The Pun Tyrant
Well, what you're proposing there geeking out, is very similar to what I actually do (though I make rules not suggestions).Idea I think your fighting an uphill battle dear, I'm not sure Hunter is much interested in other viewpoints.
Although I think he is trying to bring up an interesting point with his idea of judging on quality versus word length. It works fine in 1x1s, although that is mostly because it's easy to offer feedback for posts when it's just two people.
I think for groups you make an interesting point about giving people like an objective goal to strive for.
Maybe something like
GM Post Rules
1. All posts should be readable and contain your best efforts at grammar/spelling
2. I would like X number of posts every Y days.
3. No double posting
4. Each post must include characters name, location, and action and a reaction
5. It is preferred if posts are at least four sentences in length but as long as the other three rules are met there might be exceptions.
Something like this maybe? With five and two maybe being added on after the fact. Those would be the things I can see forgetting or not thinking about until you realize that one person is posting like six times in the span of an hour and throwing off everyone else's response. And some people being cute with like a sentence long response that contains an action and a reaction.
Still, and I think I hammered this point enough but regardless yes size does not equal quality but actual quality cannot be quantified. It's not that kind of concept. So length minimums are simply an admittedly vastly imperfect, solution to the problem.