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Realistic or Modern Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne - Characters

Alvine Senade
Nickname(s): Vin
Alias: Mirror Mage
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Height: 6 ft 4 inch
Weight: 155 lbs
Blood Type: A
Alvine lack of confidence comes from his habit of overanalysing the situation he faces to the point where he can scare himself to death. Often he hesitates between two choices, resulting in a larger loss in general while his adversaries take the advantage. He is easily intimidated into performing certain actions, mostly due to his nature that easily sought guidance for others in picking a choice.

However, despite his lack of confidence, he has a high spirit when it comes to his ambitions. He will not hesitate to do what it takes to fulfil what he wants, even showing a rare moment of leadership and confidence when he is burned with passion. Often this sturdy belief surprises those that try to use him for their own purpose. When it concerns what he truly wants, Alvine can be a force to be reckoned with.

As a child, Alvine showed a lack of confidence in himself that led him to be bullied during most of his school years. His impassiveness in front of pressure from others and his lack of courage to speak up for himself made him an easy target for extortion and intimidation from seniors and his peers. There wasn't a lot of opportunities where he could shine, but it was clear since his elementary school where his passion lied; When he saw a powered human flew above him, his eyes shone like never before.

His power was first triggered in his 4th grade, when he was bullied by a group of his classmate and two revolving mirrors appeared around him, defending him against some of the punches. With his newfound ability, Alvine was able to run from physical harm, although extortions and ostracisation still applied to him.His social condition gradually increased as he entered high school and hit his growth spurt, increasing his height significantly and increased his physical ability in general. His social ability improved greatly from after, with the support of school counsellor and a club he joined to nurture his interest in superpowers. He joined a similar club during his study in law.

After he graduated, Alvine started up a business with his friend from university's powered club, Nadine. They both had interest in the increasing amount of so-called superheroes in society and decided to make a profit out of it. That was how Senade and Winterfield Law Firm and Powered Agency was established in Callinety. The agency accepted requests from civilians and government alike to solve a task requiring the help of superpower to solve. With Nadine's knowledge, Alvine had struck deals to finish not-so-legal request from clients as well.

His increasing ambition spurred him to take a trip to Blackfall, with the intention to evaluate the city and assessed the possibility of opening a branch there. He underestimated the threat of Blackfall. When he walked through an alleyway in Blackfall, a group of powered villain ambushed him, practically stripping him clean from valuables. When he woke up, he remembered who he was, but he couldn't remember why he had come to Blackfall. No memory of his established business was present either. Despite his inability to remember, he felt a strong sense of urgency to do what he had to do in Blackfall. With a reinforced spirit, Alvine continued to live Blackfall, looking for clues to his goal.
  • Nadine Winterfield: Business partner and acquaintance. Currently staying in Callinety.
  • Shed and Alfa Senade: Parents. Currently staying in Callinety.
Alvine is able to summon mirrors at his will which will revolve around his person until he commands otherwise.
Power: 3 Alvine is able to eject his mirror horizontally to damage doors and humans.
Defense: 5 His mirrors are able to withhold the blow from a small vehicle.
Recovery: 2 His mirrors do not improve his ability to heal wounds.
Range: 4 Although he is able to throw them further, he cannot control mirrors that are further than 3 meters from him.
Speed: 2 While he is able to use his mirror as a platform, using it as a ride is not fast enough to be considered as a long-range transportation.

Intended Tier: Alpha
The largest mirror Alvine has able to summon is 2.5 meters in length.
The most mirrors he is able to summon is six, with the mirrors smaller than 2 meters in length.
High-frequency sounds will shatter his mirrors completely.
Skills & Equipment

  • Legal Knowledge: As a bachelor in law, Alvine is well versed in the rule surrounding the country and especially the city of Callinety and Blackfall.
  • Self Defence: Alvine hates being hurt more than anything. He practises a judo and several defensive martial arts that has the goal to negate attack toward the host.
  • Parkour: Once an informal ability he compiles as a child to run away from bullies, Alvine takes a private course to hone his running and escaping ability to its peak.
  • Flashbang grenades
  • Headlight
  • Switchblade
Personal Belongings:
  • Flashlight
  • Assortment of keys
  • Wallet filled with money he earns after he was roobed
Starting City:
Affiliation: Senade and Winterfield Law Firm and Powered Agency
Signature Color: #800080
Name: Sam Brown
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: Patriot
Gender: Male
Age: 53


Height: 6'3
Weight: 179

Body Modifications/Implants: None
Blood Type: AB-
Personality: Sam is a broken man. He is all alone, and prefers it to be that way. He often just stares at the city, contemplating on how it is so bad. He has a twisted sense of justice. He believes that once he completes his duty, America will truly start to shine. For this to happen, he has to kill those who try to stop him. He is highly accessible to anger, and can kill someone out of rage.

He doesn't realize what he is doing is wrong. He will reason to people, and try to get them to realize what he is doing. He doesn't hurt heroes or vigalante's at first sight, as he feels as they are doing God's work, and will often go overboard with trying to help them. But once you attack him, you are in the way, and so he must hurt you. He is like a robot who is working for a single goal.
Backstory: Sam had the typical hero Backstory. Parents dead, living with a relative. Started training, and became a hero. He donned his costume after having help from his Aunt. His aunt, and his whole family was patriotic. His father, and his grandfather worked in the army. With the introduction of heroes, Sam realized he could do more than be in the army.

Sam would beat up crime left and right. He was becoming famous. He would often be seen as a person you can believe in. He was happy. This went on for years. Sam had no attention of stopping, until he would die one day. But he never did. He never had a real relationship, and was often alone, but he still did what made him happy. But one day, everything changed.

He was fighting a villian, as he often did. But this villian was different than most. He was violent, and insane. Sam never had dealt with such...cruelty. As they fought, they ended up in a warehouse. No one knows what happend in there, but Sam had come out. Bloody, and changed. The day after he retired. He sat in his apartment, trying to get different jobs. He noticed that Blackfall had developed into a hell hole.

Sam was no longer happy. Every day it was dark. He could not even get up in the morning. But then, one day, he broke. Sam was no longer fully there. But then, as he was screaming his lungs out, a spirit appeared before him. Uncle Sam, the symbol of America. As Sam looked on, the spirit had said he found Sam. He was the most patriotic, the one true believer of America.

The spirit had urged him to cleanse Blackfall. America needed the Patriot now more than ever. But he couldn't just arrest them, no. He would need to change his ways. He would need to kill them. America won't be changed unless all of the villians had to die. So, Sam got out his dirty, and bloody costume, cleaned it up, and went back out.
Relationships: The only relationship he needed as too America.

Abilities: None
Power: 3- From training, Sam would be able to kick down wooden dors, and make dents in walls.
Defense: 1- Sam is a old and broken man. He has defense a little more older than a regular person.
Recovery: 2- He has the recovery of a normal human.
Range: 2- Sam's range goes far as his fists go. His shotgun goes to a short range.
Speed: 2- He has the average speed for a normal person.
Intended Tier: No powers, no tier
Limits: Sam is a broken man. He often overworks himself, almost to the point of death. He also can get into a rage when hearing about how America isn't great, and so when he is in a rage, his punches are random, so of someone has better fighting style than him, they would be able to defeat him.
Weaknesses: Old- He is a old man. He does not have the same agility when he was younger and more agile.
Stubborn- He overworks himself. If he finds a task, he will try to complete it. Even if he is shot or stabbed.
Boxing- He trained, but his only experience of fighting is boxing and street style

Skills & Equipment
Skills: Guns- Since he uses guns, he has experience of them.
Medicine- He has had to patch himself up more than once, so while he doesn't do it all the time, he has some experience of stitching things.
Equipment: Shotgun- He uses his shotgun every single time he goes out.
Kitchen Knife- He keeps a knife he uses in his pocket. He doesn't have money to get another knife, so he uses a kitchen one.
Personal Items: Cellphone- He only keeps a cellphone just so if someone needs him, or something lie that.

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: None
Signature Color: Blue
Extra: N/A

Name: James Marzter
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: The King
Gender: Male
Age: 37


Height: 5'11
Weight: 164
Costume: Main Mask


Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: B+
Personality: James loves who he is. He loves his job, and doesn't hate any minute of it. He loves luxury and revels in it. James has no problems with killing, and will do it if anyone disobeys him. He doesn't mind the other bosses as much if they don't bother him. He treats his workers with respect, and coming from a poor family, he knows how hard it is too get to the top. But he doesn't want anyone making the same mistakes he did.

He feels as if the heroes and villians are pawns for him to ise. He doesn't really care about who he deals with. Doesn't mean he is a total asshole. If you treat him right, he can start respecting you more, ad open himself a bit. He doesn't show much fear. He does hate dealing with villians, but he refuses to show weakness, or break. He feels as he is meant for this life.
Backstory: James came from a poor family. He had to work from a young age along with his siblings and parents to get food for their house. He went to school, and was able to eat, but it didn't mean that his life was perfect. He wanted to be big, to be someone important.

As he got older, he had to take more care of his parents. But money wasn't cutting it. So one day, after thinking about it, he decided to join a gang. He was able to join a gang, but it was hard. He had to work himself to death every day to get money. He never stopped quiting though. After he graduated, he still lived with his parents, and helped them. Even when his siblings moved out, he still stayed with his mom and dad.

One day, though, James decided he had enough. He needed to get money to get out of being poor. So after getting a few guns, he shot the leader of the gang he was in, and then started shooting everybody ese. With the money he had gotten, he used it to get his parents out of their home, and get them one in Section four of Callinety. Also, with the money, and the remaining members of the gang, he decided to become the leader.
The first few years were hard at first, but he got better.

He was able to get more money off of drugs, guns, and prostitution. He got more members. But then, he was noticed. A new gang in Callinety is enough to gain hero attention. So, he decided to trade information about other bosses so he could keep his buisness going and not go to jail. But some of the bosses started getting suspicous, so he traded information about the heroes too.

It was also during this time he opened his casino. So, he had become more of a informant on both sides, while also using it to his advantage to take down his rivals, and to take down those pesky heroes who were beating up his men. He is still doing it to this day.
Relationships: He has a close relationship with his mom and dad because he helped them out during a rough time. They often visit the casino.
Amy- His sister was the only sibling to stay in Callinety, and keep a relationship with James. So he often uses her as his second in command.

Abilities: None
Power: 2- His strength is only a little bit higher than the average strength.
Defense: 2- He has basic techniques to block. His masks helped him with shots to the head though.
Recovery: 2- His recovery is the average reckvery.
Range: 2- Without a gun, he uses his fists, and so his range is average. The guns he uses are assault rifles, " they go to middle range which is 5.
Speed: 2- His speed is the speed of a regular person.
Intended Tier: None
Limits: Even though he doesn't have powers, all it takes is for a person to find out about him being a informant on both sides, and his empire could fall down.
Weaknesses: Human- He can be injured because he is just a regular person.
No Fighting Experience- He only has street level fighting. But other than that, he has no experience with fighting.
On the Edge- It's really dangerous to be a informant on both sides. If someone finds out, his buisness would go down, and he would probably be hunted, speaking of hunted.
Rivals- Since he is the leader of his huge gang, he is kind of popular, s he has to worry about rivals, and vigalante's who might try to kill him.

Skills & Equipment
Skills: Guns- Being a leader of a gang, you have to be experienced at guns, so he has experience with them.
Buisness- If you are a gang leader, then you should have a idea about buisness, and James is good at making deals.
Charmer- He is a expert at being a Charmer and a lier. It's why he has lasted so long.
Equipment: Assault Rifle- He has his assault rifle which he uses if his guards are down, and he needs to defend himself.
Listening Devices- He had gotten himself listening devices to listen on in meetings.
Guards- He has guards within the casino, and personal ones with him almost all the time.
Personal Items: Masks- He has a collection of many different masks he uses when he is in buisness.
Cellphone- He keeps a personal cellphone with him.

Starting City: Callinety, section four
Affiliation: None
Signature Color: Green
Extra: His masks are payday masks.
(These are my final characters.)

Handler Walksun
Nickname(s): Han, Walksun, Quiet
Alias: Quiet's Assassin
Gender: Male
Age: 19


Weight: 139lbs

Body Modifications/Implants:
This metal left arm.

