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Multiple Settings metropolitan dystopia // the price of a hero


New Member

I am searching for someone who would be willing to do an RP loosely based off the following idea:

setting: New York City ten years after ~the world~ has been ravaged by a disease that traveled through the water supply
our characters: early to mid-twenties, young when the disease was at its peak, survived in government accommodations, live entirely underground
do they know each other?: likely yes. the government chose to shelter a select group of young children, ones who displayed outstanding scientific disposition. the reasoning was that this would shape a generation of scientists that could cure the disease, and so they would need to be kept safe until they were old enough/educated enough to do so
how does this all work?: aside from the teachers the government detained to instruct the children, they have no real guardians. taken from their families (some by force, some willing), raised underground in facilities made entirely out of metal, given IV fluids each night instead of water (we can determine together where these fluids come from, but i was generally thinking it would be tilled from the soil surrounding them, distilled in a lab, and bagged, of course this opens the fun and fresh question of how they are getting all these IV bags, clean needles and tubes, etc. the conspiracies abound!!)

where does our RP start?: I was thinking right around the age our characters would be considered "ready" to begin concocting an antidote. they would have been raised since early adolescence to believe that their purpose in life is to save the world. how that affects your character i cannot say!! but it should be interesting to play it out (for example, are they bitter about it and miss their family, longing for normalcy? are they overeager and anxious, wanting to be the hero?, etc etc)

ok! sound interesting? reply here and we can get something started!
I'm gonna go bed now so I can't plot with you, sorry, but is this the maze runner? XD, this is sooooo similar to that idea, hahaha. 👑

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