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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom MHA: Altered Stories[CS Page]



Professional Moron
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Students - Students are mostly going to be 16, but I'll allow ages between 16-18. Villains can be any age, but most will be adults. No characters under the age of 16, please. Pro-heroes must be 18 or older. Teachers should be at least 20 or older.

Hero name(for pro heroes/teachers students can use these too also!):
Zodiac Sign(optional):
Room mate preference(optional):
Favorite Food:
Favorite Snack:
Favorite Dessert:

[character Name]'s info; affiliation: (UA, League of villains, Pro hero/teacher) (Optional)
Blood type:

Stats- (17 point max)(Optional)
Quirk Power:
Physical Power:

Name: Yu Wu
Hero name(for pro heroes/teachers students can use these too also!): The Elastic Fist
Age: 16
Birthday: 4/20
Zodiac Sign(optional): Tauros
Sexuality(optional): Straight
Gender/Pronouns(optional): Male/He/him
Height: 5'5 ft.
Appearance: collar length pink spiky rubbery hair that appears to be messily combed back. Though since his hairy is rubbery, he can't actually comb it. His eyes are cherry red ,and even his teeth are pink. His skin light pink rubbery skin, and he has a great complexion! One of the great things about being rubbery is he never has a single pimple, wart, or any other blemish! He's 5'5 ft, 142 pounds, somewhat muscular.

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Casual Clothing: He wears a plain red t-shirt("King of breakfast" is written on it), green jogging pants, blue sneakers, and a purple hoodie with orange stars(unzipped), an pink fanny pack, and a waterproof silver watch.
Hero/Villain outfit: tight spandex sleeveless red shirt, black leather half vest with inside pockets, loose white satin kung fu pants(with a red dragon wrapped around the right leg, Red satin sash, metal plated knee pads and elbow pads, maroon kung fu shoes ,and bronze brass knuckles that say "HAHA" on them(both hands).
Description: Yu is a friendly dork that wants to live his best life and help others succeed in life as well. He's a very outgoing boy that knows how to get the most out of his time, as he is someone with many hobbies and responsibilities and always makes sure his time is well spent.

Personality: Yu is a friendly and energetic boy that tries to make friends, and tries to be outgoing. Sometimes to the point where he's overdoing it a bit. At times he can come off as awkward or just flat out weird. He also has a very oddly specific idea what being a hero means. He is more than happily to explain that 'his idea' of being a hero. That he likes to likes to try and "save the day" even if it doesn't need saving. You dropped you pencil! Never fear! i will save the day! He also likes to make puns and jokes that might not be funny to most people, but he will most certainly laugh at his own jokes. Basically dad jokes but cranked up to eleven. Despite his goofy personality he's an etremely smart boy.

Description: Yu is a always cheerful, sweets loving, anime loving pink boy who cares deeply about education and helping others.
Quirk: rubber man (mutant) - Since his body is rubbery he is extremely resistant to blunt force and other things like falling. He is also extremely limber as his bones are rubbery and can bend really easily. However he is still susceptible to sharp attacks or elemental attacks. He can stretch his body out 10 ft.
Role(student/pro/teacher/villain): Student 1-A
Room mate preference(optional): Yes please
Hobbies: Watching Duragan Bowl C, Making/helping friends and getting candy
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Snack: Candy(any kind)
Favorite Dessert: Milkshake, preferably with candy
Aesthetic: Bright vibrant colors. Especially the color pink. Yu wants everything to be as bright and cheerful as he is.
Sexuality(optional): Straight
Backstory: The link below is over 4,000 words long so here is a shortened version.

Yu Wu Grew up with his family in Shenzhen China. That is where his father was born and raised. His mother however was from Japan. Yu's father was a lawyer. His mother worked at a garden. Yu was an average kid with three siblings. Yu was a problem child in his youth as he never had any goals or directions. The fact that he was the only person in his family that was pink made him stand out even amongst his own family. One tragic day his mother was killed on her way home. It she was unfortunate enough to encounter a nasty villain on her way home. Leeya's death greatly effected the family and ultimately lead to them moving to Musutafu Japan.

It was hard adjusting to their new life, but after some proper hard work and discipline, Yu managed to become a surprisingly brilliant child. His grades went up. His mother would have been proud. Leeya's parents/his grand parents were good people and encouraging too. So was his father and siblings. Yakumo struggled the most, but hid it well. He devoted his time into his work and kids. Rarely ever giving himself time to relax. His father always put others before himself, especially his kids. One day an intruder would break into their home in Japan and the incident would change Yu's life and where he would gain his desire to one day become a hero.

Yu Wu's Written works backstory
(All four chapters included)

Other Details: Yu is an avid tai chi practitioner
his hero name will be
Family: Father(Yakumo/alive), Leeya(Mother/deceased), older brother(Keiyo/alive), Maya(slightly older twin sister/alive), Maya(slightly older twin sister/alive), Nia(younger sister/alive)
Yakumo works as a lawyer, Keiyo aspires to become a lawyer like his father, Maya aspires to become a journalist ,and Nia hasn't made any future plans for when she grows up though its highly unlikely she will want to become a hero like her brother Yu.

Yu's info; affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class 1A
Birthday: 4/20
Height: 165 cm
Blood type: AB-
Likes: grapefruit juice, and anything sweet.
Dislikes: pun haters. Scum of the earth.

Quirk Power: 4
Physical Power: 2
Intelligence: 5
Cooperation: 3
Speed: 3

Yu's theme song:
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  • Backstory

    CS Theme
    Meddus - Elemental

    A Marriage arranged for a couple, A woman who possessed a quirk that allowed her to change into a beast and, a male scientist whose family quirk supplied a random elemental power, had been set to create a powerful household. Though forced together in a rather unorthodox meeting they would grow a fruitful love. This love would lead to the birth of three children. A few years later however this family would be torn apart from the fathers family forcing there debt to the Abegawa Tenchu Kai on him. Motivated by the kidnapping of his children he begrudgingly accepted their "offer". For 8 years the family worked for the gang until a both unfortunate and fortunate encounter with a villain changed their lives and their views for better or worse. At least those of the eldest as she stared down the assassin fatigue after the assassin tested her determination to hold her declared convictions true. Impressed the villain left the fate of the trio to the collapse of the burning building and the soon to arrive emergency help. Making it out and providing for her now orphaned family the eldest managed to keep her siblings spirts high and there determination strong. Now six years later they would find themselves at the prestigious U.A. High School as students at the and with their new lives ahead of them will these sibling become heros or villians?

