Oddball and author
Maya Summerdew
Name: Maya Summerdew
Age: 50
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: straight
Occupation: bard

Name: Maya Summerdew
Age: 50
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: straight
Occupation: bard
- Appearance
Height: 5'6"
Body: slim
- Personality
Maya is cheery and energetic. She close-to-always smiles, and she's always kind and helpful. Maya makes friends fairly easily, and you need to try really hard for her to dislike you. Except when you, for whatever reason, act all superior and boss her around. Maya really doesn't like that.
Unfortunately she also tends to make enemies fairly easily, as she is quite a blurt out and doesn't always think before she speaks. For this reason, she sometimes offends people while she doesn't intend to.
- History
Maya has spent her entire youth wandering the world together with her elven family. When she came of age, she was given the choice to stay with them and abide by their rules, or leave and find her own way in life.
Not being too fond of rules and strict elven traditions, and a little sick of being treated as inferior due to her shared heritage, the choice wasn't very hard for her.
- Magic/Spells
Maya has some magic. Most of it is related to sound and music, but she also knows several enchantments and illusions. She mostly uses those to make her performances look better.
- Equipment
Shortsword, bow, lute
- Skills
She's a decent diplomat when she manages to shut up at the right times. She's a good bard too (logically).