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Fandom Mercy Falls CS


Shining Wizard

Professional Asswiper

Name: Everyone needs a name, after all

Appearance: Picture preferred, written ok, don't use photos cuz that's weird

Age: 18 or under, this is juvie after all

Concept: Just a quick, general blurb for your character's backstory/personality/general description. Basically, whatever you feel is relevant for other people to know.

Charges: What crimes did you commit?

Sentence: Number of years and any special conditions like required community service or without parole

Quirk: In an effort to keep things simple I'm restricting people's quirk descriptions to 20 words or less not counting name/quirk type.

Drawback: In keeping with MHA's better points, we're going to say each quirk has a clear drawback or weakness to it's use. If your powerset results in an obvious, permanent physical mutation you can 9/10 times just use that as your "drawback", because it's cooler that way.
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Name: Prisoner 2360 A.K.A Victor Tolls


Age: 16

Concept: When law enforcement finally managed to track down the culprit behind a series of seemingly random yet well-put together thefts, they were unprepared to find a tall yet extremely friendly boy at the end of the trail. Though he tried to use his quirk to escape, he was very forthcoming once officials actually got him constrained. Victor Tolls was linked to a dead married couple whose house burned down half a decade ago, whose twin children were never found in the wreckage. Vic admitted that his brother had masterminded the series of thefts and had left him behind to cover his escape once the law caught up to them. Though the hunt for the other Tolls twin still goes on, Victor was incarcerated due to his involvement. During his time in Mercy Halls it became abundantly clear that despite his kindly appearance, Victor's understanding of the world has been warped to a worrying degree, with his time inside being mostly spent seeking out his own altered version of friendship with both inmates and staff alike.

Charges: Vic's been linked to numerous thefts spanning back two years ago, with stolen possessions ranging from generic to excessively expensive. There's also some evidence connecting him to several assaults in the past, though time has made the details surrounding these accounts iffy.

Sentence: Eight years with parole. Initially, Vic was saddled with heavy gloves that succeeded in preventing him from using his quirk, but after two years of excessively good behavior he was allowed to move without them. It should be noted that should he ever use his quirk against the wishes of Mercy Falls, he should be forced to wear the gloves once more.

Quirk: Helping Hands- With a clap of his hands, Vic summons floating hands which he can control at will.

Drawback: The summoned hands can't venture more than fifteen feet away from their host. Though he's capable of summoning dozens of hands at once, controlling more than twenty throws him into chaos. Not only is it taxing mentally, leaving it harder for him to think in the heat of battle, he also visibly slows down in movement when controlling more than twenty. The hands themselves may be able to lift and strike, but their durability leaves much to be desired. A proper strike from anyone even slightly above average in terms of physical capability can destroy one. Restraining him by the arms will render him unable to summon more as long as he's unable to clap.

Surprisingly Sneaky- For one as openly friendly and tall as him, Victor can move around with a shocking lack of sound.
Friendly Fellow- What most who interact with him will remember about Victor most would be his odd obsession with making friends, to this end he seems extremely sociable, almost painfully so considering the setting.
Photographic Memory- One thing Vic has always claimed with utmost certainty is that he's got a perfect memory, and with how he's able to describe past events, its most likely true.
Errand Boy - Victor's good at doing a bunch of mundane chores such as cleaning carrying and fetching. Despite his desire to be friends with everyone he meets, his own desire to stay in everyone's good graces seems to limit his ability to offer aid due to not wanting one action to go against the wishes of someone else. As such he's almost always taking care of simple things for others, earning him the title of Errand Boy by most he interacts with.

Other: Ever since taking the gloves off, Vic's been going about his time in Mercy Halls with at least two of his helping hands grabbing onto his arms at all times.​
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Name: Lucia Dulce Guerrera aka Lucy aka Prisoner 44618
Age: 15
Concept: Long and short of it; a cheery, arachnid type, mutant who has taken great pleasure in being part of the institutionalized structure of the juvenile system serving as a general go-getter for her new “gang pals” who are probably leading her down a dark path, but she doesn’t mind she just likes having friends.

Charges: Drug Possession and Paraphernalia
Sentence: Five Years; Mandatory Rehab Sessions
Quirk: Sign of Scorpio - Possesses the physiology of a scorpion, with a hard carapace, powerful pedipalps, a venomous stinger and some human fleshy bits.
Drawback: Glows under UV lights, vulnerable human fleshy bits, no fine prehensile hand movements, alongside general faults of being primarily scorpion-like.

