Mikio Akari

tomato modest

it feels like i'm drowning.

Name: Mikio Akari

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Height: 5'5

Weight: 115 lbs.

BMI: 19.1


Include a short write-up of your family background, academic qualifications, co-curricular activities participating/participated in (if any), and previous work experience (if any) here.

Insert language as required within the brackets, and delete all other options except the one required. Delete or add more brackets as necessary.

[language 1]:

Spoken: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

Written: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

Reading: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

[language 2]:

Spoken: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

Written: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

Reading: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

[language 3]:

Spoken: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

Written: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

Reading: Basic / Intermediate / Fluent

The following questions may be discussed during the interview. If you answer "Yes" to any of the questions, please provide details below.

1. Do you have any existing medical condition, physical impairment or substance dependence?

-Yes -No

2. Do you have existing criminal record(s)?

-Yes -No

3. Have you been charged with any offence in a court of law?

-Yes -No

4. Are you currently under police investigations?

-Yes -No

5. Are you an un-discharged bankrupt or do you have any outstanding unsecured debts?

-Yes -No

I hereby give my consent to the relevant Government agencies to:

  • Obtain and verify information from or with any source (including third parties) as may be deemed appropriate by the relevant Government agency for the purposes of assessing my application for employment.
  • Share my personal data set out in this application form with other Government agencies for the purposes of recruitment and review of recruitment practices and for it to be also used as part of de-identified and aggregated data for reporting purposes.

I declare that all the information given by me in this application for employment and any additional documents attached hereto are true to the best of my knowledge and that I have not wilfully suppressed any material fact.

I accept that if any of the information given by me in this application is in any way false or incorrect, my application may be rejected, any offer of employment may be withdrawn or my employment with the Service may be terminated summarily or I may be dismissed from the Service. By signing the line underneath, I hereby certify that I have read and understood all of the clauses above and that I agree to all of them.

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