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Multiple Settings Medieval Things~ MxF


Hi there! I have a free second, so I'd love to start up one or two role plays to get the creative juices flowing in my brain again.

A bit about me~

1. I would love for someone to inspire me with their writing. Too often, partners put little thought or feeling into their writing, and it becomes dull for me. I want to feel what your partner is going through, see what they see, feel what they feel. I want to read flowing paragraphs that have excellent grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I'm not intolerant of mistakes and typos; what I'm more concerned with is your style and pattern of writing. Run-on sentences and poor punctuation are of particular annoyance to me. Also, I only write in the third person, and I expect you to do the same.
2. I'm not picky on post length, but somewhere between 2-5 paragraphs (or more, if there's a lot going on) would be peachy. Occasionally, one paragraph is sufficient, but I'd like to push for a little more that than. On the other hand, I'm not overly interested in reading 10-15 paragraphs in every post or feeling pressured to match that length. Depending on the situation, my intros have a tendency to be lengthy, but after that I try keep it to 2-4 paragraphs - unless, as I mentioned, a particular scene calls for more action or description.
3. Romance is important to me. I need it. I want a partner who is equally enthused about our characters getting together. However, I don't want any instant head-over-heels lovey-dovey-touchy-feely nonsense. I absolutely adore tension and slow-burning feelings between two strong, flawed, deep, multi-faceted, interesting characters. I want them to yearn for each other but, for one reason or another, be prevented from sharing their feelings - until we (the writers) deem that the time has come. And even then, we don't necessarily have to make it easy for them. >D Alternatively, once our kids decide to admit their feelings for one another, they could be come an unstoppable team and always have each other's backs and just totally trust each other. Either way, I want a balance of conflict and fluff - whether that conflict comes from the relationship or outside of it, we'll decide when the time comes. Let's plot together and figure this all out! I don't want to be the only one contributing to the story!
4. I only role play male x female pairings. And guess what? You're in luck! At this moment, I am equally happy to play either gender. I may have a preference for certain pairings/plots, but there's a pretty good chance I won't. In addition, I love bringing in side characters of either gender! I'm not big on "doubling" in the sense of having two main characters, but I'm happy to throw in whoever else is needed.
5. Character sheets! I'm flexible. We can include as much or as little detail as you want. I don't require character sheets at all, but I do like to use pictures. I prefer realistic face claims (i.e. pictures of real people); no anime or drawings. If that's an issue, we don't have to use pictures at all. c:
6. Limits - fade to black (per site rules as well as my own personal rules); no limit on violence or language, as long as it's within reason. I'm not interested in taboo pairings, adultery, master/slave dynamics, incest, or rape.
7. I will not role play over forums! I will, however, role play over email or PM.
8. When you contact me, please give me a little information other than just to say, "Hi, I want to rp." It irritates me to no end when I have to pull every scrap of information out of a person who messages me. I'm open to chatting; feel free to tell me a bit about yourself if you like! If you're not comfortable with that, please, at least tell me a bit about your role-playing style, what gender/plot/pairing(s) you want to play, what ideas you have, etc.
9. I'd really prefer if you were at LEAST 18 years of age. No offense to any younger teens out there; I know y'all are probably awesome writers/rp buddies too! I'm just more comfortable with people closer to my age.

I think that's all for the boring stuff. Now, onto the FUN STUFF!1!1!!11!!!

Note: I prefer for our main characters to at least be in their twenties, preferably mid-to-late. I'd be willing to go up to early thirties, but absolutely no younger than eighteen.

The reason you're here~

First of all, I'm not interested in any fantasy, sci-fi, animals, or fandoms. Vague, generic pairings like "good girl x bad boy" are also a big turn-off for me. Sorry to disappoint!
Secondly, I would just like to reiterate that I'm only looking for AU medieval settings right now. This means it will be medieval, like with swords and horses and no running water, but we make up the countries and stuff. There will be a little bit of world-building involved because I don't like to play with exact dates, and I like to pretend that the Plague isn't a thing.

Before we get to the feature presentation, here's a brief run-down on the types of characters I like to play.

My female characters vary, but they're all generally strong-willed, independent, and quick-witted. No limp noodles here. I'd love to see them paired with strong, snarky, intelligent male characters! Or maybe kind, gentle fellows who totally take my lady by surprise and bewilder her, idk.
My males... are all pretty much going to be warrior types. Good guys. Soldiers, knights, maybe rangers. Usually they're extroverted, sociable dudes. If you're playing a strong, outgoing female character, I can make my male more of an introverted type, but I find that my introverted dudes don't do as well with weak female characters.

Vague Medieval Themes/Premises

1. Knight x Princess - This is a timeless trope that I will always crave. Don't @ me. I'm full of ideas but I am NOT here for any weaksauce, watered down, spineless little princesses.
2. Knight/Soldier/Ranger x Anyone - Want to play the male counterpart? I'll come up with some ideas on my end and we can roll with it. Want to play some kind of female? A noblewoman? A commoner of some kind? Lay it on me. I've got ideas, and I'm open to hearing yours.
3. Something with war and espionage??? All's fair in love and war. If you're interested in delving into the tensions that war creates, hit me up. Lovers separated and reunited by war. Complicated relationships. All of it.
4. Masquerades/other fancy occasions - This could be incorporated into anything, or we could like... start with some kind of ritzy ball and go from there.

Yeah, sorry I'm not giving you any kind of nice, succinct list. Just let me know if any of this appeals to you, and I can give you more details over PM! I also like mood gifs/images so I might just flood you with those as well~

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If you’re still looking, I’m very interested in pretty much everything you mentioned! Let me know if you’d like to discuss further.

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