walking to the club room.

Lucy happily followed Claude, giving a quick look and the 'A-OK' handsign to her classmates before leaving.

"Ah, poor girl, he probably threatened her to tell us she was ok."

"What is he going to do to her?"

"I'm starving"
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Skye held her salad closely as she slipped through the mass of students, lest someone bump into her and send it flying. She looked for Hunter, looking along the edges of the cafeteria for kids sitting alone.

"Over here," Krause growled. "By the exit."

Thanks, Krause. Skye walked over, making sure Hunter noticed her before smiling and walking up to his table. "Hey, Hunter." She approached, Krause paced ahead of her, looming invisibly over the younger student.

"Uh... Hey! What are-" he cut himself off, realizing he had forgot to do something in the last several weeks, "Nevermind, I have your thermos. And... well... a sort of crap gift. I felt you deserved something after bringing me tea but couldn't really make or do anything." Hunter was red as a ripe tomato, only making short glances for eye contact as he pulled his backpack up from under the table.

Skye smiled. "A gift? You didn't need to, it was just a cup of tea - but thanks. I'll have to remember to come by. In the meantime, though, do you know a Lucy Kalfas? She's in your grade."

"But... I have it on me... I have for a while." He pulled the thermos out of his backpack, handing it to her while completely avoiding eye contact by looking to his left.

"And yes. I do." He looked at Skye out of the corner of his eye, "She... uh... helped me with something a while back." Hunter didn't want to bring up the concussion or insinuate that Lucy was to blame, so he remained vague.

"So he really did get another concussion," Krause observed. "And he's apparently been carrying your thermos around for eight weeks."

Skye took the thermos and smiled. "Thanks for returning it. Anyway, Lucy asked to speak to you, but she's in another building. Will you come with me? You can eat on the way over."

The thermos gave a slight rattle and shifted its weight, Skye noticed; something must have been put inside it. Instead of putting it in her backpack, she just held on to it.

"Wait... Lucy! No... I mean yeah... but no! I don't know." At first, he sounded excited, lighting up and looking at Skye with glee, then he seemed defeated. Like a rain cloud was propped over his head.

Krause studied his reaction. "Yep, he knows her. He only seems to get that anxious about women who take notice of him."

"What could she want with me...?" Hunter seemed to be disregarding the fact that he awkwardly handed Skye the painting he made by rolling it up in the thermos. Though, he was still more red than Skye could have ever seen him before.

Does everyone in this school blush like crazy when a woman their age notices them? Skye wondered. "Well, like I said, she's just in the administration building. Why not go and ask her? I'll take you there."

"But... Uh... " he couldn't compell himself to say yes to Skye, but he could force himself to stand; so he did. Hunter stood up, so aburbtly he knocked over his backpack and his cup. Thankfully, the cup was empty already. "Sorry! Sorry. One second..." He scrambled to pick up his things and zip up his backpack. Strapping it to his back, he picked up his food tray, and waited for Skye to lead the way.

Skye held her bowl of salad in one hand, eating as she walked out of the cafeteria. Hunter seemed like he needed time to collect himself, so Skye quickly ate the remnants of her salad, tossing the plastic bowl and fork in a trash can outside the administration building and pulling out a pink apple.

As they walked, Hunter hardly touched his food. He instead pondered what Lucy would want with him. I don't understand... She could've just came and talked to me. It's not like I've been avidly avoiding her. Or have I..? Recalling the various encounters he had with Lucy in the halls, before and after class, and generally around campus, Hunter realized exactly what he had been doing these last few weeks and was wildly perturbed by his own actions. Oops...

"I joined the Volunteer Club," Skye explained, "and Lucy asked us to find you. So that's why I'm here." She held the door for the younger student, and led him up the stairs.

Hunter didn't seem to hear Skye. He didn't make eye contact or snap out of his daze. He did, however, throw away his less than half eaten food as he walked in. "Thanks..." his voice was low and ghastly. Not nervous sounding, but as if he wasn't all there.

Didn't Lucy's note in the scratched-out part suggest Hunter was afraid of her...? I wonder how he got that second concussion. She doesn't seem like the mean-spirited type, though.

"He does seem like the type to get bullied by a girl like her," Krause noted. Skye rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you okay, Hunter?" she asked.

"Huh?" He looked at her for a second before realizing what she asked. "Oh! Yeah. Just lost in thought." His face seemed less red until about now. Reality settling back into Hunter's consciousness made him look exceedingly nervous all over again.

"If he put some foundation on his cheeks, his blushing wouldn't be so visible," Krause pondered to himself. "He'd look a little less silly."

When you said you were skilled at glamour, Krause, I didn't think you meant it like that. The demon just huffed in response.
Lucy scribbled and scratched in her notebook as she waited for Skye and Hunter to arrive. All sorts of potential greetings, apologies - really she had more than enough time; she should have written something out ages ago. Claude meanwhile stood next to the door so that when it was opened, he would be completely hidden. Just in case.

Pausing, she wrote a question to Claude; [so is the plan to just have him meet me here?]

"Yes," Claude said "That is our plan but there we do have a back up in case things do not proceed accordinngly, but I doubt that that would be necessary."

For some reason, he seemed a bit dissapointed when he noted that the back up plan wouldn't be neccesary.

Skye opened the door, looking in. "Hey, Lucy. Hunter's here with me." She looked over her shoulder at the younger student and added, "Please, come on in."

Hunter slowly entered behind Skye, sort of hunched over and timid looking. Glancing at Lucy, his face quickly contorted itself into an odd half smile, half frown. Well, more like twitching between the two. "Hiya Lucy..." He fumbled out of his mouth.

[Hello! Hi Good Afternoon Hiya] The page was more black than white, all sorts of scribbled messages taking up the better part of it. She tried a half-smile and a wave, before flipping the page. [Are you okay?Have you been alright?I know you've been avoiding me and I'm really I just wanted to make sure you were alright, but I haven't been able to talk to you]

Hunter stared at the pad for a second, scanning down until he found the not scribbled part. "Oh. I"ve been... Uhm... f-ood." He didn't quite realize what he had said, and stood there rather awkwardly.

Lucy quickly flipped to an empty page, and scratched out a question, [i'm sorry, you're missing lunch now aren't you?]

Looking around, Hunter spotted she had the pad facing him again and quickly read it. "No... I already ate." He smiled at her, mostly. There were still some muscle control issues on his end. "So... umm... Odd question- I suppose- but... Uhmm... Well... Why not... Just talk? I mean... I don't really mind." His eyes diverted toward the floor and he mumbled under his breath the last bit.

Skye stood back, standing behind the door next to Claude, leaning against the wall. "Are you hiding behind the door for a reason?" she mumbled.

"Plan B," Claude whispered to her.

"He's going to panic when he sees you there."

"All the more reason to be prepared to use Plan B at any time."

Skye covered her mouth, suppressing a laugh. "At least they're getting along. Lucy looks happy."

Lucy shook her head, and was about to write something when she paused. She glanced around for a moment, before visibly coming to a decision. "I just don't like to talk much♪."

Krause looked up when Lucy spoke, looking at the girl for a few moments. "Hmm." He dismissed whatever spurious thought had crossed through his head, and Skye dismissed it for now, watching the two younger students awkwardly communicate.

"Oh... Well..." Hunter began mumbling again. He couldn't quite tell he was mumbling as much as he was.

Lucy flipped back to the pre-written messages, holding the notepad under Hunter's downturned face to make sure he saw.[I wanted to apologize about the thing from that night I just wanted to make sure you were okay and also ask a question?]

Hunter finally stepped into the room more. Slowly, but he at least made his way in. "Ask away." The words mostly slipped out of his mouth, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to say them loud enough for others to hear.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Alright, this was it. Lucy flipped the page over and looked away as she waited for Hunter to read. [Do you want to go to the Halloween Ball?Would you like to go with me to the Halloween Ball? If you're not doing anything for the halloween ball, do you want to go together?]

Leaning in to make sure Hunter hasn't lost himself, he spent a good minute reading, re-reading, and then reading once more Lucy's inquiry. "Ye-ahhhh!" he then accidentally tripped himself and fell at Lucy as he was standing up.

"I'm beginning to see why this kid gets so many concussions," Krause noted dryly.

Lucy dropped her notepad, jumping forwards in an attempt to grab Hunter before he fell. Maybe this time she could save him a headache. And if she caught him, maybe he'd see how sorry she was and he would be less nervous around her. "Is that yes♪?"

Lucy catching him completely threw him off. From his perspective her voice rang our like an angel's chorus, and a faint light shimmered behind her. Much unlike their first major encounter. Pulling himself up with her help, Hunter finished his previous statement, "Yes. I would love too." He grinned from ear to ear. "Hopefully I don't fall on you whilst we dance..." he looked away again, sort of chuckling while making fun of himself, but none the less staying near Lucy.

Skye smiled at them. "Well, you two look happy."

"Indeed. Very." Hunter glanced back at Lucy who was nodding vigorously, a matching ear-to-ear grin plastered across her face.

I can't believe she asked me! I'm going to have to make this up to her. She'd been trying to get my attention for days and I'd been too dumb to see it.

