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Hi there! I've been looking through the ads, I think Ive messaged a few of you. So you might recognize me. To those of you who don't:
Hullo! Im Gracie.
Ive been roleplaying for quite a few years. Probably more than I care to admit. I really like to write. To tell a story. So my posts are on 'the long side'. At the very minimum Im at 5 paragraphs. So if reading isn't you're thing, my apologies, Im going to make you read.
The usual 'requirements' apply. No text speak. Third person preferred - though I have tried a couple first person, that were applied in an intriguing way. If you think you can sell it, then let me hear it! Basically, Im looking for like minded writers. That actually ENJOY writing as much as getting the response. If you're RPing only to get my character to react to yours, but you don't feel like putting the time in to react to mine, well.. I don't think we're on the same page. Or even in the same book.
No shade. It is what it is.
I tend to write the female perspective. And I do love a potential for romance. I say potential, for I don't want you to apply to be my character's boyfriend. We'll let our characters decide if they like each other. More often than not they do. But sometimes they don't. And forcing it? Oh that's just not fun for anyone. ESPECIALLY our characters! So instead. Tell me your character's story. How are they encoutering one another. What's our 'Meet Cute'? What sort of adventure, life spin, crazy event are we going to throw at our two unsuspecting characters to get them to take notice of one another.
Now, I tend to write a character out based on the story we have going on. So if you have some male character, that would like to get a storyline going, lets see what we can plot out to just have some fun.
Finally, I don't care if YOU are male or female, or what have you. I care that you have a story to tell. That you WANT to tell it. I tend to ramble a bit in the PMs, so I will hope you wont mind my jabbering on about muse points and plot ideas now and again. I hope you understand that I have a life outside of RP. I have a job. Two kids. A hubby that doesn't get my odd hobby of writing. LOL. So I sometimes can't get here every day. Im definitely not a multiple-a-day poster. I tend to like to get a post, and think on it. Write it, read it.. edit it, then post. As I say, I LIKE to write!!!
I like a glass of wine and a good thunderstorm for writing. Driving in my car with music sparks ideas. So do showers. LOL. So I mean that's good right? That I bathe? Buwhaha. Sometimes ideas will come out of no where. I can promise you'll hear about them.
So what do you think? Are you in? Up for a writing partner who never stops coming up with ideas? Who wants to hear yours and make them work? Lets see if we can't come up with some stories together shall we??
Hullo! Im Gracie.
Ive been roleplaying for quite a few years. Probably more than I care to admit. I really like to write. To tell a story. So my posts are on 'the long side'. At the very minimum Im at 5 paragraphs. So if reading isn't you're thing, my apologies, Im going to make you read.
The usual 'requirements' apply. No text speak. Third person preferred - though I have tried a couple first person, that were applied in an intriguing way. If you think you can sell it, then let me hear it! Basically, Im looking for like minded writers. That actually ENJOY writing as much as getting the response. If you're RPing only to get my character to react to yours, but you don't feel like putting the time in to react to mine, well.. I don't think we're on the same page. Or even in the same book.
I tend to write the female perspective. And I do love a potential for romance. I say potential, for I don't want you to apply to be my character's boyfriend. We'll let our characters decide if they like each other. More often than not they do. But sometimes they don't. And forcing it? Oh that's just not fun for anyone. ESPECIALLY our characters! So instead. Tell me your character's story. How are they encoutering one another. What's our 'Meet Cute'? What sort of adventure, life spin, crazy event are we going to throw at our two unsuspecting characters to get them to take notice of one another.
Now, I tend to write a character out based on the story we have going on. So if you have some male character, that would like to get a storyline going, lets see what we can plot out to just have some fun.
Finally, I don't care if YOU are male or female, or what have you. I care that you have a story to tell. That you WANT to tell it. I tend to ramble a bit in the PMs, so I will hope you wont mind my jabbering on about muse points and plot ideas now and again. I hope you understand that I have a life outside of RP. I have a job. Two kids. A hubby that doesn't get my odd hobby of writing. LOL. So I sometimes can't get here every day. Im definitely not a multiple-a-day poster. I tend to like to get a post, and think on it. Write it, read it.. edit it, then post. As I say, I LIKE to write!!!
I like a glass of wine and a good thunderstorm for writing. Driving in my car with music sparks ideas. So do showers. LOL. So I mean that's good right? That I bathe? Buwhaha. Sometimes ideas will come out of no where. I can promise you'll hear about them.
So what do you think? Are you in? Up for a writing partner who never stops coming up with ideas? Who wants to hear yours and make them work? Lets see if we can't come up with some stories together shall we??