Misery Loves Company [Private 1x1]


Junior Member

Silence. Like always.

Jace shook his head, and shrugged his shoulders, assuming that standing outside wasn't going to help his throbbing headache. The sign that usually welcomed people to Brooklyn was shattered, smeared with blood, and other substances Jace wasn't eager to discover.

It was noon, and the sun beat down on him, he could feel the sweat at his collars, and at his temples. Rummaging through his bag he found a pair of sunglasses and slid them on.

"Much better", he said to no one in particular. Humming a song that hadn't been played in ages Jace poked his head around the streets looking for a place to stay over night. After all the Infected people only came out during the night. Usually rooftops were fine, since they were able to climb very high. Still Jace's hand reflexively felt for the pistol that he had tucked between the back of his jeans and the small of his back. Giving a grim smile he shoved his hand in his pockets and moved forward continuing to hum.

Last month was the last radio transmission he had received. At first they came every day. Then it became once a week, and slowly but surely it was random. No specific air date, just updates from people all over the country. Asking if anywhere had been spared. Thinking back to the young woman's voice on the radio sent a small shiver through him.

"It's not just the Infected Ones. There's other creatures. Some are calling them vampires, others have stated they have powers over elements. Be weary, and be careful. For now it's not just humans fighting for survival."

Before she could say anything else the radio screeched and everything went silent. Knowing that he had exhausted the resources in his small town he had moved towards Brooklyn hoping that there would be at least fresh water, maybe even some food if he was luck. His dark eyes looked across the streets, hoping for a movement. A human movement, a cry, a scream, a laugh. Though he knew that the chances of that were slim to none.

When the outbreak appeared many people underestimated it and didn't realize the scope of chaos it would bring with it. Slowly but surely Jace and his father built of their arms, supplies, and generators/batteries, and whatever else they though was necessary to their survival. One the epidemic hit at full force, 90 percent of the country was gone. Jace's father being part of that 90%. He didn't think about it though, and came to rest on a small bench that looked out towards a body of water. For the end of the world, it was a pretty nice day.

Sakura Mogami could hear something. She didn't believe anyone could be alive and she hated getting her hopes up. She had stored with her food necessary to survive. She had enough human blood to last two years in suitcase she had been carrying. Her mom worked at a hospital so getting the blood was easy and she knew where to store it. She was happy the infected hadn't gotten to it yet. Sakura had killed her mom because she had become infected. She didn't like to think about it, but sometimes horrible things had to happen. Most of the world was gone, but that didn't stop her from hoping that there was someone else out there. She didn't have a radio or any source of technology. So far she was the only one she knew to be alive. She was quite tired of being alone.

She looked up into the sky and managed a small smile. At least her mom could see her from where she was. She rushed over to the source of the voice she had heard. Sakura didn't know who it was, but she was hoping that maybe, just maybe it would be a survivor of this evil pandemic. That was all she asked for. The sun beat down on her.

"Ite! Ow!"

Sakura was Japanese and only spoke it at times when she was hurt or extremely angry. Her father didn't like the fact that she spoke Japanese and was mad at her mother for teaching her. She was happy when he became infected. It gave her an excuse to kill him. She felt for her blade. She didn't know how to use a gun and only carried a sword around. It was her mother's katana passed down from generation to generation. The sword had shed much blood and she called it akuma (demon).
Wandering the streets, he heard a cry. He thought that hearing some sign of humanity would make him jump with joy, but instead he felt vulnerable.

Reaching for the gun, and in a flash of quick movements it was pointed in front of him, not that it was at anyone in particular. Heading towards the sound, he could feel his heart beat race. Granted, the survivor could be human... Or maybe it was a newly infected person... Or something else, whatever it was the girl on the radio warned him of...

"Where are you? And show yourself." His voice was dripping with an authority that only came out when he was in fear of his life. The gun in his hand did not shake, but his insides felt as if they were enduring an earthquake. Every nerve in his body had sprung to life, quickly sending shorts sparks through him. He felt like a live wire. It took everything in him not to shake out of fear or anxiety or whatever feeling was dominant in whatever cocktail stirred inside him.
Sakura came out in front of the man. He was pointing a gun at her... She looked at him with her ruby red eyes daring him to shoot her. Sakura couldn't be killed with a petty gun. However, he was the first sign of life she had seen in months. She was happy he had shown up even if he was pointing a gun to her heart. Sakura stood there. She didn't move. Blood came down her cheek. She could smell him... Human blood... fresh... She closed her eyes. It was smell she hadn't sniffed in months, but it didn't cause her to go berserk. Sakura didn't want to risk killing off a survivor. She was wearing a black suit with a short black skirt. It appeared to be a Japanese school uniform.