Blood Type:
Personality: Handler Walksun is a bit different ever since travelling to Blackfall. He had grown mature traits, like some patience and seriousness. However, he still is a immature goof and a bit of idiot. His idiotic sense allows him to think everyone is either a friend or a villain. Since he thinks everyone is his friend, he trust people and thinks they'll trust him. He would even take a bullet for them. His idiocy makes him brave. Handler also a bit of a geek, really likes girls, and struggles with anxiety.
Backstory: Handler Walksun was born and raised in the faraway city of Innovalle. There, he worked for the hero agency there. He was the sidekick of Yany Mits and the cousin to the metahuman doctor Yolya Markov. There, Handler had many adventures and was overall a happy person.

Until one day when the terrorist group the Freighters arrived in the city. They murdered Yolya and many others in a terrorist attack. Soon, it was discovered that they were after Handler personally and Handler had to run away with Yany. They hoped on a plane but before it took off, the Freighters blew it up. Handler survived and had to run. He never knew if Yany survived.

For 2 years, he ran away and stopped in the city of Blackfall. There, he took shelter in an abandoned apartment basement. He knew he had to hide it out until he heard that the Freighters were defeated for good.

However, that was boring. Handler took on the disguise of a assassin, practiced his fighting skills, got upgrades, and became Quiet's Assassin! He became a vigilante to fight the crime in Blackfall and to bring justice. Actually, it was just to pass the time. Handler made friends, but also enemies.
Relationships: Yany Mits

Like Green Lantern, he had the power to create anything in a see-through purple state. First it was just shields but it has evolved into anything. He many uses this power for shields and forcefield like objects as most things he creates are weak and pointless.
Power: 3 - With his shield and weapon creation, he can do some damage on the spot. He can also damage people with his metal arm.
Defense: 6 - His shields and forcefields give him defense.
Recovery: 1 - His weakest strength. Handler has the body of a regular human.
Range: 4 - Handler can throw his shield like Captain America and hit people. Also when every someone touches his created objects, they would get a purple rash and also bacteria for unknown reasons.
Speed: 2 - Handler has the speed of aa normal human.
Intended Tier: Beta
Limits: Handler can't control the objects he creates with his mind so whatever is heavy, like a car, he can't use. The objects he creates are weaker versions of their real life counterparts. Things will break easier and not be as effective. Handler needs to focus on his abilities to work.
Weaknesses: Anyone with any magnet or metal manipulation powers can easily take out Handler became of his metal arm. Anything that can take out metal also applies here. Anyone that has a strongest construct than Handler's contrusts would render Handler's power unless.

Skills & Equipment
Handler has the skills of an Assassin. He can sneek around places, hide in the dark, snipe from a rooftop, and much more.
Equipment: Sniper rifle, grapple gun, parachute, sticky grenades, and a minigun inside his metal arm
Personal Items: A television with movies, games, A computer, a generator, pictures of him in Havaera.

Starting City:
Affiliation: Vigilante
Signature Color: Black
Extra: Here's a fun fact. Quiet's Assassin true identity in the War between City Walls and H&V 2 was Handler. That was the major plot twist planned for both rps before each were cancelled.

Accepted! Beta Tier!


Name: Alvine Senade
Nickname(s): Vin
Alias: Mirror Mage
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Height: 6 ft 4 inch
Weight: 155 lbs
Blood Type: A

Alvine lack of confidence comes from his habit of overanalysing the situation he faces to the point where he can scare himself to death. Often he hesitates between two choices, resulting in a larger loss in general while his adversaries take the advantage. He is easily intimidated into performing certain actions, mostly due to his nature that easily sought guidance for others in picking a choice.

However, despite his lack of confidence, he has a high spirit when it comes to his ambitions. He will not hesitate to do what it takes to fulfil what he wants, even showing a rare moment of leadership and confidence when he is burned with passion. Often this sturdy belief surprises those that try to use him for their own purpose. When it concerns what he truly wants, Alvine can be a force to be reckoned with.

As a child, Alvine showed a lack of confidence in himself that led him to be bullied during most of his school years. His impassiveness in front of pressure from others and his lack of courage to speak up for himself made him an easy target for extortion and intimidation from seniors and his peers. There wasn't a lot of opportunities where he could shine, but it was clear since his elementary school where his passion lied; When he saw a powered human flew above him, his eyes shone like never before.

His power was first triggered in his 4th grade, when he was bullied by a group of his classmate and two revolving mirrors appeared around him, defending him against some of the punches. With his newfound ability, Alvine was able to run from physical harm, although extortions and ostracisation still applied to him.His social condition gradually increased as he entered high school and hit his growth spurt, increasing his height significantly and increased his physical ability in general. His social ability improved greatly from after, with the support of school counsellor and a club he joined to nurture his interest in superpowers. He joined a similar club during his study in law.

After he graduated, Alvine started up a business with his friend from university's powered club, Nadine. They both had interest in the increasing amount of so-called superheroes in society and decided to make a profit out of it. That was how Senade and Winterfield Law Firm and Powered Agency was established in Callinety. The agency accepted requests from civilians and government alike to solve a task requiring the help of superpower to solve. With Nadine's knowledge, Alvine had struck deals to finish not-so-legal request from clients as well.

His increasing ambition spurred him to take a trip to Blackfall, with the intention to evaluate the city and assessed the possibility of opening a branch there. He underestimated the threat of Blackfall. When he walked through an alleyway in Blackfall, a group of powered villain ambushed him, practically stripping him clean from valuables. When he woke up, he remembered who he was, but he couldn't remember why he had come to Blackfall. No memory of his established business was present either. Despite his inability to remember, he felt a strong sense of urgency to do what he had to do in Blackfall. With a reinforced spirit, Alvine continued to live Blackfall, looking for clues to his goal.

  • Nadine Winterfield: Business partner and acquaintance. Currently staying in Callinety.
  • Shed and Alfa Senade: Parents. Currently staying in Callinety.
Alvine is able to summon mirrors at his will which will revolve around his person until he commands otherwise.
Power: 3 Alvine is able to eject his mirror horizontally to damage doors and humans.
Defense: 5 His mirrors are able to withhold the blow from a small vehicle.
Recovery: 2 His mirrors do not improve his ability to heal wounds.
Range: 4 Although he is able to throw them further, he cannot control mirrors that are further than 3 meters from him.
Speed: 2 While he is able to use his mirror as a platform, using it as a ride is not fast enough to be considered as a long-range transportation.

Intended Tier: Alpha

The largest mirror Alvine has able to summon is 2.5 meters in length.
The most mirrors he is able to summon is six, with the mirrors smaller than 2 meters in length.

High-frequency sounds will shatter his mirrors completely.
Skills & Equipment

  • Legal Knowledge: As a bachelor in law, Alvine is well versed in the rule surrounding the country and especially the city of Callinety and Blackfall.
  • Self Defence: Alvine hates being hurt more than anything. He practises a judo and several defensive martial arts that has the goal to negate attack toward the host.
  • Parkour: Once an informal ability he compiles as a child to run away from bullies, Alvine takes a private course to hone his running and escaping ability to its peak.
  • Flashbang grenades
  • Headlight
  • Switchblade
Personal Belongings:
  • Flashlight
  • Assortment of keys
  • Wallet filled with money he earns after he was roobed
Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: Senade and Winterfield Law Firm and Powered Agency
Signature Color: #800080

Accepted! Alpha Tier!


Name: Sam Brown
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: Patriot
Gender: Male
Age: 53

Height: 6'3
Weight: 179


Body Modifications/Implants: None
Blood Type: AB-
Personality: Sam is a broken man. He is all alone, and prefers it to be that way. He often just stares at the city, contemplating on how it is so bad. He has a twisted sense of justice. He believes that once he completes his duty, America will truly start to shine. For this to happen, he has to kill those who try to stop him. He is highly accessible to anger, and can kill someone out of rage.

He doesn't realize what he is doing is wrong. He will reason to people, and try to get them to realize what he is doing. He doesn't hurt heroes or vigalante's at first sight, as he feels as they are doing God's work, and will often go overboard with trying to help them. But once you attack him, you are in the way, and so he must hurt you. He is like a robot who is working for a single goal.
Backstory: Sam had the typical hero Backstory. Parents dead, living with a relative. Started training, and became a hero. He donned his costume after having help from his Aunt. His aunt, and his whole family was patriotic. His father, and his grandfather worked in the army. With the introduction of heroes, Sam realized he could do more than be in the army.

Sam would beat up crime left and right. He was becoming famous. He would often be seen as a person you can believe in. He was happy. This went on for years. Sam had no attention of stopping, until he would die one day. But he never did. He never had a real relationship, and was often alone, but he still did what made him happy. But one day, everything changed.

He was fighting a villian, as he often did. But this villian was different than most. He was violent, and insane. Sam never had dealt with such...cruelty. As they fought, they ended up in a warehouse. No one knows what happend in there, but Sam had come out. Bloody, and changed. The day after he retired. He sat in his apartment, trying to get different jobs. He noticed that Blackfall had developed into a hell hole.

Sam was no longer happy. Every day it was dark. He could not even get up in the morning. But then, one day, he broke. Sam was no longer fully there. But then, as he was screaming his lungs out, a spirit appeared before him. Uncle Sam, the symbol of America. As Sam looked on, the spirit had said he found Sam. He was the most patriotic, the one true believer of America.

The spirit had urged him to cleanse Blackfall. America needed the Patriot now more than ever. But he couldn't just arrest them, no. He would need to change his ways. He would need to kill them. America won't be changed unless all of the villians had to die. So, Sam got out his dirty, and bloody costume, cleaned it up, and went back out.
Relationships: The only relationship he needed as too America.

Abilities: None
Power: 3- From training, Sam would be able to kick down wooden dors, and make dents in walls.
Defense: 1- Sam is a old and broken man. He has defense a little more older than a regular person.
Recovery: 2- He has the recovery of a normal human.
Range: 2- Sam's range goes far as his fists go. His shotgun goes to a short range.
Speed: 2- He has the average speed for a normal person.
Intended Tier: No powers, no tier
Limits: Sam is a broken man. He often overworks himself, almost to the point of death. He also can get into a rage when hearing about how America isn't great, and so when he is in a rage, his punches are random, so of someone has better fighting style than him, they would be able to defeat him.
Weaknesses: Old- He is a old man. He does not have the same agility when he was younger and more agile.
Stubborn- He overworks himself. If he finds a task, he will try to complete it. Even if he is shot or stabbed.
Boxing- He trained, but his only experience of fighting is boxing and street style

Skills & Equipment
Skills: Guns- Since he uses guns, he has experience of them.
Medicine- He has had to patch himself up more than once, so while he doesn't do it all the time, he has some experience of stitching things.
Equipment: Shotgun- He uses his shotgun every single time he goes out.
Kitchen Knife- He keeps a knife he uses in his pocket. He doesn't have money to get another knife, so he uses a kitchen one.
Personal Items: Cellphone- He only keeps a cellphone just so if someone needs him, or something lie that.

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: None
Signature Color: Blue
Extra: N/A

Name: James Marzter
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: The King
Gender: Male
Age: 37


Height: 5'11
Weight: 164
Costume: Main Mask


Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: B+
Personality: James loves who he is. He loves his job, and doesn't hate any minute of it. He loves luxury and revels in it. James has no problems with killing, and will do it if anyone disobeys him. He doesn't mind the other bosses as much if they don't bother him. He treats his workers with respect, and coming from a poor family, he knows how hard it is too get to the top. But he doesn't want anyone making the same mistakes he did.

He feels as if the heroes and villians are pawns for him to ise. He doesn't really care about who he deals with. Doesn't mean he is a total asshole. If you treat him right, he can start respecting you more, ad open himself a bit. He doesn't show much fear. He does hate dealing with villians, but he refuses to show weakness, or break. He feels as he is meant for this life.
Backstory: James came from a poor family. He had to work from a young age along with his siblings and parents to get food for their house. He went to school, and was able to eat, but it didn't mean that his life was perfect. He wanted to be big, to be someone important.

