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Fandom MHA: Shiketsu Academia (SA) Extra info



At heart, SA is a hero school, and for that reason, it has all the essentials of a hero course.

Rescue Training- In rescue training, students are taught the essential hero needs to rescue victims of disasters and hero attacks. Students learn to use their quirks to help in rescuing or locating efforts, yet this is not all, as they also have to learn how to reassure the victims of such tragedies and to provide first aid.

Combat Training- Both in terms of self-defense and and preemptive hero combat, this training teaches students how to most effectively combat villains, but not with strict victory in mind. The combat training aims to produce heroes that fight effectively but also with care for collateral damage and excessive force, teaching heroes how to better control their bodies and quirks to hold back and become more precise when needed. This also the class that helps students keep their bodies fit.

Basic Hero Training- Every part of hero training not covered by the other two is given here. It most commonly involves some form of scenario or the managing of relations with fellow heroes as both allies and rivals at once.

Extra Courses: SA is aware of the fact it is not a prestigious school, and that the cream of the crop is not likely to be among their students. Many, most likely, will never pass the hero exam. With this in mind, SA does it’s best to offer alternative paths for the students should they be unable to qualify for hero work.

Mentoring- Mentoring is a course where one is taught how to teach. How to be a mentor, and a hero. It is the only extra course that is specifically targeted to those that only accept being heroes. This extra course, therefore gives students additional hero training over other courses, as the goal is to make the students impressive and adaptable to new quirks. From enemy villains, from rival and allied heroes or from new pupils, this course tries to teach students how to adapt and how to educate both students and the public. It is split half and half between theoretical and pratical classes, with the theoretical focusing more on the basics of education, while the pratical focus more on hero training and making students more adaptable.
2nd and 3rd year students begin teaching. 2nd year students will often be taken to learning to teach experiences with students from kindergarden to middle school, whereas 3rd year students will often end privately tutoring new 1st year students.

General Studies- In general studies, students are given a focused but intense regular highschool education. It is the most theoretical of all the extra courses, given the nature of it’s subject being for one so diverse (warranting it a total of three teachers) and two to be as close as possible to the education a student would have received out of SA. Of course, the courses are severely cut given the time restraints and how mentally exhausting they are to begin with. In the first year, students are given a basic introduction to all the subjects, but the extra course later splits starting from the second year to ease the burden and allows students to go more in-depth about their chosen speciality. General studies are also encouraged to give additional information about their own subjects that can help students with hero work.
General Studies students are asked for select specialties until they reach their third year, in which they are made to make a large thesis and present it to their colleages in the auditorium.

Support- The support extra course is where students can explore the field of support work, both learning to better craft support items and to market themselves and said items to hero agencies. This extra course has the most pratical classes out of all the support courses, with only 1/3 of them being theoretical classes. Students are often allowed to experiment with what they’ve been taught and given time to try to develop items themselves, more often than not resulting in failure. As such the class needs more time to let the students get the hang of it than they do to explain the ins and outs. Research into the fields of quirks are also taught by the support course, however this is not until the second year.

Other Subjects: Students, regardless of their ultimate fate, do need some essentials of education, in the eyes of SA. These are both selected in what pertains to hero work and what is useful in the current society.

Theater- A hero needs to learn how to conduct themselves, to form an image. Theater deals with improving the acting skills for SA students, and train them in public speaking and dealing with the media.

Maths- Heroism is a profession. It gets paid and it pays it’s dues like any other profession. Thus even SA is required to teach maths to it’s students.

English- Still the universal language worldwide and often used by heroes of all nationalities for their hero names and special moves. It is an important language to learn both for your image as a hero and for international relations.

History- A subject where students are taught the history of Japan in the previous century, in particular as concerns the hero system. Laws on heroes are also taught in this subject.

Now, I realize some of these are sort of minor spoilers, but do understand all of these are universal facts that apply to EVERYONE in the boku no hero universe. It is therefore important that you keep them in mind when you make your characters, and when you rp as said characters

1- By law it is forbidden to use quirks in public other than for self-defense.

2- On average, quirks manifest at either birth or at age 4 and going beyond that without a quirk manifesting is usually sign you either don´t have one or have a superfulous one. A general sign that pratically guarantees one won´t have a quirk is their foot´s pinky toe have the human amount of joints, as this is a sign of the less evolved version of humanity, before they had quirks

3- With extremely rare exceptions, quirks are either inhereted from one of the parents or a mix of both their parent´s quirks, if they are compatible. It is also common to inheret certain features from one´s parents if they have a mutation type quirk, even if one does not inheret the quirk itself.

