Minecraftia [Inactive]


New Member
Mishiko_Alun has joined the game.

Mishi stood in the middle of a sandy isle. As she turned in a circle, she could see nothing but sand and water. "Well, this is boring...." She grumbled to herself. She looked up at the sky for a moment. Thankfully, it was still early morning. She still had plenty of time to find some trees and make a shelter, but first she would explore the island. You never knew...there might be a dungeon lurking under the sand.

It didn't take long to explore the island. It was very boring, mostly flat land. She did collect some sand though, ten blocks worth. It wasn't much, but she could use it for glass later. For now, she wanted to get off this island, but which direction should she go? She walked slowly around the island, pausing every now and then to look out at the ocean. "Nothing! Ugh! Don't tell me I spawned on some random island in the middle of the ocean!" She looked at the sky again. Time was running out.

She was walking along the north shore when something caught her eye. A tree! Far across the water.... It had to be a tall tree for her to see it from here. Maybe it was one of those new forests, the ones with old oak wood. Mmm, that was some sexy wood. She could definitely make a nice house with that wood. Without hesitating further, she jumped into the water and started swimming northward, thinking about the design of her sexy old oak house.

Unfortunately, when she reached land again, she saw it was not a pine forest but a jungle. "Aw man!" She shouted, scowling at the vines. "I hate jungles! There's so much jumping!" She turned around, looking for another area that wasn't jungle. There wasn't any though. "Ugh! Fine! Stupid jungle..." She started walking towards one of the jungle giants nearest the edge of the jungle. Once she was close enough, she started punching the tree and collecting the blocks of jungle wood as they fell around her.

Mishiko_Alun kept punching the jungle giant while overhead the sun crept across the sky.
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DJDragon has joined the game.

DJDragon looked around, he appeared to be on the beach of an island, surrounded by water. He looked around, got some sand, and dove into the water. He swam blindly for awhile, until he saw very tall trees. Jungle! Sweet! He swam towards it with great anticipation.

~Crystal112 has joined the game~

Crystal seemingly appeared from nowhere, dropping down from the sky and landing on her back with an ungraceful humph. She brought her hand up to her temple before rubbing soothing circles on it, feeling the signs of an oncoming headache already. "Well I never was the most graceful person around...' The brunette thought to herself as she slowly stood up to survey her surroundings.

An island. A miserable sandy island is what she landed upon. "Oh how fortunate!" She shouted out to the blocky clouds above, a frustrated breath escaping her. It wasn't like she hasn't spawned in worse conditions, a shiver escaping her as she thought about the one time she happened to spawn in lava, but it still didn't mean that she would be happy with such conditions. Plus, more often than not, spawning on an island meant no bigger land for a long time.

As Crystal thought about everything she eventually just shrugged her shoulders and looked around to see if maybe there was actually something else around that would be worthwhile. After what seemed like hours, but could only of been minutes at most, she found the outline of a very tall tree. 'A tree! Trees mean grass and animals and life! Oh sweet, sweet life! But if it's that big then it could only mean...' The adventurer groaned in despair. A giant tree like that could only mean that it was a jungle, one of the largest and most annoying of the biomes. But since she didn't want to necessarily die on a pathetic patch of nothing she would have to suck it up and carry on.

'Okay. One... Two... Three!' And with that, Crystal dove into the sparkling blue waters of the surrounding ocean and pushed herself closer and closer to the jungle, the sun inching more towards its highest peak as time drizzled by.

(Heh heh... My posts tend to be little bit long so just beware of that...)

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Atrus has entered the game.

In the blink of an eye, the still air over a lonely sandy island in a calm sea rippled and distorted, the very fabric of reality fighting to keep back what sought to surge its way through. The fight between realities lasted only a moment longer before the air of the island conceded and in the place of that lost battle; a man appeared, dropping into the sand.

He landed on one knee with a silent huff, the sand yielding under his intruding weight.

To the untrained eye, the man looked like an extremely new arrival to this reality, however closer inspection showed someone of much more detail- leather belts running across his chest to his waist, gloves over his hands. Someone who came prepared.

Atrus stood up, shaking the sand from his leg with a frown. He took a deep breath and frowned all the more.

Sand. Salt. Ocean. He hated the ocean. It stank, with that horrible salty fishy smell that thickly and oppressively filled his blocky lungs. He walked around for a little while, taking in his surroundings. Water in all directions.