"Shall we get going? I've a gown to pick out" Hunter chipped in as he started walking out. Looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was following.

Scooping her notepad off the ground, Lucy quickly moved to follow Hunter out of the room, turning for a moment to wave at Claude and Skye. "Thank you♪."

Skye smiled, waving and showing the two younger students out. "Glad we could help you, Lucy." She has a pleasant voice. I wonder why she refuses to speak much.

Hunter dawdled a bit to make sure Lucy had time to catch up, which she did after a few moments. Now that he gained some composure, he wanted to ensure she knew what he had previously been mumbling.

"So, as I was mumbling... I wanted to say I like your voice. It's pleasant."

She stopped for a moment, seemingly torn about something, but whatever it was passed quickly and she responded with a simple "Thank you♪." Scribbling in her notepad as they walked, she added:

[Any costume in mind?]

"Of course." he added, "Alas. No. I was just asked today." He hasn't stopped smiling, but his expression changes to a more joking one. "But it might be fun if we picked them out together..." Though he finally had confidense in speech, he lacked it in initiative, still. "You?"

"Hmm..." he nudged her shoulder after some thought, "I could be a parrot. Or... I could be a demon. What do you think? I'm bad at this stuff." his smiled faded a little, "I've really never gone to any of the school dances."

[so it'll be new for both of us then.] Lucy giggled as she sketched something in her notepad. A poorly drawn person in a parrot costume on top of the shoulders of another in pirate garb with an X over the whole thing.

"Oh!" Hunter was somewhat relieved he wasn't the only one new to this, "Why cross it out? I don't think I could hop onto your shoulder, but why not?"

[Weak shoulders.] She grinned before scribbling under the picture. [if you don't mind the idea we could do it]

He scratched the back of his head, "I don't mind at all. We could even find a good match at Sentinel Hill's costume shop." grinning at her, he continued "I can buy them too."

[sounds great]

The two of them continued on their excited planning until eventually, the lunch period ended, and they left for their respective classes.
Once the two younger classmen had gone, Skye blinked, holding up her thermos. "Oh!"

"Oh?" Claude said in response to Skye's exclamation.

"Hunter gave this back to me. There's something in it." She twisted open the cap, pulling a rolled paper out of it. She walked over to the table and unfurled it. Inside was Hunter's painting and a note, and Skye smiled to herself. I guess he wants me to have this.

The note said:

I'm sorry I couldn't give you something better for that tea. I don't really know you or anything you like, so I'm giving you this painting I was working on the day you handed me the thermos. I don't like people knowing I paint- but here you go.


Hunter Clark

She smiled to herself, pocketing the note and putting the painting back in the thermos. "I actually feel pretty good watching those two walk off like that. I gotta say, I'm glad I joined this club, even if we're the least-popular club on campus by membership."

"See?" Krause said. "I always have a plan." He didn't even bother to hide his sarcasm; Skye knew well the demon was generally uninterested in such human matters as romance.

"Hmm," Claude hmm'd in agreement.

Seeing as plan B was no longer needed, Claude stepped out from behind the door and made his way out of the room.

"I'll be having some lunch now so I will take my leave Skye," Claude said. "I will see you afterschool."

Now that his back was to Skye, Claude let his toothy smile come out, exposing the canines he would rather keep hidden. Not that it mattered to him at the moment, because Skye was right, it did feel good to help people with their requests.

It's what she would have wanted

Skye glanced at Krause, then hurriedto follow Claude, pulling out the apple she'd bought at lunch. "Hey, wait up," she called out, hurrying her pace without running.

"Hmm?" Claude slowed down and turned his neck to look backwards, sporting a confused expression "Is there a problem Skye?"

She shook her head. "No, I was just thinking, I might want to go to that ball as well." She hesitated. "And, well, it'd be nice to have a friend with me, since I don't really know too many people."

"In that case, I as the Volunteer Club president will help you find the perfect match among your friends," Claude said with confidence.

Skye coughed at 'among your friends,' shuffling on her feet and glancing away.

"His capacity to miss the point is impressive," Krause said.

"Could it be..." Claude started and then took a moment to think.

Skye glanced at Krause again. Well, I told you it's unusual. Besides, he's just a friend. It's no wonder he didn't even think of it. And I don't want to be so forward.

"...you don't have many friends?" Claude said, eyes shining as if he had figured out an especially hard puzzle.

Skye looked stymied, and Krause started laughing. "You can't avoid social interaction for more than a decade and then get mad if someone tells you you don't have any friends, Skye."

Right, but I take it you won't let this go and let me go to Broadway instead?

"Nope." Krause looked thoughtful. "Guilt is a powerful motivator, if the direct route doesn't work."

Skye started to reply, but bit it off. It wasn't exactly nice, but Krause had a point. "Actually," she started, hesitant for more than one reason. "You're kind of my only friend around here."

Claude looked shocked for a second.

I have a friend?!

He quickly regained his composure and the years of ettiquette lessons took over. If Skye wanted to go to the Ball, he really had no good reason to say no. Claude gracefully bowed to Skye.

"I suppose then, that it would be my responsibility as your friend to ask you to the ball," Claude looked up "Will you go with me to the Halloween Ball Skye?"

Great. Well, he was a friend. There were worse fates. She smiled at his demeanor. "Certainly. I'll pick up a costume over the weekend." She stopped, turning to leave. "I'll see you Monday night then!"
Time Skip: Saturday evening

Claude was alone in the Volunteer Club room going through the various outfits and costumes in the walk in closet. After Skye told him what her costume was going to be, his mind came up with the perfect match for it. Now it was just a matter of actually finding it.

He had just found the dusty article of clothing and was patting it down when something began to prickle at the edge of his consciousness. He had gone through simulations and tests where he felt this same feeling before. After all, one of his duties as club president was to make sure the magical territory that enveloped the classroom was working correctly, but this was the first time he felt it when he didn't want to. That is to say, there was an actual intruder in the room. He looked at one of the dusty pieces of metal in the closet to discreetly see behind him but no one could be found. The magical boundary however was never wrong. Grabbing immobilizing crosses in one hand and engraved pig knuckles in the other, he quickly whirled around to face the threat before he was suddenly halted.

He had just found the dusty article of clothing and was patting it down when something began to prickle at the edge of his consciousness. He had gone through simulations and tests where he felt this same feeling before - after all, one of his duties as club president was to make sure the magical territory that enveloped the classroom was working correctly. But this was no drill - there was an intruder. He looked at one of the dusty pieces of metal in the closet to discreetly see behind him, but nobody appeared in its reflection. But the magical boundary was never wrong, so in one hand, he grabbed a handful of immobilizing crosses and in the other, engraved pig knuckles. He quickly turned on his heel to face the unknown threat.

As he turned, he suddenly halted in place as a single, pale, dainty index finger poked the middle of his chest. Despite its dainty appearance, an incredible amount of force was being excreted. Looking down, he saw the source of the finger. A prim hand connected to a slim arm connected to a short pale girl with black hair and stunning blue eyes.

Claude tried to use his peripheral vision to confirm where the potions were before he made his next move. But before he could make a dive for the potions crate, the beautiful girl who barely reached to his chest cleared her throat. Even the sound of mere throat clearing was like a soft, unnaturally delicate melody.

"This is an interesting room," the girl said, with a smile that would make any man and a few women fall in love with her. "I couldn't help but notice it when I was walking around."

An interesting room? Is she talking about the magic boundary surrounding the classroom? How did she detect it?

Claude looked past her and saw that other than the dim light bulb that lit the walk in closet, the club room had no lights on. The sun itself was just about ready to set and what light would have come in through the window was being blocked by clouds. Looking at the girl herself, Claude couldn't stop his heart from skipping a beat or ten.

This is unnatural. Hewas wary. He never took notice of women this quickly...

Her hair was dark and wavy with the kind of volume that the actresses on TV had. Her teeth were a blinding white. Her body was slim yet curvaceous - not something a high schooler would have, more befitting a supermodel. Her uniform, despite not being made for the purpose, seemed to accuent every curve. That is to say, she was in every sense of the word perfect. Too perfect.

Wait! The uniform! It seems familiar.

Claude's face flushed, his cheeks turning red. Claude didn't feel flustered, though - his body seemed to react independent of his mind. He fought to keep his facial expression under control.

"T-the uniform you're wearing," Claude said, thrown. "You're not from around here, are you!"

The girl's eyes widened and a hand shot up to her mouth in an exaggerated expression of surprise. It seemed almost mocking, like her intent wasn't to show surprise, but rather show off her lashes.

"Oh dear, you've got me figured out," she said in a voice like twinkling bells. Her face contorted into a pout she no doubt thought was adorable and endearing. "Yes, I'm not from around here. I just wanted to have a look-see, and see what the big deal about this school is."

She's trying to be cute right? This is totally flirting, right?!

Claude's eyes narrowed on the patch on her blazer, trying to discern what school she was from. She quickly backed off, her hands covering her chest, and shot him a mock glare.

"Looking at a lady's chest so directly," she said,in faux offense. "I should call the police!"