As he got older, he had to take more care of his parents. But money wasn't cutting it. So one day, after thinking about it, he decided to join a gang. He was able to join a gang, but it was hard. He had to work himself to death every day to get money. He never stopped quiting though. After he graduated, he still lived with his parents, and helped them. Even when his siblings moved out, he still stayed with his mom and dad.

One day, though, James decided he had enough. He needed to get money to get out of being poor. So after getting a few guns, he shot the leader of the gang he was in, and then started shooting everybody ese. With the money he had gotten, he used it to get his parents out of their home, and get them one in Section four of Callinety. Also, with the money, and the remaining members of the gang, he decided to become the leader.
The first few years were hard at first, but he got better.

He was able to get more money off of drugs, guns, and prostitution. He got more members. But then, he was noticed. A new gang in Callinety is enough to gain hero attention. So, he decided to trade information about other bosses so he could keep his buisness going and not go to jail. But some of the bosses started getting suspicous, so he traded information about the heroes too.

It was also during this time he opened his casino. So, he had become more of a informant on both sides, while also using it to his advantage to take down his rivals, and to take down those pesky heroes who were beating up his men. He is still doing it to this day.
Relationships: He has a close relationship with his mom and dad because he helped them out during a rough time. They often visit the casino.
Amy- His sister was the only sibling to stay in Callinety, and keep a relationship with James. So he often uses her as his second in command.

Abilities: None
Power: 2- His strength is only a little bit higher than the average strength.
Defense: 2- He has basic techniques to block. His masks helped him with shots to the head though.
Recovery: 2- His recovery is the average reckvery.
Range: 2- Without a gun, he uses his fists, and so his range is average. The guns he uses are assault rifles, " they go to middle range which is 5.
Speed: 2- His speed is the speed of a regular person.
Intended Tier: None
Limits: Even though he doesn't have powers, all it takes is for a person to find out about him being a informant on both sides, and his empire could fall down.
Weaknesses: Human- He can be injured because he is just a regular person.
No Fighting Experience- He only has street level fighting. But other than that, he has no experience with fighting.
On the Edge- It's really dangerous to be a informant on both sides. If someone finds out, his buisness would go down, and he would probably be hunted, speaking of hunted.
Rivals- Since he is the leader of his huge gang, he is kind of popular, s he has to worry about rivals, and vigalante's who might try to kill him.

Skills & Equipment
Skills: Guns- Being a leader of a gang, you have to be experienced at guns, so he has experience with them.
Buisness- If you are a gang leader, then you should have a idea about buisness, and James is good at making deals.
Charmer- He is a expert at being a Charmer and a lier. It's why he has lasted so long.
Equipment: Assault Rifle- He has his assault rifle which he uses if his guards are down, and he needs to defend himself.
Listening Devices- He had gotten himself listening devices to listen on in meetings.
Guards- He has guards within the casino, and personal ones with him almost all the time.
Personal Items: Masks- He has a collection of many different masks he uses when he is in buisness.
Cellphone- He keeps a personal cellphone with him.

Starting City: Callinety, section four
Affiliation: None
Signature Color: Green
Extra: His masks are payday masks.
(These are my final characters.)

Accepted! N/A Tier!


Accepted! N/A Tier!



Rowan is a person who is perfectly content to stay in the sidelines. He is rather laid back and rarely stressed about anything - or rather, he rarely finds anything that requires so much attention. He cares only for his amusement, and while he does make friends - lots of them - he does not value them much.

Despite his tendency to hide in the shadows, he has a love for occasional drama and wry remarks. His wit seems to be used solely for dry humor. he enjoys embarrassing others, but is also fine with playing the fool.

He can be essentially described as a hedonist, without much drive to push himself forward. He rarely chooses to take steps to improve his own life, but will generally agree and do anything his friends suggest that seems beneficial to him, even putting in a decent amount of effort. He more or less keeps a semblance of a productive everyday life, with minimal effort. He is at least somewhat sensible though, and refrains from doing anything illegal. His curiosity is probably his only real driving force in life, and he's willing to give up a lot just for an answer to a few questions, mostly because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he left a stone unturned.

Despite his impulsiveness, he can be polite when he needs to be, and he can be patient if he needs to be. He's not all that intelligent when it comes to planning, but he understands that some things can take some time. It takes a lot for him to be shaken from his calm, if it is possible at all.


Born into a rich household with no other children to care for. Rowan's experience was more or less normal. His parents had worked hard for their wealth, and had no intention of doting on their child, but was determined to bring him up as a productive member of society. Unfortunately for them, most of their love and hard work was wasted on him. He detested work, doing as little as he could to get by and only pretending to be hard working when his parents were around. He was a little resentful of his parents' stinginess, but didn't care as much about his parents' love for him as he acted. Of course, his act didn't really fool his parents, and they despaired in him.

His parents' marriage was not particularly successful, however. His mother found it difficult to get back to her work again after the birth of Rowan, and the fact became a point of stress within the family. Eventually, they separated, with Rowan in the care of his father. They moved, and then moved again. His father was still determined to work full time, and often left Rowan in the care of his grandfather.

He supposed it was a sad thing, for his parents to separate, when he looked back on it. At the time, he didn't care much, and the weekly back-and-forths between his father and mother was more of a chore.

He did sloppily in school, and while not exactly the worst student in the class, he barely passed, and was far too much trouble on the best of days. In the end, he was exactly as good a student he needed to be, learning to hide in the shadows and not create too much fuss. His grandfather was rather lax when it came to managing the child's grades, and his father was too busy to pay proper attention.

He manifested his powers at nine years old, a few weeks into his winter holidays, and a few months after his new baby brother had been born to his father and stepmother. He had been grounded, and was lazying about in his room on the second floor when he received a papercut with no clear source.

But the he found it.

A few stray things floated about lazily in his room, and while they could be felt, they couldn't be seen. Every now and then, a new one would appear. He wanted them to go away, and they did.

So he didn't tell anyone. At the time, no one was on his floor of the house, and no one had seen, presumably, so he kept it a secret that something weird had happened when they left him at home. Occasionally, the same thing would happen again, and just like before, he disappeared them.

It was only until a month later that he decided to examine - well, whatever the thing was.

The pane was flat, transparent, sharp. Occasionally he could see flickers in the air, but usually, he just felt where they roughly were. They weren't good for much else other than accidentally giving himself cuts every time he wanted to examine them further. He tried to put them out of his mind. Occasionally he'd idly summon one to see what else it could cut. Nothing much, it turned out.

It wasn't until his tenth birthday that he found out what it was really for.

He was out playing, and a bike, along with its screaming rider, was charging at him, out of control.

Hundreds of shards filled his senses, between him and the bike. The bike stopped before it had reached him. And then fell over, because that was what bikes did. Around a quarter of the shards had disappeared, but he was unharmed.

Maybe he should have stayed, to see what the blubbering kid had to say, but he just ran home.

He was curious about his power.

Even after he discovered the purpose of his power, he rarely used it. His father didn't know, and his stepmother - the most irritating woman in the world - certainly didn't know.

His schoolwork improved somewhat, when he learned how to work and play at the same time, but it was never as good as his father wanted, which was the last thing he cared about. Oddly enough, he preferred literature rather than stem, unlike his parents.

When he was eighteen, he moved out. He wasn't particularly close with his father or mother, all but ignored is stepmother, and hadn't seen his grandfather in a long time. He chose to pursue an online degree, in the city where his mother lived. Close to home, in a sense, but without anyone who knew him well, making it a comfortable balance. His relative isolation meant that he could practice his power without fear of being noticed.

Blackfall was, of course, dangerous. he was confident that he would be safe, however. The criminal element of the city, in fact, made it easier to earn a little pocket money. He din't do anything flashy - that would be idiotic - but chose to stick to the shadows as he did since he was a child. He delivered messages now and then, usually. Sometimes, he participated in more interesting things, for the sheer excitement.

Mostly, however, he sat on the sidelines, watching curiously.
Rowan Vane
no alignment|#E6EAF3|blackfall


Name: Rowan Vane
Nickname (s): None
alias: Shatter
gender: Male
age: Nineteen


Rowan is best described as pretty rather than handsome, with almost delicate features making him seem younger and more innocent than he is, somewhat ruined by the smug grin he always seems to wear. His blond hair is usually tousled just as if he's just woken up from sleep, and he rarely gives it any attention. Rowan prefers loose clothing of light coloration, without much decorations or bright colors. His laziness is evident in his stance, usually slouching, clothes rather creased, although he keeps them clean enough.

Costume: He throws a white hood with elaborate embroidering in blue and a loose plain white robe that reaches down to his knees over his clothes, carefully constructing a white mask using force fields over his face, leaving his eyes clear. When going into melee combat, however, he dismisses the mask just in case, though he prefers to fight ranged. As he possesses a dramatic flair, he constructs several clusters of force fields orbiting around him, if he isn't expecting a serious fight, but is expecting a chance to show off.

Height: 5’8
Weight: 135lbs
Blood Type: B-

Abilities: Force field manipulation. rowan is able to create hundreds of force fields the size of his hands or smaller, down to the size of a fingernail. They are around 3 mm thin, can only sustain around 1kg of force, and are exceptionally brittle. When they sustain too much force or are hit multiple times in succession, they disappear. However, they are able to stop almost all of the momentum of the attack, and few attacks have enough force to shatter more than two or three layers at once. They act more like a cushion rather than a wall, however. His shields do not conduct electricity or heat, and are not particularly affected by the two provided he's layered in around 20 layers of shields, unless temperatures rise to be over 1600 degrees Celsius, in which case his shields dissipate. It's kinetic energy that's difficult to protect against. His shields are nearly frictionless and weightless, though there's been no instance where some's had to carry one of his shields - they don't move, and if pushed hard, they simply disappear.

Usually he can create anywhere from 10-20 a second, and can dismiss them at will. Stationary force fields require no attention from him to continue existing, including ones outside his range, however, they are far more fragile. He can move them up to a speed of 50km/hr, and with enough precision that he could essentially use them as another pair of hands. They continue moving in the direction he directed them to move in unless he provide other instructions, even outside his range.

In addition, he can change the color of the force fields in a limited manner, but one force field must be one color all the way through, and will always be somewhat translucent, if not completely transparent.

multitasking - secondary power given to him that allows him to control separate groups of his shields to do different things simultaneously. it's like rubbing your stomach while patting you head - with multiple sharp transparent appendages. It helps somewhat with other tasks as well, but seems to only properly work when dealing with his force field shards.

Power: 4 - His force fields are light and essentially shatter on contact, but they have sharp edges and when he throws them at high enough velocity at a person, he is capable of doing some serious damage. His ability to throw a punch, however, is very limited.
Defense: 6-7 - An individual force field is weak, but he can create a dozen a second, and together they form an almost impenetrable shield when faced with a single strong attack. However, they fare less while when dealing with multiple attacks in succession.
Recovery: 2 - He has human recovery rates.
Range: 6 - He can create shields in a 60m radius around him. However, his force fields are stable even if they are out of his range, although they become significantly more fragile, and he cannot change their directions.
Speed: 2 – His power doesn't help him run away.
Intended Tier: Beta

Limits: He can't generate shields within other objects - or rather, he could, but they flicker out instantly, and also cause him headaches. The amount of effort that it takes to generate enough force fields inside an object to slice it apart would cause him migraines for days and a weaker power.

Weaknesses: Rain - Rain droplets don't have much force behind them, but when multiple raindrops hit his shields one after the other, they collapse the force field and leave him vulnerable. During rain, he has to constantly create new shields as his old shields collapse, leaving him with a more fragile defense.

Skills: Sewing, playing the piano, drawing, lockpicking, sleight of hand.

Equipment: Baton, lockpicks, knife.
Personal Items: A few books on human anatomy, wallet with library card, mp3 player, pack of cards.
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Rico Juarez
Nickname(s): The professional, The stranger, Suspect #319
Alias: Wraith
Gender: Male
Age: 38


Height: 6.1

Body Modifications/Implants:
Reinforced skeletal structure.
Blood Type: O negative
Personality: Effective. Get the job done. Efficient. Don't waste time or resources. Free. I serve no one.