"Bleh..." He muttered to himself. He hated swimming. Water was nice to look at, but swimming was so...slow.

In the distance, he made out something.

"What've we got here...?" He peered harder. The fog in the distance was thick, but the shape he saw was unmistakeable. A giant tree. Not just any tree; he recognised that beautifully tall jungle tree.

"You little beauty!" He exclaimed. Atrus loved jungles. Their fantastically high and thick trees made for an excellent source of wood- ideal for starting out.

Despite his excitement, he tarried at the shoreline for a while. Not even a single tree to make a boat on the island.

He sighed. "Nothing for it but to swim..." With a disgusted final look at the sandy island, he plunged into the water; gasping loudly at the unexpected cold.

OOC: Lots of poetic licence

:) )​
Llamaman183 has joined the game.

For just a moment, the sandy isle was empty. It had been bombarded by spawners in a relatively short time. Some had even taken sand. Hopefully, not too many players took sand from the island. If they did, it would cease to exist, and then the players would spawn in the ocean. For now, it was still there.

The air over the sandy isle shimmered slightly before a man popped out of the sky and fell to the ground. Llamaman had fallen flat on his face, but he just laughed as he rolled over and brushed the sand off. "Sand!" He shouted happily. "This game is awesome!" He was tempted to just lay there for a bit, but he knew it was important to make a shelter. A quick look around told him there was nothing on the island to build with, so he started looking around for other land.

Then he heard something. Was that...splashing? He started walking towards the splashing. Sure, it could just be a squid, but he wanted to know for sure. Wait.... Were those letters? Another player! "Hey! Friend!" Llamaman shouted. "Wait for me! We can build stuff together!" He jumped into the water, shivering at the coldness, and started walking forwards. In a few steps, he was underwater.

At first, Llamaman didn't know he was drowning. He just thought he was holding his breath and kept moving forward on the ocean floor. Then he needed air, but there was none. Frantically, he started kicking and waving his arms. It was no good though. Even if he had known how to swim, he never would have made it to the surface in time.

Llamaman183 has drowned.

Llamaman respawned back on the island and instantly ran for the north shore. He didn't go in the water this time but searched for the letters he'd seen earlier. He could just make them out. "Friend! Help!" He shouted, jumping up and down. "How do I swim?"

Badminer has entered the game.

With a fizzle and a pop, Badminer landed rather heavily in the sand of the little island, his feet digging themselves down and anchoring him into place. Which he didn't want them to do. Well crap. Little tiny island. Immediately crossing the island off the list of important things, Bad scouted out the ocean, looking for anything of interest. Namely land. Finding other players didn't occur to him yet, but it wasn't like it would be hard. There were two of them on the little isle with him, one of them had a serious temper. Hmm, there were other players too, most in the water heading for.... A jungle! Burnables galor! And caves like spawning in jungles too!

"Uhhh... Hoi," Bad said to the two other people on the island with a short wave before diving into the ocean, staying under the surface most of the time. He made his way to the great line of jungle trees to loot the trees of their wooden treasures. And he had to be quick too, the sun always liked moving fast on the unsuspecting player.

GwenGreen has joined the game

She popped in and immediately checked inventory. Bones.

Starch. White. Bones. I'll make some lovely flowers. Wheeeee.

She put the bones in her hotbar so she could screw up a creepers face with a bone, if necessary. She looked up to see some guy dive into the water. He's a little eager. She surveyed her surroundings and saw a jungle not too far away, just across a wide expanse of water. "Easy enough." Grabbing a few blocks of sand for later use, GG dove into the water, swimming through it stiffly Once she got on land she ran for the nearest tree and started punching wood. "Cause you know. This makes sense." Though she was used to this- She had been an Minecraftian for a while now, but she still had to raze the whole "punching wood" thing.
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Blood Dog join the game

"hi everybody" you notice that he was in a sand Isle with water surrounding it he collected 64 sand before he left on North now to find a jungle. he fine came across in jungle he collected two big trees and some of the bushes to get a oak sapling he made a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe to collect some cobblestone next he craft a furnace,stone pickaxe,Stone shovel,stone axe,and a stone sword then he went back to sand Isle and went left
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Mishi had been punching wood for quite a while now. When she finally stopped, she had 64 pieces of jungle wood. She'd never been great at jump punching, so the tops of three jungle giants were still there, floating in midair. It always made her laugh to see stuff just floating there. Ah well, someone else would probably come along soon and collect the tops.