She's trying to get me riled up.

"Buuuut, perhaps a big guy like you can overpower me and force me to..." With a wink, she trailed off. She was completely out of the closet at this point and Claude was almost a few feet out.

Her game was simple, Claude realized. She had a disadvantage in the room's closet, where he had countless magical items and tomes in arms reach. Once she had him in the open, he couldn't retreat back to the closet and force her into close quarters where he had the advantage nor could he reach for any item that might help, reduced to only the objects he clutched in his hands.

I've almost lost my home field advantage!

The girl twirled around club room as if ecstatic to escape the dusty cramped closet. Her hair whipped around her seductively and her skirt came up slightly, showing off some more of her legs. She ended the twirl with a playful curtsy. At some point, the top button of the dress shirt was undone and the tie was loosened, giving a tantalizing view of her cleavage.

"Although I wouldn't really mind," she said with yet another cheeky wink.

She's teasing me! I mustn't fall for this. I must not.

He stood firm, and she waited for a few moments until it became clear Claude wasn't going to budge.

"Oh gosh," the girl finally said, frustrated.All pretenses of flirting disappeared replaced by a nasty annoyance that made her previous attitude seem like an illusion. "You really are a massive stick in the mud aren't you? No fun at all."

She re-buttoned her shirt, tightened her tie and headed to the door.

"I will take my leave for now," the girl said as she opened it. "Ta ta for now."

Claude was still frozen in place. From the opened door, he heard one last thing.

"My name's Alicia King. Remember that."

The door closed.

As soon as her presence left the room, Claude's composure evaporated out from under him. He went pale, a cold sweat chasing away the heat his cheeks had burned with. His hands ached, as he had tightly gripped the various trinkets he'd reached for. Those fell from his grasp, clattering on the floor. He collapsed to his hands and knees, visibly shaking.

Wh-what was that? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!

Claude quickly crawled to the garbage bin near his desk. He managed to get his head in position before throwing up what had been his dinner an hour earlier. After a few minutes, Claude shakily stood up. He placed one hand on his desk for support and used the other to wipe his brow.

I've never felt this way before. No. No human has felt this way, save for the ones that are about to die.

He closed his eyes to gather his bearings. He needed to find out exactly what that thing was that came into the room. The Halloween Ball costume was thrown to the side, forgotten amid Claude's jumbled thoughts.

I will get to the bottom of this,Claude vowed to himself.Not just for the safety of the school, but because my very sanity depends on this.

Once more, Claude entered the dusty walk in closet and cracked open sealed boxes, looking this time for old tomes for any clues as to what Alicia was.
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Time skip: Monday October 31, 8:00 pm

I was working in the lab one night, when my eyes beheld, an eerie sight!

For my monster from his slab, began to rise – and suddenly, to my surprise…

Music wafted out from hidden speakers, flooding the ballroom with a comfortable volume. There were some students in the middle of the room dancing, generally without regard to the actual song being played, but the majority of students around stood off to the sides, clustered around tables and talking to one another.

He did the mash! He did the monster mash!

The monster mash! It was a graveyard smash!

He did the mash! It caught on in a flash…

He did the mash! He did the mooonster mash.

Everyone wore fanciful costumes. The crowd was colorful and lively, not the sea of brown and blue students usually appeared, in their school uniforms. Everyone more masks of various kinds – some full-face masks as part of their costumes, while more students wore masquerade-style masks, covering their eyes. Almost all the costumes were themes for the occasion, and the room was full of monsters and fanciful creatures.

From my laboratory in the castle east, to the master bedroom where the vampires feast!

The ghouls all came from their humble abodes, to get a jolt from my electrodes!

There was food along one row of tables – a punch bowl, chips, salsas and dips, bowls of candy, and other finger-foods that could be enjoyed without needing to leave the festive atmosphere to eat. Wispy artificial fog roiled around the entrance, put out by a small generator and clinging to the floor. It was illuminated overhead by colored lights, mostly in shades of orange and red.

They did the mash! They did the monster mash!

The monster mash! It was a graveyard smash!

They did the mash! It caught on in a flash…

They did the mash! They did the mooonster mash!
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Hunter glanced at the clock as he left his room, I'm late. Rushing to Lucy's room, he hoped she was waiting there and not at the dance.

Paul leaned against a wall and sighed at the startling amount of trash that was beginning to pile up in the garbage bins as he watched a kid wearing a parrot costume knock on one of the girl's doors. Oh god, he can't seriously be taking a chick out dressed as a bird. He's going to get his eyes pecked out, Paul thought as his hand slid down his face.

Lucy opened the door, a series of note-cards in hand. She held one out to Hunter grinning; [Arrrr Matey!] Slipping the eye-patch and tricorne on as she stepped out the door, and glanced through her cards until she found the one she was looking for. [We've got a party to pillage!]

In response, Hunter attempted a squawking noise. Attempted, because it likely sounded similar to a shrill screech as oppose to a proper bird squawk. "Aye, let us be on our way captain! The doubloons shant wait for us!" he half shouted in excitement while extending his feathery arm toward Lucy.

Paul smiled as they walked past, Okay, that's just adorable. But that kid is so whipped.

Lucy took his his arm, wrapping hers around his. "Lead the way, first mate♪!" Despite her words, Lucy couldn't help but practically pull Hunter along, speeding up ever so slightly every few steps, her enthusiasm barely contained.

Being dragged along could not have made Hunter any less happy. He kept trying to pick up his pace, but the parrot legs were hard to maneuver his legs in. Thus, he resigned himself to half skipping, half speed walking as Lucy dictated the pace. He was all grins, all the way to the ball room.
Skye knocked on the door to the clubroom, feeling faintly ridiculous running around campus in costume. Sure, it was the one night of the year when everyone ran around on campus in a costume, but... Skye had gone in search of Claude when he didn't show up to meet her before heading to the party, unwilling to believe he'd deliberately stood her up.

Behind her, her fake batlike wings thudded into the doorframe, and she instinctively ducked her head even though the fake horns on her head were much too short to actually hit the top of the frame. Krause slipped into the room with her, looking around. "Ah, there he is."

Claude was sitting cross legged in the middle of a magic circle at the center of the room. The long table had been folded up and moved to the side to make room for said circle. He was surrounded by mountains of books confiscated by the club from the school library and other sources. Every surface in the clubroom had at least a small pile of books on it. Claude himself was deeply engrossed in one of these books.

He looked far worse for wear than the last time Skye had seen him. His dress shirt and blazer were shed a while ago leaving him in just his undershirt. His pants were dirty and far from the immaculate state they were usually in. His face sported a 5 o'clock shadow. Claude's hair was in genuine dissaray rather than the usual controlled chaos he styled it in. He hadn't bothered hiding his canines and his eyes were bloodshot. His ears, which were usually partially hidden by his hair, looked a bit... pointy? They were still mostly round human ears but the tips seemed a bit strange.

Skye slumped her shoulders, frowning at him. He looked terrible, which came as a surprise. "Hey, Claude?" she said, more gently.

Krause walked over, kneeling down to look at the sitting student on his level. "Hmm," he mused to himself as he looked over Claude's expression. "He looks like he might've been here since yesterday."

Yesterday was Sunday, why would he have been here on a Sunday? He certainly didn't stay here over the weekend. ...Did he?

"WHO IS-" Claude roared standing up and reaching for something in his pocket before he saw who it was.

"Ah, it's just you Skye. I apologize. What are you here for? Is there something you need?" he said in his normally polite tone, as if his earlier outburst was just a lie. He visibly relaxed and his hand left his pocket.

Skye arched an eyebrow. "I'm not a real demon, Claude. It's just a costume." She looked around the book-covered room, taking a breath. "What's going on here? Claude, are you alright?"

"You're not a fake demon either," Krause said. "You look more like a succubus."

I am not a succubus! We talked about this!

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Claude said a bit tiredly as he sat back down "Just got too into a side project of mine. What is today again?"

"It's Monday night," Skye said, a little disheartened. "Hence the costume."

"The... costume?" Claude said slowly as things started to click into place "Ah yes the costume. I have one right here."

He walked a bit distractedly into the walk in closet to pick up the cassock where he dropped it the other day.

He slipped it on and it seemed like he was thinking of twirling in place to show off the costume before he stopped himself for some reason.

"Well, what do you think?"

"You look good," Skye said, politely. "What about me?" She turned, to show the wings.

"Very demon-y," Claude said unconvincingly. Over his shoulder, Krause rolled his eyes.

"Thanks," Skye said, with a more genuine smile. "Are you sure you're okay, though? You look like you haven't slept."

"I will be fine," Claude said trying to end the discussion "Let's go to the ball then Skye."

He extended his arm. Skye took his arm in hers and headed out the door, careful to slip her wings through the door without hitting them. Up close, Claude noticed a change in Skye's eye color - her eyes were red, almost matching her hair. His unoccupied hand started to move on its own to the various trinkets he kept on him just in case before remembering that it was Halloween.

"Contacts?" he started intelligently.