Backstory: Rico grew up in a "chew you up and spit you out" kind of town in southern Colombia. Got pulled into a gang in younger life and eventually moved into bigger things. The cartels. He made his way up the ranks by being more determined and more cunning than the other lieutenants. In short he rose by being better. Then in 2012 his employer, Griselda Blanco, went and caught herself face full of lead outside a butcher shop and the cartel fell to pieces. Most of the other lieutenants tried to take parts for themselves and either killed each other or were squashed by rival cartels. Not Rico. He knows a sinking ship when he see one. He made his way north to the united states, where he hires out his considerable skills to the highest bidder.

Enhanced agility (+). Minor Precognition.(+)
Power: (1-10) 3 (Training keeps Rico in peak physical form) 1 (this ability does not effect power)
Defense: (1-10) 2 & 2 (Reinforced skeletal structure, Armour and a poly-carbonate shield offers some protection to Rico but his powers are more focused on avoiding hits than absorbing them.)
Recovery: (1-10) 2 & 2 (Neither of these abilities effect recovery rate.) "Yeah bullets still hurt me. But try and shoot me, see how well it goes for you."
Range: (1-10) 1 & 1 (Neither of these abilities extend beyond Rico's body)
Speed: (1-10) 5 (His enhanced agility allows him to avoid most objects in his way and free run at a high speed.) 1 (this power does not affect Rico's speed.)
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: Precognition only informs Rico of immediate dangers a few seconds before they take place. So if some one is pointing a gun at his head he will see it happen about half a second before the gun fires. His precognition also gives him vague warnings about indirect threats. For example a low sense of danger when a poison drink is placed on the bar.

Enhanced agility makes him able to climb, jump, crawl or free run past most obstacles. He thrives on roof tops and street level. Moving inside buildings or areas with large obstructions forces him to slow down and making him vulnerable.

His Precognition can often become confused when there are multiple threats. If Rico gets hit in the limbs it significantly limits his movement abilities.

Skills & Equipment
Marksmanship, Explosive ordinance, Interrogation, bladed weapons.
Equipment: Remington 870 Shotgun, 2x Colt 45 sidearms, Kevlar weave Armour, Poly-carbonate Shield, 2x Machete
Personal Items: Skull mask

Starting City:
Affiliation: "Depends on who pays the best."
Signature Color: "What? Favorite color? What is this sesame street?" <-- that one

D duegxybus
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Name: Corentine Karayan


Alias: Countess

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown




Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 140 lbs

Body Modifications/Implants: Middle lower lip ring

Blood Type: Unknown


Personality: Corentine is how you would think a crime lord is. Strict, merciless, smart, careful, etc. It’s how she got to the position she’s in. Corentine is also arrogant but not so much to blind herself to potential threats. She is known for swiftly dealing with anyone and anything that has the slightest bit of rebellion against her or her group.

She is German-born so the accent is there although not super thick. But being from Germany has gotten her a slew of nicknames of the insult variety, although they’d never be spoken in her presence.

At a first glance she seems like a calm person. She’s a person who enjoys observing people in various situations for entertainment. Thus, is where her sense of humor is derived from. She will say certain things just to see the reaction it gives. It also helps her in seeing what type a person she is speaking to.

Because Corentine is rarely known for outburst or tantrums she may seem approachable. It’s why her men fear her when something goes wrong. Her rage is never hinted at. It just happens. And is often at the cost of someone’s life. She believes there is always a root to every problem. And Corentine likes to find it and remove it.

Backstory: Corentine has lived for a very long time. She calls herself a Vampire and anyone knowing her would believe she is one as well. Pale skin, a need for blood, crimson red eyes, etc. The woman wasn’t always the way she is now. She was born the same way as anyone and raised by a wealthy family. Her parents were a doctors that were part of a team and were very dedicated to their work. They were constantly busy, saying they were on the brink of something that would change humanity.

With the funding from several wealthy sources they were working on a type of concoction that could give a human immortality. It would cease the process that makes humans age into the deteriorating process. The doctor and his wife were even graced by a daughter whom showed symptoms of abilities already. It was fascinating that neither parent had the abilities and guessed they would skip a generation or two before resurfacing. They felt like this was a sign that they were meant to invent this formula.

After many test they finally seemed to be successful the first canine subject to react positively to the serum. The only problems being a few minor inconveniences that would require the animal to receive regular doses of blood otherwise the dog’s health would rapidly deteriorate. But other than the minor setback the test was a success! The team decided to keep the dog to further monitor her but also to serve as a reminder to the milestone they hit.

Shortly after the test on the dog the doctor’s investors began negotiating to own the formula personally rather than putting it out to the public. The research team, hastily, turned them down and the investors, angrily left, but not before issuing several threats.

It wasn’t long afterwards, that Corentine was mysteriously shot and received word that the research team was next if they didn’t give over the formula. Instead of giving into the demands, Corentine’s parents rushed her to the labs and prepared for the first human test of the serum. The canine exhibited symptoms of accelerated healing and hoped the girl would show them as well. Ignoring the pleads to stop Corentine’s parents injected their daughter with the serum and hoped for the best.

Despite the doctor’s best efforts Corentine seemed to pass away. That same night the research team’s lab was assaulted and ransacked by a group of invaders. Corentine’s father knew they were there for the formula and hid his daughter. When confronted by the men he insisted he had thrown it away. The invaders then shot the whole team dead, including Corentine’s mother and father, before looking through the rest of the laboratory themselves.

While searching they realized they couldn’t find the canine that was worked on. Before they knew what hit them, the murderers had been brutally killed. The investigators concluded that a wild animal had entered the lab and killed the men that broke in. But the daughter’s body was nowhere to be found so they assumed the animal had drug her off with it when it left.


Of course the real story is that Corentine awoke that night her parents were killed. All of her senses seemed to be heightened to a substantial degree along with the wound she had being fully healed. And her reflexes superhuman-like. The men did find the dog they looked for but it wasn’t the canine that killed them. Corentine’s fear for her life turned to anger when reflecting on what these men did and then the anger turned to hate. That’s when things went blank for her. When Corentine came to, the mangled corpses of the intruders lay at her feet. Fearing what would happen to her, she fled with the dog and neither were seen again until 172 years later.


  • With her Doberman canine, Yseult


Abilities: Teleport Dash/Warping Teleportation (Blinking), Enhanced Strength, self-healing(passive), Enhanced durability, decelerated aging/semi-immortality

Power: (5) Corentine can knock a person back several meters with her bare hands with ease and can, easily, cause good damage metal objects

Defense: (6) Can take a lot of damage but not invulnerable. Bullets from weapons with good stopping power will perform their job. But otherwise anything lighter than that will have a hard time backing her off.

Recovery: (6) Can heal fast but can’t share this effect with anyone else. Bigger wounds take slightly longer to heal. If Corentine ingest blood then this effect happens more rapidly.

Range: (2) Her physical reach is only as long as her blades in combat.

Speed: (3) Adding to her blink ability, Corentine is capable at incredibly high, short, burst of speed. It’s rumored that her blink ability is truly just her being incredibly fast.

Intended Tier: Gamma


  • (Blinking): User is capable of teleporting short distances, from one side of a room to another, or a few blocks away. User can only teleport themselves and very limited amount of mass, equal to what they are wearing/carrying.

  • required to know the area they are teleporting to teleport properly.


  • Corentine has to have full mobility in order to use her active ability. If she can’t move her legs she’s not blinking anywhere.
  • She may be immortal but that only means she can’t die through natural causes like old age or virus’ and disease. She can be killed. Decapitation is the most sure way to do so. Her brain must be severed from the spinal column to be killed.
  • Corentine has to have a, regular, intake of blood to keep the serum in her body controlled. It’s believe that the formula in her body absorbs a large amount of compounds found in blood. If she has anymore any less then she experiences several side effects: Inconsistent vision, severe headaches, and she becomes more violent.

  • She can overdose on blood and get the same symptoms as having too little.
Skills & Equipment


  • CQC

  • Swordplay (Fighters with twin short swords)

  • Intimidation (Something about her eyes seem to strike fear in people that speak with her)

  • Leadership

  • Plotting

Equipment: Twin short swords

Personal Items: Pendent from her father she wear on a necklace


Starting City: Blackfall

Affiliation: Often sides with meta-humans seeing them as potential allies against a common threat

Signature Color: Red

Extra: Playlist for Corentine Corentine Karayan - YouTube
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Name: Shayne Havens
Nickname(s): Wings, Shay
Alias: Fallen Cupid
Gender: Female
Age: 18


Height: 4, 11
Weight: 91lbs
Blood Type: B-
Personality: Shayne is a very cold, hateful, and selfish person. She hates everything, especially love. She only likes money. She doesn't trust anyone or care for them. She is very hypocritical, as she thinks the world is cold, hateful, and selfish, along with no one caring for her and only likes money. Therefore, she can be very emotional when she is alone.
Backstory: Shayne fell out of the sky as an angel. Well, it was more a mountain and the group of metahumans that lived on the mountain consider themselves not to be angels. The metahuman group that lived on the mountain, called Mount Blouza, are referred to as Blouzans. They were basically angels in everyway except form. Their home, Blouza, was an ancient paradise with temples, towers, castles, and villages. They were basically like the Greeks but if they were angels.

Shayne was an Blouzan and was destined to grow up and be a guardian of the mountain. However, Shayne saw the love from down below and wanted to experience them herself. At the time, there was a Blouzan with aphrodisiac manipulation that crafted his powers into a bow and arrow. Shayne stole the bow and therefore was banished and could never return. She was given the bow as a taunt so she can be the Blouzan Cupid she always wanted to be. However, she could never use it herself and only a true love’s kiss can break that curse.

So Shayne, with her bow, decided to settle her in Blackfall’s Southeast. The price was love was high and some would do extreme things to get it. So Shayne started a business and it got popular. Everyone would find love because of her bow and arrow. This is where Shayne grew her personality. Her business was illegal and almost been arrested several times. Sometimes she wonders if she never stole that bow and everyday she thinks of destroying Mount Blouzan.
Relationships: No one

Abilities: The gifts of an angel. She had wings that can make her fly at fast speeds and a dangerous bow and arrow with the eyes of an angel.
Power: 2 - Her arrows might be able to kill someone but it could never break down a door.
Defense: 1 - She has the average defense of a human person.
Recovery: 5 - She has a recovery power that she has for been an angel and can help others recovery.
Range: 7 - She is basically a sniper with her arrows.
Speed: 5 - Her wings make her fly at high speeds.
Intended Tier: Beta
Limits: If she runs out of arrows, her bow is useless. If she flies for too long, her wings get tired. It requires energy to heal people, which used too much can drain her.
Weaknesses: All angels are allergic to fire. If fire interacts with Shayne, she will extremely hurt.

Skills & Equipment
Skills: Able to use a bow and arrow and with her powers, it's extremely accurate. She also holds a sword that she calls a “Slice of Heaven” and she’s pretty good with it.
Equipment: Cupid’s Bow, Slice of Heaven
Personal Items: She lives rich through her love business. She lives on a hillside mansion with a hot tub and 6 Flat Screens, each with a gaming system.

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: Neutral
Signature Color: Purple
Extra: Anything else I missed?
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Wayne Jibton
Nickname: Way
Alias: Energy Archer
Gender: Male
Age: 33

Height: 5’8
Weight: 138 lb
Body Modifications/Implants:
Blood Type: A+
Personality: Wayne has a sense of humor, something he was popular for in his youth years. He’s known to crack a joke. But when times are extremely rough or tragic, his humor takes a backseat. His personality will change from humorous to serious. Wayne also is amibitious. He seeks to fulfill all of his goals, and won’t let his goals, hopes, or dreams be crushed. This also means that he can be very competitive. Wayne is also very outgoing and friendly, and is one to make friends quickly. This, ultimately, was the reason he was well-known during his school childhood.
Backstory: Wayne lived in the northwest side of Blackfall his entire life. He was born the third child in a family with three children. Wayne's father worked at the local school. His mother didn't work. Wayne grew up with his two sisters, father, and mother. Wayne was never the shy kid who put himself in the corner. From a young age, he was very social, and made friends quickly when he started school in kindergarten. At the age of 8, his powers manifested. On one cold winter day, Wayne desperately wished for warmth. Wayne formed an arrow of flames. His powers became aware to him. Wayne was the only metahuman in his family. He trained himself in archery during his teenage years, while keeping himself in high school, and then going on to college. Wayne had become a young man. He was skilled in archery. Wayne swore to protect the citizens from threats, and he devoted his life to protecting others.
Relationships: Wayne is very close to his two sisters and parents. As a young child, he spent a lot of time with them. They made precious memories. Wayne visits his family often- typically every 2 weeks. Wayne is also close to his nephew and two nieces- his elder sister is married.


