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Fantasy me when i'm posting a 1x1 search - a 1x1 search!



Hi everyone! I'm Achroous, but I also go by Ach or just about anything else. I've been roleplaying and writing off and on for years but have been out of the roleplay game for some time and would love to get back into things with a great story. I'm a semi-lit to literate writer depending on the responses I'm given and the current pacing of the story. (The more dialogue and interaction given, the better!)
I'm an adult and require any writing buddies to be 20+ as well regardless of roleplay content. This is pretty important to me for my comfort level. (: I prefer plot-/story-driven roleplays and am more than fine with platonic pairings. If I do participate in romantic pairings, I prefer it to not be the focus of the plot and I roleplay MxM, MxNB, or NBxNB.
I generally reply at least every other day if not 1-2x per day. If this will change for whatever reason, I'm happy to communicate that so you're aware. I don't have a high expectation for when you will respond, but I would prefer if you can respond every 2-3 days minimum. (Obviously I understand this flexes as seasons of life come and go.) I don't tend to have really detailed plot ideas to start off with in these posts, just setting ideas and maybe a few not-yet-fleshed-out plot concepts since it's more fun to figure out details and customize ideas as we brainstorm together!
If you are interested, please send me a message or post on the thread
with the fandom you're interested in and a bit about yourself!
Please note I am primarily interested in Warhammer 40k at the moment, but I am open to other requests/ideas.

fandom / setting list
"πŸŸ€" = let's make sure we're on the same page for certain trigger warnings (i.e., battle/war scenes, etcetera)! I want to be sure we're both comfortable.
✦✦✦✦✦ Warhammer 40kπŸŸ€
I am really looking for a 40k roleplay that centers around the Primarchs, the Emperor, and/or the Legions. I'm aware that's very vague, but I'm up for almost anything as long as it involves those central characters. Open to playing multiple characters (though any more than 2 or 3 will probably wear me out) as well since that may lend itself well to this setting. I have a few ideas but the classic AU of what happened to the lost Primarchs is always fun. More than happy to bounce ideas around for this! This is another setting that would really be just plot driven and platonic unless we come up with something otherwise.
πŸŸ’!! Two Psykers brought in from different planets that meet after being caught by inquisitors. They bond as they get to know one another during training, constantly under threat of becoming battery acid for the Emperor's throne. (Platonic or Romantic)
πŸŸ’ Any plot involving Primarchs and their interactions set before the Horus Heresy, preferably when they are being found and first meeting or during the early era of the Crusade. I'd be happy playing as Angron, the Emperor, Lorgar, Rogal Dorn, the Lion, and/or Guilliman, and probably an assortment of others! I find most of their interactions and personalities interesting so I think there's a lot of plot options here. (Platonic; no romance)
πŸŸ’ Similar in concept, but a plot involving the Primarchs, Emperor, and Legions that includes the lost Primarchs. (Platonic; no romance)
πŸŸ’ Open to more ideas as well!
✦✦✦✧✧ Red Dead Redemption 2
Never got over my cowboy phase. I'm up for anything outside of the plot of the game and just within the setting of the map or something like OCs or AUs of the events and characters within the Van der Linde gang. We could also just be literal cowboys on the range or homesteaders or neighbors in Valentine or St Denis with rival barber shops. I am open to many concepts here because the Old West is just *chef's kiss*
πŸŸ’ Two homesteaders carving a living on the land, dealing with the gangs about and making deals with the Van der Lindes and similar types, as well as learning to get along with their neighbor. Could also be cowboys, or lawmen/sheriffs, bounty hunters, what have you. (Platonic or Romantic)
πŸŸ’ An AU where Dutch and the rest of the gang get to safety and set up a new life north of Blackwater or elsewhere; basically, no Micah messing things up. Could have OCs or play existing characters. (Platonic or Romantic)
πŸŸ’ An AU where Arthur leaves and becomes a cowboy/rancher. (Platonic or Romantic)
πŸŸ’ Open to more ideas as well! Generally I prefer to play Arthur, Dutch, Sean, or OCs. If I play as a member of the Van der Linde gang, I don't really like having a romantic pairing with another existing character as personally I don't feel Arthur, Dutch, or Sean have any chemistry with anyone in the gang that I would be interested in writing about. So unless I'm playing as an OC, it'll likely be a platonic setting.
✦✧✧✧✧ Harry Potter (Specific plot)
I've been interested in a while on exploring the HP world (preferably pre-Voldemort and all that stuff, or just not set during the books with the characters) as professors or aurors or both. Basically, expanding the world from just the school(s) to the actual infrastructure of the wizarding world and how jobs look on a day to day level. That, or the wizarding equivalent of grad students or field biologists. I created a resume for an OC once for a similar HP concept as his character sheet and that's never left my mind.
πŸŸ’ Two aurors, two professors, or an auror and a professor that become friends when the auror is brought in to protect the school (not necessarily Hogwarts; I'm down for Durmstrang or other alternatives). (Platonic or Romantic)
πŸŸ’ Two wizarding grad students (so 23+) training to be. . . something. Me trying to apply an interesting real-life field to wizardry makes me want to create a wizarding job that's basically field science. Or something to do with dragons. You decide. (Platonic or Romantic)
πŸŸ’ Other plot ideas welcome!
✦✦✦✧✧ Hannibal (NBC) πŸŸ€
Need I say more. (Probably, yes.) I'm mainly interested in Hannibal and Will, but willing to also play side characters like Jack or whoever as needed to help the plot along. I'm fine with AU concepts here, rewriting the story, adding in "missing" pieces, or picking up at the end of the show.
✦✦✦✦✧ Twin Peaks (TV Show; have not seen movies yet)
I really love this show. I just really love this show. I wouldn't be looking for romance here honestly, I mainly just love the good vibes and quirkiness here. This would probably be the most slice-of-life, not a huge plot-driven story unless we come up with something that works well mostly because Twin Peaks doesn't really lend itself to new ideas since it's just so unique and specific in its story telling. Open to ideas though!


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