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Fandom MHA: Shiketsu Academia (SA) CS - NOT ACCEPTING

The Monster-Making Hero

Hero Name: Briar Witch

Real Name: Jasmine Setsuki

Status: Transfer Student

Age: 16

Gender: Female.

Height: 5’4’’

Weight: 115lbs


Jasmine is quiet, shy, and passive, preferring to observe and stand in the sidelines rather than take action herself. She’s not physically strong or anything like that, and her quirk isn’t the direct power sort, so it’s for the best that she’s not the type to charge in the fray. Even when there’s someone that needs rescuing, she generally takes her time accessing the situation before taking any course of action in order to produce the best outcome. In that sense, Jasmine does not personify the idealistic hero, though she does strive to do good like her mother. She’s just a pragmatic, perfectionist about it.

Jasmine is an introvert. She prefers her quiet time. Too much interaction exhausts her and, though she’s usually polite about it, she’ll take her leave if the crowd gets too big. She likes deep, thoughtful discussions. She isn’t good at small talk…rather awkward at it actually. Superficial and frivolous conversations bore her. She holds herself to a high standard and, to a certain degree, others as well. She values hard work and, despite how cold she might appear, actually believes in the best of others.

Jasmine has a tendency to hyperfocus when it comes to things that interest her. She’ll throw herself fully into what she’s working on and won’t be satisfied until it’s finished. In these situations, Jasmine gets a little stubborn. She takes after her father in her love for the sciences, though her interests lie specifically in genetics and botany. She likes experimenting and crossing various DNA just to see the results. And, like her father, she tends to ignore the world around her while she pursues her interests.

Jasmine quirk allows her to create/reproduce a plant version of any of DNA she's consumed at an accelerated rate through her hair follicles. Details of her quirk are bellow:
Plant DNA—inherited from her mother, whose quirk is being half human, half plant, Jasmine hair is comprised of stored plant genetic code. It’s what causes her hair to grow out green. Also, unlike regular hair, her hair needs a decent amount of water and sunlight to keep its shine. If not, it becomes dried and withered. Her lungs as well. While she can breathe O2 just find, she also needs a decent dose of CO2 to keep her body healthy. The CO2 she inhales is used to produce plant growth hormones in her body, which can be stored, concentrated, and exhaled at will. These plant growth hormones play a major role in her quirk. Her ability to store plant genetic code as well.

Asexual Plant Reproduction—By ingesting the DNA of any plant species, Jasmine’s body can store it, read the genetic code, then reproduce that species through her hair follicles. The reproduction occurs at an accelerated rate, which she controls at will via the plant growth pheromones her body naturally possesses. She can’t alter the genetic code of the DNA’s she’s consumed (meaning it can only grow as big as it naturally grows). She can only reproduce it at an accelerated rate. That’s only for plant DNA though.

Animal-Plant Sexual Reproduction—Animal DNA is different when ingested. It can’t be stored and will naturally expel out of her body over time . Animal DNA (this includes human DNA) has to be crossed with the plant DNA stored in hair for reproduction to occur. The result is a seed for a genetic plant-animal mutant (mandrake). No two mandrakes are the same (genetically at least). Each inherit a maximum of 3 distinguishable traits from the parent animal DNA. By spraying them with her plant growth hormones, she can induce the accelerated growth of these seeds. However, upon germination, the mandrakes begin to drain her vitality to keep healthy (hence her low physical stats). Jasmine is their nutrient source. Currently she can only maintain one mandrake at a time. The stronger the mandrake, the greater the drain on her vitality as well. Symptoms of excessive vitality loss can include withering of hair, withering of skin, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness (though Jasmine usually kills her own mandrake before that happens by cutting off their nutrient source - they instantly die). The longest she can maintain a mandrake is 15 minutes for a weak one. 10 minutes for an average one. 5 minutes for a strong one. If she decides to fight with her mandrake, the time shortens even further.

Regarding quirks, they can be inherited, but only the weakened versions. Also, the mandrakes that have gone through accelerated germination, aren't able to maximize the use of their quirk due to lack of developmental acclimation. All her mandrakes share a common weakness in fire.

  • Analytical
  • Patient
  • Observant
  • Detail-oriented.
  • Pragmatic.
  • Team player.
  • Gets good grades (in written exams)

  • Passive.
  • Mandrakes drain her vitality upon germination.
  • Low physical stats (if she has a mandrake active)
  • Dependent on her seeds for combat.
  • Shy
  • Fire.

Jasmine is the daughter of the Flower Hero, Crimson Ivy and her support/sidekick Dr. Homura Setsuki. Both her parents were extremely protective of their ‘Little Blossom’, especially since her mother’s profession made quite a bit of enemies, therefore Jasmine lived fairly sheltered lifestyle in her family’s home. She spent most of her time in her father’s lab (in their basement) hanging out with her dad (since her mom was off fighting villains most of time). Therefore she never really met kids her age until she started school.

Might’ve been better if Jasmine had never met kids. Through most of her elementary years, Jasmine was a victim of bullying because of her quirk. It had to do with reproduction, i.e. making babies. It was gross. She made ugly monsters from the genes she ate. Hence the girls kept away from her. The boys were worse. They would force-feed her disgusting pieces of DNA just to see what sort of genetic monster she could make. They would take away her CO2 inhaler for the fun of it. Pull on her plant hair . It got to the point where Jasmine refused to go to school. If not for her father, she might’ve never returned.

Middle school was better. There were still some nasty rumors about her (DNA slut/creep). However, Jasmine spent most of her time in the library, away from other kids, to drown herself in books. She also took to hanging in the school gardens, growing flowers, breeding plants, and breeding mandrakes (in secret). As much as she was bullied for them, the mandrakes were her only friends. Her children. Therefore she couldn’t hate them. It was also in middle school that she began joining her father as her mother’s support. Jasmine didn’t do dangerous field work. She helped by researching villains. Growing medical herbs from her hair when her mother needed it. Breeding certain mandrakes to help in certain scenarios.

Her experience and skills led her to being accepted into UA once she started highschool. There she spent a year or two honing the use of her quirk. However, a particularly nasty cat fight with one of the girls led to her choosing to transfer to Shiketsu.



Instead of a mask, Jasmine wears really heavy make-up, such that it's almost impossible to identify her on sight. The skirt of the dress is short and loose enough to allow freedom of movement. The costume also comes with leggings.

Theme Song:

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Hero Name
(Meaning Straightforward, Very creative I know)

Real Name
Hiromasa Hisakawa


Age & Gender

+Physically and mentally strong
+He's an authentic person he wouldn't change himself to fit what others think he should be.

-Easy to goad out and anger

Physical Mimicry.
This Quirk allows Hiromasa to copy any/all movements/actions after seeing it performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. The two weakness to this quirk are that first of all he cannot copy a quirk so he is limited to the physical aspect of an action and that despite copying something if his body can't handle the stress of the action he cannot perform it. Finally, let's say if he was to copy Bangs "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist" it wouldn't be anywhere near as powerful or fast as Bangs would be as it's still limited by his own speed and strength.

Isn't life interesting how one event can turn everything around from bullied to bully to hero...in training but hell lets start at the beginning. The names Hiromasa Hisakawa and to say the least I've led a rather eventful life. My parents are completely unknown to me hell, my whole family is from what I've been told I was dropped off at an orphanage and ditched there a scrawny little brat plucked and placed right into hell or it may as well have been. From a young age, I've always been someone's lackey that was the only way for me to survive in that place. Every day was a fight and I needed as many allies as I could get so I get the bigger kids on my side but at a cost anything they needed I got if it was within reason anyway. I lied, I stole, hell I even fought for them whatever I could do to get them to trust me and progressively over time I got bigger, got stronger to the point where I could defend myself now all that was left was to take out the big kids, but how, I was outnumbered, out strengthen they were bigger and badder than me luckily the answer hit me in the face one day.

As I was walking down the main street leading to the orphanage a new business had opened how long it had been there I wasn't sure but it was just what I was looking for a boxing gym. He needed an edge over the big kids and this would be it. Walking in I was met with an old man around fifty who seemed to be squaring me up with his eyes as I did the same to him. "So what's a scrawny little kid like you doing in a place like this?" The old man spoke clearly hitting a soft spot as I looked visibly angry. "Old man teach me to box." As I spoke I started getting into what I thought was a boxing pose only for the old man to burst out laughing. "Oh, and why do you want to learn to box?" As the old man spoke a smirk covered my face he had fallen into my trap. I spun a story about how I'm being bullied at the orphanage and need a way to defend myself and it seemed the old man bought my lies as he agreed to teach me and best of all for free. My training started that day and once he got past correcting my stance he first taught me to guard which I picked up rapidly then came what I really wanted to know the punches. He began showing me all the basics and it was like I was a natural within the first try I learned all the basics, the jab, hook, uppercut, cross and even got started on the more advanced guarding techniques like parrying and bobbing. Of course, I know why I learned all these things so fast my quirk physical mimicry sure it's illegal to use your quirk but it's impossible for me not too.

The first training session came to an end and the look on the old mans face is one I'll never forget nor the worlds he spoke next. "Kid you're a natural." The smirk that covered my face was one like what you've never seen before wide from cheek to cheek. "Of course what do you expect I'm the best." I left the gym and headed back to the orphanage and collapsed in my bed boxing was exhausting tomorrow...tomorrow I'll take down the thorns in my side was the only thought that was in my mind as sleep took over me. The next morning I was given a rude awakening. "Oy Hiro wake up and get me my breakfast." The light hit my eyes as I awake to a familiar voice my squinting eyes confirmed that it was the little ringleader of the big kids. "Perfect." I muttered before walking over to him and launched an uppercut out of nowhere sending him right to the floor. I guessed this is what its meant to have a glass jaw as I walked past him, from that moment on I was top dog and that lasted for around a year until my fifteenth birthday, I had been visiting the boxing gym every day since then it was useful to know.

On my fifteenth birthday, something surprising happened...I was adopted but not by a random man on no, it was the chief of the boxing gym. He had found out that I lied to him about why I wanted to box but instead of being annoyed he took it was a challenge, a challenge to try and change a delinquent's life around and that delinquent was me and he knew just the way to do it with simple words. "Hiromasa I bet you can't become a hero." At these words, I raised an eyebrow. "Well whatcha betting?" and with that, a smile covered the old mans face. "The gym." Upon hearing these two simple words I licked my lips. "Deal." and with that, I was sent on my path to becoming a hero.​


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Hero Name: Sweet Surrender

Real Name: Yasugai Yamashita
Nickname: Yasu

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Status: Student

P E R S O N A L I T Y --


Quick Reflexes -- With all the sugar in his body due to his quirk, he’s hyperactive. Yasugai has learned to control this hyperactivity flowing through his veins throughout his youth and use it in bursts to supplement his reflexes and the quickness of his feet. Although this feat isn’t necessarily superhuman, it is comparable to the reflexes of your typical world-class boxer.

Science Savant -- His decade spent as a loner meant he had a lot of free time to study. The subject of science, in particular, piqued his interest from a very young age. Due in part to his quirk, of course. These days, Yasugai is what many would consider a prodigy when it comes to the subject. He specializes in chemistry, but takes university-level classes for other branches of science as well.