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(copied and pasted this from the other rp- i am probably gonna add newer art of mitsuri)
[Name:Mitsuri Usagi(her name translates to Honey Rabbit)
Quirk: Emotional Wreck she gets energy from her emotions and unleashes a punch it but when shes sad or angry her punch becomes more stronger and does heavy damage usagi doesnt like her quirk so much because it relies on her emotions and she doesn't like hurting people
Personality:Quiet,Shy,Timid,socially anxious,crybaby
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school uniform
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casual outfitP.E. uniform
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summer uniform
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Hero outfit
Description:Usagi has mocha brown colored skin with sakura pink hair and berry red eyes, shes silent and pretty shy she has little to no friends shes very popular but doesn't know how to talk to anyone and gets scared(shes like komi shouko!) she likes anime and manga and video games shes a geek she has very bad social anxiety!
Room mate preference(optional):i-i-i.........*too afraid to speak* *she acts like komi shouko she can barely speak and makes it hard for her to make friends8
Hobbies: Drawing anime,Watching anime,Reading Manga,Baking,
Birthday:March 18th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Favorite Food:Meat Buns,Karaage Chicken,Katsu Curry,
Favorite Snack:Rock Candy,Rakugan,Custard Flavor Taiyaki
Favorite Dessert:Cake Pops and Cakesicles

Backstory:Usagi had a pretty rough childhood when she was just 5 her mom and dad were arguing and then her mom threw a knife at her dad and he died and then her mom saw that usagi was watching the whole thing she hugged usagi and then stabbed herself usagi only remembers her saying "the petals of the roses have fallen......seems you're the last one standing good bye.." usagi never knew what she meant but usagi has flashbacks of that incident after that she was raised by a adoptive family of 8 she lived happily there but things never got better for her when she got to middle school she confessed to a boy she liked and got slapped and rejected and got called a "creep" she got bullied and sometimes even assaulted and thats when she chose to stay silent and never talk to anyone or make friends she chooses to be quiet and sensitive because before her parents died they tried to control her life and take usagi away from one of the other her dad would secretly assault her resulting in her being traumatized she always dreamed of being a magical girl rather than a human but she decided to be a hero to protect others from what she couldnt protect herself from

Fun fact: she is a idol(actress,j pop singer and model)shes very popular at UA
her hero suit is a magical girl dress
she has really bad social anxiety
she is a huge tsudere
she cant really communicate well
shes good at drawing
she cries a lot
shes shy but has difficulties in making friends
she likes anime and manga
nobody has ever actually heard her voice shes communicated through a notebook her whole life
she has a twin who is in the LOV named zetsubo who ill make a cs for
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I'm gonna post my other/last two characters here as well. Both Marumatsu Marumatsu and SimplyNene SimplyNene ; both characters look good.

Name: Yashi Shimizu
Villain name: Soul Singer
Age: 20
Birthday: 7/25
Zodiac Sign(optional): Leo
Sexuality(optional): Bisexual
Gender/Pronouns: Male/He/him
Height: 5'11"
Appearance: 5'11" ft. Somewhat muscular. He's has a Light complexion, cold blue eyes, but a warm welcoming smile always. His hair is short beige hair, parted to the left and his bangs are horribly uneven.

His casual outfit is a light blue dress shirt with a bright purple sweater vest. Khaki pants, black socks and brown leather shoes.

His villain outfit consists of a deep purple turtleneck sweater, a hooded olive green jacket with various tips and holes, tight brown pants, long gray boots and a smiling red and blue masquerade mask, that only covers the lower half of his face.

Personality: Yashi is a very clingy man who likes to surround himself with as many friends as possible and always seeks to grow his soul collection. He hates saying goodbye. Because he always seeks to make new friends, he's always in a good mood and never gets angry. When people fight him or lash out in anger or fear, he sees them as ignorant and can't get angry at his 'friends' for ignorance.
Description: you might not know it, but he considers you his friend. He's your friend whether you like it or not.

Quirk: Soul manipulation - Yashi can commune with the souls of the deceased, reshape them and even blind them to himself. Sometimes the victims are of the lives he's taken, but a majority are taken from haunted locations.

Soul bind - Soul binding is the act of linking a spirit to an object or the user.

Posession - Yashi can force souls into objects to enhance or control. He can bind souls to objects or detach them should I desire. Manipulating people is extremely difficult as people can resist it. Dying people are easier targets however.

Soul husks - Soul husks are souls that have been twisted and warped to the point of irreversible effect. These souls are misshapen dark shadowy monstrous creatures with silvery tears where their eyes once were. These unfortunate souls retain their memories and can sometimes be heard weeping. They are normally timid and docile when left alone but are animalistic and relentless in obeying commands.

Role(student/pro/teacher/villain): Villain
Room mate preference(optional): yes, anyone, he's not picky
Hobbies: Hobbies: Funerals. Visiting sick/dying people at the hospital to cheer them up. Possibly gain a soul when nobody is around. Make friends in general.
Favorite Food: hamburger sliders. Great for parties.
Favorite Snack: chips. Preferably the share sized bags to share with friends
Favorite Dessert: pie. Sliced evenly so everyone can have some.
Aesthetic: warm, friendly and welcoming

Backstory: Yashi never knew his real father. His mother said he was dead, but never specified how. Eventually she remarried to a wealthy businessman who oversaw Yashi's education. He sent him to the best school money could buy. If he wanted something, and his step-father could buy it, it was done. The one thing his step-father couldn't buy were friends. He desperately craved attention. His parents didn't really wanna spend much time with him as he oftentimes brought spirits home with him and the kids at school were afraid of him. Some spirits he brought home were more malicious than others and negatively influenced him. Over the years of speaking with the dead, his own mind slowly began to warp and change just like the very souls he would eventually manipulate. He took a fascination with death and took joy in force binding spirits to himself. It meant they could be friends forever and ever. While he never seen himself as a villain, he did seem to find they were the most tolerable of his less than stable behavior and he would go on to do some truly horrendous things to impress his new 'friends'.

[character Name]'s info; affiliation: (UA, League of villains, Pro hero/teacher) (Optional)
Birthday: 7/24
Height: 5'11" ft
Blood type: AB+
Likes: You
Dislikes: goodbyes

Stats- (17 point max)(Optional)
Quirk Power: 5
Physical Power: 3
Intelligence: 4
Cooperation: 2
Speed: 3

Name: Rahm Katar
Hero name: Big Mouth
Age: 36
Birthday: 10/10
Zodiac Sign(optional): Libra
Sexuality(optional): bisexual
Gender/Pronouns: male/he/him
Height: 6'3" ft.
Appearance: Ramn is a tall pale man with Bright orange eyes, short silvery blue hair on top, and extremely short on the sides. He's fairly muscular and stands at 6'3" Ft. weighing at 215 lbs. He has various mouths across his body like mentioned in his quirk description. He has a rather intimidating looking facial expression with various scars across his body. He has a clean shaven face and a squared jawline.

Casual outfit. He wears a purple dress shirt untucked that covers his shoulder and stomach mouths. He wears dark gray dress pants, black socks, purple dress shoes, a silver watch, and sometimes has a olive green jacket.

Hero outfit - He wears a purple long sleeved spandex shirt with white stripes down the arms and holes for his shoulder mouths, and cropped at the bottom for his belly mouth. On top of that, he has a white leather jacket with fur trim and holes in the same places his shirt has. He wears black and white gloves with holes on the palms. He wears loose white and gray camo pants with many pockets for many tools and equipment. He wears a tactical belt or more tools and supplies. He wears black combat boots.

