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Fandom ミ🍃 𝓛𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓼 𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓲𝓷𝓮 🍃彡 - CS [CLOSED]


Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeb

Character Sheet Details:​

✧- Name:
✧- Nickname:
✧- Age:
✧- Gender | Gender Identity:
✧- Height:
✧- Body Size (slim, stacked, stout):
✧- Body Mods/Scars:
✧- Tea Shop Occupation:
✧- Bending:
✧- Sub-bending (optional):
✧- Home Town | Nation:
✧- Personality:
✧- History:
✧- Extra(s):

Any posts from the people not already approved to be joining the roleplay will be deleted. We are not accepting any additional people.​

    full name
    Kasumi Kishiko






    Home Town | Nation





    Both of her earlobes are pierced and she has a variety of earrings that she wears.


    pinterest link will go here

coded by reveriee.
Name: Toluz Longyuan
Nickname: Tahz, Luz
Age: 22
Gender: Genderfluid
Height: 5'3
Body Size: Slim to an unfortunate degree, though a small bit stronger than they look from their profession. Needs a decent strength binder when male-presenting.
Tea Shop Occupation: Airship Engineer.
Bending: Earth
Sub-bending: Metal
Home City: Republic City

Personality: Toluz is a bit of a recluse, maybe 'a bit' is an understatement. Trying to get any interaction out of them can quickly become a fight to drag them out of the house to actually get some damn sunlight. They just much prefer the comfort of steel, their machines: metal can't talk so they don't have to make awkward small talk. Not that they dislike people, people a just a bit more difficult y'know?

History: Toluz Longyuan was fairly well known in the city already, even before it was announced they're the Avatar: as the chief engineer of Longyuan Technologies Toluz is responsible for many modern day conveniences like the Telepod and the Pulse Fryer. Unfortunately for them, a wrench got thrown into things pretty hard when they learned that they were the Avatar. Fuckin'... goddamnit. This was going to get in the way of their work, wasn't it?

Extra: Despite not being a system or having alters in any way, Toluz regularly refers to their male-presenting self (Tahz) and their female-presenting self (Luz) as separate people.
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Zenjiro Hayashi

  • Nickname: Zen

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'11"

    Body Size (slim, stacked, stout): Stacked. Zen has an athletic build.

    Body Mods/Scars: His earlobes are pierced.

    Occupation: Full-Time Restaurateur and Chef, Part-Time Bartender, Contract Architect

    Home Town | Nation: Northern Water Tribe > Earth Kingdom > Republic City


Somi Yonten
Air Nomad Caves | R.C.
+Sweet & Spicy treats
+Playing pranks | +Helping people
+The feeling of wind going through his hair
+Dancing (especially with other men)
+Unusual teas

-Bloodbenders | -Gangsters | -Itchy clothes
-Curropt authority | -Super cold foods

Now has a deep fear of anyone that can bloodbend. He acts shady as a means of protecting himself.
He is androgynous and does not mind dressing up in female clothes. Currently single.
Pansexual - although he has never been kissed
or intimate of any kind with another person.
Very light on his feet (not just from being an Airbender) and tends to sneak up on people; mostly unintentionally.


Somi is crafty, mischievous, and likes to
put on this mysterious air about him that he is
shady and does bad things but in reality,
he’s a nice and caring person.
He enjoys helping people. He loves a good
challenge and will be stubborn when it comes
to completing a “mission” or a collecting job.
He likes to have fun and pull small pranks on
people; especially if he genuinely cares for a person.
It’s his way of opening up and showing his
playful side.
He can be serious and feel things deeply but he’s
often too afraid to show any negative
feelings because of how he was hurt in his past.

Somi was born to a small village of Air Nomads that resettled in the ancient caves near the Northern Air Temple. After Zaheer was defeated and the caves were reclaimed by their rightful heirs, they were rebuilt and became inhabitable. They didn’t have a lot of things, but they made do with cultivating the land in a way that best suited them. When the boys were old enough, they would travel to other places to get supplies that they couldn’t make or grow themselves and that was their new tradition.

