Story Minecraft world mechanic based Writings


It’s pronounced SHAWDIOS!
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check

I get that Minecraft is often viewed as childish, but there are so many untapped world ideas you could use if you base a story off of the game!

these are the ideas that have come to me based off me and my friends characters.
Trapped in the dark prompt from Tumblr
Why's it so dark?
Why- Why can't I move?

Failed to reboot systems: Visual, motor functions, audio detection, memory core.

My head hurts, my chest too
What's going on?
Can I talk?

I can't hear anything
But maybe I can?

Someones touching my hair
...I have hair?
Should I try talking again?

What's that shock?
Is it something in my chest?
Why is there something poking around in my chest??
That hurts! Stop it!
…it stopped?
Did I talk?
Is there someone here with me?

They’re touching my hair again.
I think they’re brushing it?
Is that what they’re doing?
It's nice.

My head still hurts
I think whoever was near me fixed my chest
But my head hurts a lot more now–

Attempting to reboot systems…

That hurts! No! Stop! No reboot! Stop rebooting!

Failed to reboot systems: Visual, motor functions, memory core.
Successfully rebooted systems: Audio detection

“–ou hear me?”


“Shbee? You hear me now?”

I can hear someone talking??
My head still hurts but not as much?
Wait. Talking!

“What's.. Going on?”

“Oh good! You can hear, I'm repairing you.”

They’re touching my hair again

“Why do I need repairs?”

“..well, one of your wings tore off while you were in the air.
“you- you had a nasty fall”

“Is my name Shbee? I heard you call me that”

“Yeah, it is… your memory cores are still damaged right now, but it is.”

“Who are you?”

“Oh, im the person who made you”

That makes sense
the person who made me would likely be the only one who could fix me..

Wait, where's the sound?
Why is it quiet?
Did I lose my hearing systems again??
Oh no
Oh no

“Hey, hey, calm down, i can't work on you if you’re overheating”

“...Can you keep talking? I don’t like it being quiet”

“..yeah, Shbee, i can”
“...So! There's a whole bunch of things you missed while you were out, Shaw and Arti went off to find new worlds and—”

I don't know who those two are, but…
I'm glad i can hear about them
Sun and Sand prompt from Tumblr
Shaw hated the beach. Despised it even. It was the worst place in the world for them. Except maybe a desert, the idea of so much sand made them shudder. The sand got into their joints, their seams, their everything, refusing to ever be cleaned away. Not to mention that the sea water always threatened to rust their metal. But of course those flaws were mended with Shbee. The perfect little 2.0

No. Stop. It wasn’t Shbees fault. Don’t start blaming them.

That didn’t mean they couldn’t help but glare at the fellow android playing in the sand and making sandcastles though. Crea— Miner was off to the side of Shbee and wading in the waves, Aqua buried himself in the sand (Shaw had watched him in horror as he did so), and Arti was far out down the shore looking for sand dollars. Meanwhile, they were stuck up in the foliage below a palm tree. The risk of rust from the spray was far too great for them to consider getting closer.

Shaw wanted to have fun today. They really did, the whole week was supposed to be a nice vacation. But the first day having been planned to be at a beach was absolutely ruining it. They each picked out somewhere to go, Arti chose the beach, Shbee also chose to spend a day on the beach, Aqua wanted to have a night out on the town, Cr— Miner needed to relax, and Shaw just wanted to spend time with their friends somewhere.

They had kept quiet about their issues with the beach, hoping their Creator would say something, and now here they were. Arti hadn’t known about the sand and water but their Creator had to have. They made them, made sure to sand and rust proof Shbee, Miner had to have known. But no, nothing was said.

Shbee was the favorite, the better version, the improvement. Shaw was the original, the one with the first time mistakes, the one to learn from.
They try not to hate Shbee for it, they try so hard, because it wasn’t Shbees fault. But it was difficult when they were constantly slapped with favoritism.

“Shaw! Look at my castle!”

Shaw focused on the owner of the four arms being waved towards them, then observed the sandcastle that was nearly as large as Shbee. There was so much detail put into it, there were arches and towers, so much care. Their mechanical heart melted, holding hatred for Shbee couldn’t be done at times like this.

“Looks great!” They shouted down to the younger android, giving them a thumbs up and they could see Shbee’s bright grin even from here. The bee themed android then turned back to their sand castle and continued working on it gleefully.

They’ll never hold the fact of existing against Shbee. Miner was the one at fault, not them.

After watching their sibling, friends, and creator have fun, they leaned back and laid on the dirt. Resting their hands over the glass of their chest, the sun beating blissfully down and warming their systems, Shaw hoped the rest of the vacation would be better than this.
The Miner's Creation #1
Distant clanging echoed throughout the carved out cave turned home. It sounded out alongside the hum of machinery and crackling of a forge’s fire. Such great achievements of engineering chugged along doing their job, harvesting and transporting various raw items into a detailed storage system. Darkness was all one could see down the undecorated stairs leading to the clanging. The torches on the walls have long burnt out and grown cold.

A human paused their swings at the wall in front of them to adjust their helmet’s light. A thick shawl was pulled up over their nose to double as a mask to filter the chalky air they were breathing in. Their entire body ached. Maybe they should turn back with this trip’s haul? But they hadn’t filled their shulker, they needed a whole box full of metals and redstone for their next project. The miner pulled down their shawl and took a drink from the flask of water at their hip. It was nearly empty, they really should turn back.

Fustratedly, the miner rubbed at their face, accidentally transferring the dust caked to their gloves onto their cheeks. They let out a groan as they pulled off their gloves then used the tattered end of their shawl to wipe the transferred dust off.

What was the damn point of it all. Its not like anyone was waiting for them up top. So what if they pushed themself further, it would prevent them from having to go home to a dark empty cave. Because that's what their home was; A cave. Just a space they’d carved out of the mountain side with their late sister.

It had grown so quiet over the years since her passing. The townspeople just barely a forest away slowly had dwindled and stopped traveling past their carefully crafted home. When they made their last trip to town, they were met with such hostility. Everyone they’d once known had moved on to different lands. No warning to the change was given. No letters, no visits to say farewell, just a discovery of absence.

No matter. This miner could handle it. They could handle the loss of these supposed friends. If they had ever truly been friends a goodbye would have been given at the very least. So why should they care about the sudden disappearances, they can handle loss. They’d been fine when their sister had carelessly chased the glimmer of diamonds and fallen down a ravine no they hadn’t, they’d be fine now.

Filled with spite, they slid their shawl back up, pulled their gloves back on, and gripped the leather wrapped handle of their meticulously forged netherite pickaxe with vehemence. The stone in front of them hacked easily away with each emotion fueled swing. They swung, and swung, and swung till they collapsed, curling in on themself as they slid down against the side of the tunnel they’ve carved.

Who were they kidding, they were isolated and alone. If that wasn’t a recipe for crazy, they didn’t know what was. They couldn’t go on like this.

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