Super Sweet -- Yasugai only wants to bring smiles to the world in the sweetest ways possible. He loves seeing people be happy and laugh, and will often go out of his way to plot some sort of nice gesture for people down in the dumps or otherwise. He has a kind but fragile heart, but this typically draws most people to like him.


Low Stamina -- Exerting himself comes easily, unfortunately. His body requires a lot of sugar to operate at full capacity and burns it away quickly when he’s actively running, attacking, or excessively evading. While his movements at the beginning of a match may be quick and deliberate, they soon become sluggish and clumsy without candy for him to snack on.

Socially Awkward -- Yasu hasn’t really had friends since elementary. His interactions with other students typically comes off as awkward in the end. He stumbles over his own words, talks in bursts, then doesn’t talk at all and stares. Not always in that order. Because of this, the young man usually keeps to himself.

Terribly Insecure -- A traumatic bullying incident in his past seeded a deep insecurity within him long ago. It’s easy for him to interpret the things people say to or about him and twist it around so it becomes some sort of insult or demeaning of his character and/or quirk. Losing his confidence so easily affects his drive to do things and act when needed sometimes.

Q U I R K -- Sugar Manipulation

Also known as ‘glucokinesis’ among other things, this ability grants Yasu manipulation over glucose, sucrose and other types of sugar. Although this quirk has much left to evolve into and has future capacity for many uses, it currently only serves for a handful of techniques. Additionally, these abilities aren’t without their drawbacks.

Sugar System -- Yasugai’s quirk came with a necessary biological evolution in his body to withstand the amount of sugar in his system. Where the regular human body typically only has less than a teaspoon of sugar, Yasugai’s has nearly a pound! This has also, however, quickened his metabolism. To maintain his sugar levels and avoid exhaustion, the boy must continually eat sweets throughout his day. He’s hoping to find some sort of medical shortcut or cure for his condition. Or, perhaps, learn to maintain his sugar levels better through use of his quirk in the future.

Candy Crafting -- Yasugai can manipulate any candy he touches and morph it into a weapon or other item equivalent to its size or smaller. Additionally (although risky), he can add sugar from his own body or hair and mix it to make something slightly larger. If he’s lacking his candy cane or any candy, he can push his body to the dangerous limit and make a single weapon out of the sugar from it.

Candy Conversion -- Yasugai can change the chemical composition of any candy he touches to form it into any particular candy of his choosing (ie, rock candy, caramel, jelly beans, etc.). Currently, however, it takes him a good moment to do so. Any candy he converts holds the same properties it would have in our real world. He can't, for example, create rock candy with the durability of steel. It'd have the durability of rock candy.

Gum Hair -- Yasugai’s hair is made of a unique gum-like substance that grows incredibly sticky once removed from his hair and thrown. After he's thrown it, its chemical composition changes and his immunity to its stickiness disappears. Since it takes a while for the hair to grow back (he hasn’t learned how to recreate his hair using his abilities yet and he abhors being bald), however, Yasu reserves it only for emergencies.

[Item] Candy Cane -- Yasugai carries a large candy cane that, well… he can actually use and swing around like a cane. In battle, he can morph it into a variety of weapons and items using his Candy Crafting ability.


Yasugai Yamashita grew up in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo, Japan. His mother was, fittingly, the owner of a traditional Japanese sweets shop. His father, a part-time hero, also worked as a character designer for a popular video game studio: Atalas. Yasu grew up a relatively normal child with his nerdy twin sister until, one day, his hair turned pink and slightly sticky. His parents immediately recognized this as the blossoming of his quirk.

Unfortunately, the pinkness of his hair incited a lot of teasing from his friends and classmates back at school. So rather than being congratulated, the young boy felt ridiculed. That day he attempted to pull the entirety of his gummy hair out to ‘get rid’ of his quirk and wish for a new one. But this only resulted in him making himself bald and having to wait a week for the gum to grow back. He would have had to have gone to school wearing a beanie if his mother hadn’t managed to request a week off from school for her child’s sake. He spent that week doing homework from home.

For the majority of his childhood and teenage years after that, Yasugai became something of a loner. When other kids were out discovering the nature of their quirks together, Yasu was at his favorite spot at the park practicing on his own. Sometimes he’d pass out after exerting himself too much. It got to the point where his parents had to turn on the GPS on his phone to find out where he’d passed out next and pick him up on a routine basis. All these years alone, however, changed when puberty hit.

Now a relatively mysterious and quiet young man (who has grown into new and improved looks), Yasu is dealing with an influx of starstruck girls his age who wish to dig beneath the cloak of ‘mystery’ surrounding him. He still doesn’t quite know how to react to such come-ons. He’s not even sure any of his classmates remember him from when he was a kid anymore. For now, however, no one has teased him like they had before. He intends to take this opportunity as a fresh start and get in with the cool kids somehow. If he doesn’t blow and makes at least one friend, he’ll be happy.

You think it’d be easy for a candy-maker, huh?
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__original_drawn_by_suisogenshi__f4ee4cb83a331ff8526675cf7b513d42.pngHero Name: The Enigmatic Hero Hero - Tartarus Girl
Real Name: Hideka Miyaki
Status: Student
Age & Gender: 15, Female

A relaxed young lady who, despite appearances, holds a pure-hearted desire for justice in her heart. Hideka builds her character based off the 'slick and cool' ‘antiheroes’ of the world, slicking quips at every other opportunity while dignifying herself with a cool-headed grace belonging to a secret agent or grizzled private eye. Or at least, she tries. A fully blown chuunibyou, Hideka's 'calm and collected' attitude is nothing more than a young lady's fangirlish imitations of the heroes that inspired her. She quite regularly lapses from character, spilling out a torrent for fervent emotions towards a cool costume, exciting attack, or just the translation of the latest Night Mare comic.
  • Hardboiled - Hideka knows how to keep her head cool and in the game. In a fight, you'll never see her with anything than a 'slick and stylish' smirk on her face, and a practiced elegance in her movements. Or at least, that's the character she's going for...
  • Slicker and Quipper - She's practiced very hard at the art of cracking jokes in a fight. It's both her own way of 'heroing with a smile' and an imitation of the younger and cockier of her idols. This aside, she's genuinely quite a clever situational thinker when she's got her head properly fixed on her shoulders.
  • Tryhard - Or to put it in a more flattering manner 'Tries Hard.' Hideka is definitely not the kind of person to put any less than her all into the things she's set her mind to. Her methods of self-motivation often tend to veer into territories of outright roleplay, but hey, if it works it works right?
  • Hardboiled? - Despite her best efforts to imitate her rooftop hopping idols of the night, Hideka is much more easily flustered than she'd like. The moment a fight stops going the way she thinks it's going to, her movements become clumsy and her emotions wild as she tries to find her balance again. Something like when you catch someone who's trying too hard in the middle of a mistake, and they keep digging their hole deeper as they try to fix it. It's very funny.
  • Absurd - Hideka is the type to set very high and nigh-unreachable goals for herself, which while fine enough on its own, does not play nicely with her overly dramatic personality. When she fails, she will let EVERYBODY know about it. Tantrums, moaning and groaning loud enough for an entire apartment building to hear, and just overblowing things in general. The complete opposite to how she portrays herself, perhaps.
  • Chuuni Scum - Roleplaying is not practical in a combat situation. Hideka probably realizes this, but she doesn't care. She's much too dedicated to maintaining her character for her own good, to the point where it's an active detriment to her abilities as a hero. She's often either trying far too hard to set up some scene that 'seemed cool in her head', or throwing a tantrum about nobody paying attention to it in anything short of a fully blown fight.
Quirk: Combone - The key part of Hideka's Quirk are the horns that grow on her forehead. When impacted, they absorb half of the force received and then use it to augment her blows. She, further, is able to 'redistribute' the bone mass of her horns to different parts of her body, allowing her to create constructs and increase the practicality of her Quirk dramatically. The catch, so to say, is that any redistributed bone mass will 'shed' and die within an hour, and cannot be reincorporated into her horns to save it. It takes one week to fully grow a horn, and therefore one month to 'fully stock' her horns, so economic use of her bone mass is important.

Being hit anywhere other than her bones will immediately and harmlessly release half of her stored energy, or all of it if her reserves are low enough. Furthermore, if she doesn't absorb any energy within the space of ten seconds, her reserves will begin to drop. She'll lose fifty percent of her stored energy over thirty seconds, and once this fifty percent is reached, she'll then lose the rest of her energy over the next five. This only way to stop this decline is to hit something and begin stockpiling her energy again. Finally, her bones 'react' to the presence of foreign Quirk Factors, and therefore only activate against Quirk-holding enemies, or Quirk-made constructs.

Hideka's parents are a pair of average joes with Quirks too impractical for Hero work. Though, average joes may be pushing it. Despite the mundanity of working any job other than that of a Hero in a world of Quirks, the Miyaki couple are an eccentric pair in their own right. A director and make-up artist power couple, they're moderately well known in both the eastern and western film for their adaptations of comic properties off of their panel pages and onto the silver screen.

As a natural result, Hideka's childhood was one surrounded by the paraphernalia of heroes both new and old, fictional and non-fictional. Her favourites, surprisingly enough, coming from the underground 'vigilante-styled' Hero movement that saw popularity in the west. Her aspirations towards heroism find their roots there, in nights spent rifling through piles of classic comics while donning long-forgotten movie props as if they brought her just that little bit further into the worlds they called home. This is also where her 'bad habits', as her extended family describes it, are sourced from.

She lived an easy enough childhood, had plenty of friends despite her quirks, and never went wanting for a warm bed, meal, or night-time hug. Her parents were and still are supportive of her dream to become a Hero, and have even taken plans to set her up for an acting career if the floor ever falls through. Really, nothing short of idyllic, all things considered.

  • As far as bone distribution is concerned, it takes her around a horn's worth to effectively coat her hands on bone mass. This is her go-to method of attack. What she'd call her 'super mode' consists of forming full gauntlets on her forearms and a pair of greaves on her feet, at the cost of four full horns.
  • Her favourite Hero is a classic western Hero named 'Hades Kid'. He currently has an ongoing comic series being published under the 'Night Mare' comic firm, which plays up his accomplishments to a ridiculous degree.
  • Her mother's Quirk is the same as her own, sans the redistribution and constructs. Her father's is the ability to redistribute bone mass, but he can't break his skin with it.
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[/div][/div][div class=X]~Slimebender~
Panko Amenouta
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  • Role:
    Support Teacher


    A little hard to say considering how her real body is...but by her natural voice, she is female.

    *Amazing Memory (for what she cares about) - Panko has an almost genial memory, though it happens to be pretty selective towards those subjects she is passionate about. She may not be able to remember your name for two days straight, but she'll know every nook and crany that is reported about your quirk after one quick skim of the info sheet.

    *Imaginative/creative - Panko is inventive and very skilled at picturing things in her mind, coming up with unique ideas and creative solutions, though not necessarily at coming up with the best ones by any stretch.

    *Great Quirk Control - Panko has a top notch control of her quirk, being able to the most of it and drawing into aspects of her quirk many might not have dreamed of. Her expertize in training her own quirk also sometimes helps her conceive of what potential certain student's quirks might have.

