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Fantasy Merciful Stars


Not a Wizard
WAR has begun! A new cosmic battle has started with the destruction of the United Planets. No one knows who did the deed but all Nations want to do is point at each other. The Darmonian flag ship has flown away from ground zero, leaving those they could help for dead. The R’Cadians have launched a full out assault on several planets where they had bases. Other have joined in and easily being able to turn the tide of battles

History: The history of Merciful Stars is long and detailed; however, each planet/nation likes to tell their version of it. However, one thing is for sure. The destruction of Lamtin has led to war, one that has begun and no end is in sight.

The destruction of Lamtin was initially blamed on our heroes: Lady Evangeline Abbarane, Grandia Skyner, Chester Valon, Akia Kroes, Kero Kareen, Kando Verd. However their guilt was proven innocent after Chronos Skyner had shown evidence that showed that Snide Degaust had really provoked the events. The hunt would be on if the war hadn’t broken out. Snide Deguast is still at large by those that felt Lamtin to be important.

Time Period/Genre/Technology: The time period is futuristic. However in the more rural and further distance ways from the cities and high volume people are simpler ways of life. Space travel is optional though very expensive, so mainly ambassadors and business owners use it to increase relations and business respectfully. They do have ‘flying’ cars though they more or less hover over the ground a few feet and when need to can go as high as 10 feet above to avoid traffic, object, ect.

he laws allow people to carry weapons on their persons as long as they stay in the scabbard or holster and pose no threat. Some and very few people use guns or even carry them; they are used more often in wars and military operations. The people in the rural areas have a higher sense of honor and respect; though don’t often take outsiders in well until they prove themselves a useful member in their caste.

Magic is a uncommon ability that is more often than not inherited and comes out during puberty or later. Those that are gifted with it often go into research to further magic’s knowledge, or they go on humanitarian missions to improve life, though it is also possible to come across a mage that uses it for war or corruption. There are several other ways to learn magic and use it, though some are more dangerous than others. Having the soul of a magic user live inside your body, this could lead to dominate issues with soul in body. A deity grants you magical powers, highly unlikely but it can happen. The final way is for the person to die and come back to life.

Fire,Water,Earth,Wind,Ice,Lightening,Holy,Shadow,Space,Nature,Time,Spirit, Energy(the Non Elemental).

Wow that took some time to link up! But yeah just click and read and should give you better ideas. Note; that the Spirit Element has THREE links.

Also, Alice has Holy as her element, her weakness DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SHADOW, it could be Spirit for all she knows. But I think we forgot about this rule so we should start to focus again on it, I'll keep this link in my sigi, for quick reference. I will also update the Character sheet in my sigi to reflect their weaknesses.

You can have more than one element, though just remember the more elements you have the less of a master you would be, unless your character focuses in training on them constantly. For Example.

Bob is a Nature/Ice, his weakness is Earth/Time. Now that does not mean he needs to be hit by both of those elements at the same time to be hurt badly.

Magical Laws: A soul and body are needed to create magic. The soul is the charge and the bodyis the conduit that allows the magic to flow through and make the imagination reality. Without a soul a body is a hollow being and cannot use magic in any sense. A soul without a body is just a soul with elemental properties, there are forbidden magics that can turn the soul into a powerful spell but the knowledge is extremely rare with most of the documents being thrown into a fire.

There are exceptions; those who practice the darkest of magics in any sense(not limited to shadow and not excluding Holy) can do horrible deeds to their own bodies. Removing your own soul and placing it into something else. Since the removal was a conscious decision and the spell was truly horrific to the caster, the user is granted a body that constantly rotting but will not die until the object with the soul is destroyed. This knowledge is held only in two elements; Shadow and Holy.

Magic is passed on through parent to child, this is the most common way of elements and magic being spread. Typically the elements are passed on through parents as well, though the soul does change with time as with elemental powers. Most however gain the ability to use the magic and elements by puberty. Being blessed by a Deity or by a demon is another way, though these are much rarer examples. Being hit by a paradox could also result in new found powers, when this happens power and addiction is usually sudden and death happens within a few years tops without supervisor or training. The final ways is through entry of aneldritch locationor through dying and coming back.

Any element is capable of such monstrous actions. This happens when Magic becomes addictive by the user. Magic is addictive, highly addictive even. Those that are clearly addicted to magic will begin touse magic for the most simple of things, such as; Using Ice magic to cool a drink instead of putting it in ice, using Spirit to pick up an object across the table, instead of asking for it or simply getting up and getting it. Though there are exceptions such as life or death or not being able to get said thing or do said thing without the use of magic. This is covering the grounds that using magic to make one’s life easier making them lazier in the process.

The max amount of elements one can have is three, which is extremely rare, and those that often have this many show signs ofsanity slippage. They are also the most likely to become a lich but do not always do it for bad intentions. There are some who simply wish to spread their knowledge or continue their adventure even after death has taken them.

