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Realistic or Modern Mirror Mirror - Characters submitions

Dark Horizon

New Member

* Please don't overpower your characters and when in doubt ask questions hehe *

Purple = mandatory info
Blue = optional info

Mirror Mirror CS template

Realistic FC


Role: (the fairy tale characters they are becoming alike)
Distinguishing features:

Original personality traits:
Adopted personality traits:
(traits they pick up from a fairy tale character)
Original quirks:
Adopted quirks:
(quirks they pick up from a fairy tale character)

Biography: (please add important info the other friends in the group might know so it's easier)
Relationships: (tba after being accepted)

Triggers: (its entirely optional, but here you can write down your triggers)​

  • andromeda wilkes

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡


name: andromeda renee wilkes
nickname: she hates her name and goes by remi. her family calls her andy though.
age: 18 (may change as other characters are added)
gender: cis female
sexuality: heteroromantic demisexual
role: the princess in the she-bear
abilities: she now has a piece of wood that, if she puts in her mouth, she turns into a bear. she has tried to throw it away, it keeps reappearing in her pockets.

the fairy tale: the story of the she-bear is not a happy one, though it does have a somewhat happy ending. it begins with a dying queen and her desperate husband. she tells him not to marry anyone who isn't more beautiful than she was, or he will be cursed. really shallow and messed up, i know, but it gets worse. after she dies, the king decides that the only woman who could come close to his late wife's beauty would be their daughter, so he must marry her. when he tells the princess this, she weeps and doesn't know what to do. that is, until an old woman gives the princess a piece of wood and tells her to put it in her mouth when her father comes and she will become a she-bear, at which point she would be able to escape.

the princess escapes to the forest, where a prince from another land finds her and takes her in. he becomes friends with what he believes to be a bear and asks her to make him food and clear up after him, even though he literally has servants for that and she is, in fact, a bear. however, the princess has a lot of internalized misogyny and does as he asks. after a day of this, the prince claims that if he cannot kiss this bear, he will surely die. so, his mother encourages him to kiss the bear. gross. somehow in this kissing, the piece of wood falls out of the princess's mouth and she turns back to a human. then they get married and somehow live happily ever after.

appearance description: remi is a beautiful young woman, with long curly brown hair that often messily frames her face. it is only one aspect of the dark, chaotic aura that surrounds her. it seems to scream leave me alone, but her icy blue eyes have a tendency to draw people in. she is fairly pale, but her face flushes easily so there is often some type of red adorning her cheeks. her face is diamond shaped, with a button nose and plump lips. she tends to accentuate her eyes with dark makeup and her clothing style could be described as "edgy". she does keep up with muggle clothing trends, since her closet does mostly consist of crop tops and ripped jeans, but she tends to only wear black.
height: 5'1
weight: 107 pounds
notable features: her eyes and tattoos. she does, however, pride herself on people not noticing her
— ribs x
— above left elbow x
— above right elbow x

description: remi has always tried her best to convince everyone that she is tough. she doesn't smile much and when she does, it is normally sarcastic or patronizing. to put it delicately, she is not a gentle soul. she is incredibly sarcastic, sassy, and opinionated. she has never been one to hold her tongue, unless it would make her appear weak. when around those she trusts, she becomes rather soft. she is very thoughtful and has been known to surprise her friends with their favorite deserts, random presents, etc. she is also incredibly pessimistic and believes the worst in everyone and everything, so she tends to have a hard time opening up.
positive traits:
negative traits:
—doesn't trust easily
original quirks:
—plays with her hair when bored
—constantly wears cheap rings that she fidgets with, then loses within a matter of weeks
—draws to keep focused
—being alone
—being busy
—black roses
—tall shoes (they make her feel powerful)
—drinking? she's not legal so shhh
—musicals (specifically starkid)
—video games
—really, anything that crawls or slithers
—being underestimated
—being lonely
—emotion in general
—the musical cats

adopted traits:
adopted quirks:
—a large desire to cook and clean
—smiling. all the time.
—doesn't want to be around her dads

—born to an addict and a dealer
—given up for adoption at age five
—doesn't remember her birth parents, so she doesn't have a lot of trauma from that
—adopted by two men, one of whom is an art teacher and the other is an interior designer
—has five siblings, all of whom were also adopted
—feel free to make jokes about her having a billion siblings
—because she's aware
—grew up acting with a local theater group
—now she just got a job there, working as a stage manager

—wannabe goth
—such a pessimist
—her entire life is just the gen z mindset
—"i'm gonna die anyway so imma do what i want"
—her personality could be described as badass in a tutu
—loves physical affection, but never initiates it
—surprisingly very good with children
—the "cool" aunt
—you're sad? here's some whiskey
—but, if you give her a nickname she will melt
—or flowers
—she knows a bunch of flower meanings
—and yes, she does send rude arrangments
—tends to antagonize people she doesn't like, then run to her stronger friends so no one beats her up
—flirty drunk
— constantly says "i'll fight you" but has never been in a fight

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

  • "You can call me a princess all your life, cause you love to keep me helpless by your side..."