She grew tired of staring at the man and closed her eyes. Sakura was welcoming the pain that was sure to come. Her black hair moved in the wind and covered her face. She actually let a tear fall. She had finally found another survivor and he wanted to kill her. That's how it was. Humans always wanted to kill her... always.
Watching the girl's movements was like watching a movie in slow motion. She had a grace about her that was... unnerving. It hit him, her eyes. Dark, mysterious, a certain lust in them that he couldn't pinpoint. Watching her inhale, he got the strangest feeling that she was not human. She wasn't infected though. Seeing what she was wearing he tilted his head even more... Japanese? This was Brooklyn, what was she doing here? Maybe she came just before the epidemic, or -- he cut his thoughts off and saw the tear she shed fall down her face, she was in despair over something.

Though he didn't lower the gun, he tried to pull as much venom out of his voice as he could,

"You know, usually most people don't just accept a bullet to the heart,"

he tried to put a joking air in his tone, but it came out more twisted and sounded pathetic almost.

"If you think I'm going to kill you, you're wrong. Well not entirely perhaps. If you kill me," he pointed the gun to himself, "I will kill you. A simple give and take."

Watching the young girl was strange, if she wasn't human then why was she crying, what did she have to fear? And more importantly what was she?
Sakura managed a small smile. She wondered if it was safe to approach him. She walked slowly to him but with grace and a swiftness that was almost enticing. She looked up at him and her red eyes sparkled.

"I am not going to kill you." Sakura said softly.

Her words were true. Sakura had two years worth of human blood on her. If the man wouldn't let her feed on him, she had two years to leave him be. She was so lonely. She wanted to be in the prescence of someone so badly it hurt her. There was a hole inside her lonely heart that hadn't been filled in almost five hundred years. Sakura was certain there was that there was no one who could fill it, but even it closed just a little, she would be happy. She would live for eons to come and she was certain that she was much older than the man that stood before her. Sakura's sword was attached to her back and a small suitcase that was light enough to carry on her waist.
Watching her carefully as she moved he noticed her movements, they were filled with grace like that of a dancer's.

Running his hand through his hair, he lowered the pistol.

"I shouldn't trust you, but to be honest I'm sick of being lonely."

His honesty shocked him, but it was true. Looking at the girls red eyes, he stared intently, as if trying to solve a puzzle. He tried to give her a half smile and sat down on a bench not far off from where they were standing. He threw his arms over the back of the bench, and started to speak softly.

"My name's Jace. I don't think you're human. I don't trust much of anyone, however I feel that the diseased things are more dangerous then you. I will not tell you my history. And I really hope you don't kill me." At this point he shot her look that was full of a surface calm, but it was tinged with a venom and raw determination.

He felt for his pistol which now was brandished on his hip and fully visible. Returning to his lounging state, he waited for the young girl to reply. Hoping inwardly that she wouldn't disappear.
So this person was also tired of being lonely... Sakura walked closer to him. Her red eyes filled with loneliness and perhaps a darkness. This Jace person was right. She couldn't be trusted. A monster was what she was and always will be. Sakura was a pure vampire and could turn people if she wanted... But Sakura didn't want to curse anyone... She knew how lonely this life could be. Sakura wasn't going to disappear.

"I'm Mogami, Sakura..." she said just loud enough for him to hear.

What was that sound in her voice? Was it shame? Longing? Regret? Maybe it was all of them. There was no telling. She looked at this man and gave him the barest hint of a quiet but beautiful smile. Sakura's uniform had blood on it, but it was from last night's fight. It was quite a gruesome one. She couldn't have lost because the infected didn't want her cold undead flesh. They just wanted to kill her because she was a threat to their survival. She was a threat to many species. That's just how it was. She was a hunter and close to the top of the food chain. Fortunately, Sakura didn't think she'd be creating any more of her species.

She was hoping this man needed a place to stay for the night. She knew of the perfect place, but that would require her having to carry him up to the roof of an abandoned warehouse.
Nodding slowly, he listened to her voice. It was small, that of a child's almost. Standing up slowly, he turned his back to the water and exhaled slowly.

Taking in the girl's image one more time, her realized, in a strange and inhuman way she was... pretty.

Trying to give her a smile, he spoke.