Personality: Rahm seems like a very angry man. He talks loud, he criticizes often and he's very nitpicky. Deep down, you won't find many people more caring or devoted to helping people than Rahm. Rahm cares deeply for the students and deep down is a very emotional man who can't stand the thought of a child getting hurt and being unable to help them. Which is why he gets angry and scolds them frequently when they get hurt.

Description: Rahm is a man that spends a lot of time studying, despite being a teacher. He's always keeping up to date with modern medical science and and doesn't skip a beat. he likes things done routinely on schedule. Everything is clockwork. He enjoys collecting clocks and has twelve of them in his school hospital room and has many more at home. A few of the clocks have different times as they are set to different time zones.

Quirk: multi-mouth. He has six mouths.

1. the mouth on his face is just a regular mouth if you overlook the fact that her teeth are sharp.
2 & 3. There are mouths on his shoulders can bite much harder than the one on his face, they can also burp a certain toxic gas which causes the victim's muscles to slowly grow numb.
4 & 5. The mouths on his palms can't bite as hard as his other mouths, but they posses saliva that can makes antibodies which can be used to treat poisons or close wounds. He can also quickly generate blood and transfer it through his hands, however he can only generate small portions of blood at a time, thus replenishing major blood loss takes a lot of energy out of him and cannot be abused as he still needs plenty of blood for himself. His hands can also be used to drain blood to which he mostly uses for storing blood for later in case of emergency.
6. The mouth on his stomach can eat through almost anything from metal or other objects ,and turn it into corrosive stomach acid that it can spit out like a corrosive acid breath attack. Only the mouth on his face can actually talk, but he likes to say talk to the hand.

Role(student/pro/teacher/villain): Biology/science Teacher/School Nurse
Room mate preference(optional): If there is another teacher that wants a roommate, then cool 🤷‍♂️
Hobbies: Collecting clocks, learning about new medicine, organizing things, cleaning, and Russian vodka
Favorite Food: pirozhki
Favorite Snack: vegetable chips
Favorite Dessert: Chocolate salami
Aesthetic: Neat clean and business casual
Backstory: Rahm is from Russia. He speaks with a thick Russian accent, and when he's angry he cusses in Russian. Never directly at students, but usually in another room. He grew up in Krasnoyarsk Russia. His family was not poor, but oftentimes found themselves scraping by. Rahm spent a lot of time studying so he could get his family a nicer home. He eventually became a doctor and graduated top of his class with masters in the top school in Russia. He worked at a Russian Prison as the head of the prison's medical staff for five years. It was rough, and he became tough for it.

He left Russia when he was 28. Moved to Japan where he learned a lot more in his field of work. He even did a few hero jobs. Not many, but enough to get noticed. He was offered a job in Japan's biggest and best hospital where he worked for five years and surprisingly took a teaching job. He was good friends with the school's old nurse and when she retired, he'd agreed to take her position

[character Name]'s info; affiliation: (UA, League of villains, Pro hero/teacher) (Optional)
Birthday: 10/10
Height: 6'3" ft
Blood type: O-
Likes: medicine
Dislikes: Injuries

Stats- (17 point max)(Optional)
Quirk Power: 4
Physical Power: 3
Intelligence: 4
Cooperation: 3
Speed: 3
Name: Homura Asuka
Hero name: Suzaku
Birthday: 30/9
Blood type: A+
Zodiac Sign(optional): Libra
Sexuality(optional): Graysexual
Gender/Pronouns: She/ her
Height: 5'6" or 167.64 cm
Personality: Homura is a very easygoing person who is quite happy helping others out and will look the other way if she sees civilians struggling to make ends meet and had on more than one occasion helped the family out so that they do not have to resort to stealing. She has even helped these struggling families better jobs. she also is an advocate for those who are Quirkless, have weak quirks, mutations, or even villainous quirks as she hates discrimination. she is mischievous and likes to mess with close friends, intern students, or work-study students. When she is not on the job she will spend time reading to children, loving on her pets, or helping out at animal shelters that rescue quirked animals. She is observant of others, especially their quirk, and will try to figure out how to counter the quirks.

Description: Homura stands at 5'6" with long flowing flame-red hair with sharp emerald eyes and long thick eyelashes. she has a pair of multi-colored wings and tail feathers. she had an athletic hourglass figure that helps with her flexibility in a fight. she will wear her hair up in braids, buns, and high ponytails.

Quirk: Inferno
The Quirk Inferno allows the user to produce and control fire at will as well as the immunity to fires as hot as 1500 degrees Celsius ( 2732 degrees Fahrenheit.) Anything 2732 degrees Fahrenheit she will start to show signs of heat stroke and minor burns though as time goes on and she continues to stay in those temps result in major burns, internal damage, or even death. she is perfectly content in temps that range from 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 2732 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ice quirks
very Cold temperatures
Cold waters
Temps hotter than 2732 degrees Fahrenheit for long periods of time.
anything that can affect normal human

Role(student/pro/teacher/villain): Teacher or pro hero (put her where you need her)
Roommate preference(optional): open to having roommates
Diamond paintings

Favorite Food: mac & cheese, sushi, venison, dumplings, steamed buns
Favorite Snack: chocolate,
Favorite Dessert: cake, ice cream
Aesthetic: it really depends on her mood
Backstory: Homura was born in Nagasaki but eventually moved to Tokyo when her father and mother got a better job offer. This gave her the chance to go to UA she was old enough. After graduating from UA she was given the offer to join Endeavor agency which she refused as she did not want to be tied to an agency at the moment so she went independent. That way she could travel as much as she wanted before she either decided to create her own agency or join one when she feels the need to. As of right now, She can be found in Toyko helping out with hero work, or if she is off duty doing something voluntarily working within the low-income communities.

Stats- (17 point max)(Optional)
Quirk Power: 3
Physical Power: 3
Intelligence: 4
Cooperation: 3
Speed: 3

Let me know if i need to edit


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Name: Shoto Todoroki

Hero name: Shoto

Age: 17

Birthday: January 11

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Gender/Pronouns: Male/He/Him

Height: 176cm (5'9)

Weight: 72 kg (159 lbs)



Shoto is a tall, lean, and well-built young man. He possesses heterochromia, a condition where his irises are of different hues. His right eye glows a bright turquoise blue, while his left eye is a grim grey. He has straight locks of hair that are parted down the middle, with white on one side and red on the other. On the left side of his face, there is a scar that stretches halfway down.

Shoto's outfit is upgraded. He now dons a metal-plated combat vest paired with boots and carries a utility belt with medical supplies. All in all, Shoto's appearance is striking and inimitable, mirroring his character and abilities.


Shoto's multifaceted personality stems from his traumatic childhood and complicated family history. His face is usually unreadable; his voice is also relatively monotone. He appears aloof, but this is a defense mechanism he developed in response to his upbringing. While usually quiet and reserved, Shoto's personality can be downright spiteful at times, and this ties into his tendency to hold grudges and act in an arrogant manner. This, combined with his solitary tendencies, sometimes made him take the initiative without considering the opinions of others, displaying confidence that he could take on any obstacles with his own strength.