Horticulturist – She knows the proper method of how to tend to various plants and what are needed to raise them; however where she truly shines in this field is topiary by using her pincers to shape bushes and other formidable plants into better works of art (or just general pruning work) and harvesting marijuana.
Gang Association – While not yet a full-fledged member, and is really more just of an errand girl, Lucia is associated with an ethnic street gang primarily composed of individuals with more mutant-like Quirks. Alebrije Avenue Crew for life!
Cheery Disposition – Generally looking on the bright side of life can be pretty damn helpful, at the very least it is to Lucy who is hard to break down emotionally as there is always some sort of silver lining out there.
Herding – Lucia Dulce Guerrera is far superior to a measly herding dog when it comes to livestock. Can a herding dog snap their claws menacingly while barking and forcefully moving creatures into their pen?! No. They can only bark. Checkmate.

A Theme -
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1543193040657.pngAge: 16

Concept: Teenage drug peddler/ addict who doesn't have a pain management problem, she has a pain problem. Short tempered and brash Sybil had been living on the streets for most of her teenage years, after finally running away from her last group home. In order to get by and dull her senses she fell into a drug trafficking ring, where she was paid with her own private stash of prescription pills.
When said drug ring was busted, the cops were surprised to find a teenager among the ranks of criminals hiding out, and were even more surprised when she pulled a bone out of her forearm and attacked officers when they attempted to place her under arrest.
She managed to break one cop's nose, and added several charges to her rap sheet.

Charges: Possession of an Illicit Substance with the intent to sell, resisting arrest, assault with a deadly weapon, assault of an officer

Sentence: Ten years, with the possibility of parole after three

Quirk: Osteokinesis: Sybil can manipulate her skeletal structure and regenerate any damage that happens in doing so.

Drawback: Her quirk causes her immense pain and discomfort, as she can feel each individual bone in her body, isn't spared the pain associated with bones ripping through her her flesh. This drawback is the reason she got into self medicating with anything that could numb her senses.

Skills: Strength, Agility (with the appropriate adjustments using her quirk) Street smarts, Close Quarters Combat
Name: Vanessa Delaney


Age: 17

Concept: Dumb kid that made a series of stupid choices and got herself in over her head. She tries to pretend she's doing fine, but is actually pretty scared.

Charges: Fourth degree theft, public endangerment, resisting arrest

Sentence: One year

Quirk: Slip n' Slide - Vanessa can excrete a very slippery liquid from her skin making her hard to grab and create slipping hazards.

Drawback: During stressful situations, she sweats out the slippery liquid uncontrollably. This can range from just sweaty palms when experiencing minor stress to a full body sweat during overwhelmingly awful conditions.

Skills: The typical skills of the average high school student, that is to say, not many at all.

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Name: Alexis Schmidt

Appearance: download (2).jpeg80fc73b4297ed70abf82b12be0d719da4a89ebcf_hq.gifimages (4).jpeg

Age: 17

Concept: Not once had Alexis made a real friend in her life, there were all just simple means to an end to her. That isn't to say she hasn't had her favorite toys or anything just that she doesn't care when those toys proceed to break, or get old and boring.

Charges: Vandilism, Drinking and Driving, Underage Drinking

Sentence: 1 year

Quirk: Writers Block-Alexis can write one word descriptions on something to give it that description, the effects of this word last so long as the word is written on the object or person

Drawback: Alexis can not use her quirk if she has nothing to write the words with, she also cannot use more than one words at the same time on the same object. Writing words on multiple object is extremely exhausting both physically and mentally. Alexis can only use descriptions that are objective such as tough, brittle, small, big, or fast. Words such as pretty, amazing, or lame, have no effect. Alexis also cannot carve words to give longer lasting effects she must write them.