    *Slime Body - The fact her entire body is a composed of this slimey gel-like substance represents certain advantages such as the way she is way less vulnerable to piercing or cutting, and she doesn't exactly have any bones to shatter etc... In other words she pretty much does not have a weak spot or a specific place to target that will be more effective than any other.

    *Support Company - Not only being a support teacher but also running a support company herself, Panko has access to the company resources and is not at it's head just in name. She is quite gifted with handling and developing of support technology, reason for which she was assigned to work on the Shinketsu hero costumes. This of course includes being good with technology.

    *Trouble Controlling Her Own Excitement - Panko has a huge difficulty in controlling her own loud, rash behavior when she gets excited which is about 50% of the time she is awake. Giving away her position, making sub-optimal choices in a fight to satisfy her curiosity, and so on are all problems she is prone to displaying.

    *Her Own Resource - Panko's resource for her quirk's power is none other than her own body. The substance she uses is not so much somehting she necessarily produces rather it's what she is made of. If she wants to throw a jet of it at you that's either her hands she just threw or part of her reserves. Furthermore her ability to recover from these uses is pretty limited as well.

    *Financial Constraints - Panko is still in debt to those who originally helped fund the jumpstart of her company. Thus she has to be extra careful with her own spending and any collateral damage may cause.

    *Slime Body - If on one hand her slime body can give her some advantages, on the other it also has several problems. For one thing, she can't physically improve herself. One cannot improve muscles they don't have. For another blunt damage, dramatic variation of heat, eletricity, soap... all weaknesses she is even more exposed and vulnerable to than any regular human.

    *Vanity - She has a certain need for style and approval that can truly make her become overbearing, which can at times make or break her motivation and which can serve as potential distraction.



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  • Hero Name
    - Red Lion
    Real Name
    - Erik McCabe
    - 27
    - Teacher, Anti-Hero, former villain.
    Erik is quite frankly a rebel, a charming rogue at best or a ruthless renegade at his worse...or at least that's who he was prior to committing himself to turning a new leaf and opting to become a full-fledged pro-hero. In truth, he's more of an anti-hero than a traditional hero like say All-Might , his ferocious appearance and methods solidifies this.

    A good word to describe him would be "Outsider".

    He looks like he could play the part of the delinquent, with his unruled hair and choice in fashion, the way he handles himself in a fight and his choice to use modified claws, would imply that he's not averse or unfamiliar with the ways of force, though this is somewhat misleading, a character like a lion is meant to have an intimidating presence and he understands the psychology of warfare better than most, battles are won before they're even fought, beneath the ferocious predator-like exterior of the lion is a controlled interior, he's not a savage killer but rather a poised huntsman. He doesn't slay his opposition, rather he picks them apart methodically, and hunts them like a tactician, always staying a move or two ahead.

    Erik is a category rebel and category rebels love to play with peoples expectations before "the reveal". More than anything else, Erik enjoys toying with his prey.

    His style of heroics could best be described as "Tracking and Special Ops".

    He's a hero who's meant to be evoke a primal sort of reaction, he's not meant to be the "face" of the pro-hero community, his way of doing things isn't particularly in-your-face or inspiring, he does his work best in shadows. Since becoming a hero he hasn't lost his edge so to speak.

    - Height and weight: 6' foot 3 inches, 210 lbs
    - Hair: Black
    - Eyes: Amber (vertical-slit pupils)
    - Other Description(Optional): Always wear his signature denim jacket

    - As the Red Lion, Erik's costume puts you in the mind of a visual catlike predator, its design is psychological, the red in the costume is meant to invoke the imagery of blood, playing off the mortal fear of deadly predator such as a lion Moreso than just psychology, the suit has some practical purposes...the suit is lightweight and constructed from a durable carbon fiber-like material. It also contains a sort of utility belt. Ideal for someone with a physicality like Erik's.


  • Biography

    You seen the Lion King right? Erik's story is a bit like that. Except this Simba grows up to become one of the most feared war dog mercenaries there ever were. Brought to Great Britain at an early age after a violent coup d'etat erupted in his home of Kenya, the son of the ousted President found himself relocated from his home.

    He made great use of his talents to enroll in the most prestigious military academies abroad, and eventually joined a super elect super secret martial intelligence order, like that Kingsman movie. Now, here's where things get really dark. The boy now an intrepid cadet comes to learn some uncomfortable truths about how geopolitics work, his father who was betrayed by his brother-the current leader, had help from a certain "Great" ally, what's more it looks like he's being groomed as the next puppet leader to replace dear old traitor uncle.

    As you can imagine..simba goes rogue. He goes off the grid and emerges as a supervillain this time, now a man...forged in war and blood. He would gain conquest against all who stood in his path for revolution, until he was challenged by a hero by the name of Pantherman. Even in their initial confrontation , Pantherman was no match for Erik, Pantherman would eventually return to form to defeat Erik in the height of his power. This began a budding respect between the protagonist villain and his antagonist hero, they went from archenemies to rivals to a sort of friendship and eventually something like "brothers" , their fights became more ideological than physical...and eventually they stopped the pretense of the villain/hero dynamic altogether. Pantherman revealed to his foe-turned- friend that he'd been terminal with cancer and that he wanted his friend to take up his steed and become a full fledged pro-hero. Although he'd impersonated Pantherman prior to that point, Erik didn't feel he was right to replace Pantherman. He did become a full-fledged hero, and took up a mantle of his own. That of a blood-tinted lion. Red Lion

    Here we are.




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Nanashi Shinozaki


Age & Gender
16, Female

GUTS! AND! INSTINCT!: A young lady who depends fully on the above two, her sheer indomitable will alone makes her a bit of a hassle to contend with in the physical area. As the can says, she doesn't shy away from a challenge, NEVER GIVES UP, is afraid of nothing (or so she claims), and has pretty good instincts.

Pride Ideology: Nanashi operates at her best when with a group, and strives the utmost to maintain a group’s integrity. She’s not particularly charismatic, but there’s just something about her larger than life, boisterous behaviour that just kind of sticks. Your mileage may vary.

Battle Connoisseur: She not only has a might makes right ideology, she thrives off battle. She believes that combat is where a being, man, woman, or animal, shows its true colours. For all her lack of learning ability, to say that she is a connoisseur of battle is not a hyperbole- she treats every fight as if it were a meal, and savours every blow she delivers or her opponent sends, and is strangely capable of discerning just what kind of person her opponent is by throwing a few punches. That said, she will never pick a fight with anyone she assumes will not last three punches or less- such a meal cannot whet her appetite. Adversely, she pursues those she thinks are a good 'meal' with a strange fervor.

Eloquent: Nanashi is surprisingly so. Her wordings are rather polite and well-articulated. It is possible she picked this certain trait up from her father. It's somewhat jarring to hear her yell in rather polite vocabulary.

Unskilled: She has the guts, and she certainly has the instincts, but she lacks a good amount of skill, resorting to what she sees as ‘the best way to punch someone in the face’. As a result, she can be simply outskilled for the most part.

Dumb: She has problems understanding theoretical concepts quickly, and has to make up for it by repetitively studying with GUTS. She doesn’t suffer the same for physical activity, but almost always defaults to brute force anyway, because that is usually the best way she solves problems.

Fat: Nanashi is kinda flabby. Her preference of meat as well as her love of naps does not do her any good. While she does exercise, she seems to focus primarily on strength and power, and rarely does cardio. As a result, even with her Quirk naturally granting her above-human agility, it's overwhelmed by her very bad habits.

Pride of Lion
This Quirk grants its possessor a lion-like appearance, one of the prominent features being a great mane of hair that resembles one like a lion's and a pair of ears resembling a lion's. She also possesses a tail which allows her to keep her balance when moving quickly in a low posture (unlikely as it is). It noticeably has a dark patch resembling a tassel on the end. It seems to reflect her current mood as well.

Less noticeable traits include her teeth, which are not unlike a lion's as well, with her frontmost incisors possessing a sharper edge than normal human teeth, and are cornered by four long canines. Further back her mouth, hidden, are carnassial teeth, meant for tearing into meat. Her eyes possess a reflective coating on the back, which reflect moonlight and other scarce sources of light in the night to allow her to see better.

Smell: She seems to have a good sense of smell, and has the capability of discerning people from the scent alone. No food can be hidden from her either. She can further increase this capability by curling her top lip and sticking her tongue out, allowing her to 'taste' smells in the air. That having been said, her sense of smell can be disrupted if someone sprays a spritz of perfume or other strong-smelling materials in her face. The sensory overload will more than likely disorient her. She will also more than likely beat the stuffing out of you for that.

Super Strength: Nanashi is extremely strong, partly from her training, and partly from her Quirk. Though she isn’t exactly up to par with regular superstrength-based heroes, she is certainly on one of the higher tiers of the ladder, outdoing a good lot that aren’t focused on superstrength at her age. It must be noted, this is where her strength plateaus, and it is more than likely anyone with a good grasp of their superstrength capability can overtake her in good time.

Claws: Nanashi has a set of retractable claws the length of 1½ inches, allowing her to do some damage to any exposed flesh. That said, she uses her claws more to hold on to her ‘prey’ to prep for more tenderising. The claws are quite strong and resistant to breakage, being able to function as a last-ditch defense if needed.

Agility: She’s alright, and that’s about it. She can rival an amateur boxer in terms of speed, but her strength and durability are more than enough. Furthermore, her ‘speed’ tends to only come in play in close-ranged combat, being able to duck and weave through some attacks with relative ease. She can’t run very fast, and falls behind a good lot of any class in any run.

Roar: She is capable of releasing a roar of 120 decibels. While certainly not enough to cause permanent hearing damage (yet), it is a good way to stun or surprise others. She uses this primarily to intimidate opponents. She claims it hurts her throat something fierce when she does it, and repetitive use will damage her throat.

Pride of Lion: The namesake. At high adrenaline levels, the Quirk influences the mentality of its user, pushing them to their limits and to go even further beyond their original ability. This is innate, and cannot be controlled, sometimes allowing Nanashi to break expectations into pieces. However, this kind of behaviour can be considered extremely self-destructive and may cause grievous harm to Nanashi herself. Its behaviour is based off Nanashi’s adrenaline levels.

Strong and rather sturdy
Enhanced senses allow her to sense people from a distance away.
Physically adept, learns physical skills quickly

Fat and slow. Not good at running after people.
Not very smart. Requires a lot of repetitive learning to understand theoretical concepts.
Self-destructive Quirk and tendencies.
Works better in a group. Gets rather lonely and lost when alone.
Crowded places don't do favours for her enhanced senses, and limits her ability a lot.

Nanashi Shinozaki is the eldest of three in the Shinozaki household, daughter of Atsushi and Miho Shinozaki. Atsushi Shinozaki is currently a member of the National Diet, and is the chairman of the Shinozaki Capital. Her younger siblings are Shimazu Shinozaki and Toshiie Shinozaki.