Speaking of someone else...

While she'd been punching, she'd seen the words notifying her that other players had arrived. She hadn't seen any yet, but it would only be a matter of time. They were sure to come this way. After all, there wasn't really much option in direction. She wasn't too worried about the other players. It wasn't like this was PVP.

When she was done collecting her wood, she headed back to the beach and started creating a flat space of 10x6. She was intending to make a little hut for the newcomers to use if they wanted to. Yes, 10x6 was little to her.

She was clearing the space when the words popped up. Llamaman183 has drowned. Instantly, the brown-haired girl burst out laughing. What kind of name was Llamaman? Did he own llamas or have some weird llama fetish? And he had drowned, like five minutes after joining the game. Haha! The noob! Okay, she was being cruel, but it was hilarious.

Still chuckling, Mishi started setting down the first layer of blocks for her hut. She was using jungle wood for the first layer, not jungle wood planks.

Her hut could be easily seen from the water, so pretty much anyone who came this way would see it. In fact, she saw two players come on land as she worked. Neither one said anything, just rushed at the trees. One man seemed in a particular hurry. She watched him as he took down two jungle giants then rushed off. "Hey!" She shouted after him. "You didn't replant!" Apparently, he didn't hear her because he didn't come back. "How inconsiderate...." She mumbled as she collected the jungle saplings and quickly planted them. The man had also taken down some oak trees, which meant... "APPLES!" She ran for the little gems like a crazed person goes after a beanie baby. Unfortunately, there were only three, but three was better than none. She had plans for these apples, mainly turning them into golden apples and making baby horses. She loved horses. Of course, she also collected the oak saplings, but she didn't bother planting them. Oak was a common tree.

And so with her apples and wood and saplings, Mishiko_Alun resumed building her hut.
Stepping out of the water, looking like a soggy sponge, Badminer raised both fists in the air as he faced the ocean. "Ha! Take that, foul ocean!" He yelled as he shifted forward and pointed an accusatory finger at the watery deep. Once he finished parading his victory over the body of water, he turned back around to look at what everyone else was doing.

Two people were collecting all sorts of stuff, namely wood and stone, the usual things. Man, were they going at it or what. Bad always had problems with the first day, or more like the first night. He would normally just go explore for the first whole day and forget to make tools and supplies, then get killed over and over by creepers and spiders. Oh well, he thought as he stared down a particularly large jungle tree, might as well get it over with.

Punching out the bottom first, Bad stood underneath the tree's trunk and punched out the above blocks. Then the higher blocks got out of his reached, he nerd-poled up with the wood he had gathered and kept collecting the wood. After a minute or two, he punched and collected the whole tree and his pole, and was back on the ground with an astounding 96 blocks of jungle wood.

He quickly replanted the tree after he heard someone else yelling about that, and made the usual beginning wood junk- Crafting Table, wooden pick, wooden sword, wooden shovel. Besides those four saplings, he didn't have any more, and no apples for him. But he had plenty of building materials. Maybe... Badminer thought thoughtfully as he looked at the little spawn isle. It was too small for anything large, and there was nothing there to hold anyone's interest. But it was just off the coast, and no doubt there was land really far away. How would anyone out to sea know if there was a jungle here if there was nothing to light the way?

With a little redstone lightbulb lighting up over his head, he looked more intently at the little sandy island. If he could get the supplies... He could make something really nice there... "I call the little sandy island spawn!" He yelled to whoever was listening before dashing back out into the water. Bad was pretty sure the other people here weren't pricks, but he'd put some signs up just in case.
Crystal about had a panic attack when she saw the words Llamaman183 has joined the game. In her haste she slowly sank down to the bottom of the ocean, the air slowly getting away from her. Try as she might she was too far down in the water to recover so she just crossed her arms and slowly fluttered to the bottom, resembling apoofas she died.

~Crystal112 has died~

Letting out a sigh Crystal turned to the man and was near him like lightning, fueled by her anger. She flicked him on the shoulder and glared at him like no tomorrow.'If only looks could kill...'She thought before finally speaking up. "Okay, I know that you can't stop the words from appearing out of thin air but seriously? You don't just randomly yell at players! I mean I could punch into the water without a second thought and watch your sorry butt drown as I cackled with glee but I won't because I am actually a somewhat nice player and will help you." Okay so Crystal may have been ranting just a teeny tiny bit but she was livid.

