Journal Media for the Homo Deus


Junior Member
Some people think I'm sophisticated, and while I think my behavior in the past has disproven that, here is a thread for intellectual masturbation. Normies get out!

Many role-players claim Elder Scrolls fandom, but this is real sauce.
This story narrated by the unskilled though seasoned Dark Somnium gets at the root of horror. It isn't the fear that someone or something is out to get us, but despite our best efforts we harbor the seed of our own undoing. In terms of Christianity, that seed would be sin and we might expect salvation. Or it could be human nature to overcome. The question remains, what do we hope for beyond salvation? Is there salvation?

This is
I don't think I am better than anyone else, "most" would be an egregious scapegoat given how little I know about myself. Put another way, everyone is an expert when it comes to being, there is nothing to do about the history thrust upon us. But ontologically speaking, should we search for such qualifications there are some we would miss, and so we can't empirically verify there is some experience of knowledge without being able to recognize it. The eye is the window to the soul and my image is in yours.

There are three major things others do that I hate: imprisoning, delaying, lying. I have a horrible temper, when I understand someone is being treated unfairly I want to scream, and when I can't scream out loud I do it inside. And a picture can be taken of a person, but that is not them. If we take the Cave to be the refuge of nature then surely no can harm us (more importantly, no one ever did) unless we let them /s.

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Some people think I'm sophisticated, and while I think my behavior in the past has disproven that, here is a thread for intellectual masturbation. Normies get out!

Many role-players claim Elder Scrolls fandom, but this is real sauce.


That face, that post, my godamn sides.
If you want to become an intellectual all you have to do is listen to this music on repeat for at least one hour a day. It's pretty simple...

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So... At this point it has been made clear that I am somewhat of a joke. A meme, if you will.


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