"The costume shop had a good deal on them," Skye confirmed. "I thought it tied the outfit together nicely." As they walked, Skye fixed a small masquerade mask behind her glasses.

"You were right," Claude said not sure how to respond and deciding on vaguely complimenting her.
Claude held the door open for Skye as they reached the ballroom, and Skye rewarded him with a smile as they stepped in. Artificial fog rolled past their legs. Inside, various students were dancing, eating, or socializing. Even without the masks, Skye barely knew anyone at the Academy. But at a masquerade ball, she felt like she'd walked into a room of utter strangers. She stopped once they stepped out of the entrance, hesitating. "So, um," she began, not finishing whatever thought she had started to vocalize.

"It appears that we are not dancing yet, so I will be at the buffet if you need me. Try to socialize with your peers a little. It will certiantly help with your goal of being the valedictorian," Claude said, before breaking off with Skye and heading in the specified direction.

Skye tensed once he stepped away. She didn't know anyone here...she didn't even know how to dance! Krause just looked over at her, seeming amused with her discomfort. "Well, I don't exactly see you with a hot date, either." she noted to the demon sourly. She didn't want to be clingy, though, so she resolved to take a circuitous route to the buffet table.

Claude didn't get very far, before a hand shot out of the crowd, poking a finger into his chest. "Hey!" came a woman's voice, from next to him.

Claude froze. His eyes widened a cold sweat starting going down his back. The bliss he was feeling at the prospect of getting to eat after a day of not eating was overidden by overpowering terror. Saturday's events replayed themselves in his mind.

No! I need more TIME! NO!

His hand was already in his pocket, ready to grab some immobolising crosses and activate them in the mysterious girl's face when he saw who it was.

A taller student emerged, a girl only a little shorter than Claude. Her blond hair splayed wildly around her shoulders, in what must have taken an impressive amount of effort to look carefree and effortless. She wore a surprisingly tight-fitting, closely-cropped dress, and her blue eyes sparkled mischievously through an elaborate mask as she looked up at Claude. "Guess who I came here as?" Taylor Holloway stepped back, twirling in place. "I'll give you a hint," she said in a teasing voice, "I'm a well-known actress!"

Claude relaxed when he saw that it wasn't the creature from the other day. He put his hand on his chin as he started to think. He was not familiar with many modern movies so no actress came to mind, but it was unbecoming of a gentleman to lie. He thought back to his etiquette classes and formulated an answer that would allow him to finish this conversation and get to the buffet table as quickly as possible.

"I must admit, no actress comes to mind that is as beautiful," Claude said while slowly inching his way around her.

She leaned forward, allowing Claude an immodest view. "Hmm," she said, "Well, I suppose that's a good answer!" She stood up straighter. "You're Claude Stevens, right?"

"Stevenson," Claude corrected like the secret agent he saw in the one movie with his grandfather, unaffected by her provocation "Claude Stevenson"

Claude continued to attempt getting past her and to the buffet. His heart almost broke in two when he saw that the last of the bacon-wrapped scallops eaten right before his eyes.

To his surprise, his troublemaking classmate followed him. "Right! The head of the, umm..." she trailed off, although it wasn't hard for Claude to guess she knew exactly who he was...and wanted something.

"Volunteer Club," Claude finished for her.

He had made it to the buffet table with Taylor in tow but now it was a fight with others to get the good food and not be stuck with sub-par morsels. His height and reach gave him an advantage over competitors, but he knew it wouldn't be long until he was overwhelmed. Still, he took a plate and started piling on food.

A firm arm spun him around, and Taylor looked at him. "Hey! It's impolite not to look at a lady when she's talking to you!" She stepped back. "I need your help. And I can make it worth your while..." As she stepped back, Claude saw a tray of food in her off-hand, with the prized bacon-wrapped scallops piled next to a hamburger.

Claude's bloodshot eyes gleamed as he saw the bacon-wrapped scallops. Maybe this would be worth his while. Keeping his expression stoic Claude decided to take the bait.

"And what do you need help with Ms...." Claude said, dragging out the miss.

Taylor's eye twitched. Everyone knew who she was! "I'm Taylor." She leaned forward again. "Don't we have Dr. Holly's history class together?"

Claude vaguely remembered a Taylor but he wasn't the person that paid attention to the social dynamics of the student body and didn't go out of his way to socialize with his classmates (who returned the sentiment). He tried to fib his way out of what might be a bad situation.

"Ah yes, Taylor..." and then he realized he didn't know her last name "...err Taylor the student in my class. Of history. Yes, Taylor, someone like you is very hard to forget for a humble common person such as myself."

This was delivered in perfect monotone.

She looked stymied, looking at him for a second like she was trying to decide how to interpret his tone. "My ex is here and he's making me very uncomfortable." She leaned forward again. "He's leering at me! I asked him to go away, and he swore at me! Do you think you could get him to go away?"

"As president of the Volunteer Club, I accept the request of any student that requires help," Claude said "Even if it is something like this. Make sure to save the scallops for me."

Claude walked away with thoughts of scallops in his head. It only occured to him that he didn't know who Taylor's ex was once he had lost sight of her.

I-it's only a minor setback for the president of the Volunteer Club. I-I'll figure out a solution eventually.

Eventually, Claude just started looking for Skye. He found her awkwardly slipping through the crowd off to one side of the dance floor, eating from a small packet of pop-rocks. She smiled when she saw him again. "Hey, Claude."

"Hello Skye," Claude replied "I need you to tell me the name of the ex-boyfriend of a girl named Taylor in my grade."

Skye blinked. Why would I possibly know that? "Taylor? Umm, the one in the drama club? I wouldn't know."

Claude visibly deflated.

"I guess I'll have to go around asking others then," he said in a somewhat depressed tone as he staggered away defeated. Skye followed, curious.

"Um, what are you up to?" Skye asked. Whatever it was, it was better than standing off to the side by herself...

"Well," Claude started "Taylor came up to me and asked me to guess her costume. After I couldn't guess it, she told me that her ex-boyfriend was leering at her and she wanted him to leave. As president of the Volunteer Club, I couldn't ignore this request."

Skye glanced aside, looking at Krause. Of course, the demon found Claude's predicament funny. "Um, you didn't go back to ask Taylor who she meant?"

Claude's face contorted into a grimace, similar to the one he had on the day they first met, if not worse. This only made Krause laugh harder.

Skye tried to hide a smile, not wanting to come off as insulting. "Um, why don't we go ask her?"

"I would rather not," Claude said after a while.

Her shoulders slumped, causing her fake wings to sag behind her. "Okay, then. Umm...who here would be someone who would know Taylor?"

"I... don't know" Claude supplied helpfully.

A guy suddenly caught his attention.

"Let's go ask him," he told Skye as he walked to him. She shrugged and followed him.

"He sure knows how to show a lady a good time," Krause said. "I thought he was supposed to be a gentleman!"

I doubt he anticipated someone asking for his help, Krause. Skye frowned. Wasn't Taylor the one they called the Drama Queen?

"Excuse me," Claude said as he tapped the guy on his shoulder "Do you know a Taylor in the 11th grade?"

"Hah Taylor?" the guy said mildly annoyed turning around to face Claude "Why the hell do you want to kn-"

He suddenly stopped talking once he noticed who he was talking to. Skye smiled to herself at the reaction, but said nothing, standing behind and to one side of Claude, mindful not to let her fake wings hit anyone.

"Please continue," Claude said.

"U-uh Taylor Holloway right?" he said nervously "Sh-she was my girlfriend a while back."

"So you're the culprit," Claude exclaimed placing both his hands on the guy's shoulders.

"Holloway told me her ex-boyfriend was making her uncomfortable and so it is my duty to request that you stop or I will be forced to escort you out," Claude said.

"What are you talking about," the poor guy exclaimed "I was with my girlfriend the whole time! Go ask her other exes!"

Krause burst out with uproarious laughter at 'her other exes,' and the outburst caused Skye to giggle audibly.

Claude's face was befuddled.


"Don't you have something better to do," he said pointing at Skye "I'm just trying to have a good time here, I don't need you bothering me."

The implication flew over Claude's head as the guy turned and walked away accompanied by the girlfriend that Claude never noticed. He shot Skye a look saying "please help" as he had no idea what to do now. If he was a more emotive person, there might have been tears.

Skye looked happier than she had before, amused by the incident. "Um," she said, laughing. "It appears there might be more than one ex of hers around here. Are you sure we shouldn't ask her who she was talking about? It'll save us a lot of trouble, I think."

After two months, she had gotten well used to Claude's stoicism, and read behind his neutral expression. She smiled and gave him a friendly half-hug. "C'mon, the sooner we get this over with, the sooner you can teach me how to dance."

Claude briefly returned the half hug before straightening back up.

"I suppose if there are two of us, we can deal with her better," Claude said "Let's go find her."

Thank you he added in his head.

Taylor was talking with a senior boy Claude didn't recognise, and she seemed to notice late Claude walking up to her. Her eyes scanned over Skye standing next to him before she acknowledged him, with an appraising look on her face. "Oh, there you are, Claude. Did you talk to Tommy yet?"

"I was just about to ask you who he was and what he looked like Holloway," Claude replied neutrally.