    I don't need rescuing



    loren gray

    Lucille Faye Reynolds

    Lu, Lulu, Lucy




♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

  • "People make time for who they want. Remember that."

    The devil can be beautiful


    just like you

    falling in reverse

    Roy Daniel Reynolds





♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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NAME: Kallias Shayan Ali
NICKNAME: Kal, Kalli
AGE: Nineteen years old
GENDER: Cisgender male
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual | Demiromantic
ROLE: The prince from 'The Prince and His Three Fates'
- general idea of story: A king 's son, who had fated to die by a crocodile, a serpent, or a dog according to the most powerful fairies in the kingdom, somehow escapes this fate with the help of a foreign princess/wife. (FULL STORY)
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: His most distinguishing features are his eyes and his jaw. His eyes are an unusual shade of ice blue while his jaw is incredibly sharp and defined.

ORIGINAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Reserved, humble, practical, intelligent, individualistic, mysterious, compassionate, observant, protective, secretive, thick-skinned, careful
ADOPTED PERSONALITY TRAITS: Impulsive, daring, stubborn, a little demanding, charming


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NAME: Lorelei Greer Cunningham
AGE: Seventeen years old
GENDER: Cisgender female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual | Heteroromantic
ROLE: The little mermaid from 'The Little Mermaid'
- general idea of story: Basically, it is a tale of a young mermaid who embarks on a journey to gain a human soul in order to escape the less ideal death she would face if she were to remain a mermaid. (FULL STORY)
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Her most defining features would probably be her lovely ginger hair and her heavily freckled face.

ORIGINAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Quirky, intelligent, independent, sarcastic, casual, compassionate, caring, loyal, stubborn, witty, protective, determined, tomboyish
ADOPTED PERSONALITY TRAITS: Quiet, thoughtful, secretive, sacrificial, romantic, elegant
- Never truly dresses up unless she absolutely has to
- Does not leave the house without her sketchbook
- Absent mindlessly bites her nails when she's bored or nervous
- Very drawn to luxurious things and the water
- Uses more formal speech and mannerisms when addressing people
- Gets sharp pain in her feet and legs a lot
Drawing/painting (art in general), adventures, cozy blankets, listening to music, sarcasm, casual outfits, coffee and tea, the smell of old books, candles, learning new things, movie nights
DISLIKES: Sudden loud noises, parties, hot weather, asparagus, boredom, dressing up, bullies, feeling helpless, needles, her freckles, honeydew melon, neon colors


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  • elias wilkes

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡

Snow Queen
Elton John

  • Name: Ingrid Tarja Larsen Remmington

    Nicknames: N/A

    Gender: female

    Age: 17

    Sexuality: heterosexual

    Height: 5'6''

    Weight: 132lbs.

    Hair: blonde

    Eyes: blue

    Mods: left ear - right ear - wrist

    Role: Snow Queen

    Face Claim: Claire Holt





Never alone...never again...

Code by Stardust Galaxy

Runnin' with The Devil
Van Halen

  • Name: Christian Lee Braden

    Nicknames: Chris

    Gender: male

    Age: 18

    Sexuality: heterosexual

    Height: 5'9''

    Weight: 163lbs.

    Hair: dark brown

    Eyes: dark brown

    Mods: chest - arm

    Role: Rumpelstiltskin

    Face Claim: Ed Westwick





Magic always comes with a price...

Code by Stardust Galaxy

View attachment 827990View attachment 827991

Status: None
Location: None
Mentions: None

• Artemis • Hunt •

Nickname: Art
Age & Gender: 17 F
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Merida {Brave}
Story Basic: Merida, a Scottish Princess whose interests include archery and horse riding, is told by her mother, Queen Elinor that her interests are not what a Princess should be doing, and that she has to marry. But Merida chooses to defy her mother. And when she and her mother have an argument, Merida rides off and meets a witch. She asks for a spell to change her mother. And the witch gives her a cake which she gives to her mother, but the change is not what she was hoping for. So she tries to find a way to fix it.
Character Traits: She has short brown hair and bright green eyes. She has a caramel like skin tone and freckles across her nose and cheeks.
OG personality: Simple, Protective, Loyal, Assertive. She is also very clumsy and clingy.
Adopted personality: Alert, Barbaric {Uncivilized}, Clever, Impatient, Aggressive.
OG Quirks: Runs a archery camp in summer. She likes hunting and competes in hunting competitions.
Adoptive Quirks: Always wanting to run away from reality and ride horses. Her hair becomes messy all the time.
Skills/powers: Shapeshifting and dead on accuracy with a bow. Can ride a horse well.
Likes: Sushi, Hunting, Horses, and shooting.
Dislikes: Cats, Popcorn, and a couple other things.
Bio: Her father died when she was young and her family moved around alot due to her mother trying to find another man. She settled and they live in the same place. She does well in school only to help her mother along down the road so she doesnt die. She is very touchy about her pass.
Relationships: None yet
Triggers : Powers- Thinking about what living like that animal would be like. Breakdowns-Loud noises near/ or directed at her and caves.

Face Claim: Unknown. I just looked up girl with green eyes and brown hair-

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

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