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Multiple Settings Medieval romance craving~


New Member
Hi there! It's been awhile since I've been on here, but I have returned to itch a very specific craving.
If I've ghosted you in the past, I sincerely apologize. It's something I'm really trying to work on, starting with my tendency to take on more role plays than I really should.
So, I might be a tad picky.
Let me start with my rules/preferences!

1. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important to me. Do I make mistakes? Yes. Do I try really hard not to? Also yes. I prefer partners who are very competent in writing and can craft responses I legitimately enjoy reading. I love detail, I love character development, I love reading through internal struggles. On the other hand, I'm not particularly fond of reading 50 pages of writing every time you send me a response, so I'd say the sweet spot for me is anywhere between 2 and 8 paragraphs for a normal post. For intros or particularly action-filled or juicy scenes, I'm known to go significantly longer.
2. Character sheets? I can do with or without them. You want skip them? Great. You want to do a bare minimum character sheet with just a name and picture? Cool. You want to do an extensive character profile with detailed descriptions of history, personality, family, and physical appearance? Fine by me! Any of these options or anywhere in between. Just let me know where you fall on that spectrum when you contact me.
3. If you're looking for a dark, edgy story with dark, edgy characters, I'm not the right partner for you. My role plays always include mature themes because I'm not completely trying to escape the real world, but there are certainly a few things I just don't have any desire to write about. Here are some items in particular I steer clear from: adultery, rape, slave/master dynamics, large age gaps, incest. Probably others I just can't think of. Per RPNation's rule and my own preference, I always fade to black.
4. I only do male x female romantic pairings. More on my personal preferences below.
5. Speaking of romance, I pretty much require romance in my role plays. :3 Purely platonic storylines and relationships don't appeal to me. It doesn't have to be anything immediate, though; I'm always on board for a good, slow burn. I need a healthy mix of action, conflict, and fluff.
6. Please do NOT make assumptions about my characters or in any way control them. There may be opportunities for us to share side characters, but I've actually had partners alter physical characteristics I had already established for my characters or play out actions for them that I did not approve of. Don't do that. I shouldn't even have to say this, but it's happened to me a lot.
7. Let's maintain an open dialogue about the plot. Let's discuss ideas for the future. I love planning ahead and getting excited for what's to come! It also gives us something to look forward to and keep things moving.
8. My favorite (and only) role play medium is PM.
9. I thoroughly enjoy character development - it's my favorite part of role playing! I love strong, flawed characters who endure hardships and come out even stronger. I love throwing two interesting people together and watching them fall in love, from tense meetings to awkward moments, witty banter, butterflies/early signs of attraction, to that dramatic moment of confessing feelings.

Okay, onto the juicy bits. I have a rather specific craving, and that is a Medieval AU Knight x Princess pairing. Please allow me to elaborate!

What does medieval AU mean? To me, this means that we're adapting elements of the medieval time period to our own universe. This means we will have our own kingdoms that we make up, the Plague didn't happen, and people fight with swords. I'm not looking for complete historical accuracy, but I'm also not looking for fantasy elements.

Regarding the pairing, I would really love to play the princess. I have a character from a previous role play that I've been really wanting to revisit. I would even be willing to double as long as we're both putting equal effort into both of our characters. I don't double often, but it can be a fun opportunity to expand our story and weave several plotlines together! That being said, doubling is not necessary. If you're happy to play the knight, then yay!

Please PM me if you're interested! Also, if you're reading this and thinking, "Damn, I'd love to rp with this person, but I don't feel like playing a dude" - then PM me anyway! I prefer playing male 99% of the time, so you may not need to twist my arm. That being said, I'm not absolutely limited to this specific pairing, but I am limited to the medieval AU setting.
Okay, I would say that my interest in playing a male v. female main is 50/50. So I'm happy to play either! I'm still super down with doing a knight x princess scenario, but here are some other pairings I'm cool with:
- Noble x Noblewoman (not necessarily a "forbidden" thing or "odd pairing," but there's plenty of room for drama)
- Prince x Commoner
- Nobleman x Commoner
- Knight x Noblewoman
- Knight x Commoner
You definitely have my attention, just sat at work so I'm a bit hampered to write much to you yet.

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