Atsushi Shinozaki changed his name to distance himself from his brother, a rather well-known hero in these parts, choosing instead the life of a businessman and a politician. Some debate that he changed his name after a falling out with his brother, while others say that he did so to avoid sending paparazzi to either of their family's house for scoops on the other. Still, there was still the blood of the beast within Atsushi, and it passed on to his daughter, who just wasn't happy with sitting down and enjoying peace. Perhaps she ingested too much soft drinks at an early age, but even in her youth, Nanashi was an adrenaline junkie. It didn't help that her Quirk encouraged this very behaviour. No one, including herself, was entirely sure when she started having an ‘acquired taste’ for challenges, but it was without a doubt that she turned into the connoisseur of the finest battles some years into grade school. She left a majority of her schoolmates alone, pursuing stronger and greater opponents to fill her appetite. Her only ‘normal’ interactions came from her cousins, who suddenly took up residence under the roof of another lady rather than with their main family. Nanashi wasn't the type to ask a lot of questions, and left this well alone. As long as she could hang out with her cousins, she was more than fine.

Her search for more appetising meals have led her to UA, but her name did not make the ballot, and she was subsequently placed in its rival school, Shiketsu. It did not matter to her. So long as there was something to sink her teeth into at every corner, she was content. After all, the unexpected was always the best eating.
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Hero Name

Real Name
Kayla Daphneson


Age & Gender
16 & Female

- Kayla is a stark, 'rough n' tumble' teen, who has a simple, 'talk shit, get hit' mentality, this doesn't quite mean she is unfriendly but it's best that whoever is trying to 'catch a joke' with her better have a lot of respect.

Her attitude doesn't help her too much when it comes to being a hero too, she is far from chivalrous or dashing, however, she gets the work done and isn't one to keep serious during a fight, mostly playing around and distracting her opponent before giving herself enough caffeine to truly lay-into her opponents.

Kayla isn't quite 'in-touch' with her quirk, as she was a late-bloomer, but, she does use the quirk to affect her physically, by increasing her speed she is effectively working out, she can't, however, affect her body on an atomic level, when she runs at that level of speed Kayla gains a specific colourblindness to all shades of green.

-Naturally quite speedy
-Quite alert in-nature, could be caffeine, but she's very jumpy.
-Very snappy and smart
-Not the strongest, Kayla isn't very physically adept
-Highly Impatient
-A massive Caffeine addict, needs at least 4 cups a day
-Very rough around the edges, the inner-city life was rough so knows far too much about crime. It tends to slip out.
Caffeinated Bullet-time, Kayla, like her quirk is very punchy and to the point but with an added bit of flair, the flair being she can reach incredible speeds to where her mind perceives it as a slowed-down state, this allows Kayla to effectively be unseen, deal a rapid flurry of punches and hugely confuse her opponents.

Whilst there is the quirks' various uses, it has several drawbacks, most notably being the time limit, Kayla can maintain this speed for around 45 seconds, before knocking out due to fatigue and/or lack of oxygen. Among that she is forced to wait for upwards of 4 minutes in order for her body to recover. Not to mention it takes one hour's worth of caffeine intake from her Panama Brown, in order to reach bullet-time speeds.

The quirk works by utilising caffeine's natural energetic properties and enhancing them by fusing the chemical with mitochondria, Through this formation, the cells reach copious amounts of energy allowing for faster neurons, muscle tissue regrowth, the lot, however, this burst in speed affects the red blood cells negatively by causing them to flow much faster than veins can handle, this causes the RBC to de-rail from their set path and slosh around the body, evidently it is not a process Kayla enjoys.

-Kayla, like many late-bloomers, was subject to intense scrutiny from her younger peers, furthermore, her home was a villain-infested block of apartments, Kayla's father was a villain, he'd come home late after work and talk about his fake job to the family over their dinner, the illusion was perfect, until it hit the fan, the VCS (Villain Clean-up Service) was given an unknown tip about the hideout, and they raided out the entire block, it was peaceful, but was it really worth it?

As Kayla grew older and noticed her Father's disappearance more and more, she began to form a hard social shell, she masked her cold and bleak realisation about her father's absence, with a flurry of jokes and smack-talk, luckily, she was given a distraction, the formation of her quirk, this softened the shell, as she grew more sociable and warm, participating in sporting activities and such, however, it would only hold for so long.

Being a hero to Kayla wasn't her end goal, after-all in her eyes her father was a good man, and supposedly a 'villain' yet he was no extreme evil-doer so why did he have to be stopped? That would be answered when she hit 13, Kayla was excited it was due to be the 1st time her Father was allowed near the phone box and he was going to call her; Kayla was soon mistaken, as she was informed by a police officer that an unnamed villain had killed her Father in jail.

At this news Kayla felt tormented and broken, she would've out-ran time all the time to spend it with her father Father, but the social shell had cracked open due to her need for justice, if you could call it that, it was more of a justice mixed with vengeance type emotion. Her 1st step was to enter Shiketsu Academia!


  • Kayla sports a purple catsuit when figting, it comes with pouches stocked with bags of caffeine, and a holster for her Coffee bong.​
  • Kayla isn't one for gadgets and the like, however, in order to get her caffeine, she carries around a bong (nicknamed 'Panama Brown') which dispurses a Caffine gas when heated, it has caused her to be laughed at before battle as seeing a young kid taking a hit.​
  • Has a deep love for cigarettes, so occaisionally will smoke a couple out of sight.​

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The Small Yet Honorable Hero

Hero Name: Paper Samurai

Real Name: Oliver Fisherman.

Status: Professor. Teaches regular history and literature at Shiketsu High.

Age & Gender: Male, 37 years old.

Height: 6 inches in his samurai form. In his original form, he is 6'2''

Weight: paperweight.

Appearance: The image on the right, but white.

Upright, moral, and honorable, Oliver follows the original bushido as dictated by the traditional samurai. If you can't tell, he has a love for Japanese history, choosing to take the form of a Japanese warrior even though he could take on many others. Oliver believes in justice. As such, he can get a bit stubborn. There isn't much but black or white in his dictionary. Though, children are an exception as they have yet to learn the difference between right and wrong. Therefore he believes the act of leading them down the right path is a duty of honor...hence his decision to become a teacher.

Oliver is an idealist. He sees things as the should be (or rather how he wants them to be) and rarely lets pessimists get him down. Flaw-wise, he's a bit self-righteous. He also likes hearing himself speak and is a stickler for spelling and grammar.

Paper Human-- Oliver's body is made of paper that's surprisingly durable (used to be flimsy, but seems to have developed with age and training). He can fold his body into various shapes, though he finds the more condensed/smaller he is, the stronger becomes (ever folded a paper a thousand times?). Hence his decision to keep himself in his smaller samurai form (also because he likes it). His original form is a flat, 6'2'', human-shaped moving paper with a face.

-Swordsmanship. He's spent years honing his skills.
-Surprisingly strong when he's condensed.
-can fold himself into many shapes.
-can slip easily slip through cracks.
-Can glide on wind.



As a hero who didn't start of with the strongest quirk, Oliver's journey is one of blood, sweat, and tears as the human paper strove to follow his dreams. His love for Japanese history (or rather Japanese samurai dramas) started in his youth as an otaku. Graduating from a no-name Hero school in his teens, Oliver decided to move to Japan (from England) to further is hero career. He worked as a side-kick for the Shining Hero, Diaman'd, for a couple years before deciding to go off on his own. Rather than money, funds, or bling, what Oliver valued was honor. True heroism. Justice. No matter how small or large his work, Oliver, or rather, Paper Samurai, wanted to keep to his Bushido.

Whether it was catching a thief or training in the ways of the sword, Oliver wanted to do good in the world.

Perhaps it was his personality, or his ability to slip through cracks, that he was one of the many heroes hired by the government to infiltrate a secret, budding, criminal organization called Genesis. It was there that he met The O-some Hero, O-Rider and Dr. Setsuki who he fought along side with to cut down Genesis before it could take its root in the world. Genesis was defeated. Villains captured. A damsel saved...that would eventually become the Flower Hero, Crimson Ivy...but that's a story for another time. Sufficed to say, the job ended in success. New friends and connections were made.

Eventually, Paper Samurai decided that there was honor in helping to cultivate the next generation of heroes. He obtained a teaching degree and was hired as a teacher at Shiketsu High. That's pretty much it.


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American Dirtbag
Max Werks
"Oh, lighten up, buddy!"

"What're you lookin' at?"
-- Max.

Hero Name: The "Outta Nowhere" Hero: Slammer
Real Name: Maximilian Warner Irving Werks
Status: Student
Age: 15
Height: 5'5"
Gender: Male

"Jesus Christ, it's Max."
Former classmate, being really upset over the fact that Max is within eyesight.

Many people, upon finishing interactions with Max, tend to look to whomever they were originally conversing with, and say, "man, what an annoying asshole."

To be more specific, this means that one's mileage varies greatly when it comes to interacting with Max. Those that can get past his abrasive tendencies, insulting jokes, and over-the-top demeanor can find a knowledgeable companion, peppy jokester, and steadfast friend. Those that can't, well, they'll end up dealing with a no-holds-barred prankster that is willing to turn just about anything into a joke. He'd be more manageable, at least to a point, if he actually knew when to stop, but self-restraint tends not to kick in until he's either been punched in the gut, or someone runs off crying. It's unclear just where his sense of humor comes from, though it's possible he's just overcompensating for something.

The worst part, though? He will talk to you if he sees you. Regardless of whether you like him or not. And he will. Not. Leave.

++ Steadfast, if he cares.
++ Optimistic.
++ Cunning.
++ Oddly knowledgeable.

-- Over the top.
-- Markedly annoying.
-- Bad at sensing social boundaries.
-- Reckless.
-- Passes the buck in a heartbeat.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, I've got chips, I've got cold sodas, I've got my lunch, I've got a clothes iron, I've got, like, six baseball bats..."
-- Max, talking about his Quirk during his exchange program interview.

Hammerspace: Max has the ability to open up holes to a pre-determined storage area, which he marks beforehand by tapping the "shave and a haircut" melody on the boundary of a room, the pattern serving as a sort of mental mnemonic that helps him attune to a space. He tends to collect various objects--mostly blunt ones--and as a result has access to a surprising array of makeshift weaponry. Due to his particular sense of humor, a wide variety of questionably useful objects can also be found in Max's hammerspace. Holes can also be "linked," allowing points of entry and exit. Though Max can continue to send objects to and from his marked space regardless of distance, he can only open these holes in a five meter radius around him.

After pulling an object through an open hole, Max takes about fifteen seconds to ready himself for another pull. If he opens a "linked" hole, he takes roughly thirty seconds to recover. His holes function as literal holes, meaning that he has to jump or fall into them in order to go the distance, making them better for zoning as opposed to dodging. His holes don't necessarily have to be on the ground, resulting in Max enjoying the prospect of dropping objects on people from several meters overhead.

Currently, the size of Max's holes max out at around the size of a manhole cover, and he cannot forcibly phase the unwilling through Hammerspace holes by putting holes directly underneath them. Placing holes directly above people or inside of people is also not in his repertoire. Only three can be open at a time.

Hammerspace Location: His host family's storage shed.

