[Megalopolis V.2.0] (The Census) Rudolf Piast


The Side with the Best Artillery
Name: Rudolf Piast, "Torp", "Vest", "Red" (Note, Name is pronounced Ruhdawlf, as opposed to Roodawlf)

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Posting Color: Slate Blue.

Appearance: 6'1", 122kg(270lbs),

Mutations: No body hair at all, Grey Sclera, hair on head is hollow and somewhat brittle. With his quills out, he looks like a human/porcupine hybrid, albeit one who's often carrying high powered firearms for no reason other than because.

Metahuman Ability: Porcupine - in every single one of Rudolf's pores, lays a hollow, metallic, hooked 'quill'. In times of great duress or on command, the muscles in his body fire these quills up and out, causing him to literally bristle with metallic spikes, all hollow and hooked akin to a whaling harpoon, so as to bury itself into whatever skin it digs into. While the quills are extended, Rudolf's skin stiffens to the point where he can't actively stab or hook himself, and the quills can rise/fall slightly. Any quills that are removed due to sticking into something else will regrow within two days depending on the amount of area removed, and any cuts or injuries he sustains before the quills extend will leak into the quills, acting like a biological weapon (see disadvantages). He expresses no pain at the pulling of the quills, but the area is often sore and red after the fact.

Character Skills:

Professional Gunman: Besides repairing cars for a living (his trained profession), Rudolf has been in a gang for most of his life, joining at 16 to get out of having no money and no future in the urban decay of outer city. As such, he's completely calm with a gun, and knows exactly how to handle firearms and has little qualm with killing to solve problems. This however doesn't mesh well with the fact that he had a serious issue selling drugs, and left the gang much to his own danger.

No Tell: It's very hard to get Rudolf to give any sort of emotional reaction if he doesn't want to give it. This is of course compounded by his personal life choices and the fact that he's a mean poker player.

Character Flaws:

Hepatitis B: Rudolf suffers from chronic Hepatitis B, a symptom of perinatal infection due to his mother having it. He takes medication for it, but due to this his liver is weaker as is his immune system, and he often gets very sick from otherwise minor illnesses, and has to take medication daily to keep the disease under control.

PTSD: When Rudolf was a child, he was visiting a open market with family friends during what is more commonly accepted as a metahuman terrorist attack. During the attack there was a large explosion that killed three close friends to his and crippled his older brother for life, and as such, even small explosions terrify the otherwise stoic man, causing him to twitch and get very uncomfortable even at stuff on television. He has had complete breakdowns on New Years, and often cannot function until he's taken far away from the situation.

Under-Educated: Rudolf only holds a GED and a mechanic's license, and is otherwise not book educated, due to being a poor child in a big city. He's very practically minded, and knows a lot about machinery, but big words and the like bother him and if someone isn't willing to level with him and talk on a level he's more used to then he'll often blow them off.


Motivation: He wants both revenge on the type of people that would be willing to kill indiscriminately to instill fear into either humans or metas, and will use violence to accomplish his goals - he also wishes to be fully 'released' from his binds of 'blood in, blood out' gang life, and the only way he knows how is through violence.

Profession: He is a certified car mechanic, and works for a shop owner that builds, modifies, and repair cars and trucks of all shapes and sizes.

Interests and Hobbies: Cooking, Poker/card games, rebuilding his own personal car, collecting firearms and replica weaponry. He also enjoys painting on occasion.

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Often unnecessarily dismissive, not necessarily cold but rather quick to point out ways something could fail, while often keeping his own opinions on how to better something to himself. He also tends to lash out violently at problems, rather than trying to fix them diplomatically, and this has led to a rap sheet as long as the Communist Manifesto.

Personality: Dour and cool headed, often negative even when approving of a situation.

Opinions: Rudolf is sick and tired of a lot of things, ranging from minor things like the fact that music is utter trash nowadays to the fact that traffic is always in his way on the way to work to the state of meta-normal relations. He has very little he actively cares for, and very little that he goes out of his way to protect, given his self-defensive personality and desperation to keep everyone away. Honestly, very few know much about him history wise beyond what stories the various tattoos on his body say, and he's not sure if he likes it that way.

History: Born in the slums of the city, Rudolf is the quintessential example of what poor environments and bad education brews - disgruntled and distrusting criminals, who have a skewed sense of right and wrong, of honor and justice. It didn't have to be this way, but due to a family life that one could only describe as 'violent' and 'destructive', thanks to an alcoholic father and mother who were each abusive in their own special way, leading to Rudolf finding little reason to try at anything in life. This attitude, combined with a feeling of alienation in general due to his illness from birth led him to search out for approval and a place to 'fit in', joining into gang culture in order to feel like he had somewhere to belong. Due to his violent nature, Rudolf would often go out into fits and lash out at others, leading to him eventually discovering his powers during a very violent fight between a group of his gangmembers and a rival gang, hospitalizing several due to his actions.

-Not finished, tbc.-
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Are you still continuing with this submission?

Busy with work right now, I'll finish it when I have time.

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