

King of Transformers
Name: Merec Fornsworn
Alias: Thunderboot
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Native American/Inuit

Sexuality: Straight
High Concepts: Merec sees everything as an opportunity. An opportunity to have another ally, to become rich, or just become stronger.
Relatives: Mother, Father, & Sister back home in Canada.

Weapons/Armor: Wears a fur coat. Merec would rather overheat than be cold. He carries a double bladed sword staff.
Items & Personal Belongings: A shark tooth he wears around his neck. Not only was hit his first kill, but he gateway to his spirit guide.
Skills & Abilities: Can work with most materials to create something else. Excellent tracker.
Spells & Magic: Strength unmatched by anyone. He also can hold his breath for long period of time/can hibernate.
Weaknesses: Prefers to stay away from warm climates. Has a bit of a selfish ideal. While Merec is good at many things, he may not help if it won’t be the best for him.

Hobbies: fishing, skating, boxing
Quotes: "What would you rather do? Fight a bear or fight a man? Both will leave you in defeat."
Theme: Whiskey In The Jar
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Name: Merec Fornsworn
Alias: The Aurora Warrior, Polar Shift
Age: 29
Stature: 5' 4"
Race: Inuit Male
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic good.

While Merec appears cool and collected on the surface, on the inside, he questions his choices. Questions whether it is his power corrupting him or if it is his own free will. He is grateful for the gifts he has been given, for they have allowed him to go forth to do good things, yet they also have been a burden. Many times he could have lost his temper. Many times he held it back. Merec does like people though. He likes to hear their stories, the stories of good people to remind him of the good in the world. Merec is very thoughtful, yet he mostly keeps to himself. To say he is a bit rough around the edges is fair. Overall, Merec is a good man who's a bit difficult to work with who sometimes fears what he can do.

Density control - Merec can control the density of himself and objects he is touching. He can either increase their density to make someone stronger & invincible, or he can make someone as light as air to walk through walls among other things. He has yet to master this ability to let him fly. While in his dense form, Merec becomes greatly slower & unable to run even, yet he is nigh impenetrable.

Gravity control - alongside his ability to control his own mass, he can control gravity in an area. He can lift things that seem to be too heavy, make things fall at a faster rate, or repel things around him to act as a kind of shield.

Gift - one of a rare few, Merec can give his power temporarily to others. If he focuses, and doesn't use that power, then it can stay with that person. As soon as he uses the ability himself or lets go, the person losses the power.

Corruption - while amazing as his powers are, every time Merec uses him, he can feel his darker self chip a small bit away from him. He fears if he goes too far, he could forever lose himself to the darkness.

On the ground - the only way Merec's gravity control works is by his feet, or some part of him, being on the ground as a base. Otherwise, the ability fails to work.

Sounds - To change Merec's density back to normal, people can blast him with specially tuned frequencies to make him turn back.

The elders of his tribe always said his powers were a gift from the stars. That the aurora borealis itself gifted him these unique abilities to protect his people. That was a bunch of bullshit. Merec was born in a small fishing town on the edge of the known Canadian world. His family barely made it by week to week with the help of the others. Of course they wanted to move to somewhere prosperous, yet their home was there in the cold. No point in leaving it.

With being practically stuck in the tundra, Merec spent many days shadowing his father as he went about his work. On special occasions he was allowed to accompany him to go hunting. It was while hunting Merec began to have a respect to the animals. They were here in the north, the far reaches of the world, thriving. No technology, no sunlight for some months, thriving. Through his respect, Merec only killed when necessary. His father wanted to chastise him for such behavior as many times they would starve without extra few, yet he could see the ideology in his son's eyes. He would make a better man than he.

Through the years, Merec's talents in his tribe's way began to grow. It was on his 16th birthday that he was put to the test, the right of passage. If he survived a week in the woods and came back, he would be respected and given a place among the council. If not, there was no shame, the fool was one to throw their life away recklessly. While his mother begged him not to, Merec accepted the challenge without hesitation.

The first day of his trial, Merec managed to followed a polar bear back to its den. His stomach was ravaged with every step. How long had it been since he last ate? Time was dilated as the only sunshine he got was for 6 hours a day, no more. The only way for him to survive was to kill this bear & use it for food as well as warmth. An easy decision to say the least, Merec entered the cave, his favorite double bladed sword at the ready. Weary arms raised the blade ready for the kill. A small cry escaped from the den. A small polar bear cub, the last of its siblings lay in the snow cuddled by its mother. Determination drained from him. There was no way for him to slay the bear without killing the cub, something he would not do. Defeated, he went to exit the cave, only for the mother bear to claw his back, a nice gash.

Stumbling to cover, Merec lay in the snow face down, his wound opened to the ripping wind. He did his best to cauterize them, yet he did not have enough supplies to make a dent in his injuries. The fool he was. Why didn't he just go after an elk or fish? How could he be so arrogant? Flipping over, the last thing he saw was the Aurora Borealis.

The next thing he knew, Merec woke up in a crater, the trees and snow pulled around him as if he was a magnet. His heart panicked, only making him sink further. He felt as a hundred tons were pressing down on him. Relaxing, he managed to escape from the crater. He stood dazed as the scene around his appeared to be pulled to where he had woken up. What had happened to him?

Over the course of the next few days, Merec did his best to avoid the subject. The only thing he could do now was survive. His back had started to heal, maybe faster than normal, or maybe that was simply his genetics. What he did know is that there was a slight change in his mind. A small call to hurt someone, to lash out at anything around him. He pushed that feeling down the best he could, only giving into when he had been cornered by a moose. It was then the abilities manifested. The gravity that crushed the moose. A horrible sight that Merec would never allow to happen. From then on, he began to control his abilities more thoughtfully, to make sure they would not hurt anyone. He was decent at it, yet there was much to learn before he went back.

Arriving home, they could all see the darkness in his eyes, the light crying out for help. They knew he had changed.
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