Taylor smiled. "Oh, that's right, you forgot to ask me before running off!" She giggled at him, but smiled. "He's dressed like a football player, in a dark blue jersey. He's over there somewhere." She pointed, with a long, slender arm, across the ballroom.

"Thank you," Claude said relieved to not have to speak to Taylor any longer "Come along Skye."

She gave me an odd look, Skye thought to herself as she followed after Claude. I wonder what that's about.

"Tommy," as indicated by Taylor, was halfway across the ballroom, unwrapping a candy bar. He took no notice of Claude and Skye as they approached, with his back turned.

"Excuse me," Claude said after clearing his throat to get Tommy's attention "You are... Tommy correct?"

The student turned, with a frown on his face. "I'm Tom. What's it to..." he trailed off, looking at Claude's shoulders. He wore a football uniform, complete with shoulder pads, but Claude's broad shoulders matched his anyway. "Uh, I mean, what's up?"

Claude beamed internally. Tom seemed liked a nice person. What a pleasant change.

"Your ex-girlfriend Taylor Halloway has come to me asking me to request that you do not leer at her during this ball and as president of the Volunteer Club, I must take requests for help from any student," Claude said "though I doubt someone as nice as you would do that, but just in case, please do not do so."

Tom looked crossly at Claude. "That bitch dumped me, and now she says I'm the one harassing her?"

Yes she does seem like the kind of person to do this Claude thought.

"I am not the most knowledgable person on what Holloway nor do I particularly care," Claude said diplomatically "I'm just here to fulfill a request and I'm not judging you based on anything she said."

He folded his arms, as if reminding himself Claude had little to do with Taylor. "Well, look, you tell her if she doesn't want to see me, then just leave me alone. I'm not going to talk to her or do anything. In fact, I'm already over it and I came here with a good friend of mine," he added, looking over at a not-unattractive brunette dancing near him. "Okay?"

"Understood," Claude said then walked away.

"Have a good evening. Sorry for bothering you," Skye said as she turned to depart. Tom gave a noncommittal grunt and turned back to his girlfriend, and Skye hastened to follow after Claude. "This has turned into a bit of a handful," she observed, still looking amused.

Claude didn't respond but did agree. He just wanted to get this business done with and get his scallops.

"What dance would you like to learn?" he asked after a while as they were making their way back to Taylor.

"Um." Skye went quiet for a minute. "I...don't know?"

Taylor looked up at Claude, seeming happier than a few minutes ago. She must have been watching as he went to talk to Tom. "And there you are, Claude. Come over," she said, waving her arm, "what did Tommy say?"

Claude stayed where he was and cleared his throat.

"Well, look, you tell her if she doesn't want to see me, then just leave me alone. I'm not going to talk to her or do anything. In fact, I'm already over it and I came here with a good friend of mine," he said, straining his voice to mimic Tom as best he could.

After finishing, he coughed again to ease the mild pain in his throat.

"That's what Tom said," he said to clarify that those weren't his opinions.

Taylor folded her arms, speaking in a softer voice. "Is that what he told you? I dumped him because he, well..." she hesitated, chewing the inside of her lip. "He was nice at first, but you should see him when he gets mad. I didn't feel comfortable around him. I hope you don't have the wrong idea about me."

"I am only here to fulfill a request, not make judgement on people," Claude said echoing what he told Tom. "Since he doesn't seem particularly interested in you, can we consider this resolved?"

Taylor looked around, as if nervous. "Well, I suppose he won't make trouble with someone like you on the case." After a moment, she relaxed and smiled. "Thank you, Claude. You're a lifesaver." She held out her hand.

Question marks were almost visibily dancing around Claude's head.

Perhaps she wants me to... Actually, no perhaps, that's definetly it.

"If you say so," Claude said resignedly.

He bowed as he took Taylor's hand in his own and brought it up to his lips.

Taylor giggled, smiling broadly. "Aww, you're a sweetheart." Once Claude released her hand, she held up a bacon-wrapped scallop, up to his mouth. "Open wide!"

She can't be serious! he thought.

But Claude was never one to turn down food, especially free food. He opened his mouth as ordered.

With an easygoing laugh, Taylor plopped the meat in his mouth, smiling at him. "Those were delicious. I thought to grab extras before they disappeared. Please, help yourself. My tray is just over here."

Over his shoulder, Claude thought he saw a flash of irritation cross Skye's face, but she looked away, as if sidetracked by something.

"The Volunteer Club thanks you for your contribution," Claude said "Have a nice night Holloway."

He went around Taylor and made a beeline for her tray.

Normally the Volunteer Club refuses any form of repayment, but I'll make an exception for you Holloway he thought.

A small sneaky grin formed on his face once he was sure Holloway couldn't see him.

Skye followed after. "Well, she seems...friendly," she remarked, with a slight edge in her tone.

Krause grinned behind her. "Is that what jealousy looks like, Skye?"

No. Shut up, Krause.

"I hope we never have to deal with her again," Claude said while stuffing his face with her food.

That seemed to ease Skye, and she smiled again. "Me either. She seems like trouble. So, um, what kind of dance is it that..." she stopped, looking at those on the floor were doing. "That those people are doing? I suppose we should start there."
Hunter and Lucy had been dancing like crazy ever since they got to the dance. No slow songs had come on, so Hunter had yet to show Lucy he can dance and not simply flail like a parrot trying to fly.

Which was probably for the best; as it turns out a talent for song doesn't neccesarily translate into a talent for dance. Lucy didn't particularly care that she wasn't the best dancer, or how ridiculous the two of them probably looked.Just cutting loose and flailing to the general rhythm of the music wasmore fun than she'd had in a long time.

The two continued dancing until Hunter realized he was horrifically parched.

Slowing his "dance" speed, he inquired "Hey, Lucy, would you like something to drink? I'm going for some water."

Stopping to dig through her pockets, Lucy shuffled through the index cards until she found the one she was looking for. [Yarr Matey, fetch me some grog], Glancing through the stack she held another up next to it: [Please]

"Aye Aye! We're all outa grog! I'll fetch ye some punch. Would that quench your thirst," he feigns an awful squawk yet again, "captain?" Looking at him, that bird suit must be awful hot, plus he's sweating from dancing. It's a wonder Hunter didn't think about drinks until now.

She nodded, cocking her head inquisitively as she pulled off her hat and fanned herself, the question left unspoken. Do you need a break?

Stopping, Hunter panted a bit as he walked off. He wasn't one for exerting himself, but he got lost in the euphoric experience. "Oh, here's the punch."
From behind Lucy, Skye's voice spoke up. "You look like you're having a good time! Hi, Lucy."

[Arrr Matey] Grabbing one of the cards from earlier as she turned around Lucy thumbed through the rest before realizing there was no way what she wanted was in there. "I'm sorry, you were really helpful and I don't even think I got your name before♪."

Skye smiled at the younger girl. "Oh, I'm Skye. I actually came here with Claude, but he went to investigate rumors that there's a second course of scallops at the buffet table."

Lucy had only come up with so many cards, nowhere near enough to hold up a conversation, and hadn't brought any writing material with her. But for the past few days, she hadn't been nearly as careful with her words, and nothing terrible had happened yet! "Oh, yeah, he's pretty big♪. He probably eats a lot♪!" Her excitement was palpable and bled into every word she spoke. "I came with Hunter- Wait, you knew that already♪."

"I saw his parrot costume," Skye said, enthused. "You two look great together." Her voice is beautiful, Skye mused to herself. I wonder why she prefers not to speak. It's certainly a strange habit.

Krause loomed over Lucy's shoulder. "I have a few theories. I am a hypnotist, you know. While I prefer to work with eye contact, some choose to do it by voice. It could be, hmm, less than coincidence that the mute has an alluring voice."

Well, she wouldn't have to use it. Right? Skye rolled her shoulders, causing her fake wings to wave behind her. "What do you think about mine? I came as a spooky demon."

"Succubus," Krause corrected, grinning. "And it depends on the species."

"It's really good♪! Looks just like t-♪" Lucy cut herself off immediately. In her excitement, she had maybe overlooked some possible bad decisions, but that would have been a pretty big mistake! "-just like a demon from a book I read once♪."

Skye glanced towards Krause, then smiled at Lucy. "Oh, really? What book?"


"Oh, um, it's been a long time since I read it, I don't remember the name♪. I just remember some of the pictures♪." Lying made Lucy more than a little uncomfortable, but her dad had spent an awfully long time making the point about all the things she wasn't supposed to share.

"Oh, I see." Skye relaxed, but Krause looked curious. Whatever the demon was thinking, he didn't deem fit to share. Skye was fine with that; she didn't like carrying on a conversation with him for too long while talking to others. She knew she had a tendency to stare off into space while talking to him. "Well, I'm glad to see you and Hunter are having such a good time together."

Lucy's momentary discomfort was forgotten quickly as she responded. "Yeah♪! It's been really fun♪. I haven't really been to a dance before, but I really really like it♪. Do you usually come to these♪?" After a moment of thought she added, "Oh, does Claude take you to a bunch of these♪?"

