Maylar Du Fram (WIP)

Tate Emil

Coffee Addict
Maylar Du Fram


or as you know him, "Mal"







Homosexual - But really deep in to the closet 





if you look definition on Hero, you will probably see picture of Mal. Handsome, rich, loyal, loved by all. Knight in shining armor, riding in white horse whit shield and sword to protect you from bandits - sweeping you to his arms. Well, at least you fantasize this happening right when said man is introducing himself (....Right next to his FATHER - A War Hero The Great Wolfram Du Fram!)  for you would be fool to image anything else 

This first impression you had - well... kinda not true. Little bit true, but mostly not. 


His personality can be also be put simply showing one picture - and a line from a man himself:


"Are you f**ing serious no, we are not doing that- that's....truly, really stupid plan"


[Coming soon]

Du Fram family has long and prosper history. And  unfortunately in Maylars part, he was only son in a family and "destined" to inherit all the land what has been their 100 years and beyond. For these factors, his life was planned in a day when he was born. What even could be said except that - there was strict life, calculated whit no place for mistakes. Man crew in a place where all he knew was a part of just another one piece in a "great game" for power - and oh indeed Mal knew his place. 


He had had his time's when the his needs and wants took hold of him - but everyone had those moments of weakness in fighting practice when opposite pins you down and when you see his adrenaline filled pupils just... looking at you like- 


Everyone has their weakness. 

He had life already planned - even if he didn't want it - so, in 19 years old young lad bushed those feeling deep inside of him and kept them there. 





-protecting people


-"heroic" people whit dead-wish 

-unnecessary fighting (or just fighting in general)


-Sass (do not sass him in any situation)


skilled whit shield and sword, can take a hit. So to speak "Tank" of the croup.

Hero's Equipment

Armor of Saints

Usage Limitation

Mal has to be ready and aware to Armor to project him in it's true power. Surprise attacks can/or will make armor's magic powers unable to protect Malyar, and so making him unable to protect others. 



Errr.... so, why him? why i would char. like him in a rp whit lots of fighting - and if i would make it worse, i made it stereotypical hero characteristic! 

What i want whit him is to play against the stereotype, trying to break it. Make others - and  myself - see that there's beyond facade;

whit complex feelings and past traumas what imports to the present.
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