"I have spent no longer than two freaking minutes in this world and I already die by drowning. Drowning! Do you know how humiliating that is?!?! Now, I suggest you get your bearing as soon as you can or else your just going to die over and over and over again. Understand?" She placed her hands on her hips and continued to glare at him, her foot tapping impatiently. She held this pose for another minute, hoping to make the player before her squirm under her gaze and be as uncomfortable as possible, before she closed her eyes and relaxed her stance, bringing her hands back up to her temple to rub circles in it once again.'Aaaaaannnnnd there's that headache!'

"Alright... that may have been a bit over dramatic and I apologize in advanced just in case I blow up again." Crystal opened up her light blue eyes, sparkling with a tiny sliver of annoyance, and looked up at the player of which she just screamed at. "Now, you had a question, correct? Well the only answer I can really think of would be common sense. I mean if you know how to actually swim then it's the same concept. Just move your arms in a pinwheel-like way and kick your legs to move forward. Easy as cake."

Just in case the new Minecraftian didn't understand what she was saying, Crystal hopped into the water and did exactly what she said as a demonstration of sorts. "See, like I said. Easy!" Looking back up at him she let out a sigh, shifting her attention to the rapidly moving sky. "Now, if you are new to this whole thing then that's going to be a bit of a problem because if you don't know what to do then your just going to die, especially at nightfall." She shivers at the thought of being unprepared when the night falls upon them. "But if you actually want to live then supplies are mandatory... and it looks like we need to get them quick because we might not have much time left before the sky gets too dark."
GG, now having several stacks of jungle wood from a single tree, she decided to find somewhere to set up camp until tomorrow. She looked up and around. A treehouse? She'd always wanted to build a treehouse, but... On a multiplayer several? Too easily griefed. All someone would need would be a flint and steel and FWOOOM! Tree and treehouse up in flames. The jungle as well more then likely.

Not fun.

Besides, she liked making houses out of smooth stone. And for that, she'd need a lot of Cobblestone. She made a crafting table quickly and plopped it down in a clearing. Quickly she made some basic tools and looked them over. "Well. It'll have to do."
Atrus couldn't believe his eyes as the server messages scrolled before his eyes. Two people in the space of only a few moment had drowned- one had only just spawned in! He pondered how this could possibly happen- especially near the start. His musing were quickly answered with Llamaman's next words asking for help on how to swim.

New guy.

Atrus chuckled to himself, remembering his first time in the world of minecraft. Those awkward first days as he learned that building a roof out of gravel resulted in suffocation and all sorts of trouble.

Normally he'd have been happy to help the noob, but he was swimming after all and he coldn't talk and swim at the same time.

He continued on, ignoring the tirade he heard someone giving the poor new guy.

Finally, with a satisfied jump, Atrus reached the beach and the jungle. He spun around and jumped about, glad to finally be rid of the stupid swimming part. Boats were the way to go- so much faster. Actually, he wished this server had the boat mod he used normally, he enjoyed sailing around in sail ships, not just the wooden boxes that was vanilla minecraft.

He looked around and saw other people ravaging the jungle. If this kept up, there would be no more jungle in a few days- assuming no one replanted saplings. So Atrus wasted no time in finding the nearest unclaimed giant tree and started climbing up the vines.

A few minutes of heavy climbing later, Atrus stood atop the tree, admiring the view all around him. He never tired of the blocky beauty around him. Others might tire of the constant green of the jungle, but Atrus always saw beyond it and thinking about the immensity of the world often made his head spin.

But a spinning head would be a bad idea at this height, he reminded himself, looking down down down to the jungle floor far far far below him.

No more time to waste... He thought to himself and he began attacking the tree; his calloused knuckles making short work of the old wood.

It took much longer than he'd liked, but he finally reached the bottom with a healthy amount of wood. It took only a few seconds of practiced routine to equip himself with the basic survival tools: wooden pickaxe, axe, shovel and sword.

Normally, he'd set about making shelter for the impending night, but time was getting away on him and so was his hunger. Food was the priority right now. He didn't get any apples and he didn't want to waste time hitting on trees and hoping to get lucky. So with wooden sword in hand, Atrus moved north in search of meat.
Llamaman was standing on spawn isle, so he saw everyone spawn in. Absolutely no one offered any help though. They all just jumped in the water and took off for the jungle. One guy actually collected a ton of sand before he left and still didn't offer any help. What did he need all that sand for anyways? Was he gonna build a sandcastle or something? Llamaman glared after the sand stealer as he swam away. "Oh come on!" He shouted in annoyance. "You have time to take all that sand but not to help me out!?"