Magic, for the most part, is as natural as air. Though there comes times when those heavy in magic create tears and rips in the fragile state of reality. That’s where the Archons come in and keep the big tears and rends in reality at bay. Though smaller paradoxes happen all the time because they cannot stop all the possibilities of all paradoxes at once.

The cause of a paradox is closely related to the rate of Arcana Poisoning percentage. There are also certain types of paradoxes that can happen by simple usage of certain combined magics. Such as;combining Spirit and Pure Energy to create a spirit bomb to effectively make all those in the area of said spell forget what they were doing and take up arms against one another. Or even Time and Space being used to create a temporal portal to another reality set in another time. These are just too examples of what COULD start a paradox.

The possibilities of said paradoxes could range from the caster being slammed by the same spell cast, harmed physically by the spell, to the spell simply fizzling out into nothing. In more extreme situations; a lash back from reality could slap the caster with a temporary mental derangement, to having the soul be damaged and the caster permanently rending them of casting magic at all,at worst death, or creating aneldritch location.

Preventing Paradox; there are many ways to help lower the effects of paradox. One way is to have an item that has a personal value to the user as the spells foci. Engraving the object with carefully placed runes/words/symbols/etc. that have magically properties also help. Finally taking time to create a protective charm on one self will aid and help prevent paradoxes from hitting the caster. Unfortunately most casters don’t have the time to do the last one and typically leave all the reliance into their foci and runes. So for Example; Bob has a steel staff he had inherited from his brother after his death. He engraved the staff with magical means into them, using English words such as ‘protect’ and using his Pure Energy he enchanted the word giving it power to fight off paradox or even using the charge as a boost in battle or casting. Not all elements gain the ability to enchant the runes on a given item.

The elements capable of protection or charge are; Shadow, Holy, Pure Energy, Space, Time, and Spirit. I shall explain why these ones will work; Shadow is of elder magic and with it has the knowledge to empower or protect due to its legacy. Holy is from a Deities blessing, Pure Energy is exactly as it sounds, it’s a pure energy and can be used for many things. Space is simply the displacing of magic or taking of magic to/from another area. Time is pulling or pushing from and to another point in time. Spirit is from the emotions poured into the runes and item giving them the strongest empowerment.

Now magic is part of nature and reality itself. Though it is still fragile and commanding things that normally wouldn't occur cause poisoning on the caster. Nature prefers the way things are but still allowing magic to come in at a price. The poisoning itself is a mind numbing and painful thing to be hit by. Though only at higher percentage’s. Having a poisoning under 25% still does nothing, 26-50% minor paradoxes could happen or the spell being weaker or stronger without noticing. It’ll also give the body a feeling of a cold with no cure around only having to wait it out. 50-80% this is when things start to get worst; paradoxes could start happening even with taking into every precaution that they could use. The cold of the body begins to grow into a pneumonia state while a slight headache grows. Finally 80-100% will result in the bigger and heavier paradoxes rending reality, damage to the soul, losing magical abilities and in worst cases death.

Gaining and losing Arcana Poisoning; gaining arcana poison is as simple as casting a spell. Casting a spell such as having the wind pick up strong enough to blew something out of a tree through use of wind magic, would increase the poisoning by 1%. The stronger the spell the stronger the poisoning, judgement is key when it comes to the strength of the spell. For example; Creating a portal to another location would increase poisoning by 5% The biggest spell such as creating a tidal wave in a desert would be 10-15% of poisoning. These are just examples. Now those are just singular spells, if spells are used back to back to back,such as creating and controlling a flame to wash over land or enemieswould still count as whatever percentage poisoning to start it, however every ten seconds afterwards to continue the spell will increase the poisoning by 1%. For Example Charlie has an AP of 13%; using his time magic to look into the past to watch a certain event, the starting cost was 5% for poisoning however to continue keeping the view and events up he will have to increase his poisoning amount by 1% every ten seconds. So after casting and keeping the spell up for two and a half minutes his new AP percentage would be 30%.

Losing Arcana Poisoning usually takes time, around 5-10% poisoning could be lost in a day if no spells are used and it is a relatively relaxing atmosphere. If there is stress or other negative emotions in the air that affects the person it’ll likely recover less around 3-5% in that day, drinking also impairs poisoning reduction. Meditating is one of the most effective ways to lower the poisoning. Typical sessions lasting an hour could remove as much as 10%, but that is only if focus is given 100%. Sleeping and relieving stress can also aid in loss of poisoning,having intercourse and genuinely being with someone you love decreases poisoning as well. Because that’s thepower of LOVE!

Most of the bigger paradoxs that could rend space apart and utterly destroy much of the known universe is held back by Seven Archons. These seven are parents to children heritage. Many nations offer their finest to serve them but only a hand full is selected. The teachings are extremely strenuous to the body and mind. The order of Archons is also protected in shelters of their choosing, sometimes morphing the building or place constantly to confuse people who would like to end them. The knowledge about the Archons is not well known information but it is not unusual for commoners to know of them.

Planets: You can create new Planets/Nations as you wish but should help with the story.
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