Objects Within: Baseball bats (x3), baseballs (x5), tire iron, sledgehammer, metal bucket, full set of golf clubs, tube of golf balls, fire extinguisher, toolbox (hammer, mallet, pliers, hex keys, screwdrivers, screws, nails), hedge trimmers, plant pots (x4), fishing rods (x2), extension cords (x2), boomerang, fertilizer sacks (x7), chainsaw (he and his host family have an agreement that the chainsaw is for emergencies only), safety goggles, lawnmower (it doesn't fit through his holes at present, but he likes to threaten people with it anyway), leaf blower, Box o' Gags (spray-flower, bike horn, playing cards, joybuzzer, two-headed coin, fake rats and spiders, whoopee cushion), and a personal refrigerator full of snacks. He would never, ever, ever drop the refrigerator. Not in a million years.

"Who the hell is that?"
"I don't know, but he makes me want to retire."

-- Two teachers, discussing that weird American kid.

Max was born fifteen years ago to a pair of parents who, despite their boring Quirks (his mother could attract dust-sized particles, which made for easy cleaning, and his father could light the tips of his fingers--yes, just the tips--on fire) did their best to provide a life of excitement for their son.

At first, Max found his power pretty mundane, especially when he looked at some of the crazy things pro heroes could do. Sure, his quirk was a few steps above that of his parents, but what good was storing stuff going to be for a pro hero, really? He read about some of the exploits of pro-heroes around the world, but eventually grew bored with them after deciding that their kind of life probably wasn't the sort of thing that he'd be able to achieve with his own Quirk.

Then, in a single, serendipitous stroke, Max's father showed his son some golden-age animation.

Instantly, Max was struck with the sledgehammer of inspiration, and began stockpiling as many odd objects as he could for the sake of augmenting his previously-underwhelming quirk. Add a bit of short-range warping into the mix--something he didn't think to try until he started watching old cartoons--and suddenly Max was almost starting to seem like hero material.

Unfortunately, in the years following, he also started going through that period of teenage development.

Fearing that their son would continue down the path of becoming an over-reactive, no-breaks jerk, Max's parents began forcing him into various extracurricular activities in hopes that they would broaden his worldview a little bit. They didn't, really, so they decided to take more extreme measures, and sign him on for an exchange student program when it came time to go to high school. Maybe, just maybe, spending time away from home, in a completely different environment, surrounded by completely different people, would mellow him out a bit.

And so, the horrible scourge of a human being that is Max W. I. Werks descends upon the Hero program of Shiketsu Academia.

"Holy crap, Super Sour Sucker Sticks! I haven't had some'a those in at least three hours!"
-- Max, just before hastening the impending destruction of his liver.

-- Max was born and raised in Taylor, Texas.

-- Yes, Max watches too much TV.

-- Max's favorite food is literally any brand of spicy potato chip. Any brand. Sour candy (again, any kind) is a close second.

-- Despite ending up in a Japanese exchange program, Max doesn't actually know much about Japanese culture. Pretty weird, considering he did well in Japanese class.

-- Except some of the pop-culture. Maybe.

-- Mad Max is his preferred nickname.

-- Seriously, this kid watches so much friggin' TV. It's a miracle his eyes haven't fallen out.
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Real Name: Mikado Saris
Status: Student
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: Arrogant, self-absorbed, and showy, Mikado is a girl who believes she's the top of the pyramid. She holds nothing back and is always upfront, her lack of foresight often getting the better of her. But when she's not being challenged she is an amicable, if not overbearing, girl. She cares little for personal space and seemingly has absolutely no shame in anything she does. She'll happily tease boys just as she will to treat them like a pet dog. She is absolutely driven by a desire to be the center of attention, a trait built up over her life by her quirk. There is little she wouldn't do if it meant garnering the attention and adoration of others.

  • Easy to Get Along With - While Mikado can be exceptionally harsh to those she dislikes, she is generally very open to anyone and everyone as it means even more focus towards her. As such it isn't hard to get on her good side, or at least her accepting side.
  • Good Stylist - A Master when it comes to fashion, accessories, and makeup. She can turn even the ugliest girl into something passable with the right set of tools. Something she takes extreme pride in as she views her skills like that of an artist.
  • History Buff - While not fitting her stereotype, Mikado is a huge fan of history and actively studies it in her past time. She wont hesitate to regale you with stories from ages past if you dare open that box.
  • Good Fighter - Due to her quirk she isn't the type to shy away from good ol' fistacuffs. So while not receiving much in the way of formal training she has found herself dealing with people she didn't like, or who got a bit too handsy for her tastes.
  • Arrogant - Mikado genuinely believes she is a 10/10 and the best girl in the entire school. She will never admit when she's wrong, she'll stubbornly defend her position to the death. Her pride would allow for nothing less.
  • No Training - While she might be a good fighter, everything she has revolves around her quirk. She has had no formal training, no technique, no real skill. Just raw brute power that can be circumvented by skilled combatants.
  • Jealous - As she desires to always be the center of attention she can get jealous of those who steal it away from her. Anyone who consistently beats her to the spotlight will quickly find themselves on her bad side and have to deal with her wrath in all the ways it manifests.
  • Spoiled - While not exceptionally rich, her family was quite well off and she grew up in an environment where everyone willingly gave her whatever she wanted. Because of this she generally expects people to give her what she wants without hesitation. On the flip side, she's very loose with her money and will freely throw it away on inane and stupid things.
Quirk: Limelight - The quirk is a simple one with great potential. In essence, the more people who focus on Mikado the stronger she gets. Enhanced strength, agility, perception, durability, every physical attribute is enhanced and strengthened. She gets a rush whenever her power activates, giving her an overall pleasant feeling. Despite being empowered the more people focus on her, the amount per person decreases the more people that watch her. If only one person is to focus their attention on her she experiences a 4x increase. If two people look at her it becomes a 5x increase. Four people is a 6x etc etc etc. There's a soft cap wherein one hundred people yield the most optimal result of 8x more powerful. Anyone beyond that limit only contributes a 0.1% increase. So long as she's the center of attention she maintains the buff. Even if they can't directly see her, such as being obscured by smoke or walls, as long as they're staring and waiting intently for her emergence she still retains the buff as their focus is still on her. It also works through footage, although it has to be live such as streaming. Attention garnered through footage is not as potent as that gained from people actually there in real life, as such the gains are halved, requiring twice as many people for the same benefit. The buff also has a delay before dissipating. She can lose the attention of her fans for five seconds before losing the buff. After those five seconds, however, it's an instant drop. It's all or nothing, no gradual build-up or wind-down. The moment she's gone six seconds without their attention she's back to being a normal fifteen year old girl.

Biography: Born to a pair of pro-hero parents she grew up in an environment of attention and fame. For better or worse this meshed well with her quirk and would play a huge role in her development over her years. Even as a child she relished being in the spotlight, to have all eyes on her. She did everything in her power to always be the center of a crowd. This made her many friends and many enemies. As she grew older she became more adept at mingling and socializing with others. Overall her early years were just that of a normal popular girl with famous parents.

That said, even she had a dream. That dream was to follow in her parents footsteps. Largely simply for the fame, but there was an underlying love of the nobility in serving others. At least she convinced herself of that, whether that genuine desire to just be a good hero was there or not was anyone's guess. But she was sure it was. Once finishing middle school she applied to the top hero schools across Japan. Obviously aiming for UA, but still putting out attempts for other schools. Alas, she did not make it into UA. Instead she landed a spot in their competitor. Content with this she went forward, looking forward to her high school years and her journey towards being a hero.

  • Mikado naturally has jet black hair and fairly pale skin, the typical yamato nadeshiko. But as part of her goal to stand out she has tanned and dyed her hair among other fashion choice.
Villain Name: Blackjack.

Real Name:
Ren Hirogami

Status: League of Villains member.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

: In short, Ren is a rebel. He dislikes rules and others telling him what to do. He's volatile, impulsive, and can get a bit hot-headed if he feels his will is being imposed upon. Can't stand authority figures. Otherwise, Ren can be described as an easy-going, fun-loving, chill guy...with criminal tendencies. Ren is selfish and has little morals. He doesn't want to better the world. He has no grand ideals. He's a villain because it sounds a lot more fun than being a hero. Less rules, less boredom. However, what he does have is a sense of loyalty to those he feels he owes something to.

Sense Manipulation: Ren can amplify and/or desensitize any and all of his 5 senses. He can do so for others as well, but must remain in physical contact with them to do so.

  • Excellent use of his quirk.
  • Good fighter.
  • Calculative and analytical.
  • Pick-pocketing
  • Torture (given his ability to increase the pain sensitivity of the victim)
  • Cheating.
  • impulsive
  • not great at listening to orders
  • lacks empathy.
Biography: Born to a poor family, Ren always found his life lacking. Kids always seemed to have what he didn't have. Money. Food. Toys. Love. That was probably the start of Ren's life as a criminal. Ren learned, at a young age, that life wasn't fair and that, in order to get what he wanted, he would have to take it from others. Heroes weren't going to help him. They probably didn't even know he existed, too busy with their world-destroying villains to deal with issues like domestic violence.

It wasn't the heroes that helped Ren.

It was the villains.

Ren didn't know what it about him that caught the Yakuza boss's attention. Perhaps it was the rebellious look in his eye. Perhaps it was the fact that he dared to try and steal from him. Maybe it was because he managed to land several good blows on adults twice his size. Whichever the case, after beating Ren up, the boss invited gave him some money and invited him into the Family.

That was 8 years ago.

The Yakuza family he joined has connections to the League of Villains and Blackjack is sometimes sent over to help.

"Eh? An inspiring catchphrase? I dunno about that..."
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    Tokihana Ellion








Hero Name:
Dazzling Hero: Lumière

Real Name:
Hana Haven




Positive Traits:

-Hana is quick-witted, and can think up creative ways to utilize her useful yet limited quirk mid-fight or mid-exercise.

-Has a strong sense of duty to help others and if there is somebody in need, she cannot turn a blind eye.

-Hana's physical training since an early age has developed the muscles of her body. Though misuse of her quirk has left her with an inability to physically strain herself, she never actually lost her athletic prowess, and is capable of short bursts of nimble athleticism.


-Doesn't know when not to clown around, and sometimes takes jokes to far.

-Subconsciously, Hana is always slightly afraid to use her quirk.

-When she was young, she hospitalized herself trying to travel at the speed of light. This has affected her body ever since, and overly strenuous exercise such as sprinting or lifting weights may cause her to grow faint of even black out.


Hana's quirk is a transformation-type quirk that allows her to very briefly take the form of light. She can only maintain the form for less than a second at present, which is enough time to utilize it in one of the two ways she currently knows how;

The first is to travel at the speed of light. However, she can only use this to make short hops, essentially serving as a form of instant short-range teleportation. She needs to see where she's going, she can't travel through anything that light can't pass through (meaning she can travel through glass in this form), and she can't travel too far otherwise she will disorientate herself through overexertion or even hurt herself in the distance is too far. Ten meters is about what's comfortable.15's "give me a minute". 20's gasping for air. 30's passed out immediately afterwards.

The second is to make the light bright, essentially turning herself into a human flashbang, without the bang. She can currently make this technique flash bright enough to leave the targets incapacitated for several seconds until their sight comes back to them. However, she cannot aim or control the field of this blast, so it will affect her allies as well as her foes. It is also next-to-useless when used outdoors on a sunny day unless the target was staring at her, not for any fault of the quirk. She believes that it is useless, so her mind subconsciously makes it so, putting less power into the flash while in sunlight.