Skills: Faking emotions, excels in math, can read body language, extremely social

Name: Oliver "Olly" Shelley A.K.A. Prisoner #44325

Appearance: Oliver has a stocky build, standing about 5'10 with broad shoulders weighing in about 200lbs. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He is by no means ugly but there are various small cuts around his mouth and hands and his nose has been broken in the past causing it to be slightly slanted. Due to his quirk, Oliver has a massive lower jaw that protrudes and his mouth is lined with massive sharp teeth. In addition to his terrible teeth, he has a thick tongue that can extend to a distance of 10ft and often uses it to grab and shovel food into his mouth. Due to how heavy his head is, Oliver walks with a hunch.
(Would have used a picture but I couldn't find one that I liked)

Age: 16

Concept: Oliver has always loved food and this love, with a little bit of overwhelming hunger, has forced him to attack buildings or people in pursuit of it. Growing up in a rough part of New York City, Oliver joined a low tier Irish-American gang to survive and the mentality of a hierarchy through dominance has stuck with him. Oliver was never a leader and prefers someone else be in charge but he refuses to be treated as a lesser. He's not the kind of guy who will go around attacking people but he will lash out at anyone who challenges him or ruins his meal. Oliver's obsession with food can lead him into trouble but is also a pretty good way to get him to behave, being locked in a cell without dinner is practically torture to him.

Charges: Theft x5, Destruction of Public Property x3, Destruction of Government Property x2, Resisting Arrest, Battery of a Police officer x2

Sentence: 8 years with a possibility of parole after 4. Also, a fine of $9500 which he will be expected to pay after his release.

A monstrous hunger mixed with powerful teeth and a long tongue allows Oliver to crunch the competition.

Feeding Frenzy- Oliver's hunger can lead to a feeding frenzy during which his strength increases and he will stop at nothing to eat everything in sight. Frenzies could also be triggered by the desire to eat high-quality food.
- His hunger is usually sated once he's filled himself up but, sometimes the quality beats quantity and a few really fine steaks could do the job of a fast food joint's entire inventory.
'Lack of' Food Coma- If Oliver goes too long without eating or exerts himself without eating to replenish, then his strength will drain rapidly to the point that he could lose a wrestling match to a toddler. Further exertion beyond this point can cause him to slip into a coma.

Fun Facts:
-Above average cooking skills
-A trained sense of smell and taste
-Can tie his tongue in a knot
-Needs about 10,000 calories per day
-Records his daily activities in a "journal"

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Name: Simon Ferguson/Prisoner 44##/Prime Cut


Normally, he DOES wear clothes.
Age: 14

Concept: Skateboarding rad lad born too late, actually a pretty good kid but too rebellious to sit still for a month.

Charges: Vandalism (graffiti), trespassing, disorderly conduct, loitering, resisting arrest

Sentence: One month, up from two weeks for rambunctious behavior.

Quirk: His skin is transparent and hard, like highly polished diamonds. You can see the bones and muscles underneath.

Drawback: In addition to looking super gross, his rigid skin is awful at absorbing the force of blunt blows- punches don't do much lasting damage, but simple slaps hurt like hell.

Skateboarding- The skill that landed Simon in the clink, if he'd been born 40 years earlier he could have hawked this skill and made a career out of it. Alas, nobody respects pro skaters anymore. Still, he's amazingly agile and well-balanced on or off the board. Now if only they'd let him have his skateboard in the yard.
Artistic Talent- Simon is a creator at heart, specializing in graffiti and other forms of street art. While he can draw fairly well, he prefers a surrealist style.

Other: Thanks for the theme.
Name: Percy "Nines" Bryce


Age: 15

Concept: Percy is a good kid who met with very bad influences. Some of his classmates noticed his quirk could provide them with easy cash and a fall guy too desperate for friends to take a deal with the police and name his co-conspirators.

Charges: Hacked and subsequently stole three ATMs. Until he was caught he was almost literally made of money.

Sentence: 10 years with chance of parole after 5.

Quirk: : Fully Integrational Synergistic Linkage Bypassing Conventional Deterrent Protocols Effortlessly, Networking Mission-critical Components Personally, Formulating Revolutionary Bionic Augmentative Technology Evolutions Constantly.

Drawback: Technology is notoriously fragile and can be ripped out of Percy's network. Removal of certain components may result in system outages. Liquids are a constant concern when merged with components.

Skills: Awesome at video games and has perfect grades (without hacking) except in PE.

Name: Prisoner 44123/Connie Baxter


Age: 18

Concept: A young man who doesn't like to express his facial expressions and prefers to express his emotions through various clips shown on his "head" who hates the current government and shows it off by performing acts of vandalism.

Charges: Vandalism on private property and resisting arrest.

Sentence: 5 years with parole.

Quirk: Universal Reception Mutant Quirk - Having a television monitor for a head, Connie can broadcast recorded video over their own head if in signal range.

Drawback: Has an actual television for a head and cannot communicate except for broadcasted information and Universal Remotes apply to him.