She shook her head. "Actually, I've never been to a dance before either." With a quiet laugh she added, in a conspiratorial tone, "Just between us girls, Claude isn't very good at picking up on hints." She really had just wanted a friend rather than coming alone with nobody she knew in attendance...but it was fun to intimate with her younger classmate.

"Well if he's not very good at hints, why don't you just ask him♪?" Lucy grinned and looked in the general direction of the refreshment table. Hunter and Claude were both there, the latter stuffing his face.

"Maybe if I cooked him something. He'd definitely notice that." Skye laughed. "But no, Claude's just a friend. I don't get out very much, usually because I'm studying."

Lucy almost seemed disappointed, "Oh♪. Well, are you having fun now♪?"

She nodded. "For sure. Even if my date to the dance seems more interested in the buffet table than me!" Her tone was humorous rather than resentful. She decided to change the topic from Claude to Hunter, though. "I hope Hunter's been a gentleman?"

She nodded her head vigorously, "Absolutely♪! He held my arm the whooole way here, and he only left just now to get drinks♪."

"That's wonderful. He was pretty awkward when I met him, back..." she stopped to think. "It must've been the first day of school."

"Oh♪. That was...♪ That was about when I met him too♪." A shadow passed over Lucy's face and she looked down. "I still feel really bad about that, even if I'm really glad I met him♪."

Skye blinked. "That's the day he got his concussion. That's when you met him?"

"Yes♪. The concussion was...♪ Ummm...♪ Mostly my fault.♪"

"This is going to be a weird question, but don't worry, you can trust me." Skye looked down at her. "Were you...out late, that night? Is that when it happened?"

"Yes♪. I kinda♪- I snuck out to the pool that night and I ran into him coming back♪."

Krause looked at the girl. "Hmm, so that's the look you get when you're hiding something," he muttered to himself.

Skye laughed, ignoring Krause for the moment. "He was coming back so late because of me!" It took her a few moments to process the implications of having been out so late with a student she'd just met, so she added, "I went out on a walk that night because I couldn't sleep. He got curious and went to see where I was going."

It was a bit of a relief. It was still her fault that Hunter had slipped and fell, but she hadn't accidentally drawn him to her by humming. Or at least, if she had, that wasn't the whole reason. "So then he ran into me and slipped in a puddle♪."

"Well, it's good he only had one concussion instead of two."

To Krause she added, what's with you and Lucy, Krause? You usually don't take much interest in the other students around here.

"Neither do you," Krause said. "I think this is the longest conversation I've seen you have with anyone other than me, Claude, or a teacher since we met."

You're the one who said I needed to meet more of the school community if I wanted to make valedictorian.

"Yeah, I'm really glad he didn't keep getting hit on the head or something♪. I don't even know if he saw the nurse after♪." Lucy kept her head down, feeling more than a little guilty. She HAD told Hunter she would get the nurse or something, after all.

"I saw him the next day and I asked one of the teachers around to take him to the nurse. So don't worry about that."

"Oh♪! Thank you♪!" Lucy's face brightened almost immediately, and she moved to hug Skye. "You're a really good person♪."

Skye hugged the younger student, caught off guard. "Sure, it's the least I could do to make sure he was alright." She looked back over at the buffet table. "Why don't we go meet our dates again and pick out some candy from the big bowl over there?"

"Alright♪! Let's go♪!" Lucy pulled back from the hug, already starting for the table the moment she could.
While Skye and Lucy were heading towards Hunter and Claude they passed by Roland - a fellow swim team member - who is wearing a cowboy costume and carrying a rose. He was facing a different direction and didn't notice them but another presence did. Roland suddenly turned around.

"How about a dance, Leucosia?" he said with a lecherous smile while grabbing her hands and quickly leading her to the dance floor.

Skye blinked, as she stepped towards the buffet. One second Lucy was next to her, the next another senior had come out of nowhere and rushed off with her. What?

Krause looked amused, flashing a fanged grin. "Do you recognise him, Skye? He's in your history class."

And he wants to dance with a freshman?

Krause watched the older student as he pulled Lucy towards the dance floor. "Roland Strom. He's one of your closest rivals for valedictorian, Skye." He affected a chiding tone. "You really should know who your competition is."

Apparently I'm too old for him, Skye shot back.

After a few steps his footsteps slowed down for some reason. His smile now seemed fake and the look in his eyes was that of someone who had just done something embarrassing instead of someone who successfully asked a girl out.

Floored by the sudden approach, Lucy didn't quite register what was happening for a bit, and even when she did, it took her a while to find the words to respond. "Oh!♪ Umm...♪ Please don't call me that, Roland.♪" She was fairly obviously uncomfortable but, seemed to be struggling to express it.

Lucy tried to pull away during a part where she was spun but Roland tightened his grip, pulled her back and "accidentally" stepped on her foot. Lucy looked at his face in shock but he seemed just as shocked as her. When she spoke, her voice had more than a hint of nervousness, and the musical tone was more discordant, "I'm sorry, I've been dancing all night, could I just...♪ Take a break?♪"

"This party started only 20 minutes ago," he said with a grin. His tone changed again "Umm, a freshman dancing with a senior, and one of the top members of the swim team at that, should put you higher on the popularity chain".

Skye stepped over, a frown on her face not entirely hidden by her mask. "Is everything alright, Lucy?" Despite addressing Lucy, she cast a glare at Roland as she spoke.

Lucy pulled away again, with a bit more success this time, stepping away from Roland and towards Skye. Reaching into her pockets for the cards she had been using earlier, she sifted through them until she found what she was looking for. [Aye]

Skye gave Roland a hard look. "I was just about to get some punch, if you'd like to come with me." Lucy already knew where she was going, obviously. But it was a convenient excuse to leave.

Krause looked amused. "See, I told you you were a natural at this sort of thing."

After Lucy turned around before Skye did, Roland mouthed something towards Skye. She could've sworn that it was a 'Thank you' but that didn't make sense so it was clearly a threat of some sort. After that, Roland quickly started walking in a different direction, away from the stares of people who realized he was dancing with a freshman.

[Thank'ee matey] Roland never seemed like a bad person or anything, so this was confusing as much as it was uncomfortable. It would definitely make swim club awkward for the next couple of days, at least.

"No problem," Skye said, with a smile. Lucy was back to using her cards, she noticed. That was odd. "Sorry he ambushed you like that. Maybe someone smuggled in some harder drinks for us seniors, huh?" She swept an arm towards the buffet tables. Ahead of them, Lucy could see Taylor Holloway leaning forward next to Hunter, talking to him about something. "Let's go."
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Meanwhile, Paul stuffed his mouth to it's limits with small sausages at the buffet, his cheeks almost cartoonishly bulging. This was made all the more amusing due to the gaudy blonde wig that was on his head. Claude was is in a similar situation except the food wasn't his in the first place. Seeing Claude, Paul nodded curtly and resumed inhaling food while glancing around for any nearby adults who might prevent him from continuing. Somewhat off to the side, an incredibly tall boy is likewise stuffing his face. He suddenly seems to become aware of the other two, and opens his--still full--mouth to speak.

"'ey, you guysh-" he swallows. "Man this food is great. Anyway, you guys know where I can get my hands on some, uh..Herbal remedies?" he asks, his eyes darting around conspiratorily.

Paul cleared his throat with a small cough, "Um, what?"

Claude briefly stops eating and wipes his mouth with a napkin.

"There is a woman in Sentinel Hill that specializes is homeopathy and herbal medicine," he said.

Whatever could he need it for? I hope he is not in any pain.

John nods, grinning. "Thanks, man. Oh--I'm John. John Smith. You?"

"Claude Stevenson," he replied curtly while reaching for more plates that did not belong to him.

Paul simply pointed to his name tag while eating.

Hunter was likewise standing not too far off, grabbing some punch. "Doo doo doo, a punch for my lady." He joked under his breath.

A feminine voice spoke up from behind Hunter. "For who?"

Looking up at the origin of the voice, Hunter glanced around. Immediately behind him he was afforded an immodest view, as Taylor Holloway leaned forward, the taller student just inches behind him, her tight-fitting outfit not leaving much to the imagination. "Are you talking to me?" Hunter finally asks, while avoiding looking at Taylor directly for sake of his embarassment.

"That's right!" Taylor said with a warm smile. "I'm Taylor. You?" Her voice was light and playful, and she looked down at the shorter boy with a big smile on her face.

Holding Lucy's cup of punch, Hunter couldn't help but glance around fervently, looking for anything to gaze at that wasn't this ridiculously gorgeous woman (in his mind) talking to him. "I-I-I-I... I'm Hhhhhhhhunterrr..." Every letter he could trail on, he did. Really, he was a charmer with the ladies.

"Hunter, hmm? Nice to meet you!" Hunter could swear he just barely saw a wink cross her eye, but it was gone in a flash, leaving him wondering if it was real or just a product of his own shaking. "That's a wonderful costume. By the way, I came as a great actress." She stood up, doing a twirl in place. "Can you guess who?"