Shoto has a keen intellect and indomitable will. He possesses qualities of self-sufficiency, unwavering perseverance, and a robust moral compass. Shoto is calm and collected, but at the same time, he is brutal in a battle. He understands the ethics of heroism, only wishing to subdue his frozen enemies rather than causing their demise by prolonged freezing. Despite his traumatic past, he is compassionate and is willing to put himself in harm's way to protect those in need.

In the course fo time, Shoto begins to open up and develops stronger relationships with his classmates. He confronts his past and complicated feelings towards his father, and forges his path as a hero. He uses his powerful quirk in a way that aligns with his beliefs and values. Overall, Shoto's personality is a nuanced one, shaped by his past experiences, but defined by his sense of empathy and determination.


Shoto is the son of Endeavor (Enji Todoroki), a famous hero ranking behind only All Might himself. His Quirk is "Half-Cold Half-Hot", which allows him to generate and control large amounts of fire and ice from his left and right sides respectively, the former of which he inherited from his father and the latter from his mother.

Endeavor, who ranks second only second to All Might, raised Shoto with the sole objective of surpassing the greatest hero of all time. However, Shoto resents his father for regarding him merely as a tool. In defiance, he initially aimed to become the top hero without utilizing his fire powers.

Now, he wants to become a true hero, a Pro Hero that he wanted to be.


Half-Cold Half-Hot—

Shoto's Quirk grants him both pyro and cryokinesis, essentially allowing him control over fire and ice (from his left and right sides). Despite rejecting his pyro abilities, Todoroki exhibits remarkable finesse in controlling the ice side of his Quirk. He has the ability to create massive ice constructs instantly, and can use it in a variety of ways, including freezing enemies, generating ice pillars and shields for defense against attacks.

Once Todoroki decided to utilize his flames, which he had previously only used to melt his ice, he encountered difficulties in mastering their control. However, he eventually improves his handling of fire abilities. Todoroki also attempted to use both powers simultaneously, but found it challenging, and it possibly hindered his movements.

Shoto can create a highly intense blast by utilizing both aspects of his Quirk. Initially, he cools the air by using his right side and promptly shifts to his left side to heat the same air, thereby generating a scorching blast. By merging the two halves of his Quirk throughout his body, an "X" shaped flame appears on his chest, granting him the ability to produce both hot and cold flames.

If Shoto overuses either his ice or fire, he risks developing frostbite or heatstroke. Therefore, Shoto must balance his temperature between the two to avoid such consequences. Endeavor appreciated the fact that Shoto inherited both his and Rei's Quirk since they could offset each other's vulnerabilities.

Role: Student

Room mate preference: Someone tolerable

Hobbies: Eating cold soba. Helping others. Training. Sleeping. Spending time with his friends. Visiting his mother.

Favorite Food: zaru soba

Favorite Snack: zaru soba

Favorite Dessert: chocolate cake



Character Theme:


Shoto's father, Endeavor, had arranged his marriage to a woman whose quirk complemented his own with the sole purpose of producing a child who could inherit both their quirks. When his quirk appeared, his father deemed him to be perfect and had him train all day, not letting him really interact with others, including his siblings. Shoto's childhood was marked by abuse and neglect as his father pushed him to become a powerful hero.

When he was about six, his mother got upset about how much his left side looked like his father that she poured boiling water on his face leaving him with a scar over his left eye. His tragic childhood caused him to become who he is.

Blood type: O

Likes: His favourite colour is white (partly to spite his father.) He likes cold soba and alone time.

Dislikes: Shoto hates his father for having abused him, keeping him separated him from his siblings, as well as abusing his mother to the point of facing a mental breakdown. He refuses to serve as his successor to usurp All Might's position as the No. 1 hero. Additionally, he disliked nosy disturbances overstepping into his personal space.

Physical Power: 3/5

Intelligence: 5/5

Cooperativeness: 2/5

Speed: 4/5

Quirk Power: 5/5
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Name: Shoto Todoroki

Hero name: Shoto

Age: 17

Birthday: January 11

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Gender/Pronouns: Male/He/Him

Height: 176cm (5'9)

Weight: 72 kg (159 lbs)


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Shoto is a tall, lean, and well-built young man. He possesses heterochromia, a condition where his irises are of different hues. His right eye glows a bright turquoise blue, while his left eye is a grim grey. He has straight locks of hair that are parted down the middle, with white on one side and red on the other. On the left side of his face, there is a scar that stretches halfway down.

Shoto's outfit is upgraded. He now dons a metal-plated combat vest paired with boots and carries a utility belt with medical supplies. All in all, Shoto's appearance is striking and inimitable, mirroring his character and abilities.


Shoto's multifaceted personality stems from his traumatic childhood and complicated family history. His face is usually unreadable; his voice is also relatively monotone. He appears aloof, but this is a defense mechanism he developed in response to his upbringing. While usually quiet and reserved, Shoto's personality can be downright spiteful at times, and this ties into his tendency to hold grudges and act in an arrogant manner. This, combined with his solitary tendencies, sometimes made him take the initiative without considering the opinions of others, displaying confidence that he could take on any obstacles with his own strength.

Shoto has a keen intellect and indomitable will. He possesses qualities of self-sufficiency, unwavering perseverance, and a robust moral compass. Shoto is calm and collected, but at the same time, he is brutal in a battle. He understands the ethics of heroism, only wishing to subdue his frozen enemies rather than causing their demise by prolonged freezing. Despite his traumatic past, he is compassionate and is willing to put himself in harm's way to protect those in need.

In the course fo time, Shoto begins to open up and develops stronger relationships with his classmates. He confronts his past and complicated feelings towards his father, and forges his path as a hero. He uses his powerful quirk in a way that aligns with his beliefs and values. Overall, Shoto's personality is a nuanced one, shaped by his past experiences, but defined by his sense of empathy and determination.


Shoto is the son of Endeavor (Enji Todoroki), a famous hero ranking behind only All Might himself. His Quirk is "Half-Cold Half-Hot", which allows him to generate and control large amounts of fire and ice from his left and right sides respectively, the former of which he inherited from his father and the latter from his mother.

Endeavor, who ranks second only second to All Might, raised Shoto with the sole objective of surpassing the greatest hero of all time. However, Shoto resents his father for regarding him merely as a tool. In defiance, he initially aimed to become the top hero without utilizing his fire powers.

Now, he wants to become a true hero, a Pro Hero that he wanted to be.


Half-Cold Half-Hot—

Shoto's Quirk grants him both pyro and cryokinesis, essentially allowing him control over fire and ice (from his left and right sides). Despite rejecting his pyro abilities, Todoroki exhibits remarkable finesse in controlling the ice side of his Quirk. He has the ability to create massive ice constructs instantly, and can use it in a variety of ways, including freezing enemies, generating ice pillars and shields for defense against attacks.

Once Todoroki decided to utilize his flames, which he had previously only used to melt his ice, he encountered difficulties in mastering their control. However, he eventually improves his handling of fire abilities. Todoroki also attempted to use both powers simultaneously, but found it challenging, and it possibly hindered his movements.