She cannot use her quirk recklessly. It requires a significant amount of energy to use even once so she is completely incapable of spamming it, and even using it more than three times in a ten minute stretch will severely exhaust her. Three is her absolute current limit


Hana grew up in France, to a French father and a Japanese mother. Both her parents came from wealthy families due to her grandmother on her mom's side and her great-grandfather on her dad's side being very famous and renowned Heroes in their times. She did not exactly live the life of the pampered darling child of a celebrity family, but was still a fairly spoiled daughter in a bourgeoisie family. Not to say her parents gave in to her every whim. They were both stern parents who raised her to a high standard of learning and morals, as well as trained her physically with running, obstacle courses, personal trainers and a meticulously planned and scrutinized diet. A healthy body and a healthy mind made for a healthy person.

Hana willingly took part in these with pleasure and with a desire to batter herself. Her family legacy was based on Heroes, and it has always been her dream to honor this history and even add to it's pages with her own deeds as a famous and adored Hero in her own right. The discovery of her quirk was a very happy occasion in her life, even though she worried her parents sick, by falling ill repeatedly over-exerting her rather straining quirk. Still, she was tenacious and reckless in her youth and it wasn't until she found a use for her quirk besides flashing bright that her outlook changed. The first time she tried to move at the speed of light, she jumped forward ten yards and collapsed. Following this event, she was hospitalized briefly, and vowed that she would be far more careful in the future, pushing gently and tentatively at her limits and boundaries with care lest she worry her parents like that again.
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Akasuki Von Zweihild
The Phasing Hero: Swimmer


Akasuki Von Zweihild


The Phasing Hero: Swimmer









90 lbs

Akasuki can be described as an individual who has achieved everything in her life through self-motivation and the ability to rely on her own choices, skills, intelligence, and power. She doesn't believe in fate, nor does she believe in luck. She never had access to the miracles of the world, and constantly has a belief that anything fortunate that has happened to her is because of the efforts of herself or the efforts of someone else for her.

Therefore, Akasuki can be seen as an independent woman. She doesn't enjoy others doing things on her behalf, for she believes that it is an injustice to a person's self-value and ability to do things for themselves. As a result, she also encourages everybody else around her to become strong and be able to do things on their own two feet, without assistance from anybody with them. For once individuals are able to achieve their own self-worth, identity and the path that they are able to take for themselves, they will automatically gain the charisma they desire in order for others to follow their wishes. However, despite encouraging such individuality, Akasuki doesn't allow people to be selfish and not think for those around them - particularly those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Secondly, Akasuki demonstrates a personality that is thought to be her "casual" personality, shown only in front of people she deems close. Akasuki's casual personality appears to constitute of her less noble personality. Down-to-earth, Akasuki appears to engage in rather interesting and unique conversations with the people she is talking to. She is unafraid of referring to them casually, and the ones who are talking to her generally reciprocate this same behavior. Furthermore, Akasuki appears to demonstrate a short-tempered behavior: her upbringings have caused her to be intolerable of a variety of things, something noted quite heavily by a select few people. This is also demonstrated particularly in her internal monolog, where she quite carelessly utilizes foul language, simply because she is mad.

One notable aspect of her personality is her abnormal paranoia. Something which has plagued her from a young age is her constant caution. She is unable of taking a decision without taking into account. every single possibility, and it is due to her lack of instinct that she can get carried away in a vital situation. Therefore, while possessing self-confidence, she disallows herself to take vital and instantaneous decisions; if possible, she puts the responsibility upon other people. While she has tried several times to get over this paranoia, it has simply stuck with her due to the nature of her upbringing. As a direct consequence, Akasuki also deprives her own self-worth in these situations.


Free Swim:
This quirks main strength is that it allows the user to swim in a solid matter such as ground and walls as if it were water, the latter even allowing the user to swim upwards, seemingly disregarding gravity. While swimming the user distort's the matter they swim through allowing others to pass into it partially, the quirk does this by passing on the overlapping feature that allows this quirk to work with the matter that the user passes through. This process takes a 10 seconds for the other person to pass through the matter during this time the user needs to keep physical contact with the target, however, should the user leave the immediate vicinity of the other person while the other person is inside the matter the other person would become stuck making the quirk useful for trapping should the user be able to hold an opponent in place for enough time, the best way to think of this is like a swamp or quicksand. This, however, does have some weakness such as the opponent can still move they are however limited in movement as one would be in quicksand meaning the person stuck can pull themselves out or have another assist them to do so and much like quicksand it is more of a hindrance than a full-on trap. It also allows the user to submerge into the ground to avoid colliding with it upon falling from a great height.

The main weaknesses of this quirk is that the user cannot swim into living things and that the user must swim to make the quirk work so it still takes all the effort that swimming does. The user cannot also submerge themselves within matter that they swim through. There is also a delay of one minute from when she deactivates her quirk to when she can use it again.


To Akasuki's early knowledge she was born to two unknown people and was swiftly adopted by Wirnhier Von Zweihild who ran a pawn shop that primarily distributed recreational blades. Old man Zweihild treat her well and made her believe she was a part of the family, sure she had to work for it helping out around the Pawnshop but it was better than living out on the street plus she was always surrounded by people, mostly a girl around her age who Akasuki's father (Wirnhier Von Zweihild) seemed to look after and the two started a blossoming friendship. That girl was Katharine Zweihild Von Kleinerheld. However, there was always something that bugged Akasuki just who was her parents, sure she enjoyed her life she had no complaints but now at age thirteen she just needed to know. So she asked the one person who might know about it Wirnhier Von Zweihild and after bugging him for a few days he finally gave in and what Akasuki discovered would change her life forever.

Akasuki discovered that For the rest I'd either use Kiki (Katharine), the girl she had become friends with over the past few years was none other than her half-sister and that the women who was Wirnhier Von Zweihild daughter that Akasuki had met a few times whenever she came to see Kath was her mother, Erola Zweihild Von Kleinerheld and that the main reason she was treated as one of the family was because she really was. What she wasn't told was the tragedy that just struck her family. The tragedy consisted of the younger of her newly discovered half sisters being kidnapped however she was swiftly rescued but at a cost. This incident brought Akatsuki to a new realization she needed to get stronger, she didn't have the strongest quirk in the world it was useful sure but she needed some tricks of the trade something to give her an edge if she never wanted her family to go through that again so she decided to take matters into her own hands and with a lot of begging a pleading she was finally allowed to take Judo. That was step one of her current two-step plan the second part become a hero.

While this is the past that Akasuki knows about in reality it's much worse. Akasuki is a child of rape, her father was a high ranking member of a German mafia who managed to catch Erola as she was fleeing the country from them as her family owed them money. She was held captive two weeks before she managed to escape but not before being raped and she later found out she was pregnant. Not wanting to kill the baby instead once the baby was born she gave her to her father Wirnhier who promised to look after her and he ended up being the one to name her. Her red hair and red eyes are a blatant reminder of this fact.


She has a large amount of upperbody strength.
She can endure a lot of pain.
She has large amounts of stamina.
She's quite good at underhanded tactics (ambushing, deception etc...)
Adept at hand to hand combat.

No leadership skills.
She jumps at shadows due to being overly paranoid.
Lack of combat experience/unadaptable fighting style, she solely uses Judo to fight.
She has weak lower body strength.
She has a short temper.

Name: Ayuto Sokudo

Hero Name: "Streamline" The High Speed, Low Drag Hero!

Status: Student

Age: 15

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 135 lbs

Personality: Ayuto is a hardline Japanese Nationalist, and Human Idealist. A new age religious adherent. Believing that the "Powers That Be" blessed humanity with great power, believing that this is the next step in humanity's evolution. That mankind will transcend its mortal coil and become likened to gods. Having grown up with such a spectacular ability, he believes that he is personally blessed by the "Powers That Be." He sees great purpose in himself, and wishes to become a hero and lead the world by example.

Deep inside of him, he has a good heart. He's strong willed, forceful and dedicated tothe idea that humans are meant to be truly great. He wishes to become prime minister of Japan one day, and intends to do so by becoming the greatest hero to ever live. Using his skill as a hero to prove that he is more than adequate to lead his country.

-Physical: Due to living in a constant state of heightened reflexes and metabolism, his body needs constant sustenance. If he isn't snacking once every couple hours his reactions begin to get sluggish.

Has joint pressure problems, due to his quirk. Reducing his personal gravity constantly makes your joints vulnerable to arthritis and fluid compression issues. Has to sleep in an inverted bed.

-Mental: Despite being inherently good natured, he's overwhelmingly confident. Sometimes too confident, he's prone to "Fight Up" when he shouldn't.

He's actually averse to physical violence, preferring to subdue with submissions rather than beating someone unconscious.

Quirk: Pressure Relief

-Type: Emission

-Appearance: The User's body becomes more streamlined as a side effect of the quirk. Growing up in reduced gravity and friction causes their hair to naturally flow backwards, muscles to form slightly differently, etc. User's body begins to emit a field of "Zero Pressure." Evidently this is two forms of emission, as the user can flip either half of the quirk off at will.

Though this quirk is technically a "Half and Half," its effects spread to both sides of the body.

The quirk has multiple visual effects. The left half of his body covers him in a slight visual disruption that spreads across his entire person. Its almost as though you're looking at him through a thin veil of water that is constantly moving towards the right. The right half of his body covers him in a similar distortion, except its moving towards the left, and it makes him look as though he were standing behind warped glass. It also makes his hair begin to float unnaturally. When both are active, his hair begins to draw upwards rather than simply floating. The visual distortion is even more great, making it almost impossible to discern his facial features.

-Ability: User can reduce the effect of Gravity and Friction on their body. Reducing them to roughly 1% of their total effect. As well, they can choose which of these to reduce. Example: Choosing to reduce only friction so that they can slide underneath an obstacle.

The combination of these reductions allows them to send themselves rocketing forward at high speeds.

With just friction reduced, the user can skate across the ground as if it were ice. No matter the surface, the user maintains an almost constant speed and can accelerate by pushing themselves along. Since they maintian such a constant speed that doesn't decay, they can reach incredible speeds. (Currently, he is capable of skating at highway speeds.)

With just gravity reduced, the user can jump incredible distances. As if they were walking on the moon, effectively quadrupling the height at which they can jump. (Currently he is capable of jumping 15 feet.)

With both reduced, however, the user can effectively fly. Reducing the friction prevents wind from slowing them down after jumping. This means that when they start jumping, it will be a long time before they come down. (Currently, he is capable of flying the distance of a football field.)

The user can deactivate the quirk at any point in time, mid movement.

Due to constantly being in reduced friction and gravity, the user's reaction speed is heightened to compensate and match the speed at which they can move.

-Flaws: Quirk does not compensate in any way shape or form for returning to normal gravity or friction. If the quirk is turned off while sliding, the user's feet will stick to the ground like normal. If the quirk is turned off while jumping, the user will plummet to the ground like normal. It does not compensate for impacts with the ground.