Enhanced Archery- Wayne is more skilled at archery than the average human is. His accuracy is higher than that of a normal human. In addition, he can reload the arrow quickly. His arrows go at the distance of 250 ft per 1 second, which is only above the normal speed of 220 ft per 1 second.

Energy Arrows- Wayne can generate arrows made out of flames (fire), lightning (electricity), and ice. He can create these arrows out of thin air. The effects of his fire arrow will cause a small blaze. It will die out quickly, however. Lightning arrows deliver a weak shock to the target. They fire quickly, though. Ice arrows can spread a sheet of ice over the target. The sheet is fairly weak, and the arrows shoot the slowest out of the four.

Power: (3) Wayne's arrows can be generated quickly, but do not cause significant damage. A single arrow will be very weak. However, multiple arrows can do more damage. Overall, his arrows cannot cause significant damage.
Defense: (1) Wayne's arrow generation does not provide him defense or protection in any way. Usually, he relies on taking cover behind an object to protect himself. His arrows cannot provide defense.
Recovery: (2) He recovers at the rate of an average human. His powers don't affect Wayne's rate of recovery in any way. Wayne does not recover extremely quickly, nor can he recover from bone breaks immediately.
Range: (7) While Wayne is weak in the other areas, his arrows can travel pretty far. Just like a sniper, he can fire an arrow from a distance away, and it would strike near the area the target would be.
Speed: (1) His ability has absolutely no effect on how fast Wayne is. Wayne possesses the speed of a normal human, and his abilities don't affect this in any way.
Intended Tier: Alpha Tier.
Limits: He does require time to regenerate arrows. He requires 3-5 seconds to regenerate arrows. Wayne can only have 10 arrows at a time. Wayne also must be a fair distance away from the target in order for the arrows to successfully hit.
Weaknesses: If Wayne does not have his bow at all, or it is broken, he cannot fire arrows. Wayne owns two bows.

Skills & Equipment
Wayne is more sporty than academic, which led to his popularity in school. He is talented at baseball, a little bit of tennis, and a little bit of badminton. He played the piano, but never became amazing at it.
Equipment: Just his bow. :)
Personal Items: Wayne carries a family pocketwatch in his pocket at all times. This family heirloom was passed down through the generations through ages. Wayne also has a cell phone.

Starting City:
Affiliation: Vigilante
Signature Color: Green
Extra: Allergic to dust. Also has asthma.

D duegxybus
Wayne Jibton
Nickname: Way
Alias: Energy Archer
Gender: Male
Age: 33

View attachment 384506
Height: 5’8
Weight: 138 lb
View attachment 384507
Body Modifications/Implants:
Blood Type: A+
Personality: Wayne has a sense of humor, something he was popular for in his youth years. He’s known to crack a joke. But when times are extremely rough or tragic, his humor takes a backseat. His personality will change from humorous to serious. Wayne also is amibitious. He seeks to fulfill all of his goals, and won’t let his goals, hopes, or dreams be crushed. This also means that he can be very competitive. Wayne is also very outgoing and friendly, and is one to make friends quickly. This, ultimately, was the reason he was well-known during his school childhood.
Backstory: Wayne lived in the northwest side of Blackfall his entire life. He was born the third child in a family with three children. Wayne's father worked at the local school. His mother didn't work. Wayne grew up with his two sisters, father, and mother. Wayne was never the shy kid who put himself in the corner. From a young age, he was very social, and made friends quickly when he started school in kindergarten. At the age of 8, his powers manifested. On one cold winter day, Wayne desperately wished for warmth. Wayne formed an arrow of flames. His powers became aware to him. Wayne was the only metahuman in his family. He trained himself in archery during his teenage years, while keeping himself in high school, and then going on to college. Wayne had become a young man. He was skilled in archery. Wayne swore to protect the citizens from threats, and he devoted his life to protecting others.
Relationships: Wayne is very close to his two sisters and parents. As a young child, he spent a lot of time with them. They made precious memories. Wayne visits his family often- typically every 2 weeks. Wayne is also close to his nephew and two nieces- his elder sister is married.


Enhanced Archery- Wayne is more skilled at archery than the average human is. His accuracy is higher than that of a normal human. In addition, he can reload the arrow quickly. His arrows go at the distance of 250 ft per 1 second, which is only above the normal speed of 220 ft per 1 second.

Energy Arrows- Wayne can generate arrows made out of flames (fire), lightning (electricity), and ice. He can create these arrows out of thin air. The effects of his fire arrow will cause a small blaze. It will die out quickly, however. Lightning arrows deliver a weak shock to the target. They fire quickly, though. Ice arrows can spread a sheet of ice over the target. The sheet is fairly weak, and the arrows shoot the slowest out of the four.

Power: (3) Wayne's arrows can be generated quickly, but do not cause significant damage. A single arrow will be very weak. However, multiple arrows can do more damage. Overall, his arrows cannot cause significant damage.
Defense: (1) Wayne's arrow generation does not provide him defense or protection in any way. Usually, he relies on taking cover behind an object to protect himself. His arrows cannot provide defense.
Recovery: (2) He recovers at the rate of an average human. His powers don't affect Wayne's rate of recovery in any way. Wayne does not recover extremely quickly, nor can he recover from bone breaks immediately.
Range: (7) While Wayne is weak in the other areas, his arrows can travel pretty far. Just like a sniper, he can fire an arrow from a distance away, and it would strike near the area the target would be.
Speed: (1) His ability has absolutely no effect on how fast Wayne is. Wayne possesses the speed of a normal human, and his abilities don't affect this in any way.
Intended Tier: Alpha Tier.
Limits: He does require time to regenerate arrows. He requires 3-5 seconds to regenerate arrows. Wayne can only have 10 arrows at a time. Wayne also must be a fair distance away from the target in order for the arrows to successfully hit.
Weaknesses: If Wayne does not have his bow at all, or it is broken, he cannot fire arrows. Wayne owns two bows.

Skills & Equipment
Wayne is more sporty than academic, which led to his popularity in school. He is talented at baseball, a little bit of tennis, and a little bit of badminton. He played the piano, but never became amazing at it.
Equipment: Just his bow. :)
Personal Items: Wayne carries a family pocketwatch in his pocket at all times. This family heirloom was passed down through the generations through ages. Wayne also has a cell phone.

Starting City:
Affiliation: Vigilante
Signature Color: Green
Extra: Allergic to dust. Also has asthma.

D duegxybus

Accepted! Alpha Tier!

Rico Juarez
Nickname(s): The professional, The stranger, Suspect #319
Alias: Wraith
Gender: Male
Age: 38


Height: 6.1

Body Modifications/Implants:
Reinforced skeletal structure.
Blood Type: O negative
Personality: Effective. Get the job done. Efficient. Don't waste time or resources. Free. I serve no one.

Backstory: Rico grew up in a "chew you up and spit you out" kind of town in southern Colombia. Got pulled into a gang in younger life and eventually moved into bigger things. The cartels. He made his way up the ranks by being more determined and more cunning than the other lieutenants. In short he rose by being better. Then in 2012 his employer, Griselda Blanco, went and caught herself face full of lead outside a butcher shop and the cartel fell to pieces. Most of the other lieutenants tried to take parts for themselves and either killed each other or were squashed by rival cartels. Not Rico. He knows a sinking ship when he see one. He made his way north to the united states, where he hires out his considerable skills to the highest bidder.

Enhanced agility (+). Minor Precognition.(+)
Power: (1-10) 3 (Training keeps Rico in peak physical form) 1 (this ability does not effect power)
Defense: (1-10) 6 & 6 (A combination of these powers means Rico is difficult to hit.)
Recovery: (1-10) 2 & 2 (Neither of these abilities effect recovery rate.) "Yeah bullets still hurt me. But try and shoot me, see how well it goes for you."
Range: (1-10) 1 & 1 (Neither of these abilities extend beyond Rico's body)
Speed: (1-10) 5 (His enhanced agility allows him to avoid most objects in his way and free run at a high speed.) 1 (this power does not affect Rico's speed.)
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: Precognition only informs Rico of immediate dangers a few seconds before they take place. So if some one is pointing a gun at his head he will see it happen about half a second before the gun fires. His precognition also gives him vague warnings about indirect threats. For example a low sense of danger when a poison drink is placed on the bar.

Enhanced agility makes him able to climb, jump, crawl or free run past most obstacles. He thrives on roof tops and street level. Moving inside buildings or areas with large obstructions forces him to slow down and making him vulnerable.

His Precognition can often become confused when there are multiple threats. If Rico gets hit in the limbs it significantly limits his movement abilities.

Skills & Equipment
Marksmanship, Explosive ordinance, Interrogation, bladed weapons.
Equipment: Remington 870 Shotgun, 2x Colt 45 sidearms, Kevlar weave Armour, Poly-carbonate Shield, 2x Machete
Personal Items: Skull mask

Starting City:
Affiliation: "Depends on who pays the best."
Signature Color: "What? Favorite color? What is this sesame street?" <-- that one

D duegxybus

Defense refers to a user's capability of being able to take damage. So, the defense would still be 1 or 2, depending on how strong he is as a human as he has no durability. However it shouldn't change much of anything within the character. Also, for precognition, while I'll be accepting a low level of it, just don't make him outright avoid everything that comes his way. I'm a little apprehensive about precognitive abilities in the first place in an RP, but since the character itself isn't particularly strong then it should be fine.


Rowan is a person who is perfectly content to stay in the sidelines. He is rather laid back and rarely stressed about anything - or rather, he rarely finds anything that requires so much attention. He cares only for his amusement, and while he does make friends - lots of them - he does not value them much.

Despite his tendency to hide in the shadows, he has a love for occasional drama and wry remarks. His wit seems to be used solely for dry humor. he enjoys embarrassing others, but is also fine with playing the fool.

He can be essentially described as a hedonist, without much drive to push himself forward. He rarely chooses to take steps to improve his own life, but will generally agree and do anything his friends suggest that seems beneficial to him, even putting in a decent amount of effort. He more or less keeps a semblance of a productive everyday life, with minimal effort. He is at least somewhat sensible though, and refrains from doing anything illegal. His curiosity is probably his only real driving force in life, and he's willing to give up a lot just for an answer to a few questions, mostly because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he left a stone unturned.

Despite his impulsiveness, he can be polite when he needs to be, and he can be patient if he needs to be. He's not all that intelligent when it comes to planning, but he understands that some things can take some time. It takes a lot for him to be shaken from his calm, if it is possible at all.


Born into a rich household with no other children to care for. Rowan's experience was more or less normal. His parents had worked hard for their wealth, and had no intention of doting on their child, but was determined to bring him up as a productive member of society. Unfortunately for them, most of their love and hard work was wasted on him. He detested work, doing as little as he could to get by and only pretending to be hard working when his parents were around. He was a little resentful of his parents' stinginess, but didn't care as much about his parents' love for him as he acted. Of course, his act didn't really fool his parents, and they despaired in him.

His parents' marriage was not particularly successful, however. His mother found it difficult to get back to her work again after the birth of Rowan, and the fact became a point of stress within the family. Eventually, they separated, with Rowan in the care of his father. They moved, and then moved again. His father was still determined to work full time, and often left Rowan in the care of his grandfather.

He supposed it was a sad thing, for his parents to separate, when he looked back on it. At the time, he didn't care much, and the weekly back-and-forths between his father and mother was more of a chore.

He did sloppily in school, and while not exactly the worst student in the class, he barely passed, and was far too much trouble on the best of days. In the end, he was exactly as good a student he needed to be, learning to hide in the shadows and not create too much fuss. His grandfather was rather lax when it came to managing the child's grades, and his father was too busy to pay proper attention.

He manifested his powers at nine years old, a few weeks into his winter holidays, and a few months after his new baby brother had been born to his father and stepmother. He had been grounded, and was lazying about in his room on the second floor when he received a papercut with no clear source.