Shoto can create a highly intense blast by utilizing both aspects of his Quirk. Initially, he cools the air by using his right side and promptly shifts to his left side to heat the same air, thereby generating a scorching blast. By merging the two halves of his Quirk throughout his body, an "X" shaped flame appears on his chest, granting him the ability to produce both hot and cold flames.

If Shoto overuses either his ice or fire, he risks developing frostbite or heatstroke. Therefore, Shoto must balance his temperature between the two to avoid such consequences. Endeavor appreciated the fact that Shoto inherited both his and Rei's Quirk since they could offset each other's vulnerabilities.

Role: Student

Room mate preference: Someone tolerable

Hobbies: Eating cold soba. Helping others. Training. Sleeping. Spending time with his friends. Visiting his mother.

Favorite Food: zaru soba

Favorite Snack: zaru soba

Favorite Dessert: chocolate cake


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Character Theme:


Shoto's father, Endeavor, had arranged his marriage to a woman whose quirk complemented his own with the sole purpose of producing a child who could inherit both their quirks. When his quirk appeared, his father deemed him to be perfect and had him train all day, not letting him really interact with others, including his siblings. Shoto's childhood was marked by abuse and neglect as his father pushed him to become a powerful hero.

When he was about six, his mother got upset about how much his left side looked like his father that she poured boiling water on his face leaving him with a scar over his left eye. His tragic childhood caused him to become who he is.

Blood type: O

Likes: His favourite colour is white (partly to spite his father.) He likes cold soba and alone time.

Dislikes: Shoto hates his father for having abused him, keeping him separated him from his siblings, as well as abusing his mother to the point of facing a mental breakdown. He refuses to serve as his successor to usurp All Might's position as the No. 1 hero. Additionally, he disliked nosy disturbances overstepping into his personal space.

Physical Power: 3/5

Intelligence: 5/5

Cooperativeness: 2/5

Speed: 4/5

Quirk Power: 5/5

Looks good


  • req.


    Family Name
    November 24th





    Messy teal locks
    Brown with hints of gold flakes
    Light splash of freckles across nose
    Allay: Removes pain and injury from others and places upon himself. He is limited to only removing physical pain; he cannot remove fatigue or disease. His quirk is not effective on someone who is too close on the verge of death.





♡coded by uxie♡

Looks good. accepted.
Name: Alice Schwarzchild
Hero name(for pro heroes/teachers students can use these too also!): Gigapudding
Age: 15
Birthday: July 30th
Zodiac Sign (optional): Identifies with the star 3C-273 in the virgo cluster, and denounces that she be forced to adhere to normal zodiac signs.
Sexuality(optional): Bisexual/Les-leaning
Gender/Pronouns: Trans Female She/They
Personality::Alice superficially appears to be an extremely intelligent and creative, but otherwise, normal girl, who, from a distance, is extremely friendly, kind, and overall wants to make everyone's day better. Anyone who looks closer however, will find a tortured soul that is constantly suffering. Alice isn't biologically female, possessing XY chromosomes, and did not realize that they wanted to be a girl until around age 16. However the feeling and desire had always been present. Due to her birth as a biological male. Alice has been unable to realize their true self, and has delved into the deep waters of tearfully accepting that they'll probably never be satisfied with their body. Alice hides their instability, depression, and dysphoria behind a mask, instead acting like “just the obligatory cute American exchange student who likes to wear skirts, has a starry-eyed view of Japanese culture, and eats lunch with a stuffed animal that she carries everywhere.”
Quirk Name: Mochibody
Quirk Type: Transformation/Emitter
Quirk Description: Mochibody allows Alice to freely to generate and turn any part of their body into a thick, extremely viscous, white-colored rice paste they can manipulate as they please, including manipulating its density or hardening it into different shapes. By manipulating the density of the paste, the user can form it into a blunt force weapon, a tendril, or any number of other shapes. Similarly the user is capable of trapping people by ejecting the rice paste from their body as an adhesive projectile, or simply by engulfing a target, due to the sticky nature of their body. Alice, while transformed is notably resistant to damage by purely physical attacks such as stabbing, slicing, or otherwise more blunt impacts. The amount of rice-paste she has the ability to generate and manipulate is extremely high, almost giving her quirk a second nature by virtue of the fact that she can counter large scale attacks by simply engulfing them.
Weaknesses: She's not immune to heat based damage, or chemical damage. Such as that from acid.
Role(student/pro/teacher/villain): Student
Room mate preference(optional): Female, preferably with a native who's willing to tolerate someone that's a little bit on the showy side of things.
Hobbies: Drawing, Singing, and Having tea-parties with her
Favorite Food: Mashed Potatoes
Favorite Snack: Hard Caramels
Favorite Dessert: Mochi, of course
Aesthetic: Cream, Yellow, and Pink, with ocasional hints of NATOwave, Americana, and Otaku
Backstory:Born Alexander Schwarzschild (Please do not deadname her!) Alice Schwarzchild struggled with fitting in with her peers, both due to her long standing dysphoria, and her cyclical depression. From a young age, she would be plagued by extreme lows and highs, and she found that she could only really take solace in art. As she grew older, she began to open up more, in particular, she became infatuated with hero culture, after a chance meeting with America's number 1 pro hero, Star and Stripe, whom encouraged her to make a use of her quirk to help people, both directly and indirectly (Just being in the room with such a charismatic presence is something life-changing.) After graduating from Middle-School in America, she landed herself a self trained top of the class spot in a cross-pacific exchange program, applying to UA. While she does sometimes miss her family back in america, she's confident that the knowledge she'll bring back (assuming she doesn't fall in love or something) will be more than worth it.
- Because she comes from America she is considerably wealthy.
- Alice learned how to speak Japanese from a combination of online extracurriculars and watching Anime. She is noted by the other members of class 1-A to have a weird accent and an overly showy way of speaking, as such, some of her lines are directly quoted from famous anime.
- Alice Carries an emotional support Plush llama Named "Lovecakes" Everywhere she goes.
[character Name]'s info; affiliation: UA Student
Birthday: July 30
Height: 5'3''
Blood type: O+
Last edited:
Name: Alice Schwarzchild
Hero name(for pro heroes/teachers students can use these too also!): Gigapudding
Age: 15
Birthday: July 30th
Zodiac Sign (optional): Identifies with the star 3C-273 in the virgo cluster, and denounces that she be forced to adhere to normal zodiac signs.
Sexuality(optional): Bisexual/Les-leaning
Gender/Pronouns: Trans Female She/They
View attachment 1078798
Personality::Alice superficially appears to be an extremely intelligent and creative, but otherwise, normal girl, who, from a distance, is extremely friendly, kind, and overall wants to make everyone's day better. Anyone who looks closer however, will find a tortured soul that is constantly suffering. Alice isn't biologically female, possessing XY chromosomes, and did not realize that they wanted to be a girl until around age 16. However the feeling and desire had always been present. Due to her birth as a biological male. Alice has been unable to realize their true self, and has delved into the deep waters of tearfully accepting that they'll probably never be satisfied with their body. Alice hides their instability, depression, and dysphoria behind a mask, instead acting like “just the obligatory cute American exchange student who likes to wear skirts, has a starry-eyed view of Japanese culture, and eats lunch with a stuffed animal that she carries everywhere.”
Quirk Name: Mochibody
Quirk Type: Transformation/Emitter
Quirk Description: Mochibody allows Alice to freely to generate and turn any part of their body into a thick, extremely viscous, white-colored rice paste they can manipulate as they please, including manipulating its density or hardening it into different shapes. By manipulating the density of the paste, the user can form it into a blunt force weapon, a tendril, or any number of other shapes. Similarly the user is capable of trapping people by ejecting the rice paste from their body as an adhesive projectile, or simply by engulfing a target, due to the sticky nature of their body. Alice, while transformed is notably resistant to damage by purely physical attacks such as stabbing, slicing, or otherwise more blunt impacts. The amount of rice-paste she has the ability to generate and manipulate is extremely high, almost giving her quirk a second nature by virtue of the fact that she can counter large scale attacks by simply engulfing them.
Weaknesses: She's not immune to heat based damage, or chemical damage. Such as that from acid.
Role(student/pro/teacher/villain): Student
Room mate preference(optional): Female, preferably with a native who's willing to tolerate someone that's a little bit on the showy side of things.
Hobbies: Drawing, Singing, and Having tea-parties with her
Favorite Food: Mashed Potatoes
Favorite Snack: Hard Caramels
Favorite Dessert: Mochi, of course
Aesthetic: Cream, Yellow, and Pink, with ocasional hints of NATOwave, Americana, and Otaku
Backstory:Born Alexander Schwarzschild (Please do not deadname her!) Alice Schwarzchild struggled with fitting in with her peers, both due to her long standing dysphoria, and her cyclical depression. From a young age, she would be plagued by extreme lows and highs, and she found that she could only really take solace in art. As she grew older, she began to open up more, in particular, she became infatuated with hero culture, after a chance meeting with America's number 1 pro hero, Star and Stripe, whom encouraged her to make a use of her quirk to help people, both directly and indirectly (Just being in the room with such a charismatic presence is something life-changing.) After graduating from Middle-School in America, she landed herself a self trained top of the class spot in a cross-pacific exchange program, applying to UA. While she does sometimes miss her family back in america, she's confident that the knowledge she'll bring back (assuming she doesn't fall in love or something) will be more than worth it.
- Because she comes from America she is considerably wealthy.
- Alice learned how to speak Japanese from a combination of online extracurriculars and watching Anime. She is noted by the other members of class 1-A to have a weird accent and an overly showy way of speaking, as such, some of her lines are directly quoted from famous anime.
- Alice Carries an emotional support Plush llama Named "Lovecakes" Everywhere she goes.
[character Name]'s info; affiliation: (UA, League of villains, Pro hero/teacher) (Optional)
Birthday: July 30
Height: 5'3''
Blood type: O+
Looks good. Accepted.


