Minor Magics Academy


She's alone


Nicknames/preferred name: {Optional}

Age: {15-19}






Personality: {Optional}

Looks: {Anime or description, but if using word please make it highly detailed. Like so detailed nobody wants to type it
xD }



Piercings, scars, tattoos, etc?: {Optional}

Transformation: {Only if applies}


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"I-I'm Yukii Yuzuki..."



Yukii Yuzuki







"I love bunnies. Does that make me strange?"



Shape Shifter


Yukii can change her appearance to match another person's. She can also change into small animals such as a cat or bunny.


Yukii has shape shifting magic that allows her to change her appearance and shape for a certain length of time. If she gets too emotional while in another form she'll instantly shift back to her regular self.


Third year

"Minor Magics is interesting"





118 lbs



[Peircings, tattoos, scars]

Yukii has a tattoo on her right wrist with the word 'Paranoia' on it. Why she has this is still unknown. She also wears a silver bracelet that has an inscription on the inside of it. It reads; 'Her voice unites us all'

"Dating? That's something I haven't thought about"



Yukii is a very timid girl that doesn't like to talk much and will hide behind people that she's close to. She's gentle and kind to everyone and everything that associates itself with her. Due to Yukii's kindness she's often taken advantage of and doesn't really understand what it means to be used. Even though she gets used by mean people she still forgives them as she's so innocent that she doesn't understand it. As she's a popular singer she has a different personality while preforming. She's much more confident and doesn't mind the hateful comments that she may receive. Why she's so different when singing is unknown since as soon as she's done singing she'll revert back to her bunny like self. As she attends Minor Magics Academy she's quite self-conscious as she thinks she's one of the weakest people there. Most of the time she'll hide out in the library or music room to either study or play music. Yukii is a hopeless romantic when it comes to her friends as men haven't been attracted to her for a long time so she encourages her friends all the time to go after the people they like, which leaves Yukii all alone. As much as she denies it, she actually wants to have her happy ending with a man as well. Yukii focuses most of her energy on her music which as said before is quite popular, though many 'fans' comment about her choice in schooling and often ask about her magical abilities, which makes her not want to look at anyone for a long period of time, much less talk to them. To sum her up she's a very bunny like girl. Shy, easily scared, embarrassed, easy to get along with, loves happy things, and is sweet to everyone.

"Let's see, I sing and enjoy it very much"







Name: Kane

Just call me Kane, nothing more, nothing less.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Magic: Massively Amplified Reflexes and Dexterity

Yes, it's kind of magical.

Year: First Year

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Kane is the embodiment of villainy, of evil. Do not mistake him for a divine being, he is still a kid. He is much more mature than a normal teenager his age though. At the age of eight, Kane stole ¥250 from his parents without their knowledge. When he was ten, he robbed a convenience store of candy, Yen, and drinks. He came home at twelve o'clock midnight, stashing the goods under his bed.

Kane is probably a child of Satan, at least that's what his friends called him. He lies just as often, and is sarcastic in almost everything he says. While he is riddled with crime, he has not committed any acts of sexual offense, he respects women more than he respects himself. He believes that women prove to be greater than men, and thus, he holds them to a higher regard.

Kane is not afraid to beat the crap out of anyone harrassing a girl, regardless if they are armed with a gun, or stronger than he is. He loves challenges.

Piercings, Tatoos, Scars: Kane wears a necklace, the end of the necklace is chained around a metal rune. The rune is Norse and it means: Eternity does not last forever.

Weight: 130 pounds

Height: 5'10"

Appearance: Kane has brown-black hair that falls to the tip of his nose. It's usually messy and tossled. Kane is fairly good-looking, chiseled jaw, high cheekbones. He has heteroachroma iridium, one of his eyes colored a shade of blood-red and the other is angelic-blue. Kane is skinny for his age, but it allows him to move faster when he is running or jumping around, but don't mistake that for weakness. Kane's arms are fairly twig-like, but what little width it has is pure muscle. His chest is chiseled and he has a four-pack of abs. Kane's legs are proportional to his height, they are average sized, but his calves are muscled very well.

Random Facts:

Kane is an avid gamer, what spare time he has is usually spent playing video games.