When Somi was a child, not that he could remember much for this young age, but he did remember bits and pieces of his mother and father constantly fighting. One night after going to bed, as he normally did, he was awoken the next morning in a new home in a completely different place. He had slept deeply after his mother laced his nightly drink with a mild sedative so he wouldn’t wake while she took him away from the caves and brought him to Republic City. She had been secretly sending notes back and forth with one of the teens with a few family members of hers to help her get settled in the city; that she wanted to leave Yongi and was tired of living such a desolate, poor life.

After the years, Somi had forgotten his life in the caves and whenever he asked about his father, his mother would tell him that he was a deadbeat and left them to be with a younger woman. Eventually, he gave him on asking about him and carried on with his life. He didn’t have a want for anything since his mother worked for a businessman and paid her well, so he spent most of his time either in school or exploring Republic City. He had a knack for being able to find things and found out he liked helping people that way. Whenever his “clients” would try to pay him for his services, he always refused their money and said he was only taking favors and whenever he needed their help in return is when he would collect. It was hard to refuse such a sweet young man, so everyone agreed.

When he was getting into his late teens to young adulthood, his mother met a man at one of the nightclubs she visited and soon threw herself into a relationship with him. He wasn’t the nicest of guys but he made her happy so Somi mostly tried to stay out of the way and out doing what he enjoyed, helping people. However, when her boyfriend found out he was very good at what he was doing, he pawned him off on this group of “business” men in the Triad district and he was roped into helping them find something that belonged to them that another “businessman” took. Then that one job turned into another, and another and another.

Eventually, he got tired of being at their beck and call and threatened to go to the police on what he knew and what dealings they had. They didn’t like being threatened and they took it upon themselves to silence him for good. They had a waterbender that was able to bloodbend and they almost had completely taken him out when the police had finally shown up – Somi had already told the police about what was going on and told them where he would be but they were too slow. Although he wasn’t killed, thankfully, he was permanently hurt in his left eye, causing him to go blind and turn a blueish hue. That’s why he has two different colored eyes now.

When Somi returned home after the hospital visit, his mother’s boyfriend told him that the leader wanted revenge and suggested that he find somewhere else to be until things calmed down. His mother didn’t put much of a fight about him leaving either. After his release from the hospital, he gathered a few of his things and left. To saw the world and eventually found his employ at the Leaves From the Vine.

Anything you need...I know a guy.
© pasta

Juniper aka Shori
Fire Fountain City, S.I.
+Sweet & Sour foods
+Training | +Long Walks/Runs | +Meditating
+Exotic Animals

-Feeling Enclosed/Locked Up
-Crying | -Being Vulnerable
-Getting Lost

Since being in jail for half her life,
there's a lot of stuff that she's not
caught up on; such as current music,
entertainment, world news, etc.
She doesn't feel like she knows who she is anymore
and is looking forward to discovering who she is as a person now.
She has hopes of being able to get close to people again.

Juniper is a cautious, angry person by nature at
this point in her life.
Paranoid and afraid that someone will find out
who she is and that takes over her personality
most of the time. Truly, she’s a strong, independent
and loyal person. When she was younger,
she was confident, especially in her firebending
abilities. She stays mostly to herself and can come
off as awkward and standoffish since she can’t tell
what people’s true intentions are but once you get
to know her, anyone can see she can be fun and
sweet. She’s a bit rough around the edges right now.