Popularly known as “Samuel”, Ethan J. Salazar is his full name. The origin of his name is certainly 'Curious' it turns out that his first name 'Ethan' was given by his parents after hearing the name of the child who was born the same day as Samuel, that's how the first name was of him was given. On the other hand, his second name, 'Jazmín' was the main catalyst of multiple traumas and problems that Samuel had during his childhood due to the constant harassment he suffered by having the name of a woman, this name, unlike the previous one, was born as an idea of his father to make fun of his son.

The origin behind his false name as 'Samuel' was born from an idea of Ethan's when he saw a commercial for Shampoo's at age 11, it occurred to him to use that name to avoid more problems with his second name, and with the first, which although he did not he was so troublesome, so little seems to please him.

Hero Name:
“Red” is the first name that came to Samuel's mind when he first thought of his hero name, it really doesn't have any special background, it's just because of the color of his hat.

Samuel is currently 16 years old, and is close to turning 17 years old.
July 6th was the day that Samuel was given birth.

Zodiac Sign:
Samuel is from Cancer.

It could be said that Samuel is 'Pansexual', since little or nothing matters to him about the sexuality or identity of a person, since his phrase for this type of thing is 'In times of war, any hole is a Trench'. Samuel is someone who is not very sympathetic to the idea of being in a loving relationship, being certainly repellent to this idea.

Male / He / Him

Samuel is approximately 1.79 m tall.


Samuel has the appearance of a notorious gang member, at first glance he has Caucasian skin; however, he is very slightly brunette.

He usually wears a red cloth hat that he always wears which covers his hair, a black coat with a sleeveless jean jacket on top with black and dark gray details full of colored buckles on the chest on top of his jacket, a red t-shirt with black crews for under the jacket that is barely visible because it sticks out a bit, gray pants accompanied by black shoes with white soles, he has tattoos on one of his forearms and on one of his wrists he always wears a metal chain tied simulating a bracelet something strange, his complexion is somewhat thin and his eyes are of a common brown color.

She has a rather slim, but shapely build, brown eyes, short black hair, with an odd streak of white.

Samuel is a difficult person to deal with. He is someone who is stubborn and does not follow orders easily, he is very liberal and rebellious, making his own decisions, caring little or nothing about their repercussions, he is not very patient and defiant at best, mainly against authority figures. He is not good at dealing with other people, and it takes him a long time to take them as an equal or even an ally.

Despite his little empathetic character, Samuel does care about the mental stability of other people, and has a strong sense of justice, protecting the weak and confronting the strong, bleeding the idea of bothering others for the simple fact of have power. He is usually guided more than anything by his intuition; however, he knows when to put her aside and get serious about things.

Thanks to the bullying he suffered during much of his studies, Samuel developed a sharp intellect, he is quite good at remembering topics, finding solutions to different problems and learning new things. He has a great affinity for the exact sciences and calculations, however he usually hides this to avoid ridicule. He is someone with a solitary character and who quite enjoys silence.

As mentioned before, Samuel is someone with a strong character on the outside, he is not easily influenced. He has no filter for saying things and when he doesn't like something he says it without caring about the repercussions. Samuel does not usually rule out ideas easily, he plans any movement in advance and prefers not to act without knowing his situation, being someone who is very analytical even with details. He is someone without a doubt vengeful, who will not hesitate to return the 'Favor' no matter what.

Samuel is a young gang member of approximately 1.79 meters, of American origin, raised in Arizona and being a young man raised by a father and a mother who never wanted him. Someone with a strong and annoying personality, he doesn't mind saying what he thinks and doing what he wants.

Samuel's gift is known as 'Assimilation' or also as 'Absorption', this gift is the least particular, since it is a Quirk that makes its bearer compatible with any kind of thing, be it matter or energy, even with organic beings, such as humans. This gift gives its bearer the ability to absorb and assimilate either energy or matter, having different types of applications according to the bearer's need.

Energy Absorptionkevin-electricity-kevin.gif

The first application of this gift, and one of the most used by Samuel, is on energy. When coming into contact with any kind of energy, Samuel is capable of absorbing it and accumulating it inside, being able to use it in any way he wishes, as long as he has enough energy charge and manipulation on it. It is important to know that by absorbing energy, Samuel also acquires a certain degree of tolerance for the adverse effects that could be generated when using this form of energy. It is not necessary for Samuel to have direct contact with the energy, as long as there is no very insulating material in between, he will be able to conduct the energy for later use.