"Oh. P-p-p-pleasure's all-ll-ll mine." Still fumbling with the words, Hunter was also visibly skaking at this point. "Umm-mm-mm... D-d-debra Winger-r-r? I-I-I-I... I don't know..." Really, what could Hunter do? Yes, he stood there in shock, but what could anyone do when they're confronted with seemingly one of the most popular and most attractive women in the school. Better yet, one such attractive woman in somewhat skimpy clothing while the subject being chatted to is hormonal.

Taylor looked up as she thought. "Debra Winger? From Terms of Endearment? Hmm." She leaned back down, looking at the younger boy. She giggled. "Well, you're not much dressed like an officer or a gentleman, but I guess I'll accept that!" Somehow, the cup of punch meant for Lucy had ended up in her hand, and she held it up as if to toast. "I see you're standing here by yourself! Will you have a drink with me?"

I can't refuse now, can I? Quickly turning around, Hunter began nervously scooping another cup of punch even though he wanted water. "N-n-now wwwhhhat?" He turned around, still avoiding looking at Taylor as if she were a gorgon of sorts.

"Well, I could use some company." Taylor held a hand out, brushing his cheek for just a moment. "You wouldn't leave a girl like me all alone at a dance like this, would you?"

Her delicate hands could feel Hunter's face burning up. "N-n-not normally, b-b-but I came here with L-L-Lucy." At this point, Hunter wasn't able to glance around aimlessly, his eyes were glued to Taylor's body.

Taylor smirked to herself at Hunter's actions. She had always been able to get men to do what she wanted, when she put effort into it. She glanced up, tossing a casual glance around the dance floor. "Isn't that her over there? It looks like Lucy is over there dancing with, hmm, what was his name? Richard? Roland? Ricky? Something like that. He's the captain of the swim team, I think." She rested a hand on his shoulder, standing next to him.

Finding a reason to break his staring at Taylor's body was of great relief to Hunter, but seeing Lucy dancing with another man didn't sit so well. "Oh...?"

"That seems kind of rude," Taylor observed, "to ditch you after coming in here with you!" She stepped in front of Hunter, blocking his view of Lucy and Roland. "Hey. Why don't you come dance with me instead?" She held out her hand, invitingly, with a warm smile on her face. "My treat."

Hunter looked up, sullen and confused, after a rather long time spent staring at the ground (supposedly). "No." He said rather plainly for all his blabbering beforehand. "I... I need to bring her punch." Endeavoring to ease his way past Taylor, he saw a complete scene change between Lucy and... Ricky? RIchard? THAT guy. A change to his liking, even.

Taylor looked stymied, glancing over at Lucy and Roland. Just for a brief moment, Hunter could swear a flash of anger crossed her eyes, but it passed and she smiled. "Maybe I was wrong about you then, Hunter. About not being a gentleman."

"I hope so." he replied, not concerning himself enough to glance at her as he talked. One thing was for sure, Hunter needed to thank Skye and praise her like the Atenists of ancient Egypt worshiped the sun.

"Well," Taylor said, leaning over to his eye level once more. "I guess I'll see you around, Hunter..." With a glance over her shoulder, she saw Lucy and Skye were headed back to the buffet table, so she quickly leaned forward and pecked Hunter on the cheek. By the time his brain caught up enough to react, she had already wandered off and disappeared into the crowd.


Turning to see the culprit, Hunter was dismayed that Taylor had already bolted off, leaving him beyond confused. WHY DID SHE DO THAT?! He yelled at himself. In his panic, he lost muscle control, blathering under his breath and throwing Lucy's punch all over his costume and face.
Lucy froze in place as she saw the small kiss. It probably didn't mean anything, and it's not like they were in a relationship or anything, but all the same there was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Skye blinked. Why was an older girl kissing Hunter? She doubted it was physical attraction - she was two grades ahead of him, at least - nor Hunter's personality, unless he'd really changed in the last...twelve hours. Maybe she was family or something? That didn't seem likely either. She noticed Lucy freeze in place, and after a moment, she continued walking forward like nothing was wrong, hoping Lucy would pick up on it and follow.

Lucy followed, but hesitantly, and her head was hung the whole time, distracted as all the worst possibilities flew through her mind.

Krause loomed over Lucy as they approached the buffet table. "I agree, Skye," the demon said. "She's way out of his league. Something is strange about that."

"Hunter," Skye said, in a falsely pleasant tone as though merely greeting him. "Hello again." She stood close to Lucy, and a heavy atmosphere of expectation hung around them like a dark cloud.

Jumping and squeeking, Hunter dropped the cup, stood on one leg, and made to cover his face. "Ahhhh-IIII'M SORRY!"

"Do you need to go clean up?♪" Her voice was subdued, and the musical undercurrent took a slightly sad tone.

Relaxing at the sounnd of a not furious Lucy, Hunter slowly started to stand normally, "I... Probably... I'm sorry... I don't-" Hunter cut himself off. He really didn't know where to begin. Slumping his shoulders he resigned that he needed to clean his face, at least. "Umm... Lucy... Can I go wash up, then come back? I... I think I need a second to process that. Whatever that was," his tone shifted hugely on the last couple words, it was distressing and distasteful.

She had the card she was looking for ready, but she seemed less enthused than earlier as she held it up. [Aye!]

"Okay... Thanks..." Hunter replied dully and dragged his feet toward the bathroom.

Skye waited until Hunter scampered off, then looked at Lucy. "I'm, um," she started, thrown by the whole thing. "I'm sure that wasn't what it looked like, Lucy."

"Probably not♪." It really didn't seem likely, but between this and the thing with Roland, the party seemed a lot less fun. She couldn't hide the feeling of dejection as she went over to the punch to get herself a cup.

Skye stuck with her, keeping an eye out for Hunter's returning. "I'm just saying, considering he was so nervous to meet you anyway, let's give him the benefit of the doubt?" It was hard to sound convincing when Skye herself couldn't think of a good context that would justify what they'd seen, so she switched tack without waiting for a reply. "Besides, did you see the way he practically shot through the roof when we got here? That doesn't fit someone who would be so crass."

The other girl didn't need tricks to keep his attention. Would Skye even be talking to her now if it wasn't for her voice? Lucy thought for a moment. She had been excited, she had talked a lot. Had she been duping people into liking her? The more she thought about it, the more she wondered: even if the kiss was totally one-sided, maybe he would have preferred the older girl if Lucy wasn't messing with his head? "No, he's nicer than that, I think♪. I should still probably leave♪."

"Of course he's nicer than that." Skye shook her head, leaning over to look the younger student at her level. "You don't need to leave, though. Before we go spoiling a nice evening, let's at least ascertain the facts of the matter first. ...Why don't I go and talk to him first while you calm down. Deal?"

"Okay♪." She felt almost guilty about it, but she did want to stay. At least a little longer.
Not too long after they finished talking, Hunter dragged himself out of the bathroom. Though happy to see Lucy was still there, a cloud hung over him none the less. "Done," he said meekly, hardly looking at Skye as she approached

I don't get why you're busying yourself fixing their problems,"' Krause mused. "Although I admit to being curious. As I said, she's way out of his league. And humans are most interesting when the unexpected happens."

Of course. The demon cared even less about these things than she usually did. Skye rolled her eyes, before turning to look at Hunter. "Hunter," she said, trying to keep her voice gentle. She didn't want to pressure him too hard. "Do you care to explain?"

Looking up, Hunter's face looked more confused than hers. "I would that I could." He said in a very defeatist tone. "She was talking to me, then that happened. I... I don't even know why Taylor would talk to me." Pausing for a second to breath deeply and exhale, he continued, "How do I explain that?" asking semi-desperately.

"She just walked up and started talking to you, then kissed you?" Skye asked, a hint of skepticism in her tone.

Krause stepped around behind Hunter, looking at Skye over the boy's head. "And so you're faced with two unlikely scenarios. Either the most awkward boy you know has a secret second relationship, or such an unremarkable boy won the attentions of an older and much more popular girl without even trying."

You sound like you care, Krause. Skye glanced away, thinking. Neither of those eventualities sounded likely. So was there a third option?

"I like a good puzzle. But I'll give you a hint. You're overlooking something, Skye. Or rather, you're making an unfounded assumption."

"Well... yeah. I was getting punch for Lucy and she just walked up." Hunter contorted his face a bit, appearing perplexed by his own recollection of the last few minutes.

He's telling the truth. Skye frowned, then conciously tried to stop frowning, lest Hunter think she was mad at him. He's not a good enough liar to fake it.

"Go on," Krause said.

So he didn't have anything with Taylor prior. So she likes him for some reason?

The demon looked displeased, and he paced back and forth next to the table. "Skye, you do have some natural talent for reading and influencing others...but you don't have enough experience to have learned what people are really like. Why are you assuming Taylor's actions are genuine?"

That made more sense! Skye smiled, looking not so much happy, instead looking more like she just solved a conundrum. "Ah! Okay, Hunter. I believe you. Lucy's upset, but I'm sure if you tell her the truth, she'll be fine."

Hunter looked toward Lucy, who was a ways off, still. Staring in her general direction expectantly. Man, she's even cute when upset. Too bad I'm not. At least then I wouldn't look like a shmuck.

