Advice/Help Mega Beginner


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So I’ve heard a bit about RP and have been gaining interest in it for about a month now, but I am a super mega beginner. Finding information on how to RP, RP communities, etc have either been unsuccessful or overwhelming so far. I’ve tried reaching out on different Reddit but never got replies so I just found this site and joined.

I’m mostly interested in group RP. I read things here and there about specific sites or apps as well as stuff about character sheets, and paying attention to rules and such.

How did you guys get involved in RP? What was your journey like in finding community and getting started?
I've been RPing since the mid 90s so my way of getting involved starts with notebooks with friends before computers were common household items and then it went into forums and eventually MMORPGs (i.e. WoW & FFXIV). I quite enjoy the community here on RP Nation but when it comes to finding RP to join, it comes down to interest and whether you and the other(s) mesh well enough.

Some roleplayers forget they were once new and their requirements in their interest checks both 1x1 and group can be rather daunting and uninviting. If you're into zombie apocalypse, I could direct you to the one linked in my signature. The group is pretty great, we talk OOC all the time. Group RPs do take patience but they can be worthwhile if you're enjoying it.

Is there something specific you might be looking for in terms of story and settings since you prefer a group?
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I mostly know about strict settings where there might be clear guidelines for what types of characters can be found and that characters need to be approved before they can be played, or that the admins boot inappropriate characters? Are there other kinds of settings?

For stories, I'm interested in Horror, Fantasy, Historical, and Sci-fi. I'm not really one to be involved in fandom stuff which is a lot of what I've seen do far. Maybe Star Wars or Destiny if any? I'd totally be down for some Zombie apocalypse!
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I mostly know about strict settings where there might be clear guidelines for what types of characters can be found and that characters need to be approved before they can be played, or that the admins boot inappropriate characters? Are there other kinds of settings?

For stories, I'm interested in Horror, Fantasy, Historical, and Sci-fi. I'm not really one to be involved in fandom stuff which is a lot of what I've seen do far. Maybe Star Wars or Destiny if any? I'd totally be down for some Zombie apocalypse!
The guidelines all depend on the GM. Sometimes they do need approval and I've found other times they don't. As long as you read their main post you should easily get a feel for what's appropriate for the setting. There are also a lot of different settings.

This is Necrosis and I imagine Lorsh doesn't mind another person joining. If he does, he's already about to kill my character anyway >;3.

I don't personally do fandom things either, except a DBD one I just joined because it sounded interesting and I love horror. But start with the zombie one I just linked, it'll help get you started and a feel for some role play.
Oh? Just finished looking through Necrosis and I def have a character in mind ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́). Thank you so much for the feedback <3
First of all, though my own reply may be slightly late for it, welcome to RPN!

To answer your question, my roleplay journey began as many do with a fandom. I've been a fan of the digimon fandom as I grew up and one time I realized I had missed one of the seasons, so I ended up binging it. Add an overactive imagination into the mix and you get me full of ideas I wanted a place to write on. As I looked for one I discovered my first roleplay site and fell in love with its rules and mechanics. I had a lot of fun with it but some things happened that had me leaving it. From there I tried out a bunch of different places before I discovered RPN and joined.

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