Feeling very frustrated, he stomped his foot on the sand and started pacing along the north shore. He was just walking along when something smacked his shoulder. "OW!" He shouted, turning to see what had hit him. Maybe this server had a giant squid mod and he was being attacked? But no, it was just a chick, and she was staring daggers at him.

Llamaman took a step back from the girl as she started yelling at him. What was her problem? Was she on her special time or something? If this girl was a nice player, he'd hate to see the mean ones. Still, she said she would help him, so maybe she was all right.

Then again.... Llamaman took another step back as she kept glaring at him. He wasn't really uncomfortable, more like he was afraid she might start smacking him. In fact when she raised her hand to rub her head, he flinched back involuntarily. He did manage to nod though. Yeah, he understood perfectly well. He understood that once he got off the island he'd run like a race horse to get away from crazy chick.

And now crazy chick was all nice and bubbly. She was even showing him how to swim, which he watched very closely. It looked more like she was jumping, but if it worked for her, then it'd work for him too. "I know what to do," Llamaman said calmly. After all, he didn't want her to start hitting him again. "I'm just not a great swimmer." He then hopped into the water and after sinking a few times, finally managed to get the hang of it. "Thanks for showing me. I'm Llamaman. Guess I'll see you later." With that, he started swimming north-east while glancing behind to make sure crazy chick wasn't following. Sure, he wasn't heading straight for the jungle, but he assumed that was where crazy chick was going. Whatever he did, he did not want to be too close to her.
Crystal watched as the other player, Llamaman, swam away, a sigh rolling off of her tongue. 'And this is what I get for helping... what a way to make me feel unappreciated.' The female adventurer thought as she waited until she could no longer see him before bounding off into the water, heading back in the direction of the newest biome that happened to also be the biggest one yet.

It wasn't that Crystal didn't like the biome but more of the fact that it could be quite annoying. Once you get passed that though, it was actually a very pretty and unique biome that could capture any players attention with its sheer height and beauty. The brunette also liked that it was slightly ominous in appearance, secrets lurking at every corner under the tall trees shadows. Who knows, maybe if she were lucky she could stumble upon one of the newly added temples that were hidden beneath all of the brush or walk upon an ocelot that she would eventually tame. Yeah... Crystal had a slight fascination with the loyal animals of Minecraftia.

Just as she finished mulling over her thoughts she flopped herself back up on the land she had just arrived at, basking in the heat and warmth of the overhead sun. 'Sweet, sweet grass.' After a few more passing moments she got up, not at all in a rush, and surveyed her surroundings to get some bearing of the place.

'Okay! The first thing I need would be some wood, and lots of it. Every good Minecratian knows that wood is a must when first starting.' Crystal internally rants as she begins climbing up the vines of a nearby tree to get to the top. Once there, she pushes herself over the last leaves and smiles at the breath-taking view that greeted her. She was lost into the colors blending and meshing together in an intricate pattern before shaking her head out of her daze, the grin still on her face. 'Right, wood.'
Finally reaching the sandy shore, Baadminer moved his soggy body back up the little beach that was basically all of spawn. The other two Minecraftians already took off into the Ocean and the lands beyond. Leaving the island to him. Quickly building a couple of signs, he spread them around the outskirts of the island, and read: "THIS ISLAND, SKY, LAND AND SEA SURROUNDING IS CLAIMED BY BADMINER."

"I claim this island for Scotland! Or England. Or the Minecraft counterpart. Or sumthin. Whatever," Bad said as he shrugged. He'd figure out a name some other time. Now to get working. Quickly making a simple 8x10 wooden plank hut that he could keep his crafting table and two large chests in, Bad unloaded the rest of his wood in the chests and readied his shovel to clean up the island's shape. He had quite a bit of terraforming to do before he got to work.
Quickly, GG dug down and started mining some stone, and made stone tools. Some spiders- STRING! YES! not enough to make a bow, but thats a start! She looked over her stone sword, sharpened it with a piece of flint, and then dug her way back up. She could hear some guy shouting something from the spawn island, and looked at the chat log. Two people had died already? Well, the steve was obvious. New user. But Crystal? She had a custom skin. She couldn't be new to the business. Looking at the spawn, she decided to check this out.