Matter Absorption

The second tyben-10-ben-10-alien-force.gifpe of application of this gift, (and the easiest to control) is the assimilation of matter, by directly touching a solid object, its bearer is able to create a coating layer which is unified with his skin and clothing, giving him improved strength and resistance, which is the result of the sum of the capabilities of the wearer together with those of the material. The weakness of this assimilation lies in the volume of the material, obviously with small materials Samuel will not be able to completely cover his body, which means that he must take advantage of the material with the greatest volume in the place. Unlike the previous application of him, in this case Samuel does not absorb the material, but apparently simply generates the protective layer. Samuel is also capable of partially altering and molding his body onto the coated parts, though the greater the change, the more concentration the wielder will have to apply.

Organic Absorption

Finally there is a third type of application for this gift, it is the assimilation of living entities. Naturally Samuel can only apply this to beings that have genetic similarities to him, which makes it only effective on humans and some species of monkeys. The interesting thing about this is the effect that occurs when he assimilates certain humans with gifts, because unlike ordinary humans, from whom he simply steals some 'Vital Energy' (According to Samuel's words) recharging himself, with Humans with Dones a particular case is presented.

When Samuel applies his gift to people with gifts, he absorbs some energy from them, and creates a mutated and temporary version of the individual's gifts, the effect and level of mutation varies around the gift. By interacting with his gift with carriers of emitting gifts, the main qualities and weaknesses of the gift are amplified, in case of presenting physical changes, these will occur slightly on Samuel, Samuel acquires the mutated gifts for a short period of time.

With the gifts of the Transformers type, a curious case is presented, since Samuel creates something more similar to a Mutating gift, acquiring a mixture between the transformed version and the non-transformed version of the gift holder, and being able to force the gift more and more to generate a mutation. This gift gradually loses its effect the more you force it.

Finishing with the Mutatnes gifts, here is a case similar to the Transformer gifts, with the difference that the bearer of it cannot force the gift to change more. This type of mutation is the most unstable and lasts the least amount of time.

Currently Samuel is allowed to apply his gift on people with gifts under situations of extreme danger, because when it is applied, according to the person, Samuel seems to take away their 'Vital Energy' briefly wearing them down as well as his gifts, although recovering his strength after of a few seconds. In addition, Samuel usually loses control when he uses his gift in this way, generating mental stability beyond not recognizing allies, but also enters a state of complete madness, often losing direction of the situation and simply withdrawing or becoming unconscious for the overload. Normally this type of assimilation does not last long, but it usually leaves certain sequels that are the temporary remnant of some characteristics of the personality of the individuals. Samuel is capable of using several gifts at the same time, however this only increases his wear after using his gift, this is noticeable when he uses 2 or more, since both mutations mix heterogeneously and flawlessly in the body of him. These mutations are not only dangerous due to the possible mental consequences that they can leave their bearer, withoutstas mutations are not only dangerous because of the possible mental consequences that they can leave their carrier, but also because they can also leave irreparable damage to their organism or complete deformations of their body when dealing with mutations.

Samuel is a student in Class 1-A (Or currently, an aspiring U.A. student).

Room Mate Preference:
Simply, whoever is able to bear it

  • Learn to play different musical instruments
  • Perform common household chores
  • Learn new cooking dishes
  • Sew

Favorite Food:
Burgers and Tacos

Favorite Snack:
KFC Chicken Feet

Favorite Dessert:
Strawberry Cake and Cane Honey Cake

Don't really have a definition for this.

Samuel's past is somewhat confusing, regarding his family he has never mentioned anything special; however, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they weren't exactly the best of people. Regarding his stay in the United States (Country of Origin) it could be said that he was not the person who followed the rules the most, he was similar to a 'Villain' however, with what seemed to be a code of honor, it is unknown under what Circumstances were to end up in Japan, although it is more known that he ended up being captured by a small hero agency. After being discovered in Japan, and due to his young age, Samuel was deported to a juvenile correctional facility in Colorado; However, due to his constant fights, he ended up being sent to another reform school in Florida, even so his fights did not stop, and in order to avoid so many problems, a Minister of Japan opted to 'Adopt' Samuel for a short period of time. , since according to the words of Samuel 'He fought so much in the reformatories, because he wanted to go to Japan and he hated America'. It was thanks to the minister's support that Samuel was kept in check during his senior year of high school; However, once it was completed, Samuel was given 2 opportunities, the first was to become an emancipated minor, and after that to enroll in a career to begin his studies, the Minister in Charge of Samuel would leave him a daily allowance to that he kept his expenses, in addition to a small house in which to live; however, in addition to studying, Samuel would have to get a part-time job to meet his own expenses, the second option was to work in a supermarket, it is not very difficult to know what Samuel's decision was. Strangely, instead of pursuing something quiet like an engineering or bachelor's degree, Samuel opted to enroll at U.A.

Samuel's info; affiliation:

U.A. Academy, Class 1-A, The California Reds (Former crime group)

July 6th

1.79 meters

Blood type:

  • Leather Clothes and jackets
  • The Red color
  • Strawberries
  • Sew
  • Annoy just for fun
  • Spend time with children

  • Arrogant or Vengeful People
  • People of a very friendly or very sociable character
  • The color white


Quirk Power: 4

Physical Power: 5

Intelligence: 3

Cooperation: 0

Speed: 5
Name:Faine De-smith

Hero name(for pro heroes/teachers students can use these too also!):blood rune



Zodiac Sign(optional):gemini

Sexuality(optional):demi romantic asexual

Gender/Pronouns:non-binary. They/them/theirs


Personality:Faine is a quiet and socially awkward person who likes to fight. They are not the best in social situations and lacks empathy.

Quirk:their quirk allows them to draw and activate runes with their blood.they also cannot be forced into activating them.

Quirk drawbacks: firstly the rune needs to be completed, They need to be cautious of bloodloss, They can only use their quirk for so long before becoming exhausted and starved (They also need to maintain blood sugary after every fight due to however much blood they needed.) they are also limited in terms of runes.

Quirk name:Runes of Many

):hero course student
Room mate preference(optional):literally doesn’t care.
Hobbies: Painting, Training with dummies,
Favorite Food: tempura

Favorite Snack:dango

Favorite Dessert:Mochi

Aesthetic: (suddenly I realize I create characters without one in mind.)

Backstory: Faine’s quirk was a mix of their parents quirks. When they were four, it freaked them out when they saw them draw their first rune with their blood. After learning of Faine's quirk, they were quick to help set limitations for their child's health. When Faine's younger sister Vail was four, Vail never discovered her quirk and was later found to be quirkless. Vail was never treated differently by her family, and Faine taught her self-defense and how to fight growing up. Faine always had a love for fighting, and since most of their fights centered around protecting their sister, they figured becoming a hero was a good idea.

Stats- (17 point max)(Optional)
Quirk Power: 3
Physical Power: 3
Intelligence: 3
Cooperation: 4
Speed: 2

Hero weapons just in case and because I wanted to add something extra:
They have a fountain pen that they and their sister modified to take Faine’s blood as ink for quirk use.