Biography: Ayuta is the product of a Quirk Marriage. His father is a relatively famous Race Car Driver, his quirk "Slipstream" allows him to create a field of low friction. Using ultra high friction tires and creating a field of low friction around his car, he was unstoppable. When the time came for him to find a wife, he realized that he wanted a son who would be faster than him. Not just faster, but faster in every way.

So Ayuta's father, Shun, put out a lot of money to find a woman whose quirk would match well with his. Eventually he found Ayuta's mother, Amayo. Amayo's quirk was called "High Jump." It allowed her to create a field of low gravity around herself, effectively allowing her to jump long distances and fall slowly.

The two were agreed to the marriage and childbirth, and after a brief courtship they were pregnant with Ayuta. Nine months later, he was born. At four years of age his quirk developed and he smashed his nose so badly that it never recovered the cartilege properly. The two quirks matched perfectly, and they were happy.

It was a loveless marriage, but the two raised Ayuta to his teenage years and agreed to send him to academy. His aspirations of becoming a hero were born from proper tutelage and a strong foundation that the two parents mutually agreed would make for a good son.

They haven't told him, but when he graduates they will be divorced and will seek true love elsewhere.
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The High Pressure Hero:
True Blue

Shogo Yamaha

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5 foot 7 inches

Weight: 117.6 lbs

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Build: Slender

Character Traits:
Ebullient: Shogo is always full of energy, seeming to never get tired. He can never sit around and do nothing, constantly wanting to do something with his time.
Scrupulous: Shogo has a grand eye for detail, noticing little imperfections that some, if not most people would skip over.
- Superstitious: Shogo is strangely severely superstitious. It gets in the way of his day sometimes, with his normal routine making him run late sometimes.
- Disorganized: Shogo has a problem with being organized with his important belongings, such as his school supplies or his money.

- Optimistic: Shogo tends to look at the brighter side of every situation, so even in combat, when things look bleak, he doesn't give up.
- Cooperative: Shogo works very well in a group, though he doesn't enjoy taking up a leadership role.

- Flexible: Physically, Shogo is rather flexible, able to lift his legs up towards his head with ease. If he gains some fighting experience, then he could apply his flexibility to work as a hero.

- Naive: Shogo's lack of experience shows through. If things start to go very well in his favor, he gets cocky, underestimating his opponents.
- Profligate: Shogo tends to waste things. Whatever money he has usually burns a hole in his pocket, as an example. However, this also comes to his Quirk. He will go through wasting his energy and resources with his Quirk, eventually leaving him unable to fight.
- Weak: Shogo relies a lot on his quirk to do heavy lifting by pushing things with his water. This leaves much of his body rather weak, aside from his back muscles, which are naturally strong due to Shogo using his Quirk.

Power: ■ ■ □ □
Speed: ■ ■ □ □ □
Technique: ■ ■ □ □
Intelligence: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Cooperation: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Water Cannons

Shogo's Quirk is rather simple; portruding from the back of his each of his hands are short rods that just barely break out of his skin. These rods can blast water at varying degrees of pressure which Shogo can control freely by changing the flow of water in his body through them, or tightening the rods underneath his skin by adjusting their thickness. While the most likely use of the Quirk could be to put out fires, Shogo also sees his own potential of fighting criminals and villains with his Quirk, using the water to blast villains away.

However, he needs to overcome some drawbacks to his Quirk first, with the more obvious one being the fact that his cannons can get clogged. Normally, Shogo tries to prevent this from happening, but the risk is always there, and he would need medical help if something got lodged deep in the cannons. The second problem is actually a more prominent problem, and that is the fact that the more he uses his cannons or the more powerful the water he shoots out is, the more it dehydrates him. He can shoot out 3-6 bars (300,000-600,000 pascal) units of pressure for about ten minutes straight without stopping for his limit, where he passes out from dehyrdation, but in short bursts can go up to about 10 bars of pressure.

Shogo's childhood wasn't too eventful. His family was rather poor, going between living in cheap apartments for a few months and then staying with family friends. Despite all of this, Shogo's father and mother were optimistic, always saying things would eventually go their way. This trait was then passed on to Shogo and one of his older siblings, his sister, Chise, but not to his older brother and Chise's fraternal twin, Yataro. For a few years, Shogo's parents had to put most of their money towards the education of their children, but at the end of the day they all enjoyed being able to stay together. Eventually, though, a program that assisted the lower class gave aid to the Yamaha family, giving them a steady roof over their head until Shogo's parents could find jobs to support their family better. Shogo's father, Takiji, got a job in a big company as an engineer, and Shogo's mother, Tomomi, got a job as a travel agent.

Due to the nature of Takiji's and Tomomi's job, they weren't home often, with Takiji having to normally go out of town in order to conduct business. This left most of Shogo's upbringing to his older siblings. All in all, things still were never bad. The children would spend time with their parent's in the morning and on weekends, never losing how close they were. Shogo of course missed all the time they had together years ago, but he was happy that his parent's were even happier now. In order to not let anything make him sad, he started looking into hobbies.

By the time Shogo was twelve, he was getting into his "idolization of heroes" phase. He would run to big gatherings after school where heroes were conducting their work and watch in awe. Shogo even began to imagine what he could do as a hero. He was given a chance to show his potential as a hero, though, when he was in his family's apartment one night alone, and he could smell smoke He ran and found it was from their neighbor's apartment, and Shogo busted the door down with his Quirk and began to try to put out the flames. Another neighbor appeared who called the fire department, and while Shogo couldn't put out the flames fast enough, he at least made it so he had a path to the neighbor. After getting him out of the apartment, Shogo managed the fire until the fire department arrived to handle the flame. He was taken to the hospital for the sake of safety, and when he received praise from the head of the fire department and a few small-time heroes, Shogo decided that he wanted to be a hero. Thus, he studied hard to get into U.A, and even though he wasn't excepted there, he was accepted into Shiketsu Academy.

- Hero Costume: Shogo's hero costume tries to live up to his potential Hero Name; a blue form-fitting tank top, navy blue cargo pants, and navy blue combat boots. He wears custom-made waterproof gloves that reach halfway up his forearms, with navy blue rings going up from his wrist to the opening of the gloves. There is also openings in the back of the gloves to allow him to use his Quirk. He also wears a blue bandanna with white polka dots, and blue-tinted goggles to protect his eyes from the water he shoots. The last part of his hero costume is a blue jacket, similar to a normal firefighter's jacket, though he sometimes goes without it to be able to move more freely.
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[WIP]The Misty Hero: Ichor

Hero Name-

Real Name-
Kagami Asada






Physical Description:
Kagami is a tall male with smooth pale skin, long forest green hair and possesses red and golden eyes. He is considered to be very pretty, to the point of being mistaken for a woman many times. He has a slender build and long limbs.

-Intelligent, Fun-loving, Energetic, Charismatic, Eccentric, Funny
- Rebellious, Manipulative, Sadistic, Mischievous, Sarcastic, Smug

Bloody Fog- Kagami can become a mist of blood and move at high speeds. He is fast enough in this form to create a slipstream as well as a mini cyclone. The fog can also separate into different clusters for a few brief moments. Due to the nature of his quirk, Kagami possesses more blood and an increased blood flow. He, however, needs to keep eating and producing more blood or else he runs the risk of dying from blood loss due to overuse.


Swordsmanship: Kagami is a very skilled swordsman, having been taught fencing and kendo by his parents.


Hand To Hand Combat

Biography (Three/four paragraphs max. Save some for IC.)
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Obake Fuji
Power: ★★★★
Speed: ★★★★★
Technique: ★★★★
Intelligence: ★✩✩✩✩


Age & Gender
Seventeen year old female

Height and Weight
5'3", 97 pounds

Mentally Weak

Sentinel is a male spirit-like monster who inhabits Obake's body and lives under the oath to keep her safe and happy. When Obake is unhurt and feeling safe, he takes the form of gold and wide tendril-like structures on her back (around six and are aura-like). He is her ultimate shield, negating almost any attack that can be thrown her way. The only way to break through her monster's shield is with incredibly precise blows with enough power to blow through its defence. Blunt attacks are almost completely useless as Sentinel feels no pain, nor he does he bleed. His shield has almost instantaneous reflexes, able to deflect a bullet from a sniper rifle from a few feet away. The main drawback to this form of hers is it offers zero capabilities for offence and any attempt at an attack would be akin to a light punch. The best way to deal with this would be to gang up on her as she only has six tendrils to defend with, but even then it can be difficult to take her down.

However, if Obake experiences any pain, it sends Sentinel into a frenzy, turning his tendrils grey. The tendrils on her back grow into eight and become much more slender and knife-like. Instead of focusing of defending Obake, Sentinel focuses on eliminating what Obake deems a threat. With an initial range of about fifteen feet, it attacks with blows that can tear through flesh like it was almost nothing at incredible speeds. While this opens up the weak Obake for attacks coming her way as Sentinel becomes solely focused on elimination, getting passed her tendrils can be challenging and risky in itself. To add to this, there more pain she feels, the more powerful he becomes. On the verge of death, Sentinel will take full control and his true form will be released. However, in doing so he will put Obake in a near death state and if it goes on too long, will kill her in a matter of seconds. The main drawback to this form is its inability to change back until Obake feels safe. Though Obake cannot verbally command Sentinel into any form, she can force the change from defence to offence but inflicting harm on herself.

The monster does communicate occasionally with her and has devoted his entire life to making her happy and safe. He often chooses to avoid making contact with anyone other than Obake, but he is certainly capable of doing so. He is dependent on Obake's body and if she dies, so does he.

Obake's biggest weakness is herself. Without Sentinel she is just a frail teenage who is unable to protect herself. Due to Sentinel being locked to Obake's body, in order for them to pursue her she needs to run after them to extend Sentinel's range. This makes it very easy to escape Obake, but incredibly difficult to kill her. Another weakness is that she unable to work with everyone, as Sentinel holds no interest in protecting anyone other than Obake. Even if Obake wants him to save someone else, he will completely ignore it. This makes it hard for her to cooperate with other people, which can lead her to getting ganged up on.

Another big problem with her quirk is she has no control of it at all, Sentinel is merely doing what it thinks will protect her. This means that unless the target escapes, Sentinel will go to any lengths to kill the opponent. It will not subdue or apprehend, it only knows to kill.

Obake was born into the slums to a father heavily involved with gangs and a Mother consumed with alcohol. Because of her unstable upbringing, Obake was in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. At the age of Seven, she was viciously attacked by someone from the streets when she was playing on the playground. Her mother had not been paying attention, talking to a friend off the premises and no one was in distance to protect her. This had awoken her quirk, a monster named Sentinel who protected her from the assailant, butchering him in the process. The man's death was assumed to be a neighborhood vigilante and Obake was never assumed responsibility. From here on Sentinel had been the beacon in her life and the only thing that kept her going. When she was approached by bullies in school, she felt safe knowing that none of their punches could get through her guardian's absolute shield. This turned into a developing outcast from society, slowly gaining hate for a society she could not integrate into.