But the he found it.

A few stray things floated about lazily in his room, and while they could be felt, they couldn't be seen. Every now and then, a new one would appear. He wanted them to go away, and they did.

So he didn't tell anyone. At the time, no one was on his floor of the house, and no one had seen, presumably, so he kept it a secret that something weird had happened when they left him at home. Occasionally, the same thing would happen again, and just like before, he disappeared them.

It was only until a month later that he decided to examine - well, whatever the thing was.

The pane was flat, transparent, sharp. Occasionally he could see flickers in the air, but usually, he just felt where they roughly were. They weren't good for much else other than accidentally giving himself cuts every time he wanted to examine them further. He tried to put them out of his mind. Occasionally he'd idly summon one to see what else it could cut. Nothing much, it turned out.

It wasn't until his tenth birthday that he found out what it was really for.

He was out playing, and a bike, along with its screaming rider, was charging at him, out of control.

Hundreds of shards filled his senses, between him and the bike. The bike stopped before it had reached him. And then fell over, because that was what bikes did. Around a quarter of the shards had disappeared, but he was unharmed.

Maybe he should have stayed, to see what the blubbering kid had to say, but he just ran home.

He was curious about his power.

Even after he discovered the purpose of his power, he rarely used it. His father didn't know, and his stepmother - the most irritating woman in the world - certainly didn't know.

His schoolwork improved somewhat, when he learned how to work and play at the same time, but it was never as good as his father wanted, which was the last thing he cared about. Oddly enough, he preferred literature rather than stem, unlike his parents.

When he was eighteen, he moved out. He wasn't particularly close with his father or mother, all but ignored is stepmother, and hadn't seen his grandfather in a long time. He chose to pursue an online degree, in the city where his mother lived. Close to home, in a sense, but without anyone who knew him well, making it a comfortable balance. His relative isolation meant that he could practice his power without fear of being noticed.

Blackfall was, of course, dangerous. he was confident that he would be safe, however. The criminal element of the city, in fact, made it easier to earn a little pocket money. He din't do anything flashy - that would be idiotic - but chose to stick to the shadows as he did since he was a child. He delivered messages now and then, usually. Sometimes, he participated in more interesting things, for the sheer excitement.

Mostly, however, he sat on the sidelines, watching curiously.
Rowan Vane
no alignment|#E6EAF3|blackfall


Name: Rowan Vane
Nickname (s): None
alias: Shatter
gender: Male
age: Nineteen


Rowan is best described as pretty rather than handsome, with almost delicate features making him seem younger and more innocent than he is, somewhat ruined by the smug grin he always seems to wear. His blond hair is usually tousled just as if he's just woken up from sleep, and he rarely gives it any attention. Rowan prefers loose clothing of light coloration, without much decorations or bright colors. His laziness is evident in his stance, usually slouching, clothes rather creased, although he keeps them clean enough.

Costume: He throws a white hood with elaborate embroidering in blue and a loose plain white robe that reaches down to his knees over his clothes, carefully constructing a white mask using force fields over his face, leaving his eyes clear. When going into melee combat, however, he dismisses the mask just in case, though he prefers to fight ranged. As he possesses a dramatic flair, he constructs several clusters of force fields orbiting around him, if he isn't expecting a serious fight, but is expecting a chance to show off.

Height: 5’8
Weight: 135lbs
Blood Type: B-

Abilities: Force field manipulation. rowan is able to create hundreds of force fields the size of his hands or smaller, down to the size of a fingernail. They are around 3 mm thin, can only sustain around 1kg of force, and are exceptionally brittle. When they sustain too much force or are hit multiple times in succession, they disappear. However, they are able to stop almost all of the momentum of the attack, and few attacks have enough force to shatter more than two or three layers at once. They act more like a cushion rather than a wall, however. His shields do not conduct electricity or heat, and are not particularly affected by the two provided he's layered in around 20 layers of shields, unless temperatures rise to be over 1600 degrees Celsius, in which case his shields dissipate. It's kinetic energy that's difficult to protect against. His shields are nearly frictionless and weightless, though there's been no instance where some's had to carry one of his shields - they don't move, and if pushed hard, they simply disappear.

Usually he can create anywhere from 10-20 a second, and can dismiss them at will. Stationary force fields require no attention from him to continue existing, including ones outside his range, however, they are far more fragile. He can move them up to a speed of 50km/hr, and with enough precision that he could essentially use them as another pair of hands. They continue moving in the direction he directed them to move in unless he provide other instructions, even outside his range.

In addition, he can change the color of the force fields in a limited manner, but one force field must be one color all the way through, and will always be somewhat translucent, if not completely transparent.

multitasking - secondary power given to him that allows him to control separate groups of his shields to do different things simultaneously. it's like rubbing your stomach while patting you head - with multiple sharp transparent appendages. It helps somewhat with other tasks as well, but seems to only properly work when dealing with his force field shards.

Power: 4 - His force fields are light and essentially shatter on contact, but they have sharp edges and when he throws them at high enough velocity at a person, he is capable of doing some serious damage. His ability to throw a punch, however, is very limited.
Defense: 6-7 - An individual force field is weak, but he can create a dozen a second, and together they form an almost impenetrable shield when faced with a single strong attack. However, they fare less while when dealing with multiple attacks in succession.
Recovery: 2 - He has human recovery rates.
Range: 6 - He can create shields in a 60m radius around him. However, his force fields are stable even if they are out of his range, although they become significantly more fragile, and he cannot change their directions.
Speed: 2 – His power doesn't help him run away.
Intended Tier: Alpha

Limits: He can't generate shields within other objects - or rather, he could, but they flicker out instantly, and also cause him headaches. The amount of effort that it takes to generate enough force fields inside an object to slice it apart would cause him migraines for days and a weaker power.

Weaknesses: Rain - Rain droplets don't have much force behind them, but when multiple raindrops hit his shields one after the other, they collapse the force field and leave him vulnerable. During rain, he has to constantly create new shields as his old shields collapse, leaving him with a more fragile defense.

Skills: Sewing, playing the piano, drawing, lockpicking, sleight of hand.

Equipment: Baton, lockpicks, knife.
Personal Items: A few books on human anatomy, wallet with library card, mp3 player, pack of cards.

While the character is alright, I'd like you to up him to beta tier, as his stats say beta rather than Alpha.


Rowan is a person who is perfectly content to stay in the sidelines. He is rather laid back and rarely stressed about anything - or rather, he rarely finds anything that requires so much attention. He cares only for his amusement, and while he does make friends - lots of them - he does not value them much.

Despite his tendency to hide in the shadows, he has a love for occasional drama and wry remarks. His wit seems to be used solely for dry humor. he enjoys embarrassing others, but is also fine with playing the fool.

He can be essentially described as a hedonist, without much drive to push himself forward. He rarely chooses to take steps to improve his own life, but will generally agree and do anything his friends suggest that seems beneficial to him, even putting in a decent amount of effort. He more or less keeps a semblance of a productive everyday life, with minimal effort. He is at least somewhat sensible though, and refrains from doing anything illegal. His curiosity is probably his only real driving force in life, and he's willing to give up a lot just for an answer to a few questions, mostly because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he left a stone unturned.

Despite his impulsiveness, he can be polite when he needs to be, and he can be patient if he needs to be. He's not all that intelligent when it comes to planning, but he understands that some things can take some time. It takes a lot for him to be shaken from his calm, if it is possible at all.


Born into a rich household with no other children to care for. Rowan's experience was more or less normal. His parents had worked hard for their wealth, and had no intention of doting on their child, but was determined to bring him up as a productive member of society. Unfortunately for them, most of their love and hard work was wasted on him. He detested work, doing as little as he could to get by and only pretending to be hard working when his parents were around. He was a little resentful of his parents' stinginess, but didn't care as much about his parents' love for him as he acted. Of course, his act didn't really fool his parents, and they despaired in him.

His parents' marriage was not particularly successful, however. His mother found it difficult to get back to her work again after the birth of Rowan, and the fact became a point of stress within the family. Eventually, they separated, with Rowan in the care of his father. They moved, and then moved again. His father was still determined to work full time, and often left Rowan in the care of his grandfather.

He supposed it was a sad thing, for his parents to separate, when he looked back on it. At the time, he didn't care much, and the weekly back-and-forths between his father and mother was more of a chore.

He did sloppily in school, and while not exactly the worst student in the class, he barely passed, and was far too much trouble on the best of days. In the end, he was exactly as good a student he needed to be, learning to hide in the shadows and not create too much fuss. His grandfather was rather lax when it came to managing the child's grades, and his father was too busy to pay proper attention.

He manifested his powers at nine years old, a few weeks into his winter holidays, and a few months after his new baby brother had been born to his father and stepmother. He had been grounded, and was lazying about in his room on the second floor when he received a papercut with no clear source.

But the he found it.

A few stray things floated about lazily in his room, and while they could be felt, they couldn't be seen. Every now and then, a new one would appear. He wanted them to go away, and they did.

So he didn't tell anyone. At the time, no one was on his floor of the house, and no one had seen, presumably, so he kept it a secret that something weird had happened when they left him at home. Occasionally, the same thing would happen again, and just like before, he disappeared them.

It was only until a month later that he decided to examine - well, whatever the thing was.

The pane was flat, transparent, sharp. Occasionally he could see flickers in the air, but usually, he just felt where they roughly were. They weren't good for much else other than accidentally giving himself cuts every time he wanted to examine them further. He tried to put them out of his mind. Occasionally he'd idly summon one to see what else it could cut. Nothing much, it turned out.

It wasn't until his tenth birthday that he found out what it was really for.

He was out playing, and a bike, along with its screaming rider, was charging at him, out of control.

Hundreds of shards filled his senses, between him and the bike. The bike stopped before it had reached him. And then fell over, because that was what bikes did. Around a quarter of the shards had disappeared, but he was unharmed.

Maybe he should have stayed, to see what the blubbering kid had to say, but he just ran home.

He was curious about his power.

Even after he discovered the purpose of his power, he rarely used it. His father didn't know, and his stepmother - the most irritating woman in the world - certainly didn't know.

His schoolwork improved somewhat, when he learned how to work and play at the same time, but it was never as good as his father wanted, which was the last thing he cared about. Oddly enough, he preferred literature rather than stem, unlike his parents.

When he was eighteen, he moved out. He wasn't particularly close with his father or mother, all but ignored is stepmother, and hadn't seen his grandfather in a long time. He chose to pursue an online degree, in the city where his mother lived. Close to home, in a sense, but without anyone who knew him well, making it a comfortable balance. His relative isolation meant that he could practice his power without fear of being noticed.

Blackfall was, of course, dangerous. he was confident that he would be safe, however. The criminal element of the city, in fact, made it easier to earn a little pocket money. He din't do anything flashy - that would be idiotic - but chose to stick to the shadows as he did since he was a child. He delivered messages now and then, usually. Sometimes, he participated in more interesting things, for the sheer excitement.

Mostly, however, he sat on the sidelines, watching curiously.
Rowan Vane
no alignment|#E6EAF3|blackfall


Name: Rowan Vane
Nickname (s): None
alias: Shatter
gender: Male
age: Nineteen


Rowan is best described as pretty rather than handsome, with almost delicate features making him seem younger and more innocent than he is, somewhat ruined by the smug grin he always seems to wear. His blond hair is usually tousled just as if he's just woken up from sleep, and he rarely gives it any attention. Rowan prefers loose clothing of light coloration, without much decorations or bright colors. His laziness is evident in his stance, usually slouching, clothes rather creased, although he keeps them clean enough.

Costume: He throws a white hood with elaborate embroidering in blue and a loose plain white robe that reaches down to his knees over his clothes, carefully constructing a white mask using force fields over his face, leaving his eyes clear. When going into melee combat, however, he dismisses the mask just in case, though he prefers to fight ranged. As he possesses a dramatic flair, he constructs several clusters of force fields orbiting around him, if he isn't expecting a serious fight, but is expecting a chance to show off.