Swiftly GG swam back to the little island to check out those new signs some guy was putting down.



"HA!" She laughed when she saw the signs. They were everywhere! Somebody seriously thinks they can just claim the spawn area? That was ridiculous and foolish. She laughed some more. "HAHAHA!" That is so ridiculous.... She felt suddenly compelled to knock over the signs. She attempted to resist, but she instead pulled out her wood ax and chopped the ones nearby down. Then she swam off again, laughing.
"Ugh.... Nobody gets it..."

Badminer went back and set the signs back up before continuing terraforming. Seriously, why would he want this island for himself? Spawn would be so terribly full from noobs dying all the time. Rule number 1: Never ever EVER live near spawn. And he didn't plan to.

Stepping back into the middle of the island, he critiqued his work. The formerly small sandy island was now even smaller, in a perfectly shaped sand circle that was perfecly flat and barely above sea level, exactly 52 blocks across lengthwise. The circle was floating off of the land, like a weird oval UFO... Thingy. But of course, his work was just getting started. Because unlike some inconsiderate people, he was giving something to the new people. And something to light the way for those lost at sea.

Bad dropped off the sand he collected at his shack and picked up about a dozen stacks of wooden planks. Quickly moving around the perimeter of the island, he replaced the outer lining of sand with a border of wood to mark what would be the outer wall of the future Majestic Spawn Lighthouse, courtesy of Badminer. He may be a bad miner, but he isn't a bad planner. Unlike some unrespectful players, he thought with a huff. Whoever messed with the sign next would feel a wooden sword go through their gut. Stab first, ask questions later.
Mishi was starting to feel peckish, which was weird. She'd never felt hungry in a game before, but now she was starting to. She paused as the realization of what being hungry meant. "This isn't a peaceful server," she whispered ominously as she looked anxiously around her. She'd always played on peaceful. You didn't have to worry about hunger or hostiles; you could just explore and build. But here she was on a non-peaceful server. She would have to find food and fight for her life.

For a brief moment, she considered abandoning the game. She hadn't been there long. It wouldn't hurt anything to just leave. Then she told herself to stop being such a wuss. Sure, mobs could kill you, but they also dropped useful stuff. She could tough it out. She just needed some supplies, and a quick glance at the sky told her she better get a move on. The sun was definitely moving westward.

As quickly as she could, Mishi converted some of her jungle wood to planks. Then she made a crafting table and set it in one corner of her incomplete hut. After that, she made a wooden pickaxe and sword. Okay, so now she had something to dig with and something to protect herself. What else did she need? Torches! Ah yes! To keep hostiles at bay. Okay, she had plenty of wood for sticks, but she needed coal. She glanced down at the ground. It was dark underground. Hostile mobs liked the dark, but coal was usually under ground. What to do, what to do. "Stop being such a baby," she berated herself. "You have a sword. Now get down there and get some coal."

Following her own orders, Mishi started punching into the sandy floor of her hut. After going straight down three blocks, she came to stone. That was when a red stone light blub went on over her head. "Hey... I don't have to find coal. I can make a furnace and burn some wood to make charcoal." Smiling to herself, she quickly started mining the stone. She actually mined out a little room down there, being careful not to mine into the ceiling lest she be crushed by sand.

It was pretty dark down in her stone room, but she thought that because the darkness was by her own creation nothing would spawn there. Oh how wrong she was.... There she was innocently mining stone when she heard a noise, an angry skreetching noise. She turned slowly and found herself staring into the glowing red eyes of... "SPIDER!" Mishi screamed at the top of her lungs.

Apparently, this annoyed the spider because it immediately started attacking her. She panicked and started hitting the thing with a block of wood before she remembered her sword. Now the fight truly began. She lost count of how many times she'd hit the spider and it had hit her, but at last it was dead. She couldn't relax yet though. She had to get back to the light before anything else spawned. Quickly, she raced for the hole she'd made and started jumping, placing blocks of sand under her as she did.

