King of Transformers
Name: Merec Fornsworn
Alias: Thunderboot
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Native American/Inuit
Sexuality: Straight
High Concepts: Merec sees everything as an opportunity. An opportunity to have another ally, to become rich, or just become stronger.
Relatives: Mother, Father, & Sister back home in Canada.
Weapons/Armor: Wears a fur coat. Merec would rather overheat than be cold. He carries a double bladed sword staff.
Items & Personal Belongings: A shark tooth he wears around his neck. Not only was hit his first kill, but he gateway to his spirit guide.
Skills & Abilities: Can work with most materials to create something else. Excellent tracker.
Spells & Magic: Strength unmatched by anyone. He also can hold his breath for long period of time/can hibernate.
Weaknesses: Prefers to stay away from warm climates. Has a bit of a selfish ideal. While Merec is good at many things, he may not help if it won’t be the best for him.
Hobbies: fishing, skating, boxing
Quotes: "What would you rather do? Fight a bear or fight a man? Both will leave you in defeat."
Theme: Whiskey In The Jar
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