Height: 5’8
Weight: 135lbs
Blood Type: B-

Abilities: Force field manipulation. rowan is able to create hundreds of force fields the size of his hands or smaller, down to the size of a fingernail. They are around 3 mm thin, can only sustain around 1kg of force, and are exceptionally brittle. When they sustain too much force or are hit multiple times in succession, they disappear. However, they are able to stop almost all of the momentum of the attack, and few attacks have enough force to shatter more than two or three layers at once. They act more like a cushion rather than a wall, however. His shields do not conduct electricity or heat, and are not particularly affected by the two provided he's layered in around 20 layers of shields, unless temperatures rise to be over 1600 degrees Celsius, in which case his shields dissipate. It's kinetic energy that's difficult to protect against. His shields are nearly frictionless and weightless, though there's been no instance where some's had to carry one of his shields - they don't move, and if pushed hard, they simply disappear.

Usually he can create anywhere from 10-20 a second, and can dismiss them at will. Stationary force fields require no attention from him to continue existing, including ones outside his range, however, they are far more fragile. He can move them up to a speed of 50km/hr, and with enough precision that he could essentially use them as another pair of hands. They continue moving in the direction he directed them to move in unless he provide other instructions, even outside his range.

In addition, he can change the color of the force fields in a limited manner, but one force field must be one color all the way through, and will always be somewhat translucent, if not completely transparent.

multitasking - secondary power given to him that allows him to control separate groups of his shields to do different things simultaneously. it's like rubbing your stomach while patting you head - with multiple sharp transparent appendages. It helps somewhat with other tasks as well, but seems to only properly work when dealing with his force field shards.

Power: 4 - His force fields are light and essentially shatter on contact, but they have sharp edges and when he throws them at high enough velocity at a person, he is capable of doing some serious damage. His ability to throw a punch, however, is very limited.
Defense: 6-7 - An individual force field is weak, but he can create a dozen a second, and together they form an almost impenetrable shield when faced with a single strong attack. However, they fare less while when dealing with multiple attacks in succession.
Recovery: 2 - He has human recovery rates.
Range: 6 - He can create shields in a 60m radius around him. However, his force fields are stable even if they are out of his range, although they become significantly more fragile, and he cannot change their directions.
Speed: 2 – His power doesn't help him run away.
Intended Tier: Beta

Limits: He can't generate shields within other objects - or rather, he could, but they flicker out instantly, and also cause him headaches. The amount of effort that it takes to generate enough force fields inside an object to slice it apart would cause him migraines for days and a weaker power.

Weaknesses: Rain - Rain droplets don't have much force behind them, but when multiple raindrops hit his shields one after the other, they collapse the force field and leave him vulnerable. During rain, he has to constantly create new shields as his old shields collapse, leaving him with a more fragile defense.

Skills: Sewing, playing the piano, drawing, lockpicking, sleight of hand.

Equipment: Baton, lockpicks, knife.
Personal Items: A few books on human anatomy, wallet with library card, mp3 player, pack of cards.

Accepted! Beta Tier
Name: Corsair Willow
Nickname(s): Dad
Alias: The Whistling Death
Gender: Male
Age: 45

Height: 5’9”
Weight: 125
Blood Type: A-

Personality: He’s open-minded and does his best not to worry about things too much. That said, he’s pretty fed up with trying to be a hero due to public backlash, and he doesn’t feel that he can get back into it after his 10 year hiatus. He’s not thrilled about the idea of his son being a vigilante, but tries to support him anyway.

When his power didn’t seem to have much combat potential, that didn’t get in his way. He became a more gadget-focused hero, using his power to enhance their capabilities far beyond what they’d usually be able to do...because otherwise they weren’t all that special. There was also another project that he slowly added to over time so that the upfront cost wouldn’t bankrupt him. After 10 years of that, he had a finished mech suit. Using that and his other gear, he became known as “The whistling death of Blackfall” because of the eery whistling noises that he made sure all his creations emitted.

Although, with all that mechanical violence he used, collateral damage was becoming a problem, and citizens grew a distinct distaste towards him. It got really bad when crowds outright attacked him after defeating a villain. With his son now 5 years old, he stopped his hero work and moved with his family to Callinety for good measure. This wasn’t enough to convince his wife that they’d be safe, though, so she ended up leaving anyway.

Now he works at a gun store and stuff, but still cleans and maintains his old gear out of habit. Maybe his son will need it someday? Who knows, but it’s good to be on the safe side.

Eryn Willow- his son
NietNiet- the mech in his garage

Mechanical enhancement. He enhances the properties of mechanical objects to make them more effective, such as improving fuel consumption, weight hindrance, G-force tolerances, motor speed, cooling efficiency, overall material durability etc.

Power: 2. It doesn’t really do much to improve his actual strength.
Defense: 2. Doesn’t do anything to improve this.
Recovery: 2. Doesn’t do anything to improve this.

Range: 9. He either needs to be able to make out its appearance in real time, whether that be with his own eyes or through a live camera feed. He can also just be in physical contact with it to not have to look at it the whole time.

Speed: 2. Doesn’t do anything to improve this.
Intended Tier: Beta

Familiarity- The level of enhancement the object receives is proportional to how familiar he is with how it works. Something he built himself, for example, would have phenomenally improved properties that make it seem like a completely different grade of tool. Something he’s never seen before in his life, on the other hand, will receive only minor improvements such as being a bit lighter and not running out of power quite as fast.

Weaknesses: Powerful EMPs can render him unable to enhance tools for some time depending on the intensity of the EMP

Skills & Equipment
Programming/ coding
Mechanical engineering
Firearms usage
Being an actual cool father


Grappling hook launcher (Unable to lift a human when unenhanced, but works as well as Batman’s when enhanced)

Boots with electromagnetic soles (Can’t hold a human onto a wall when unenhanced, but allows for badass wall running when enhanced...provided that the wall is magnetic or ferrous)

Mechanised Exo arm braces that run from his fists to his shoulders (Let’s him punch through wood planks and runs out of power within 10 uses when unenhanced, but can knock away a stationary car and lasts half a day when enhanced)

Back-mounted power pack that powers his arm braces.

M16 rifle.

Personal Items:
Cool helmet

Starting City: Callinety
Affiliation: “Willowed Firearms LTD”
Signature Color: Green
Extra: D duegxybus

Name: NietNiet
Alias: The Whistling Death
Gender: Male archetype
Adult persona, had been finished 15 years ago


Height: 18 ft
Weight: 40 tonnes
Blood Type: Hydraulic fluids and oil

NietNiet’s A.I system acts mostly friendly and level-headed, but shows no mercy to those considered hostile. While he can make accurate calculations and educated guesses, he’s really not programmed to be much of a strategist since his main purpose is as an autopilot. In combat, his main functions are “Shoot hostiles, conserve ammo, avoid hitting anything that isn’t hostile, avoid being hit if possible, protect the pilot” rendering him incapable of using more complex concepts such as baiting and feigning.

When Corsair Willow was 20 years old, he started making small additions and investments to the project that was NietNiet to assist him with his work as The Whistling Death. The additions were done very gradually so as to not bankrupt him from the expenses. After 10 years of this, NietNiet was complete. He served with Corsair in his hero work for 5 years before Corsair stopped doing that stuff, and has stayed with him for another 10 years up to this point in time.

Corsair Willow- His creator and pilot
Eryn Willow- Uncle and nephew type of dynamic,despite being technically the same age

Abilities: Mech physiology. He’s a mech.

Power: 6 on his own, 7 when enhanced by Corsair’spower.

Defense: 6 on his own, 8 when enhanced byCorsair’s power. Basically goes from an armored car to a modern tank in terms of defense. He also has magnetized armor plates that protect him fromelectrical attacks.

Recovery: 0. Any damage must be repaired by askilled engineer.

Range: 6. He can aim his armaments accurately toa similar distance as a hunting rifle.

Speed: 2 on his own, 4 when enhanced by Corsair. Goes from being able to keep up with a human tosprinting alongside cars.

Intended Tier: Idk

Reliance on Corsair’s power to be at his fullpotential.

Lack of strategic ability since he’s just meant to be an autopilot.

Intense heat caused by flamethrowers or incendiary grenades can force him to either flee or emergency shut down.

Skills & Equipment


Two 7.62mm machine guns on each wrist.

A 12.7mm heavy machine gun on each forearm.

A 120mm gun on each shoulder.

Back thrusters that allow for aerial travel halfwayacross a city (Can only be used for one trip due to horrible fuel efficiency, increasing to two trips whenenhanced by Corsair’s power).

A passenger seat behind the main cockpit seat.

Personal Items:
Fuzzy dice hanging in the cockpit.

Starting City: Callinety
Affiliation: None
Signature Color: Red
Extra: D duegxybus
Last edited:
Rico Juarez
Nickname(s): The professional, The stranger, Suspect #319
Alias: Wraith
Gender: Male
Age: 38


Height: 6.1

Body Modifications/Implants:
Reinforced skeletal structure.
Blood Type: O negative
Personality: Effective. Get the job done. Efficient. Don't waste time or resources. Free. I serve no one.

Backstory: Rico grew up in a "chew you up and spit you out" kind of town in southern Colombia. Got pulled into a gang in younger life and eventually moved into bigger things. The cartels. He made his way up the ranks by being more determined and more cunning than the other lieutenants. In short he rose by being better. Then in 2012 his employer, Griselda Blanco, went and caught herself face full of lead outside a butcher shop and the cartel fell to pieces. Most of the other lieutenants tried to take parts for themselves and either killed each other or were squashed by rival cartels. Not Rico. He knows a sinking ship when he see one. He made his way north to the united states, where he hires out his considerable skills to the highest bidder.

Enhanced agility (+). Minor Precognition.(+)
Power: (1-10) 3 (Training keeps Rico in peak physical form) 1 (this ability does not effect power)
Defense: (1-10) 2 & 2 (Reinforced skeletal structure, Armour and a poly-carbonate shield offers some protection to Rico but his powers are more focused on avoiding hits than absorbing them.)
Recovery: (1-10) 2 & 2 (Neither of these abilities effect recovery rate.) "Yeah bullets still hurt me. But try and shoot me, see how well it goes for you."
Range: (1-10) 1 & 1 (Neither of these abilities extend beyond Rico's body)
Speed: (1-10) 5 (His enhanced agility allows him to avoid most objects in his way and free run at a high speed.) 1 (this power does not affect Rico's speed.)
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: Precognition only informs Rico of immediate dangers a few seconds before they take place. So if some one is pointing a gun at his head he will see it happen about half a second before the gun fires. His precognition also gives him vague warnings about indirect threats. For example a low sense of danger when a poison drink is placed on the bar.

Enhanced agility makes him able to climb, jump, crawl or free run past most obstacles. He thrives on roof tops and street level. Moving inside buildings or areas with large obstructions forces him to slow down and making him vulnerable.

His Precognition can often become confused when there are multiple threats. If Rico gets hit in the limbs it significantly limits his movement abilities.

Skills & Equipment
Marksmanship, Explosive ordinance, Interrogation, bladed weapons.
Equipment: Remington 870 Shotgun, 2x Colt 45 sidearms, Kevlar weave Armour, Poly-carbonate Shield, 2x Machete
Personal Items: Skull mask

Starting City:
Affiliation: "Depends on who pays the best."
Signature Color: "What? Favorite color? What is this sesame street?" <-- that one

D duegxybus

Accepted! Alpha Tier!

Name: Corsair Willow
Nickname(s): Dad
Alias: The Whistling Death
Gender: Male
Age: 45

View attachment 384832
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 125
View attachment 384833
Blood Type: A-

Personality: He’s open-minded and does his best not to worry about things too much. That said, he’s pretty fed up with trying to be a hero due to public backlash, and he doesn’t feel that he can get back into it after his 10 year hiatus. He’s not thrilled about the idea of his son being a vigilante, but tries to support him anyway.

When his power didn’t seem to have much combat potential, that didn’t get in his way. He became a more gadget-focused hero, using his power to enhance their capabilities far beyond what they’d usually be able to do...because otherwise they weren’t all that special. There was also another project that he slowly added to over time so that the upfront cost wouldn’t bankrupt him. After 20 years of that, he had a finished mech suit. Using that and his other gear, he became known as “The whistling death of Blackfall” because of the eery whistling noises that he made sure all his creations emitted.

