Kingmakers - Mechanics


Farseer to the Warsong Clan
Mechanics for Kingmakers

KEY INFORMATION. This section is relevant to Character Creation. It exists to streamline characters into specializations to avoid the "I'm the best at everything" trope that people are all too fond of. Your choices should REASONABLY fit together. Make sure to refer to them throughout the writing of your bio, as well.
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Class: Pick ONE.

Criminal: It comes as no surprise that many of Kingmakers agents come from the criminal underworld. Men and women who have useful skills, are profit-driven, and are willing to risk their lives are exactly what Kingmaker needs, and several criminals fit the bill. Criminal characters will have a background in organized crime or possibly terrorism.

Kingmaker is an intelligence agency, and former national intelligence agents are well-paid for their services. Already having much of the practical skill required to do the job, Agents originate in national intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NSA, British MI6, French DRM, or the German BND.

Sometimes, the Kingmakers just need some doors kicked in and some people shot. Ex-Military men and women are perfect for the job, although they're lacking in some of the important skills other Classes have access to. Many originate from the American military, but it's not uncommon for veterans from around the world to be recruited.

Law Enforcement:
Law Enforcement officers are well-suited to some Kingmaker operations. Their mixture of combat skill, investigation, and wide variety of other skills makes them prime recruits. Law Enforcement officers tend to originate in the American police force, the FBI, or other national agencies concerned with domestic security.

Traits: Pick One.

Terror: Accessible only to Criminals. Taking this trait gives Criminals access to the Demolitions Skill and gives them the "Assault Rifles" firearm training. Characters with the Terror background are given a false identity once they join Kingmakers, although it is in no way flawless and most intelligence agencies who are hunting the Criminal will see through it. Characters with the Terror trait must pick two (or more) national counter-terrorism agencies to be considered "Enemies". If the character encounters an Agent from either agency, the counter-terrorist will immediately try to apprehend or kill the character.

Special Forces:
Accessible only to Military. Gives them access to the Stealth skill. Include the Special Forces unit next to the trait. Pick a terrorist organization to be considered an "Enemy". All members of this organization will attempt to kill the character out of revenge if they recognize him, and will stop at nothing to accomplish this goal.

Informer: Accessible only to Criminals. Gives them access to the Investigation skill. The character, either by forced negotiation with the police or by choice, has chosen to inform on his criminal brethren. Only members from the character's "Crew" and (pick one: Russian Mafia, Italian Mafia, Yakuza, Triads, American Gangs) are aware of the character's true allegiance. Other criminal organizations know nothing of the character, but any group aware of the character's status as an informer will attempt to kill him.

Sniper: Accessible to all classes. Add "Sniper Rifles" to firearm training. Through either military training, a childhood spent hunting, or much practice, the character has a working knowledge of maintaining and operating sniper rifles.

Unarmed Warrior: Accessible to all classes. Gives the character above-average skill in unarmed combat, giving them an edge in brawls. Through either street fighting, martial arts classes, or military training, the character has acquired significant knowledge when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.

Black Ops: Available only to Agents. Add "Shotguns" and "Assault Rifles" to Firearm training. The Agent was involved in more than his fair share of combat operations as a part of his job, likely of the illegal variety. The character is trained in using Shotguns and Assault Rifles. Pick the agency the character worked with. They have evidence of the character's illegal actions, and may attempt to threaten or blackmail him.

SWAT: Available to Law Enforcement. Add "Assault Rifles" and "SMGs" to Firearm training. After some time spent on the police force, the character was considered notable for his marksmanship and discipline under fire. The character was transferred to SWAT, where they were trained to use a wider variety of firearms.

Enforcer: Available to Criminals. Add "Shotguns" and "SMGs" to Firearm training. The Criminal was likely lacking in subtlety, leaning more towards the violent option than the mastermind's plotting. The criminal desired a bigger, better punch, and acquired it illegally.

Aviations Hobbyist/Military Aviations: Available to all. Character can pilot Helicopters. As a result of either military training or having a hobby, the character can pilot civilian helicopters and military helicopters if they have a military background.

Wheelman: Available to all classes. The character is an unnaturally talented driver. Combat driving, street racing, or a history of get-away driving have made the character a skilled high-speed driver and master of the escape. The Wheelman Trait opens Engineering to all classes.

War Hero: Available only to Military characters. For some feat of extraordinary bravery, the character is a decorated war hero. Pick one terrorist group to consider an "Enemy" which will attack the character ruthlessly at any given opportunity. Also designate the branch of the military the character originated from. The character is well-known to them, and may be able to get a favor, or possibly arrange for no interference from the military in certain situations.

Justice, Not Law: Available only to Law Enforcement characters. Gives the character access to Stealth skill The character may have been a good cop at some point, but the work has burned away at his soul. Maybe he lost a conviction because of a procedural flaw and a killer got away, or he grew disillusioned with the job. He began to roam the streets off duty, dealing out his own unique brand of vigilante justice.

Military Police: Available only to Military characters. The character gains access to the Interrogation and Investigation skills, but loses access to Demolitions.

Skills: Pick TWO.

Demolitions: Available only to Military and Agents. Training and practical knowledge in explosives, including planting, disarming, and disposal, as well as creation of improvised explosives. Criminals with the Terror trait can take this skill.

Hacking: Available only to Criminals and Agents. Training in cracking computer security, decoding passwords, and disabling computerized security systems.

Stealth: Available to Agents, Criminals, and Military who take the Special Forces Trait. Training in lockpicking, safe-cracking, silent maneuvering, camouflage techniques, and break-ins.

Interrogation: Available only to Law Enforcement and Agents. Covers training in extracting information from an unwilling target. The Military Police trait also gives access to this skill.

First Aid/Medical: Available only to Law Enforcement and Military. Training in first aid treatment, triage, and battlefield surgery.

Smooth Talker: Available to Criminals, Agents, and Law Enforcement. User is a skilled deceiver and manipulator, gifted with a silver tongue and a knack for delicate undercover work.

Engineering: Available to Military and Criminals, or Characters who take the Wheelman Trait. Training in vehicle repair, mechanics, and mechanical sabotage.

Investigation: Available to Law Enforcement. Covers examining documents, tracking, clue-finding, identifying false legal documents, and being aware of underworld trends. Criminals who take the Informer trait may take this skill, and this skill is open to Military Police.

Firearms Packages:

Law Enforcement:
Handguns, Shotguns

Criminals: Handguns

Agents: Handguns, SMGs

Military: Handguns, Shotguns, SMGs, Assault Rifles
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