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Medieval Arranged Marriage

Saiyan Princess

Always unhappy
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I really just want to do a medieval arranged marriage. I want it to be a male x female rp. I'm looking to be the female, simply because I am one and I'm always stuck playing male characters without my partner asking. I don't want to double and I'd prefer if you could give me something to work with. A paragraph or two would be great. Let's shoot for at least five lines or more. I'm a nice person and very active. Please don't leave and not tell me. If you want to quit, say so.

Any questions?

Like yourself, I am often stuck taking on the role of the male in various roleplays I have joined. I am perfectly fine with either gender though and would love to roleplay with you using your idea. I will go ahead and warn you however, I am a busy person and may go a day or two without replying but I assure you that I will notify you or do my best.

I enjoy detailed posts though can't always write over a paragraph; my brain is a funny thing. Anyway, if you will give me a shot, I'm in.
Sounds great! If you're absolutely sure! I don't want to force you to do anything.

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