-Fast Runner
-Knows engineering and programming
-Knows the art of trickery and deceit

Migi, Shou (Eldest Brother).jpg
Migi, Shou/Prisoner #44601/'Switcheroo'


A juvenile delinquent who feels the need to harass people and show off how tough he is. Shou looks down on people who are good and polite and only respects strength and guts. Shou tried to form his own gang outside of juvie and it didn't turn out well for him when he and his friends got caught stealing someone's motorcycle from their garage. Now he plans on forming his gang in Mercy Falls, where he hopes to recruit the baddest of the bad to serve under him.

Theft, Assault with a Weapon, Trespassing at Night, Resisting Arrest

10 Years

Quirk: Hand to Hand - Shou can switch an object touched by the right hand with one touched by the left and vice versa. If one hand is empty, the object from the other will simply switch hands. Shou can also teleport himself and others very short distances using his Quirk.

Quirk Drawbacks:
Repetitive use of Shou's Quirk can lead to sprains and strains in his hands as his Quirk causes the muscles and joints in his hands to stretch and tear.
Shou cannot switch immobile objects, so things like walls or the bricks in those walls are beyond his reach unless one of them happens to be loose.

Sticky-fingered pickpocket
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Maximillian 'Max' Matheson, A.K.A Prisoner #44808


Max is an isolated, friendless snark whose cynical outlook on youth and society would make Machiavelli shed a tear of joy. He used to be a socially awkward, yet adorkable little kid, but due to his rather weak Quirk he was more-often-than-not the butt of his classmates' jokes. Constant exposure to bullying and crappy treatment from his classmates and even teachers were building blocks to his current pessimistic state, with the cause of his recent incarceration being the straw that broke the camel's back. In short, he's a lonely, wannabe edgelord that's decidedly undecided on his goals for life.

Larceny, Resisting Arrest, Assault in the Third Degree

3 years with an additional two in probation. Must pay a $3500 fine after his release.

Strawman -- Allows Max the ability to copy the degraded version of a person's Quirk via direct skin contact.

Any Quirk he copies is limited to only 10% of their original effectiveness, while maintaining all the drawbacks that come from using them.
With Strawman, Max only has two 'slots' in which he stores his copied Quirks and is unable to copy anymore past this limit. Copied Quirks expire after 24 hours of his touch.
He cannot copy Mutation-class Quirks at all.

Keen Mind - Sharp and analytical, Max was the type of kid that coasted through school on his sheer intellect alone. Unfortunately, this led to him not really knowing what the hell 'hard work' meant. This innate intellect of his flies entirely out the window when in regards to Math and Science however.

Above-average Shape -- More of a physical attribute than a skill, really. Max is surprisingly fit for an unassuming guy such as he, even when compared to his more athletically-inclined classmates.

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Arden "En" LeBlanc | Prisoner #6666
ㅤA simple girl who wanted to live a simple life driven by chaos. Arden grew up to be quite a problem child, with a lack of emotional understanding and ruthless, violent tendencies. Now, though, she's changed and though her demeanor is a bit peculiar and sometimes twisted, she's calmer and is capable of understanding others.
ㅤTheft, resisting arrest, multiple assault and battery cases
ㅤ9 years
ㅤ‍‍Lucifer's Abyss | The ability to have another mouth, which she calls an "abyss," located at her stomach, and an elastic spine.
Quirk Drawbacks:
ㅤShe can't use it for a long amount of time, it takes a LOT of energy and she would be exhausted. Her sense of hearing and speaking is completely gone while the quirk is active.
ㅤHand-to-hand combat, dagger skills
Bellyache |She isn't actually prisoner #6666, but is prisoner #44312
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"Prisoner 44090"

Name: Evelyn Jackson


Age: 15


A girl with a vague recollection of her past. She sees Mercy Falls as her home and the psychologists her family after staying in for 3 years. She always seems so innocent and playful like a child would yet she strays from the norm as she lacks something much more besides basic morals and human emotion. It was as if a part of her was forgotten. If anything, beware of getting caught by her stare. They are nothing but pools of black that reveal your "inner self".

Charges: Seventeen Attempted Assault, One Murder, Resisting Arrest

Sentence: 10 years with Parole.

Quirk: [ Emitter-type ] "Emotional Emitter" Evelyn is able to amplify (for now) the emotions others depending on the victim's current feelings. It is required that she must directly stare at the eyes of her victim in order to work.