4- While it is possible to artificially induce someone into having two quirks or more, the general result is the person who gained exta quirks becoming braindead, unable to speak or think by themselves.

5- Having a quirk is a two step process. You must have both the quirk and the biological mechanisms that allow it to function (the latter being called "the quirk factor"). That means that even if your quirk isn´t biological strictly speaking (Uraraka´s zero gravity for example), it is still backed by biological mechanisms with physical limits (like running can strain your muscles).

6- You are always either a hero, villain, vigilante, criminal or civilian. Everyone starts out as a citzen, and if they commit a crime, they are a criminal. If the nature of that crime, whether committed or just planned and likely to be executed envolves the usage of quirks or a direct offense against society or heroes, then a person is considered a villain. A licensed, law-abiding crime fighter is a hero. A hero who breaks the law or doesn´t have a licence is a vigilante (who are also considered criminals).

7- All Might is the symbol of peace. The number one hero known for having saved over a hundred people in less than 10 minutes in his debut, and whose very existence managed to drop the until always rising crime rates down considerably, inspiring courage in other heroes and fear in criminals and villains. He is the very pillar of society. There is a lot involved in putting on a show as a hero, from attack and hero names for people to remember and be inspired by, to All Might´s smile, the symbol of peace is a master at it that many take after.

8- The Hero ranking is based on popularity and feats alike. The ranking and performance of heroes determines their payment and support from the government.

9- Pro heroes with enough wealth and popularity can start hero agencies, organizations with themselves at the forefront that deal with marketing the hero, dealing with partnerships, help the hero find new incidents to deal with and allow a pro hero to hire sidekicks. However, because sidekicks often don´t get the same recognition as your typical hero, many choose to start agencies as soon as they graduate.

10- There are three types of quirk: Emission, Transformation and Mutation. Emission quirks can create or manipulate susbtances, transformation quirks transform one´s body temporarily, and mutation quirks are an inherent permanent modification to the user´s body, that usually alters their appearance.

11-In the early days of quirks, society was divided and in chaos. With laws unable to handle the suddden emergence of superpowers, evil forces began to take control of the reckless mobs. All Might came to put an end to this age of terror, but records of what actually happened were "few" and not much is known about that time.

12- All Might´s quirk is a world mystery

13- This applies to japanese culture in general, but it is considered that first names have significant measure in how close two people are, relationship wise. Most people refer to one another by their last names until given permission to switch to a first name basis by the other person.

14. Overly Sexual Hero Costumes are Banned

15. It is impossible to give someone a quirk without you yourself having a quirk that manipulates quirks in some way

16. The society of boku no hero is basically frozen in the early 21st century tech, with few advancements technologically or sociological terms except regarding quirks. Some say humans would be taking vacations in other planets by this point if not for the advent of quirks

17. The history of the last century is half-thrown in shade

18. Hero licences are divided into several categories. A provisional hero licence is a hero licence where a student is allowed to intern for a hero on the side, to gian experience, effectively being able to work as hero if so instructed. Support licences are licences for the development of new technology and selling of this technology to heroes and other government entities. A proper hero licence is one given to make someone a full-fledged hero, and can be acquired by passing three years of a hero academy or by working under a hero for sufficiently long and then being atributed by said hero a hero licence.

19. The hero society of my hero academia is focused on show. To be popular and inspire hope and peace, heroes take various measures, afterall, their payment depends on it. This includes the fact that a hero's hero costume is more often than not designed to fit their quirk and heroes are rarely if ever using additional technology beyond the needs or synergies with their quirk.

20. In the first years of the rise of quirks, a flurry of laws were passed to regulate them. Others laws came later, such as the law that prevents hero costumes from being too indicent or show too much nudity.

21. The first hero system was created in Rhode island, in America. 7 vigilantes became official heroes while the remaining ones, not in this government-run hero system, were considered villains.

22. The criteria innitially used to choose those that would be heroes and those that wouldn't was popularity.

23. After every incident, heroes must file reports to the police detailing the event. After this, a special investigation is conducted, based on which heroes are paid.

24. The UA is the most renowned hero school in Japan. It seems every major hero has graduated from UA.

Coming soon(?)
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