"Sakura, correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't that the word for Cherry Blossom?" He tried to make small conversation before diving in to what he really needed. Chiding himself quietly he realized that he had stopped evaluating his surroundings, a dangerous thing to do in a world that could end in a moment's notice. Gazing across the street, the alleys, and the other buildings all he saw were inanimate objects laying peacefully on the ground. Moving only a step closer to her, he peered down either side of the street, his heartbeat racing. His anxiety would flare up like this at times, though he never really knew why. He couldn't feel any imminent danger, but then again, you never really expected it.
"Yes it does." Sakura smiled, something told her there was something he wanted to know, "Is there something else you to ask perhaps?"

She watched him take a step toward her. Sakura felt scared, but not of him. She was just afraid of being alone again. She didn't shake but her eyes probably spoke for her. Sakura tried her best to put on a smile, but it was only a little bigger than the last smile. Jace's slightly awkward diposition was welcoming to her. She hadn't seen any other emotions accept her own. To finally see another's face was exhilerating. However, she had never let anyone see her at nighttime. That was the time she was probably the most enticing. It is what brought her food. The sun continued to beat down on her and she could feel herself getting weaker by the minute.

She started becoming pale. Sakura didn't know how long she had been out in the sun. She walked over slowly to the shade. It felt much better, but it caused her red eyes to sparkle in the most beautiful of ways, but she didn't seem to notice. She really was just happy to have company.
"Huh, well I like it." Taken a bit off guard by her next question he chuckled, "That obvious, huh? Well it's true. I need shelter and new supplies, I was wondering if you knew where any were." Looking at her move towards the shade, a small voice spoke in the back of his head, whispering that he should be weary of her. However it was drowned out by the want to have company. She wasn't half bad to look at either he decided. Though, she was not human. But, she wasn't diseased either.

Her eyes spoke of fear and anxiety, so if she planned on hurting him, it wouldn't be out her wanting to do so. Only necessity. Usually this thought would have made him laugh, but today, it was comforting. Staring at the ground and back up at her again he spoke softly,

"Not trying to say I know what you are, because I don't. But it seems to me that the sun isn't treating you very well. Perhaps we could find somewhere a little more comfortable for you?" As the words left his mouth he suddenly felt vulnerable. What an idiot. Offering himself up to her like this. He sighed, but it was to late to withdraw the words, so he held the smile and waited for a reply.

Thinking of all the ways this scenario could go bad, he brushed his hand against the gun he had softly, as if to remind him he wasn't entirely unprotected.

Not that a bullet would do much good for him.
"I see you still don't trust me, but I do know of a place you could stay." She smiled.

Sakura then got up. She could make it to the hospital. There were a lot of supplies humans could use there. Sakura motioned for him to follow her. She didn't expect him to follow, but it was nice to have company while it lasted. She had noticed Jace's hand brush over his gun again. She understood fully why he didn't trust her. She was not like him. She walked with a grace. Sakura was hoping that he wouldn't notice the slash on her arm. She had gotten it in a really stupid way. It was healing up pretty well for the most part and she had completely forgotten about it. Sakura laughed softly thinking about she got it. She was oblivious to sharp wooden objects when she was running for her life.
She moved with a certain grace that wasn't human, but it wasn't evil. He watched her and almost forgot to reply to her.

Before he moved he stared her down, "I will follow you, and I appreciate your help. But first," he inhaled slowly, hoping his next move wouldn't get him killed,

"What are you?"

He didn't say it in a mean or disgusted way, but one that was sheer curiosity. Her grace and beauty were not meant for those of the living, yet she seemed to laugh and move as if she were alive. It was nothing but contradictions.

He yearned to follow her willingly, he was so sick of being alone. However the instinct to survive was stronger then his will to have company. Hoping that she was offended, or took it as a threat, he reached for the gun and placed his hand on it lightly.

"Forgive me for being so rude, but you can't take chances with how everything has become."
Sakura turned back and laughed. Her hair carressed her face.

"How rude of me... I am a vampire." She said the last part softly.

Sakura then walked off a little ways ahead of him, wanting to make it to the shade fast. She didn't want to remain in the sun any longer. Sakura would be risking too much to do that. Then she felt her blade against the side of her leg. It was comforting to have and on the plus side it didn't run out of ammo. Her energy was the limit and she had quite a bit of it. Sakura had found this Jace person attractive for a human. He had a very welcoming face even if he had threatened to kill her a couple of times. She liked his courage. Most humans would not even think twice about killing her. She was glad he had thought about it. Sakura removed the hair out of her face. She could feel herself getting thirsty, but she decided to wait until they made it to the hospital.
His eyebrows knotted together thoughtfully,

"So you drink human blood?" He asked, he wasn't scared though just curious. He walked towards her and fell in step with her. It was fascinating how for being so alive, she was medically dead. His eyes wandered across her face, down her body, and back up.

