Goddess of Sex and Snacks
I usually just go by Vi or whatever name I choose for an rp site, shortened. So, I guess you can call me whatever you want as long as it's nice? I've been roleplaying for 9 years now, soon to be 10. I like to think I'm pretty literate. I've also gotten to dabble in tabletop, unfortunately for one reason or another I never stay with a group. But I'm a big fan of Legend of the Five Rings and really wish that could've gone somewhere when I was playing with a group. I've played D&D editions 3.5 and 4. And I've also played Pathfinder a bit. I'm a writer who never finishes any book I start to write. But I try and stick through a roleplay til it either dies or gets finished. And that's about it. Thank you for taking the time to read this if you have.