Although, with all that mechanical violence he used, collateral damage was becoming a problem, and citizens grew a distinct distaste towards him. It got really bad when crowds outright attacked him after defeating a villain. With his son now 5 years old, he stopped his hero work and moved with his family to Callinety for good measure. This wasn’t enough to convince his wife that they’d be safe, though, so she ended up leaving anyway.

Now he works at a gun store and stuff, but still cleans and maintains his old gear out of habit. Maybe his son will need it someday? Who knows, but it’s good to be on the safe side.

Eryn Willow- his son
NietNiet- the mech in his garage (will be getting its own CS)

Mechanical enhancement. He enhances the properties of mechanical objects to make them more effective, such as improving fuel consumption, weight hindrance, G-force tolerances, motor speed, cooling efficiency, overall material durability etc.

Power: 2. It doesn’t really do much to improve his actual strength.
Defense: 2. Doesn’t do anything to improve this.
Recovery: 2. Doesn’t do anything to improve this.

Range: 9. He either needs to be able to make out its appearance in real time, whether that be with his own eyes or through a live camera feed. He can also just be in physical contact with it to not have to look at it the whole time.

Speed: 2. Doesn’t do anything to improve this.
Intended Tier: Beta

Familiarity- The level of enhancement the object receives is proportional to how familiar he is with how it works. Something he built himself, for example, would have phenomenally improved properties that make it seem like a completely different grade of tool. Something he’s never seen before in his life, on the other hand, will receive only minor improvements such as being a bit lighter and not running out of power quite as fast.

Weaknesses: Powerful EMPs can render him unable to enhance tools for some time depending on the intensity of the EMP

Skills & Equipment
Programming/ coding
Mechanical engineering
Firearms usage
Being an actual cool father


Grappling hook launcher (Unable to lift a human when unenhanced, but works as well as Batman’s when enhanced)

Boots with electromagnetic soles (Can’t hold a human onto a wall when unenhanced, but allows for badass wall running when enhanced...provided that the wall is magnetic or ferrous)

Mechanised Exo arm braces that run from his fists to his shoulders (Let’s him punch through wood planks and runs out of power within 10 uses when unenhanced, but can knock away a stationary car and lasts half a day when enhanced)

Back-mounted power pack that powers his arm braces.

M16 rifle.

Personal Items:
Cool helmet

Starting City: Callinety
Affiliation: “Willowed Firearms LTD”
Signature Color: Green
Extra: D duegxybus

Accepted! Beta Tier!

Name: Violet Kingsley

Nickname(s): N/A

Alias: Munition

Gender: Female

Age: 18




Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 115



Body Modifications/Implants: N/A

Blood Type: A

Personality: Violet is a girl that seems to lack emotion. She’s cold, blunt, and calculating. The girl likes to know where all the pieces are on the board before making her move. Violet is the type that will accomplish her goal no matter what, or who, she has to go through.

Violet seems quite content with the firing range, her missions, and video games to keep her time occupied. It goes without saying that she’s not exactly the most social person. Parties, get togethers, bars, etc. She’s never felt the need to interact with people outside of the squad she’s apart of on missions.

Violet is much like her employer in the sense that she doesn’t feel comfortable with loose ends. Her personality paired with her extreme loyalty makes her an ideal candidate for her work. It’s why she’s considered one of the best due to combat training since she was younger.

Backstory: Violet was born to a family that was part of a clan of swordsman that has trained in various sword types from around the world. She also had an older brother named Darian who was almost five years old by the time she was born. He began sword training, such was the way of their people, shortly after Violet was introduced to the world. Darian was a prodigy amongst their people and almost immediately became as well versed as the veterans.

Unfortunately, this talent did not find its way to Violet. When she was of age to start her training she was very clumsy and constantly made mistakes when it came to sword training. What was even more embarrassing was that everyone constantly compared Violet to her brother, Darian. It wasn’t until later that Violet’s instructor noticed that her aim seemed to be extremely accurate. This talent was discovered when Violet would practice with a bow and arrow as well as rock slings when she wanted to pass the time. Her sword training was halted and, instead, had her newfound talent explored further with all manner of ranged weapons that were available.

There was a conflict in the clan that kept growing within the clan until it divided itself. Half led by her father and the other half her uncle. It was a conflict over who was the rightful ruler since the untimely passing of their father. A rightful heir wasn’t selected and thus was the start of the dispute. Years later, when Violet was almost in her teens an attack happened at night that was led by her uncle. Her father gave his life so that Violet and her brother could escape but amidst the pandemonium of the fighting and explosions the two to get separated.

Violet lost track of her brother but was found by a pale woman. The woman offered to take Violet to safety and away from all the fighting. Believing her family dead or captured, Violet agreed to go with the woman. It was here that she found the world outside of her clan to be much more exciting and to her liking. Violet wasn’t the only person to taken in by the woman the called Countess. There were several others around Violet’s age. Countess said they were all special and that she had special plans for each of them.

Relationships: She thinks her family, aside from her uncle, to be dead. Since then Countess has been like a mother and the other people, like siblings.



Dead eye - Violet has a passive ability to shoot with superb accuracy. Even when picking up a new weapon she can adapt in a mere few rounds no matter the fire rate or make of the weapon. Splitting an arrow with another? She can do that. Hitting the exact same pinpoint mark twice in a row on a target? That can be done as well.

Weapon Creation - Violet also possesses the ability to almost instantaneously create weapons from nothing. This only applies to ranged weapons and she cannot individual parts or individual ammunition. The weapons she creates are made as a whole. When she’s conjuring a weapon it looks as if it’s forming from laser lines. The firearms disappear in the same manner but reversed.

Power: (3-8) The destructive power depends on what type of weapon she's using ranging from a bow and arrow to an RPG.

Defense: (1) Violet is still a petite young woman and doesn’t possess any superhuman defense.

Recovery: (2) Just like that of a normal human.

Range: (8) Where Violet’s forte lies. She excels at ranged weaponry that includes sniper rifles.

Speed: (2) Her speed is average. Not accounting to her high agility since that’s brought on by training rather than any powers.

Intended Tier: Beta


Dead eye:

  • For pinpoint accuracy requires concentration. In a casual environment her accuracy is still really good. Just not to the point where she can shoot through the center of a dime at 15 meters with a pistol.
Weapon Creation:

  • Only weapons made by Violet can be used by Violet. The second she releases contact with the weapon it dissipates. If the weapon comes with a clip then she must make a whole new weapon or manually refill the magazine. She cannot make individual parts and that includes clips but she can make ammo. So for things like Bows she can make arrows and for RPGs she can make grenades.

  • Violet can only create weapons that already exist and that can be held and fired in her hands. So she can’t make a satellite to fire lasers or an atomic bomb.


Things that are resistant to bullets won’t mean anything different to Violet’s arsenal. She’s able to be dodged because she can’t make the bullets curve and doesn’t possess foresight to predict where her opponent will go unless they are moving in a predictable pattern. Her weapons are able to be shattered on hit from solid objects hard enough (which isn’t that hard). The smaller the weapon the easier it is to shatter. Larger weapons like a .50 caliber sniper rifle or an RPG will take a bit more effort to be broken.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Parkour/freerunning, CQC, Perception

Equipment: Voice coms

Personal Items: Smartphone


Starting City: Blackfall

Affiliation: Works under Countess


Signature Color: Violet

Extra: Violet Kingsley - YouTube

Name: Violet Kingsley

Nickname(s): N/A

Alias: Munition

Gender: Female

Age: 18




Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 115



Body Modifications/Implants: N/A

Blood Type: A

Personality: Violet is a girl that seems to lack emotion. She’s cold, blunt, and calculating. The girl likes to know where all the pieces are on the board before making her move. Violet is the type that will accomplish her goal no matter what, or who, she has to go through.

Violet seems quite content with the firing range, her missions, and video games to keep her time occupied. It goes without saying that she’s not exactly the most social person. Parties, get togethers, bars, etc. She’s never felt the need to interact with people outside of the squad she’s apart of on missions.

Violet is much like her employer in the sense that she doesn’t feel comfortable with loose ends. Her personality paired with her extreme loyalty makes her an ideal candidate for her work. It’s why she’s considered one of the best due to combat training since she was younger.

Backstory: Violet was born to a family that was part of a clan of swordsman that has trained in various sword types from around the world. She also had an older brother named Darian who was almost five years old by the time she was born. He began sword training, such was the way of their people, shortly after Violet was introduced to the world. Darian was a prodigy amongst their people and almost immediately became as well versed as the veterans.

Unfortunately, this talent did not find its way to Violet. When she was of age to start her training she was very clumsy and constantly made mistakes when it came to sword training. What was even more embarrassing was that everyone constantly compared Violet to her brother, Darian. It wasn’t until later that Violet’s instructor noticed that her aim seemed to be extremely accurate. This talent was discovered when Violet would practice with a bow and arrow as well as rock slings when she wanted to pass the time. Her sword training was halted and, instead, had her newfound talent explored further with all manner of ranged weapons that were available.

There was a conflict in the clan that kept growing within the clan until it divided itself. Half led by her father and the other half her uncle. It was a conflict over who was the rightful ruler since the untimely passing of their father. A rightful heir wasn’t selected and thus was the start of the dispute. Years later, when Violet was almost in her teens an attack happened at night that was led by her uncle. Her father gave his life so that Violet and her brother could escape but amidst the pandemonium of the fighting and explosions the two to get separated.

Violet lost track of her brother but was found by a pale woman. The woman offered to take Violet to safety and away from all the fighting. Believing her family dead or captured, Violet agreed to go with the woman. It was here that she found the world outside of her clan to be much more exciting and to her liking. Violet wasn’t the only person to taken in by the woman the called Countess. There were several others around Violet’s age. Countess said they were all special and that she had special plans for each of them.

Relationships: She thinks her family, aside from her uncle, to be dead. Since then Countess has been like a mother and the other people, like siblings.



Dead eye - Violet has a passive ability to shoot with superb accuracy. Even when picking up a new weapon she can adapt in a mere few rounds no matter the fire rate or make of the weapon. Splitting an arrow with another? She can do that. Hitting the exact same pinpoint mark twice in a row on a target? That can be done as well.

Weapon Creation - Violet also possesses the ability to almost instantaneously create weapons from nothing. This only applies to ranged weapons and she cannot individual parts or individual ammunition. The weapons she creates are made as a whole. When she’s conjuring a weapon it looks as if it’s forming from laser lines. The firearms disappear in the same manner but reversed.

Power: (3-8) The destructive power depends on what type of weapon she's using ranging from a bow and arrow to an RPG.

Defense: (1) Violet is still a petite young woman and doesn’t possess any superhuman defense.

Recovery: (2) Just like that of a normal human.

Range: (8) Where Violet’s forte lies. She excels at ranged weaponry that includes sniper rifles.

Speed: (2) Her speed is average. Not accounting to her high agility since that’s brought on by training rather than any powers.

Intended Tier: Beta


Dead eye:

  • For pinpoint accuracy requires concentration. In a casual environment her accuracy is still really good. Just not to the point where she can shoot through the center of a dime at 15 meters with a pistol.
Weapon Creation:

  • Only weapons made by Violet can be used by Violet. The second she releases contact with the weapon it dissipates. If the weapon comes with a clip then she must make a whole new weapon or manually refill the magazine. She cannot make individual parts and that includes clips but she can make ammo. So for things like Bows she can make arrows and for RPGs she can make grenades.

  • Violet can only create weapons that already exist and that can be held and fired in her hands. So she can’t make a satellite to fire lasers or an atomic bomb.


Things that are resistant to bullets won’t mean anything different to Violet’s arsenal. She’s able to be dodged because she can’t make the bullets curve and doesn’t possess foresight to predict where her opponent will go unless they are moving in a predictable pattern. Her weapons are able to be shattered on hit from solid objects hard enough (which isn’t that hard). The smaller the weapon the easier it is to shatter. Larger weapons like a .50 caliber sniper rifle or an RPG will take a bit more effort to be broken.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Parkour/freerunning, CQC, Perception

Equipment: Voice coms

Personal Items: Smartphone


Starting City: Blackfall

Affiliation: Works under Countess


Signature Color: Violet

Extra: Violet Kingsley - YouTube

Accepted! Beta Tier!

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