They also have bomb firework thingies that create images of runes. They add Faine’s blood to the explosive mixture to make it able to activate. They each have their own marking.


Dagger: Offense


Like I said this probably won’t be needed I just wanted to add it!
Last edited:
UA Student Identification

Ogawa Himawari
Name: Himawari Ogawa
Hero name: (Undecided)
Age: 16
Birthday: June 7th
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'3ft
Affiliation: UA/Heroes
Blood type: A-

Appearance: Literally pale like the moon. Himawari has the same physical surface texture as the moon in the night sky. Skin is made of basalt-like rock texture, tougher but appears to be strangely flexible much like human skin. Other than that, she has midnight black hair and Burgundy irises on her silver-colored eyeballs. When it comes to the girl's physical build, she is more on the petite side with her round face and wiry hands.

Fashion: Not straying from anything too loud in the eyes, but she does have a consistent theme of wearing clothing in the darker shade. Hardly wears any light/neon colors. For the daily casual. She dons a Violet long-sleeved button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Overlapping with a sweater vest of muted Earthly colors of green, blue, or brown. She wears a black pencil short skirt and dark violet leggings. Wears brown boots that could be easily translated to fantasy adventurer's boots.

  • Making small bottled terrariums
  • Collecting vintage video games
  • Practice Archery
Favorite Food: Mitarashi Dango

Quirk: Lunar-Physiology (Mutation type Quirk)

Right from observation alone. Himawari's skin looks rocky yet refined/polished and can certainly survive more physical trauma than those without stony skin. Her skin is smooth, lacking craters but does have a few scratches and squiggly line textures due to the skin's flexing and stretching. It is also important to note that the girl barely sheds any moondust on her skin. Her teeth are of rock and bone, still prone to cavities but could comp jawbreakers in half. Under this skin, is still flesh, blood, and bone. It is no surprise when the moon-faced girl produces a red blush on her cheeks and ears. It seems that the girl's quirk seems to be a culmination of two quirks fusing to Himawari's quirk as she also has another ability that is in a degree an emitter type.

Gravity Push o' Pull - To add the moon motif quirk. She is able to channel an invisible gravity force through her hands only. Able to channel a destructive force 10 feet max with enough force to destroy a small wooden shack. While it may be invisible to the eye. There has been observed fact that strangely enough, her force pushing or pulling effects in a cone-like range of 45 degrees front. Narrow on the hands then expand to max range. Confirmed when asked to perform a push on the beach seaside and a pull test on a library shelf full of books. (Although with practice and training, this part of the quirk can be improved)​

Personality: Himawari is observed to be outgoing, well-mannered, and overall chippered. Always maintaining a welcoming smile on her face to most folks she meets, giving a sense of professional facade on the young hero at such an age. This girl is not by the books fellow, for she has an adventurous side that gets the better of her. Leading to impulsive decision-making or courageous attempts, regardless it does give her great curiosity to travel and learn.

  • Rabbits/rabbit-themed stuff
  • Sunflowers
  • Baking Pastries
  • Reading Novels
  • Traveling with a friend
  • The smell of burnt rubber
  • Horror Movies
  • Being woken up when sleeping
  • Being called creepy


Quirk Power: 6
Physical Power: 5
Intelligence: 2
Cooperation: 3
Speed: 1
Backstory: Not much is known about Himawari's childhood past other than the fact that Himawari was a child gone missing in the province of Hokkaido, Only to be found again 2 years later in an abandoned building in Saitama in the midst of some kind of ritual with burning flowers and strange sigils on the walls. Part of these past cult detail records is not elaborated on or known much to the mainstream public due to other bigger Hero-villain-related incidents at the time. It was kept that way with Himawari's adopted father and police detective Mr. Kanbei Ogawa, who has taken custody of the child at his home with his wife, in a true-loving household and family. Wanting to follow the career to be a protector of the community. Himawari soon applies to UA.
Hopefully Yu Wu won't get lit on fire near her 👀

Looks good. Accepted.
Name: Enji Todoroki

Hero name:


August 8

Zodiac Sign:





Blood type:


Enji Todoroki is a tall and muscular man with a fiery red and yellow hair that is styled in a spiked manner. He has small, piercing eyes that are turquoise in color, with a slight upward slant. He has a scar on the left side of his face that runs from his forehead to his cheek, which he acquired during a battle.

His hero costume comprises of a tight, navy turquoise bodysuit, with flames streaming across his chest, upper torso, arms, and most prominently, his shoulders. He uses his flames as a makeshift mask around his eyes, and his tall boots appear to be either made of fire themselves or constantly left alight, as only their soles and laces are visible around the flames. He sports white bracers on his lower arms, styled in a cage pattern, and a blue belt with a pouch on either side. Overall, Enji Todoroki has a fierce and imposing appearance that matches his powerful abilities.


Enji Todoroki is portrayed as an ambitious, driven, and highly competitive individual who is obsessed with being the number one hero. He has a strong desire to surpass All Might, the previous number one hero, and is willing to go to great lengths to achieve his goal, including neglecting his family and mistreating his children.

Enji's personality is complex, and he is often shown to be conflicted between his desire to be a hero and his personal demons, which include a troubled family history and a drive for power and recognition. He can be harsh, stern, and even abusive towards his family, but he also has moments of reflection and regret, indicating that he is not completely devoid of empathy and self-awareness.

Overall, Enji Todoroki's personality is that of a flawed and complex individual who is driven by his desire to be the best and is struggling to reconcile his personal demons with his role as a hero.


Enji Todoroki is a highly regarded hero, known for his incredible strength and fire-based powers. He is the father of Shoto Todoroki, and has a complicated relationship with him due to his past mistreatment and abuse towards his family.

In addition to his physical abilities, Enji is also a strategic thinker and skilled tactician, often coming up with plans and tactics on the fly during battles. However, his single-minded focus on being the best hero has led him to neglect his family and alienate those around him.

Despite his flaws and troubled past, Enji Todoroki is still revered by many as a hero and is recognized for his contributions in protecting society from villains and other threats.


Enji Todoroki's quirk, known as Hellflame, allows him to generate and manipulate intense flames from his body. He can produce flames from his hands, feet, and other parts of his body, and can control their size and intensity at will. This quirk also gives him the ability to fly by propelling himself with his flames. However, using his quirk for prolonged periods of time can cause physical strain and exhaustion.

Pro Hero

working, training, improving, being in control

Favorite Food:
steamed rice, mapo tofu

Favorite Dessert:



Enji's obsession with surpassing All Might and becoming the number one hero led him to make questionable decisions and mistreat those around him, including his family.

Enji's relationship with his wife soured due to his abusive behavior, and he even arranged a marriage with her solely for the purpose of creating a child with a powerful Quirk that he could train to surpass All Might. This child was Shoto Todoroki, who Enji put through his own harsh training regimen in order to create the perfect hero.
Likes: working, training, efficiency
Dislikes: incompetence, weakness, annoying people.


Quirk Power:
Physical Power: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Cooperativeness: 2/5
Speed: 4/5
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