Finally back in the light, she leaned against her crafting table, breathing heavily. She was drenched in sweat and was injured, but she had survived. She could do this.
blood dog got to land and came across a broken down village there was not much villagers there so he started to build a wall around the village with one way in and one out and started to put torches everywhere so no mobs will spawn in the village he put his five iron ore into a furnace that he got when he was collecting the cobblestone it got he got done pretty quickly he finished Scentsy was a speed builder it can hold out zombies creepers skeletons and spiders and he called this town bubble town by putting a sign down by the gate and writing it named down on it he went to the furnace he put down and got the five iron out and made a iron pickaxe and a iron sword with the crafting table he put down and he went to go collect the enchantment table when he got it
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(@Blood dog: I don't want to be the bad guy here or anything but it isn't exactly night yet, only a little before sunset, making the hostile mobs not ready to spawn, thus meaning that you may have to revise your post.)
If there was one thing dissapointing about the jungle; it was the glaring lack space between ground and tree leaves. Everytime Atrus came into a jungle, he wanted to go all Rambo- skulking the shadows, lurking through the streams. No, instead it's a near solid mass of leaves.

He was running now. Well, at least moving as quickly as possible as someone who was constantly vaulting over low branches and croppings of tree matter. Small buzzing insects whizzed past his ears, too small to actually see. The sun was getting uncomfortably low and he still hadn't come across anything edible yet. There's had been cocoa growing, but he didn't waste the time collecting that.

As he jumped over the crest of a hill...or tree, it was hard to tell in the jungle. He barely managed to skid to a halt, the jungle floor sliding under his feet. Before him stood a Notch-send. A lone cow. He didn't know why it was there. All his stomach knew was that it was dinner.

"Hey little fella, don't mind me...no, don't look at me." The cow stared at Atrus with it's dull cow eyes. For a moment, Atrus thought he saw a glint of understanding in it's eyes. It knew why he was there.

It moved fast. But Atrus was faster. He pounced of the creatures back and swung down with his sword. He kept swinging until the creature and its horrid death cries finally subsided. Wooden swords were cruel.

As soon as he could, Atrus would see to getting a steel sword- he didn't want to make his food suffer more than it needed. Besides, the struggling only made the meat tougher.

Once he had finished the grizzly task of skinning and butchering the beast he had 3 pieces of steak and no leather. Another reason to get an iron sword soon- his butchering and tanning would be more efficient.

Atrus glanced at the slowly setting sun. Enough time to find a decent place to settle in, hopefully.

He resumed his treck north.
GG looked up at the near setting sun. Welp. Time to bury myself. GG decided to leave the crafting table so others could use it if they wanted. She already had plenty of wood, anyway. Quickly, she pulled out her shovel and started digging down until she got to stone, then switched to her pick. Mining out a small area in the stone, she managed to come across coal, which she gladly welcomed and mined every last piece of it.

Plunking down a few torches, she looked around her small shelter and nodded a few times. There was enough space for at least three people to move about comfortably. Suddenly, she started taking damage. "Wha!" She looked around, panicking, "What's hitting me?!" Soon GG realized she was starving. "Oh... hahaha." She pulled out the two apples that someone had dropped and chewed on one. Need the last one for later. She thought.
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Llamaman finally made it to land. "That took a lot longer than I thought it would," he muttered to himself as he glanced at the sky. The sun seemed to be teetering on the edge of setting. There really wasn't any time to collect supplies or anything before dark fell. It was time to face facts. He was going to die, if not from being killed by a hostile mob, then by starvation. What did you do when you knew you were about to die? You travelled, or at least, that's what he would do. And so, Llamaman started off eastward at a brisk pace.

He hadn't been traveling long when he came upon a river. "If only I had a boat," he said with a wistful sigh. Maybe he could make one quickly? Nah, by the time he got enough wood, made a crafting table, and then made a boat, the sun would have set. Besides, he'd die soon anyways. Then all that time would have been wasted. He could still explore the river though, even if he didn't get very far.

It didn't seem like much time had passed when he stumbled upon something, literally. He'd just been walking along, enjoying the sound of the grass swishing under his feet, when he'd jumped on a low branch. Instead of swishing, he was surprised to hear a good, solid thunk. Now what had he just jumped on?

Llamaman looked down. It was green, like pretty much everything else in a jungle. It wasn't grass or leaves though. In fact, it kind of looked like watermelon, but that was silly. Watermelon didn't exist in Minecraft, did it? Okay, so his curiosity was killing him. With a fist, he punched at the green object. When it came up, it divided into five seperate melon silces. "What do you know! It was watermelon, after all!"

Llamaman was very pleased as he collected the melon slices. Now he wouldn't starve, and if he didn't starve, he had a chance to survive this oncoming night. All he needed was a hole....

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