The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
Min Johannas
(Min meaning Korean - Love, cleverness, small, fine, smooth)
Sophomore (Looks 12 although she is 16)
Minor Hero
Dimensional Control/Portal creation and Gravity Defiance (only works on herself)
Min has been home schooled her entire life not because she wanted to but because she accidentally"imprisoned her English teacher in a glass dimension (one move and all the glass shards break and come attack you) the teacher was fine when her mother pulled her out she just needed 132 stitches.... everywhere. Ever since she has been taught by her mother how to control her powers and now she's off to the big leagues to be helpful to a great hero. She is quiet and introverted but kind and welcoming to those who treat her well.

Here's what portals to dimensions look like

Since Lexi, a student, blood has the power to enhance abilities to their maximum. Min will become addicted to Lexi's blood. In this way she will become stronger, but more amenable to demands.
Sophomore (Looks 16 although she is 12)
She is a confident, dark individual. She claims what she wants and kills anyone in her way. She is a crafty manipulator, and has a evil mind.
This Min is the 12 year old personality of young Min, which was stored in the dark dimension by Min just in case. As the 4 years passed this Min was stuck in the dark dimension awaiting her time to return to her body. When she finally did she was dissappointed to find that the personality in her body was weak and useless. So wanting full control, the dark Min killed off the old min in a fantastic flare of power. Now evil Min is attempting to get revenge on the world for changing her (because change is "bad") but first she needs more power to break away from this school. Which she is bound to by her mother before sending her to school.
She is a confident, dark individual. She claims what she wants and kills anyone in her way. She is a crafty manipulator, and has a evil mind.
This Min is the 12 year old personality of young Min, which was stored in the dark dimension by Min just in case. As the 4 years passed this Min was stuck in the dark dimension awaiting her time to return to her body. When she finally did she was dissappointed to find that the personality in her body was weak and useless. So wanting full control, the dark Min killed off the old min in a fantastic flare of power. Now evil Min is attempting to get revenge on the world for changing her (because change is "bad") but first she needs more power to break away from this school. Which she is bound to by her mother before sending her to school.

Min has been using the blood and souls of her enemies to fuel the dark dimension, now full she is building a dark army. She is mentally warped by the dark dimension, programmed to despise and hate. To inflict pain to feed the dark dimension. The pain the student feel will be enough to overload the dark dimension to eat the earth. Min is at the center of this the dark dimension and it affects her greatly. Warping her mind to relive everything the dark dimension has consumed. Every dark wish, torture, death, it motivates her to have more power to feel less. This is why Min has such a interest in Lexi, Lexi died and came back, she is tortured but comes out strong. Min feels a since of similarity and admiration.

Cali is Min's bgff in since childhood, Ren and Min would go on special trips around the galaxy and they saved Cali from dying after being run over by a saw truck. They paid for her cyborg surgery and Cali and Min have been friends ever since.

Parents: Astra (Azure Light) and Blane Johannas (Dark Matter) Astra has the power to control powers of others she touches or has contact with. Blane has the power to move through space and control dark matter, creating wormholes, portals, dimensional rifts, ect. He needs Astra to help share the amount of power he holds. Of their twin children they focused more on Min rather than Ren. 1/2 the time it seemed as if he didn't even exist. Min was loved by everyone she met, she could get away with murder, and she did on many occasions. Why was min so influential? Why was Ren tossed aside? Min is influenced by the dark dimension, she is its vessel and the dimension her father. Ren was overshadowed by her overwhelming influence and charm. When it was found the Min had killed someone, their parents believed that Ren was the cause of Min's actions and separated them. Although Min is the main life source of the dark dimension, Ren is poisoned by the dark dimension, as well. Ren was suppose to die when Min had made her first kill, however Min pleaded with the Dark Dimension to spare her brother's life. The dimension allowed Ren to live in exchange for becoming one with the dark dimension. With this role she was tortured and snapped. She became a manipulative and evil girl at the age of 7.
Astra is German and Blane is Korean. They raised their children in northern Germany.

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