Taking the pause in their conversation as her cue to approach, Lucy approached the two. Head hung, she mumbled something, and held up a card. [sorry]

Baffled, Hunter made to move in and hug her, but dropped his arms shortly after. "You shouldn't be sorry..." he said in a somber tone. "None of this is your fault." He scratched the back of his head, sort of; he was still in the Parrot costume and the wings covered his hands well. Hunter took a long pause to breath deeply for a few seconds.

Skye respectfully stepped back, to give the two their space. So Taylor must want something from Hunter, or stands to gain somehow from this?

"That's my guess," Krause said. "I don't know the girl enough to speculate as to what she's after. But think back on what you saw - she looked at you two, and then kissed him."

Maybe it's some kind of power trip. She wanted to get to Lucy? But why? She's two years ahead of them. What would she want from either of them?

Krause gave a lazy shrug. "Who knows. Some people are just territorial. Others just enjoy the game. Either way, it's not your problem."

Lucy shook her head; even if Hunter didn't understand why, it was her fault. It was her fault for getting so excited, it was her fault for not showing better self-control, and it was her fault for getting so upset over something that probably didn't even mean anything.

"Lucy...? It's not. You know?" Hunter glanced around. Skye was fading into the background , so he figured this was a good time to explain. "I-Uh... Well... I'll just explain what happened. So, she walked up, started talking to me- and umm... wouldn't let me past. Then, she took the punch y- wait... that's not important." Hunter shook his head. "Well... I guess then you saw what happened that was what happened. I mean I really didn't provoke anything. And she just did it before I could realize what was going on. And..." he started mumbling and trailing on. "So... was that sufficient an explaination?" He looked at Lucy, believing she'd agree with him that it wasn't her fault. Even if she felt the need to argue for it.

Lucy listened and thought for a moment. It was really weird that it had happened at the same time that Roland had whisked her away. Was this whole thing just a dumb prank? It made sense, even if it was a really mean prank to pull. Still, it had reminded her that she had to be more careful - it was still possible that she was unintentionally forcing people to like her. Putting on a slight smile, she nodded to Hunter in affirmation.

Smiling now, Hunter grabbed for her hand, as Lucy extended it to him. "C'mon, you wanna make the most of this night? We could- I dunno- Go hang around somewhere and chat. I realize I don't actually know much about you." He finished, smiling wide and very visibly blushing.

She had just thinking about how she should be more careful, how she should probably stay away from Hunter a few days at least, but... If it was just tonight, that should be fine, right? "That sounds fun.♪"

Relieved, Hunter grabbed a couple drink, some water mostly, and began walking out of the dance hall with Lucy at his side. "Do you know of any quiet places?" He inquired as they got closer to the exit.

Lucy glanced around furtively before responding. Was this something she should really share? Probably not. Barely over a whisper she spoke, "Don't tell anyone, but I have a key to get into the pool♪. No one goes anywhere near after swim club's done♪."

Waiting until they were completely outside, Hunter only responded with a nod before talking. "That sounds pleasant enough." Then with a laugh, he jested, "That explains that fateful night." tapping himself on the head with one of the water bottles he grabbed.

"I like to go to the pool to think♪. I didn't think anyone else would be out that late♪" She giggled a little when she thought back to it now. "I guess you didn't either♪!"

"Ha. Well... I did, which is why I was out. I didn't expect anybody would go swimming." His grin grew a bit and he silently laughed some more. "What do you think about when you're there, usually?"

"My family, school, anything that's bothering me♪." It was weird to just talk to someone after so long, but now she had started, the words just spilled out. And as much as she kept thinking of what a mistake it was, it was fun. "I can just sit in the water and relax and then nothing seems that bad♪. What about you♪? Do you have some place you go to just let off steam♪?"

"Sadly, no. I mostly just scribble stuff down at my desk, draw, or paint. I painted after the concussion incident to relax, even. And, well, you saw how cluttered my desk is. That's my stress relief." really, Hunter had never been able to talk to a girl this easily, especially about his (sort of) hidden art hobby.

"Well, then the pool can be your place too♪." Hung up on what seemed to be disappointment about not having a place to relax, it took Lucy a moment to process the rest. "Is there an art club♪? Do you paint with them♪?"

"I'd probably only ever go there to relax with you." Hunter shies away from his own words, "There probably is an art club, somewhere. I- Uh... am... hmm... shy, I guess, about it. I mean, I don't really share it." Tugging on his costume collar, he feigned like it was suddenly hot in the rather cold night air. "What about you, are you fond of swimming? Do you participate in the swim club?"

"Yup♪! I really like swimming♪. Just being around the water really♪."

Hunter tried scooting closer to Lucy as she talked, unsure of whether it was the cold night that made him want to be closer or not. "Oh? Do you-" he paused, turning his head away and blushing, "Do you want to go on another date sometime? Like to-t-to a nearby lake?"

Lucy stopped for a moment. That's what this was, right? A date? Sort of? So it wasn't that weird to want to go on another. She had a lot of fun tonight, and she really liked spending time with Hunter, even if she had maybe relaxed a little more than she should have. She grinned and nodded, "Yes♪! Absolutely♪! I mean, as long as that's where you want to be♪."

"Wha-really?!" Hunter's eyes glimmered as he clasped both of Lucy's hands in his, brimming with excitement. "I don't think I'd like anything more." his confidence was at least through the roof at this point. Lucy made him comfortable, more comfortable than he entirely realized.

"Well then, it's♪... Ummm♪... It's♪..." Saying it in her head was fine, but it was somehow really hard to actually say the words out loud. "It's a date♪!"

At this point, they were practically at the pool house.

"Well..." blushing ensues, "We need a date for it to be a date." and his attempted joke really lacks zest, though he smiles awkwardly as he checks to see if Lucy found it funny. After waiting just a second and hearing no laughter, he continued awkwardly, "Uhhh-how about this coming weekend? Saturday?"If only I had one of those fruits called a date. Then it'd be funny!

They reached to door to the poolhouse, and Lucy fumbled for the key. Hunter's joke flew over her head as she started to panic about the things she might be doing wrong again.It isn't a date without an actual date. He probably thinks I'm an idiot. No, don't think like that. It's fine, it's fine. She had already made the night a lot less fun getting worried over things that might have been. Just had to keep her cool. "Oh, I'm sorry♪. This saturday would be great♪."Opening the door, she gestured towards the poolside bleachers, "After you♪."

"Why thank you." beaming, he walked forward, stopping in the doorway for a second. Leaning back he started to scootch his head closer to Lucy. Only going through half the process, he finished entering the doorway, slightly more briskly after his pause. What am I thinking? I mean... I want to, but does she?

"Right, and good. Yes. Saturday Good." he chuckled a bit awkwardly after rambling.

Letting the door close behind them, Lucy matched her pace to Hunter's. "Well alright, lets chat♪!" Between the two of them, the conversation was slow to start, and innundated with awkward pauses, but as minutes turned into hours the words came more easily and they quickly lost track of time.
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The lights dimmed as the ball drew to a close. Slow music started to play as couples began to dance together. Outside, away from all this, Claude sat on the stairs, nursing a drink in one of his hands. A crisp breeze upset some leaves nearby. On a night like this, the moon and the stars were easily visible.

I will not be defeated by you, Alicia.

Claude's unoccupied hand reached upwards, as if trying to grasp the moon itself.

I refuse to let you do as you please here.

Claude knew that his encounter with the girl would not be the last one. He steeled himself in preperation for the massive undertaking he was about to go on. To find out exactly what that girl was and create an armory specialized in eradicating her and her kind. He downed his drink in one gulp and stood up. Before he could go to the club room and continue researching, he would need to return the glass he had in his hands. He turned around to head back inside.

The noise from the ball picked up as the door outside opened. Skye let herself outside, looking around before spotting Claude.

"There you are. I got so wrapped up in Lucy and Hunter's antics I suddenly noticed you weren't around." She hesitated for a moment and added, "Sorry about that."

"Ah, I don't mind," Claude said, letting himself give her a small smile to show that he was alright "I still owe you a dance correct?"

Truthfully, I forgot about you too, so we're even.

He extended his hand to her.

"May I have this dance, Corrine?"

Krause looked at the taller student, contemplatively. "He's distracted with something. He smiled at you...but you've known him long enough to know how unexpressive he is. He chose to smile deliberately, which suggests it was to convey something, rather than it being a natural expression."

I've had enough conspiracy tonight, Krause. "Certainly," she said, taking his hand with a smile. Maybe I'll lightly ask if anything's bothering him tomorrow or something.

"Just follow my lead," he said as he raised the hand she took and put his other hand around her waist.

The music was muffled outside the building, but Skye found the cold air and especially the lack of crowd more comfortable than the ballroom. "It's nice out here," she observed, following in step a little clumsily.

"It isn't bad," Claude agreed.

The pure white moon over the clear sky continued to shine its light over Miskatonic Academy. The leaves of the trees shook in response to the light breeze. The peaceful everyday of the Academy continued.

End of Episode 0.5

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