Chitchat MBTI/Cognitive Functions

White Masquerade

QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
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Curious. Anyone here dabble in it? I find the idea pretty interesting. Whether it works or not is another issue.

* If you are feel free to post your type (if you know it that is) :wink:
Erm. I took a test three times, and each time I got different results: INFJ, INFP, INTJ.

Lemme guess, the fourth result's probably gonna be INTP.

I'm somewhere in there, I don't know. :P

Maybe INFJ/INTP since they seem to be less extreme?
Lol yes. The test is wickedly wild. I myself have gotten multiple types..even flipping from I to E occasionally.! But used as a ballpark estimate, I'd say they're on to something. I've typed others, and most of the time, my relations with them have improved because I understand what's important to them and how they view things :five:

Though this is based on just reading up on the functions. From your answer, it seems like you took the preference test right? With the:

Do you like going out?

On a Saturday night, if your friends called you before a show to go out, would you?

Those tests are horrid. The worst of the bunch!
One of them was a preference, and other was a scale from 1-5, I think.

But yeah, the preference ones are painfully obvious sometimes.
I'm so sorry! I missed the alert for this. Haha. Yes, I know! I remember one I took asked this: "Do you like talking to people?"

LOL!. I couldn't believe it. Really, how is someone supposed to answer that? I hear the official test is somewhat better Not willing to pay money for something like that. If you're still interested, try out cognitive function tests. It won't be the answer..but it's sure better than those preference tests.
The paid test is rather in-depth, and surely covers all the bases well enough, so to speak. I took the paid version, and am barely an ENFP. My E and I are close: 49% I, 51% E.

Needless to say, this sort of stuff intrigues me. Some folks can't stand it, but I'm okay with it. *shrugs* Different strokes, I guess.
Aramendil said:
The paid test is rather in-depth, and surely covers all the bases well enough, so to speak. I took the paid version, and am barely an ENFP. My E and I are close: 49% I, 51% E.
Needless to say, this sort of stuff intrigues me. Some folks can't stand it, but I'm okay with it. *shrugs* Different strokes, I guess.
Do you think there's any truth to it? In your opinion. I would like to believe so. I find myself picking up on people that follow certain types from time time to time. Maybe it's just whishful thinking
Well, the free ones are hit and miss, really. The paid one is legit. And, it measures not only what your dominant is, but also recessive, and can help you map out things like schooling, career, relationships (all kinds), etc. It doesn't replace doing the necessary work in those categories, it just narrows things down. It has worked for me, so far. My opinion is that there is truth to it, but it isn't the end-all be-all, ya know?
Ah, definitely! Well. I just might take the plunge and try it out then. Thank you!

I've wavered from ESFP to INTJ, it's absolutely insane
I think it can really be a useful tool to understanding more about the root of certain processes and the reasons behind why you might behave or react in certain ways, but I think some people use it too literally. It is definitely not a paint-by-numbers sort of thing and I think it's a lot looser than some people would have you believe. Ultimately, you are your own person, but this can definitely be a fun way to find like-minded people.

I'm INFP, for whatever that's worth.
INFP huh? :five:

Nice to meet you. Do you identify with that tag? If so, how much? 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 -- just to make it easy.

I do agree though, that, self > test. But it is oh-so tempting, to go overboard!
Nice to meet you, too. I do identify with the tag, I'd say about 95. There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes about INFPs in general that are really pretty annoying, I mean. A lot of them are funny, but they are probably the only reason I don't want to go that extra 5. And after spending a lot of time with someone who identifies as ENFP it was really interesting to see all the ways we get so close, but still stay pretty far away, like. The adage between them is, essentially "An INFP is an introverted extrovert and an ENFP is an extroverted introvert." And that was very interesting to witness because in almost every way that played out we would do...these very, very different things in the same way - if that makes sense. Probably not without an example.

And I've been able to identify a lot of people's types before they told me, or even really knew what the MBTI thing was, just looking at people's syntax. At least the types I'm familiar with, which are the more introverted types.

I also think it's important in that it shows people there is something more to being an introvert than being a shut-in, which is synonymous with it in pop culture it seems. Sorry for being a bit verbose. Haha.
Not a problem. I relish this sharing of information and experiences. Thank you so much. 95%? Really surprising! I thought it would be more along the lines of, 65 % =P. Yeah, some stereotypes really are ridiculous (if you're an ISTP, you MUST LOVE, fixing cars). I always shake my head at those things. Doesn't make sense.

As for what people classify introverts as, you got it. Definitely more than just house-sitters >.>. Energy from self, etc, I'm sure you know about this already, lol. Anyway, for your friend; that's really cool. To have like a case-study, that you could be in the thick of, it must have been something! Most people around me are NT , SP, or SJ, so as an NF (I am under the impression), it's a bit difficult to relate most times.
I mean...even when I meet an INFP with some conflicting values it seems we have reached similar conclusions and reasons why we hold these values, it mostly just came down to circumstance in that. So, yeah, I identify pretty heavily with it even though I realize it is not a framework for me as a person. And there are certain little pieces I identify with in other types, especially when I am not particularly healthy of mind. Which is an important thing to take into account too, these aren't for people that are suffering. There are a lot of people I have met that have claimed to be an INFP, but they were really just sad. Which know, not helping my first point, a lot of the types can look like other types when they are not feeling well.

But there is also coping mechanisms and things of that nature to look for, so...yeah, I'd say 95% is essentially accurate. I don't, like, sit around drinking tea, reading Sylvia Plath and sobbing (very often) but I identify with the core ideas behind INFP. And that's also why...when I hear people compare MBTI to things like Astrology I get pretty annoyed. It doesn't claim to be this all-knowing thing, it doesn't claim to have any answers, just general ideas that are based on how people react to the world around them.

Yeah, as an introverted person I have tried to fight against the internet's perception of us all being people who can't hold a conversation or are rude, socially inept people in general. Or shy. Or any other negative thing you can throw out there. I think I've met a lot of NF's through the internet, but they seem to be fairly common outside. I think there are a lot more ESxx types out "in the world" so to speak. Meeting someone who is NF is a lot less common, especially because well.. For me? Whenever I go out, even if I'm walking from my car to my place of business, I have my headphones up. I think NF's are a bit less approachable, but not in a bad way just in a "our own world" kind of way.
LOL Clock. If I didn't check myself, I'd be here chatting with you ALL night about this. So interesting! I have an RP to catch up with, so I'll shut up now, haha. Side-tracks are the bane of Kinesthetics! I would definitely love to pick this back up again soon though! Your answers have left me hungry for more.. ;~;

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