He realized that it must have been much easier to attract young males when you were gorgeous, he realized the cruel effects of Social Darwinism, and she was a prime example.

Exhaling slowly he built up his courage again, slowly, but eventually the words formed themselves;

"I hate to sound rude, but... you don't plan on drinking my blood, right?" The question seemed terribly idiotic, and the moment he said it he regretted it. Reeling for a way to make up for his blatant stupidity he spoke again, "I mean... I've heard about vampires. Granted I don't know how much of it is true, but I imagine the basics are right... maybe..." He trailed off slowly, his face going hard as if he were looking for something. He was, any knowledge he had about vampires that lurked in the corners of him brain. However, the thoughts eluded him if he had them. Giving an awkward half smile he spoke quietly, "Sorry... I'm just curious."
"I don't feed on the unwilling and fortunately I have two years worth of human blood on me right now." She moved extremely close to Jace, "However, if you were willing, I might consider it."

She moved away giggling to herself. Her words had been smooth like satin silk. And she had stared at him with her mesmerizing eyes. They had arrived at the hospital. Sakura was happy to be in the shade. The sun had not been good for her. She opened the small suitcase along her waist and pulled out a small vial full of red liquid. She drank it and then set the empty vial neatly back into its place. Sakura didn't want to scare Jace. She thought his curiousity was refreshing. He was young, but she wouldn't think of even touching him if he wasn't going to allow it.

That was the problem with most vampires. They drank without restraint or moderation. Sakura shook her head. At least she had restraint. She didn't need to feed as often as the impure vampires did, but one thing was different about her bites... They didn't induce pain, but rather an all to soothing feeling. Sakura didn't dare tell him that. She would keep that to herself. Only purebloods had that ability, but still... there was nothing that could be done. If he asked, she might just answer.
Smiling at her answer he couldn't help but feel the cold sweat break on the back of his neck. Shrugging carelessly, "Well I guess that's better then draining everyone dry." Her next sentence was playful yet terrifying, he shook his head no, "What an offer, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass. Perhaps another time?" The politeness he mixed in the sentence was all he could do, his mind reeled for something better, but that's what spilled out.

Watching her drink the vial, it was surprisingly soothing.

Better that vial then my own blood I suppose.

The thought lurked in his head for just a while and then passed leaving him in fear once again.

The amount of respect she had for him was a bit strange, he was still worried that she was luring him into some sort of trap. However the way she talked, and they way her eyes felt on him, it was... innocent. Not the same innocent as a brand new child, but one of restraint and necessity. Perhaps she was sick of being alone just as much as he was.

"I hate to ask, but how often do you have to... feed?"

The last word seemed cruel and inhumane but he couldn't find a better term for it, because that's exactly what it was.
"..." Sakura grew quiet. "Every two weeks..."

For a vampire two weeks was a long time, but there was a shortage and she couldn't risk downing a vial everyday. She couldn't help but think that she had frightened Jace.

"I'm sorry if my joke seemed cruel... I wouldn't lay a hand on you unless you give me the okay." Sakura said softly.

She walked into the hotel and then walked out with a suitcase behind her.

"This is a refridgerator. I've been keeping it cold by using the back up generators in the hospital. Since I'm not in the light much..." Sakura set the suitcase on the ground near Jace and then backed away. She didn't want to scare him off by getting to close. Sakura didn't want to make that mistake again. Sakura wanted very badly not to be alone. The sun was starting to set and hurt her eyes less. Perhaps the infected would be out soon. She would have to gain his trust fast. She wanted to take him to high place the infected could not reach, but the only way she could do that was to fly him up there.

Sakura sighed. There was not enough time for to gain his trust...
The answer made him shudder, but he did his best to hide it.

"It's not you that I'm afraid of, I hope you know that. It's your kind. Think of it as a branch of racism, it's a general stereotype that I force myself to except due to the sheer lack of information I have." Giving a half smile he hoped that it would help her stand-offish attitude. She was only trying to help, and something inside of him told him that she wasn't there to hurt him. And for the first time, in a long time, he gave in to that voice.