Drawback: Not only she can affect others, but she is also capable of affecting herself when she looks at the mirror. The more she amplifies her own emotions. The more she loses herself and control of her power. She is unable to affect those with lots of empathy as well as those with psychic abilities.

Skills: Drawing ( She likes being creative), Running (Energetic when outside), and Word-Play (From reading storybooks and listening to conversations)

Other: She likes chocolate. It's a good way befriend her. // Chills will run down your spine if she stares at your back as her eyes are like voids as time goes by.

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Cassandra D Cainhurst "Pandoras Actor"

Age: 17​
Concept: Con-Artists daughter with visions of going higher, learned the value of trust and cautious choices at a young age as they grew up fast on the rough side of town. Her lack of understand and believed inability to have her own identity or control of her life has lead to a string of Anti-Social behaviour as well as somewhat selfish as she struggles to make legitimate emotional attachments. Bounced around multiple crime groups following her parents disappearance before finally being caught after police tipped off to her thefts at a hero academy while impersonating a student. Recommended to undergo psychiatric treatment due to establishment of Severe Personality DIsorder and Schizophrenia.
Charges: Multiple counts of Battery, Breaking and Entery, Burgelry, Forgery, Identity Fraud, Jaywalking, Kidnapping, Sale/Possession of Contraband and Theft
Sentence: 7 Years subject to Parole on good behaviour.
Quirk: Doppelgänger, User capable of almost perfectly mimicing targets after sufficent observation.
Drawback: Prolonged transformation will cause personality bleed as well as lesser extent for simply being in proximity to others.
Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Boxing, Computing, Forgery, Graffiti, Lock Picking, Parkour, Psychology, Street Smarts and Subterfuge.


Name: Zelda Jeanne Fitzgerald. / Prisoner 44601



Age: Sixteen.

Concept: Originally born in the city of Brighton in Great Britain but orphaned by a freak accident involving a local hero's gravity quirk and a car crash at nine years old, Zelda Fitzgerald entered the custody of her only other known living family member (her third cousin, fourth removed) in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. While growing up in her neglectful yet overbearingly religious care, the visions of the accident continued to haunt the young Zelda and she was convinced over time that the visions were angels in actuality that were showing her a divine pathway to save the country from the rapture. With the activation of a special Quirk ability, her cousin fueled her madness with his own to convince her that the angels were telling her join a cultic conspiracy to assassinate the incumbent President to save the world. Although unsuccessful in her goal, her charges in cult activities were more than enough to warrant incarceration.

tl;dr: Crazy Catholic Homicide Clown, strangely innocent and pure like fresh snow.

Charges: Three charges of armed assault, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to assassinate a government official, kidnapping, and one parking violation.

Sentence: 35 years with possibility of parole under weekly psychiatric evaluation.

Quirk: Inflation: The ability to inflate objects and people with pressurized helium and eliminate all prior weight.

Drawback: Objects inflated have to be physically weighed down, due to the concentration of helium deriding natural body weight. Zelda also has to physically take time and blow into objects like she was to a balloon (only through an available orifice as well, eg. mouth, ears, nose.)

- Comedy.
- Fitting herself in tight spaces.
- Gardening.
- Juggling.
- Balloon art.
- Interpreting religious texts.
- Scaring children.

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Name: Joesph Volc
“Boomerbang” “boombang” “bb”
Appearance: B0686794-7D72-436C-ABB1-C9895C756B7E.jpeg
Age: 18

Concept: Joey was a B+ student in hero school, however all of that was for his own gain. He knew his quirk could be useful, awesome, devastating if need be.
Using technology that was designed for his hero training/work and weapons he stole or bought. Joesph started vigilante work, as well as taking a cut of stolen goods. It wasn’t long before he was caught and arrested however.

Charges: vigilante justice, thievery.

Sentence: two years.

Quirk: boomerang.
Joesph has the ability to hit any given target with any object he can Cover in his boomerang energy.
(100% accuracy with anything thrown, the ability to throw boomerangs made of energy)

Drawback: Joesph needs a item to throw before he can cover it in his boomerang energy to have 100% accuracy.

Forming a projectile weapon out of energy eats at Joesph’s stamina.

Joesph has spent six years training in boxing.
two years training in kick boxing.
Is pretty accurate without his quirk.
Can sleep anywhere.
Can perform any hip hop track or make up his own.
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