At the age of fourteen, Obake was caught using Sentinel in public when someone tried to rob her purse. The police had seen this as a voluntary use of her quirk and wished to take her home to her parents. Due to the fear of making her mom and dad angry, she refused to go with them, confident that Sentinel would protect her from any attempts from the police. When they were unsuccessful in getting her into their custody, the called on a professional hero to gently apprehend her instead. In charge of her capture with the phasing hero, Ghost. His quirk allowed him to get through her shield and place his arms on her own. When he tried being rough with her as she struggled, she put her into a position that made her felt pain, someone who had not experienced the sensation is so long began to scream in agony, awaking Sentinel's true offence. In just a made of seconds, the pro hero was caught off guard and was blended into countless pieces.

In total, ten policeman, two bystanders and a pro hero were killed in this incident. Had it not been for someone in affiliation with the league of villains who helped her escape, it was likely that she would have died as well. With no place to go and a notorious criminal, the league of villains was the only place safe for her. In their custody she was fed rhetoric that would place her loyally under their fingers.
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Physical Strength: 4/10
Mental Strength: 5/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Charisma: 6/10
Dexterity: 8/10
13fib8qqz9dy.jpg Isabella Billard

  • the_witcher_3___cirilla_fiona_elen_riannon_by_iforher-d9h4396.jpgFull Name:
    Isabella Alice Caprice Billard


    Hero Name:
    The Copy Cat Hero: Mimic





    Position: Student

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Only Male.jpgHero Name: N/A
Real Name: Makoto Yamada
Status: Student
Age & Gender: 15, Male
Height: 5'2
Weight: 127lbs.


-Isn't concerned with negative reactions to his quirk. (Both physical reactions and personal.)
-Breaking his trust more than once will likely break your entire connection to him.
-Mercy is not in his vocabulary.
-Brutally honest.

Random Physical Traits:
+Surprisingly strong for his size.
-Pretty short, and as such not the best at reaching things or climbing over single ledged barriers.

Quirk: Illusory Arsenal: The user can create an illusion of a weapon, which causes various effects. To anyone seeing the weapon, it appears to be real, colliding with and damaging scenery and organism alike. The associated sounds are also made. Because of this, and the associated pain, it may convince many that the wielder actually is harming someone. However upon the weapon dissipating, the illusory damage caused by the weapon will revert. In reality, nothing happened at all, obviously. The user, along with people that can ignore illusions entirely, are the only individuals immune to this besides machines. For the user, they often have to choose between seeing the damage they did, and seeing how the opponents actual body is reacting. More often than not, they'll switch between the two after landing a successful hit.

There are a few weapons the user can wield at the moment.

Large Club: Simulates blunt damage, causes a feeling of sluggishness, lowers response speed. Kinda like a depressant I guess. Effect lasts a minute per hit, does increase the timer for consecutive hits. (Up to 5 minutes of effect.) It takes on the appearance of an angular, simplistic piece of metal with a hilt attached. Some might think it looks like a sword with a blade too thick to cut anything. Likely to "break" bones. 54 inches in total length.

Sheath: Simulates blunt damage, causes a feeling of being largely imbalanced. (Sheathed Blade Form) Effect lasts a minute per hit, does increase the timer for consecutive hits. (Up to 5 minutes.) Less painful than the mace, as it is unlikely to "break" bones. 43 inches in total length.

Standard Blade: Simulates cutting + every other pain associated with blades pain. Causes loss of usage of a limb (If it would actually hit the whole limb. Scratching them doesn't count.) Neck strikes give a KO. (Unsheathed Form.) Effect lasts until the blade is dissipated. Expect to feel lots of pain when a limb is "Removed". That, and it's visually sickening to some that get weak when they see blood and the like, obviously.

The sword is technically weightless, as with the other weapons. It has a length of 43 inches in total length, which includes the blade itself. The blade is 36 inches.

Taurus PT99: Simulates piercing and possibly fragmentary damage. Has a lower chance to cause loss of a limb without proper aim, but can still KO with either a headshot or one to the neck. Lung shots cause trouble breathing, and a heart shot, if aimed properly may also cause a KO. 17 rounds, 9mm handgun. While actually recoilless due to it being an illusion, the user may fake recoil if they choose. The gun must be reloaded despite being an illusion.

Each form has a different active time, which can be paused via dissipating the weapon. If paused, the cooldown will begin. During this time other weapons can be used, but the weapon on cooldown cannot be used again even if it had time remaining.

Large Mace: 1 hour.
Sheath: 45 minutes.
Illusion Blade or Guns: 35 minutes.

The cooldowns are equal to the time active. So if the Illusion Blade was out for 5 minutes, the cooldown is also 5 minutes. If it were active for 2 minutes, the cooldown would be 2 minutes.

Due to the weapons being an illusion, they don't follow logic. Even if you wore armor, the weapons would appear to cleave through it as well.

Cameras and technology ignore the illusions, unsurprisingly.

Makoto didn't have much of an eventful life. A few mishaps or "Best days ever" that most kids would have, but not much else. He had a select group of friends in school, most of which shared similar quirks to his own in one way or another, and so they understood how it worked for the most part. Never really got bullied either, because who wants to mess with someone that could make weapons? As such, he never had to use his quirk for a fight, but this brought up another issue.

He wanted to get some sort of use out of his quirk, but there didn't seem to be much he could do with it. There was no way he could somehow start a business with it, it wasn't deadly enough to be a villain's quirk (Yes, he actually considered that.), standard law enforcement hardly dealt with anything… But hero work did offer an opportunity. Since it seemed like heroes rarely ended up killing the villains and criminals they caught to begin with, a quirk with no real damage done would be ideal in a way. Not for permanent restriction, but at least for temporary debilitation to allow capture.

With the possibility of finding a purpose for his abilities, Makoto set up a few goals. The first and most important one, was getting into a hero school. That goal has been achieved, but actually passing is his next one.

Villain NPC:
Villain Name: Schlamn
Real Name: Miroslav Özil
Gender: Genderless as slime, takes on the form of a male.

Persona: Schlamn is seen as a bit of an unintelligible idiot, who can barely put together coherent sentences. He doesn't really have much of a personal motivation outside of the desire to destroy and kill, often enjoying the sight of death and decay. Though he is seen as this unintelligible fool, he can speak and think for himself, even if it's only to the level of a first grader. Unable to form a strong plan of attack or sense of motivation, he usually needs to be paired with someone as an authority to help him perform adequately in combat. Without this, he just mindlessly attacks everything around him until his appetite for destruction is satiated.

Quirk: Toxic Sludge- His body is made up of a green sludge with a foul stench, that has the ability to cause necrosis in living objects. The Necrosis only affects the area where his slime touches (so from the surface down) but the process starts immediately but is slow to finish. It can be neutralized with detergent to prevent the process from continuing, but the surface area is always damaged. It takes about 30 seconds for the process to make its way to the bone of a mammal, and if complete it'll cause a hole in the flesh and the appearance of rotting flesh.

The sludge only has its toxic aspect active when it detaches from his body as he has normal organs and they would be eaten alive if this wasn't true. Since the sludge isn't acidic and doesn't affect non-living things, it can be contained in a jar. He also has the ability to mold his shape into a human form, or other forms, but it takes a lot of his concentration and he can barely speak in this form, which is where people get the idea that he's completely unintelligible. He can shift his organs at will in his body to avoid fatal strikes.

His weakness is detergent or any other sludge neutralizers. Note* He floats on top of water.


Miroslav was orphaned in Germany, where he spent most of his life oozing around eating stray animals and rodents for sustenance. His life was relatively mundane, and he didn't' seem to mind the lack of affection or true human interaction. He lived, and his desire for destruction was satiated in killing the animals and plants until he got older. As he grew, his desire for death grew with him and soon he began killing cattle and then humans. This put him on the criminal registry, and he was arrested for the first time at age 15. Escaping, he continued his spree of death before ending in Japan a many years later. There, he met a man who taught him how to function in normal society, so that he wouldn't get caught, and even going out of his way to invent a detergent that neutralized his odor, without damaging his body.

For years the man manipulated him to do his bidding, until he killed the man and took his persona. It was when mugetsu found him, that he recruited him into the league of villains, with the sole purpose to kill.

Villain NPC:

Villain Name: Ms. Sparks
Real Name: Karin Hamasaki
Gender: Female

Personality: Karin takes both pleasure and pride in being a Supervillain. She enjoys the spotlight, and the feeling of seeing your face in the papers. Heroes have that too, but they have public expectations, and a conscience, and an image to maintain, and other annoying strings attached. Far freer as well as more fun to live on the dark side. Karin can theatrical, dramatic and hammy when the situation allows it but still carries the constantly vigilant air that betrays that she is taking this seriously as well as having fun. She is risking her freedom and her life with every public appearance and she knows that. While less overconfident than the used to be, she still has a problem with cockiness, and does not think very strategically in fights. That's not to say she doesn't use her head. She's a survivor. She just more of the 'fight dirty' kind of smart than the 'tactics' kind.

Quirk: Static Shot- Karin can generate abnormal amounts of static electricity within her body, and release it from a suitable discharge point (In her case, her index fingers). Over time she has been able to generate more charge, and thus, having more energy to work with, release it at a target further away than before. The amount she can hold is finite, and she can only store enough charge for one static shot capable of killing a target, unless it's a headshot or a direct hit on the heart, which both require less power to kill. Her regular static shorts, hitting non-vital areas will merely hurt, and cause a painful electric shock. She can fire off six of these before she needs to recharge, which she can do naturally be sleeping or taking a few hours break, or by the methods people normally store static (rubbing against fur, for example). The further away the target is, the weaker the shot. Twenty meters is the distance at which her static shot feels like no more than touching a car door on a hot day, and a killing shot will feel like a regular static shot.

Her charged nature means that touching her bare skin will result in a shock of which its strength depends on how many shots she's fired. At full charge, touching her is even deadlier than her killing shot, but even when she's low charge, touching her will still hurt more than an ordinary static shot. This is something she will generally try to avoid as it grounds her and completely depletes her reserves if she was not ready for it. However, it can give her an edge in hand to hand combat. She can make physical contact through her hands at least five times before fully grounding herself using her custom made semi-conductive gloves

Biography: Karin did not have a happy childhood. Her father was a fisherman living in southern Japan. Her mother had died in childbirth trying to deliver Karin's brother, who also didn't make it. Karin's father wasn't abusive by any means, but he needed Karin's help with his job, so she didn't have much of a choice into her occupation, and she hated being a fisherman. She had grand dreams of adventure, riches and fame like in the wildest fantasies and book she would read. She was barely fourteen when she swam away one night while her father had fallen asleep in the boat, letting the tide take her several miles west. There she pretended to be an orphan and joined the crew of a cargo ship. It was not exactly her dream job either but it was a step in the right direction.

It was only until the ship got ransacked by pirates one day did a glimmer of hope emerge in her bleak life, like a reward for her patience. She begged the captain to let her join, and over the course of the next few years, fell in love with the thief's lifestyle. She found that she had a flair for burglary and assassination. She didn't hate the more loud, violent aspects such as raiding and armed robbery; she was as good at them as anybody else, and that was no fun (Though an electricity quirk in sea battles would often give her an edge, that didn't count). Eventually, she yearned for a few years of infamy, notoriety and glamour, and used a few connections of her Captain's to get in touch with the League of Villains.

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