Coming a few steps closer he gave her a full smile and put his hands behind his head, inspecting the suitcase closely. "I appreciate your help, it's hard being a human. We need a lot of stuff to survive you know. Perfect temperature, perfect amount of food and water, shelter, pointless accessories that entertain us." He laughed at his own mockery of humans, hoping he might get a similar reaction out of the girl. For being not alive, she brought a sense of longevitiy and life into his veins, it made him feel good.
Sakura giggled. She looked at Jace as he took a few steps closer to her... She considered moving backward some, but if Jace was moving to her, then it was okay for her to stand there right? Jace was such a revitalizing person. Sakura was happy to have company even if her company wanted shoot her. Sakura didn't have any intentions of harming Jace. If anything she wanted to help him. Sakura smiled a beautiful smile as Jace accepted the suitcase. There were several more, but should they have to move Sakura would make sure to grab Jace a second suitcase.

"I wish all humans were as nice as you..." her voice drifted off, "It'll get dark soon... I know a place where the infected can't reach us, but you'll have to trust me..."

Sakura knew she had over stepped her boundaries with this question, but she was worried about the human. All he carried was a gun. How had he survived all this time? She shook her head. Probably like she had. She was very fortunate she hadn't run into a huge army of them. That probably would kill her, but perhaps of he didn't trust her they would together and she would show Jace her power and grace with the sword she carried. Either way, it wouldn't be so bad.
"Well my father always told me that being so nice was what was going to get me killed." He chuckled but it ended shortly when he heard the next sentence.

Realizing he didn't have much choice he sighed heavily and turned his head away from her letting a fully visible grimace emerge on to his face.

This is a bad idea, but it's either her or the diseased ones. Come on now, is she really that bad? And hey at least if she kills you you're going to good use right?

The thought was not comforting at the least and he decided it was better her than those things that walked around.

"That's fine, I suppose..." His voice trailed off, and then the next words fell out of his mouth almost unwillingly.

"Please don't take this as an insult, but if you try to kill me, I will try to kill you too. You won't be the first and I doubt you'd be the last. So please, for both of our sakes, don't try to kill me." Giving a weak half smile he hoped that she would understand his concern.
Sakura offered her hands to Jace. She smiled weakly. She had only flew with one other person before and that was her younger brother. Sakura had never flown with a human. She very well understood Jace's concern. Sakura wasn't going to kill him, but in a world as barren as this, you couldn't really trust many other people especially if they ate your kind.

"Your father is probably right... but I don't want to kill you. I don't want to be alone anymore." Sakura whispered.

She was hoping that Jace would trust her enough to touch her. She wasn't infected or anything so it should be safe. Sakura really meant what she said however. If Jace didn't trust her, she would just leave and not bother him. Sakura really wanted to keep company as long as possible. She wouldn't ruin it.
"Well he was always a wise man. But hey I'm a teenager and we're meant to ignore solid advice." Trying to lighten the mood, and his own fears, as much as possible he gave a soft laugh.

Grabbing her hands gently she felt how icy she was. Shivering he looked up at her, "Sorry, you're just a lot colder then I was expecting." With a half smile a wave of anxiety and fear crashed down on him. His heart began to race. Looking at the young girl he wondered how she was going to get him to wherever it was she wanted them to go.

He heard them, soft murmurs of pain and despair, and slithering like movements. Looking at her anxiously,

"Well we might want to go now, it sounds like we have company."
"I'm sorry..." the she whispered.

Sakura started floating off the ground and with her Jace. She was hoping he would remain calm as it was easier to fly with someone who was calm. She could glimpse a bird's eye of the infected. They were so close to the spot they had been previously standing it was scary. Sakura had not forgotten to grab the refridgerator full of food for Jace so that he could eat. She didin't want him to go hungry. Jace's hands felt warm to her and it was comforting to feel another's touch after so long. It felt good. Sakura really wanted to hug him once they landed, but she decided that would be a little indecent and perhaps a little sudden. She did look like a high school student after all... Jace might not be in for hugging her especially since she was cold.

Sakura watched as the infected wandered aimlessly in the streets. As the moon shined against her skin, it glowed in an eerie yet beautiful type of way. Her red eyes were more hypnotizing and glowed a vibrant crimson. She looked down at Jace and saw that he was quite handsome from above. She rather liked the way he threatened to kill her. It was a sign that no one was truly safe in this epidemic and that was true. How could anyone truly sleep when you could hear their groans below you. It was unsettling and made one uncomfortable and sleepless. Sakura was glad that she slept in the day time when the infected were away.

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