Juniper and her twin sister Emine were born bright and early on a Saturday morning during a fire festival celebrating the current Fire Lord and the reelection of their father to Mayor of Fire Fountain City. Growing up in the public’s eye was easy on the naturally confident bender, while her twin sister lacked confidence and bending abilities; which made for a lot of tension between the girls. They would fight often, but mostly over the fact that anytime Juniper wanted to do something, or go out with her friends, she was forced to take Emine with her and “babysit” her. She constantly had to take care of her and watch out for Emine, which only irritated Juniper. She’d often leave her behind and run off with her friends, only to come home to find her sister in her room crying she abandoned her and being in trouble with their parents. The only time they got along was at their parent's gatherings or events. They were trained from a young age (forcibly so in Juniper’s opinion) to play different types of instruments to help entertain their guests. Always putting shows on for them. It was the only real time that Juniper saw Emine come out of her shell and be the sister she had always wanted her to be. Fun, carefree, and confident in herself.

Everything changed for her and her family when they were fourteen. It was a day like any other day; Juniper was forced to take her sister out with her, and like usual Emine was terrified to be alone anywhere, which only made Juniper mad because she was finally at an age where boys were paying attention to her and weren’t afraid to talk to her because of whom their dad was. They fought, and she was seen pushing Emine away from her and she ran off, threatening her twin if she followed or told on her.

Emine was seen making her way back home from the middle of the market where they had this fight and that was the last anyone had seen of her alive.

Much later in the night; later than normal, Juniper finally made it home. She was so sure that Emine told on her again and she would be in trouble. When she came in, she was immediately bombarded by her wailing mother and father. The police stepped in as well, asking her questions about her sister and when the last she saw her. She explained the fight they had, which witnesses described as more violent than it was, and left her. The police stated that some of those witnesses heard her threatening her sister, and Juniper couldn’t help but become defensive and tried to explain that she would never actually hurt her. She loved her sister. But there wasn’t enough evidence to point to another suspect. She was killed by a firebender and everyone knew how much “resentment” she harbored for her sister.

There wasn’t even a trail, her father demanded she be taken to jail. Juniper’s heart shattered that night. Into thousands of tiny, angry, guilty shards. She spent the next ten years of her life rotting in jail, for a crime she didn’t commit. She never moved on from her pain. From her anger. From her guilt of leaving her sister behind. If she had just been there, she could have protected her sister like she was supposed to. She changed after that. How could she have not?

But finally, after all those lonely, long days and nights in jail, she was set free because the man, the real firebender who killed her sister came forward after nearly going insane from the guilt. She was released back into her parent's care. Everything was different though. She could feel it deep in her bones. Her parents still blamed her for her sister’s death. They told her differently; and lied to her. They desperately tried to make her believe that they had forgiven her, that they needed forgiveness as well. Juniper refused to do that. To give them forgiveness. They were her parents. Emine was her sister. They should have believed her.

They couldn’t live easy and comfortable lives anymore. They were constantly reminded of the pain of the past and it only set Juniper on edge. She became angrier. She would fight with her parents and they didn’t try to fix anything. They just tried to control her. To silence her. The only thing that mattered was her father’s re-election and they couldn’t have someone in their lives accused of murder; guilty or not. Juniper called them out on it and how every time they looked at her, all she saw was how much they hated her and how guilty she should have been and felt. They argued and instead of settling things with an agni kai, her mother demanded that she leave. She was also dead to them.

So she left. And she tried to find the person she used to be before it was ruined. She spent her time trying to get her bending back to the power she had been at before. The raw confidence she used to have. But since that night, her bending had become weaker. She no longer felt the same way about herself and other people. She constantly went on the move, afraid that people would find out who she was. Who she was related to. What she was accused of. She started going by a different name, hid the fact that her bending wasn’t that strong anymore, and found odd, simple jobs she could do since she didn’t have any real skills other than playing instruments still fairly well. During her travels though, she heard about a flying tea shop and became curious. Finding it was easier than she thought, even though a big part of her thought it was a myth, or folk story that people just talked about. She couldn’t do much, but she was a quick learner and at this point was willing to do anything to get as far away as possible from where she was from and who she was.

The only thing I have left is the truth, whether you believe it or not.
© pasta

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