[Megalopolis Classic] Mr. Felix, the mercenary scum


Name: Mr. Felix (most commonly referred to as La Volpe meaning 'the fox' in Italian)

Age: 27

Gender: Male


‘La Volpe’ is a 5’8 Italian weighing at 176 pounds. He has an olive complexion with brown eyes and rich dark brown hair. His favourite outfit consist of jeans, boots and a lumberjack-hoodie cross, but more often than not while on a job he must wear a suit. This isn’t to say that he follows the rules. He always finds some way to bend the rules -to Mr. Bones’ extreme annoyance- and wears a white shirt, along with a blue suit and a hoodie over top. Hoodies are seemingly his favourite item of clothing.

Advantages/Abilities Possessed: ‘La Volpe’ is a shape shifter. Meaning he can shift into any animal, and even variations of animalistic and human appearances. The clothes he wears when he shifts, appear once again on him when he shifts back to human form. Why this occurs is a mystery, as there is no visible place the clothes could have gone. He is a good fighter, having worked as a mercenary for the majority of his life. He is therefore skilled in weaponry and hand-to-hand combat.

Disadvantages/Weaknesses: ‘La Volpe’ cannot change forms just like that. He changes into the animal he saw last, such as in a photo or in person. This is the same for humanoid transformations also. Thus, he must shift out of his current form, see the picture of whatever form he desires to shift into, and will only then be able to change into the desired form. This is understandably a very tedious process, and he carries several useful animal photos at all times. He also cannot materialise clothes (other than the ones he was wearing when he shifted) and so must obtain himself any change of clothes necessary. He cannot use melee weapons and relies on guns and his hands.

Profession: ‘La Volpe” is a mercenary, and has been for most if not all of his adult life. He now works for omnicorp under the wing of one “Mr. Bones”, his partner and ‘baby-sitter’ as he so fondly calls the disciplined man.

Interests and Hobbies: La Volpe is very fond of hoodies, bordering on obsessive. He owns little, due to his travelling tendencies but in many safe-houses around the world he has wardrobes full of the things. He has a love for rock music and some rap but unlike his father, absolutely cannot stand classical and pop. He loves baby animals such as puppies and kittens but would never admit it, especially to Mr. Bones. Volpe loves watching/playing rugby, basket ball and soccer but cannot stand cricket and tennis. He hates art and everything it stands for, especially the ‘pansy ass critics’ but has a tendency and talent in photography.

Common Behaviours and Mannerisms: He is one of those people that if he doesn’t like a song playing he has to turn it off, as it simply goes right through his head and drives him insane. Volpe will often drag his hand through his hair when stressed, and smokes like a chimney. The more stressed he becomes, the worse he looks. Volpe also taps his fingers against surfaces if he has been still too long and is a terrible ‘jiggler’. He simply cannot keep that knee still. This ADHD is most likely due to the animalistic nature of his ability and the pure instinct he has inherited.

Mercy vs. Justice: Money. Volpe doesn’t give a muffins puff who he works for, just as long as he gets the cash anything will do. Whether it’s killing crime bosses or women he doesn’t care.

Personality: Volpe is a selfish man, being raised in a family of mercenaries and assassins he is used to the harsh lifestyle he now leads. He travels from place-to-place more often than he’s had hot dinners And knows the world’s airport and travel system like the back of his hand. Due to this lifestyle Volpe’s sanity is dependent on change, he cannot stand things being the same for an extended period of time. He had developed an ADHD and is constantly on the move. Likewise he cannot stand to be constrained nor ordered around, a prospect he now has much difficulty dealing with in his service to Omnicorp. He is very money-orientated, harbouring very little empathy or concern for anybody bar himself. He has a wry, sarcastic humour and will do anything necessary to get the job done. He is an arrogant, brash man yet mature. He cannot stand moralistic people and greatly admires leaders of corporations and business men. He would know, he has murdered a few.

History: La Volpe was born and raised in Italy, the son of an Italian assassin and mercenary. His assassin mother was jailed after the failure of a mission and he was left in the care of his father. They were a wealthy family from generations and generations of hired-killers of all shapes and sizes, however does not exist in any governmental database or records. It was only two months ago Volpe came to Megalopolis, where at Ramen takeaway he was confronted my an agent of the Omnicorps. Before he could react everything went black. He woke up in an un-named place, his memory still lost to this day for unknown reasons, maybe trauma? Whatever happened in there, one message was certain. Serve or suffer. He didn’t like the thought of either although his pride hadn’t been much of an issue as he chose to serve the mysterious company. Now he is the left-hand man of Mr. Bones, his boss and partner (at a push). He is under constant surveillance by the corporation, that surveillance being Me. Bones due to his being a meta-human. His many attempted escapes and rebellious actions have been met with swift action and punishment. Nowadays he feels like a chained dog, trained to growl menacingly, and rip to shreds any other canine that crosses his path. Thus the start of his career as a meta-human hunter.

As long as Dr. Wheatley is okay with you being his partner. I have no problem with this character. I think its an awesome character, very well done. The clothing thing in the powers is kind of strange but I will allow it just to make your posting less awkward (and because it isn't an uncommon thing in comic books).
Perfectly content with this. Looking forward to this partnership

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