Kane enjoys free-running or just running in general, his leg muscles formed because of these activities.

Kane works out often, a life of crime demands a fit body, so he does gym and tries not to get caught.

Kane almost always wears a hoodie with the hood drawn just enough so you could only see his mouth.​

(How many characters can we have?)
[QUOTE="Krimson Kane]

Name: Kane

Just call me Kane, nothing more, nothing less.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Magic: Massively Amplified Reflexes and Dexterity

Yes, it's kind of magical.

Year: First Year

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Kane is the embodiment of villainy, of evil. Do not mistake him for a divine being, he is still a kid. He is much more mature than a normal teenager his age though. At the age of eight, Kane stole ¥250 from his parents without their knowledge. When he was ten, he robbed a convenience store of candy, Yen, and drinks. He came home at twelve o'clock midnight, stashing the goods under his bed.

Kane is probably a child of Satan, at least that's what his friends called him. He lies just as often, and is sarcastic in almost everything he says. While he is riddled with crime, he has not committed any acts of sexual offense, he respects women more than he respects himself. He believes that women prove to be greater than men, and thus, he holds them to a higher regard.

Kane is not afraid to beat the crap out of anyone harrassing a girl, regardless if they are armed with a gun, or stronger than he is. He loves challenges.

Piercings, Tatoos, Scars: Kane wears a necklace, the end of the necklace is chained around a metal rune. The rune is Norse and it means: Eternity does not last forever.

Weight: 130 pounds

Height: 5'10"

Appearance: Kane has brown-black hair that falls to the tip of his nose. It's usually messy and tossled. Kane is fairly good-looking, chiseled jaw, high cheekbones. He has heteroachroma iridium, one of his eyes colored a shade of blood-red and the other is angelic-blue. Kane is skinny for his age, but it allows him to move faster when he is running or jumping around, but don't mistake that for weakness. Kane's arms are fairly twig-like, but what little width it has is pure muscle. His chest is chiseled and he has a four-pack of abs. Kane's legs are proportional to his height, they are average sized, but his calves are muscled very well.

Random Facts:

Kane is an avid gamer, what spare time he has is usually spent playing video games.

Kane enjoys free-running or just running in general, his leg muscles formed because of these activities.

Kane works out often, a life of crime demands a fit body, so he does gym and tries not to get caught.

Kane almost always wears a hoodie with the hood drawn just enough so you could only see his mouth.​

(How many characters can we have?)

As many as you can handle
Name: Aurora

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Magic: Massive control over lightning.

Year: First Year

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Auror is the polar opposite to Kane. She is kind, just, and righteous. She has never committed a single crime in her life, and she is aware of Kane's existence, and Kane is aware of her's. Believe it or not, the two have actually dated, it lasted four months. They were the perfect couple. Despite their similarities, they are attracted to each other. The duet separated, agreeing to leave one another. They were still close friends, not friends with benefits mind you. Despite Kane being completely evil, Aurora believes he is capable of some form of good. Aurora is a joyful girl, optimistic and carefree. She smiles often and cracks a lot of jokes. She can also be extremely seductive at times, according to Kane she can "turn anyone on, even me. And that is saying something."

Piercings, Tatoos, Scars: Aurora has a necklace similar to Kanes in the fact that they are both Nordic runes, their meanings are the same too.

Weight: 120 pounds

Height: 5'3"

Appearance: Aurora has dirty blonde hair, that falls just past her shoulders. A few strips of her hair follow her laugh lines, despite her attempts to get them to move. Another strip of her hair is pure blonde, a stark contrast to her normal hair color. Aurora is a beautiful girl, with a heart-shaped face and high cheek bones, she could be a model. She has a curvy figure, and is around the same skinniness as Kane. Her arms are similar to Kane's, but she is still a fighter. She is very fit, much like Kane, she has a chiseled stomach and muscled calves.

Random Facts:

Aurora is also an avid gamer, and whatever free time she can find, she and Kane play video games together.

She enjoys loneliness, she thinks it's one of few gifts left in this world.

Aurora loves nature, and dancing as well. She tries to make Kane dance whenever she can, the answer is usually no. On the rare occasions he does dance, the duet are an amazing pair of dancers.

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