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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique OOC

it genuinely depends on the composition of the bullet and voltage of the lightning, tbh. It COULD melt the bullet but that depends on a few things, I think. although after hitting the bullet it is likely that the lightning will keep going, and not be completely absorbed, as electricity does act in odd ways when its in such a large amount (such as why lightning is a thing in the first place. its a huge ass static discharge from the sky to the ground. i dont think a bullet will hold that.)
Poor Alex XD O that's right, Tree works with electrical engineering. Quick, Tree! Help me strategize to kick Jayce's behind in their sparring match! lol
Ya I am down, although if Jayce throws up his shield, physical attacks are going to zap lance, and if he has rubber gloves on at least hold him back. (Unless he is an entire rubber suit in which case Jayce is screwed.
also, a battle between ranged and melee is fully dependent upon the distance between the people. it isn't at all like in the movies, folks. guns are meant to be used at a much, much higher range than one would think, and an arms length is NOT enough distance for the gun to save you from someone with, say, a knife. let alone a sword. it all depends on the skill levels of those involved but... say, in a small classroom, it is likely the melee weapon wielder will win. however, across a decently lengthed hallway you have maybe... 4 shots before the swordsman is close enough to stab ya? WHY DO I KNOW THESE THINGS
Lance's powers also work with electromagnetics fields and light waves, and light physics are weird, which leaves a lot of room for speculation and creative freedom. I've been formulating a couple plans of attack for Lance, but can't seem to find anything concrete other than using the electromagnetic properties of light waves to shield Lance from the lightning, but that wouldn't create a full immunity I don't think, just lessening the damage. Lance could win in a physical fight without powers easily imo, it's getting around Jayce's powers that will prove to be the problem.
Guide on how to beat lightning. ‘Just throw a damn bucket of water and watch as they get basically stuck to it!’ Just make sure your sneaking up so they can’t run away in time!
What... wait he knew he had the gun? Is it just common for people to walk around with guns?!
Some how I didn’t get shocked... I guess I’m wearing rubber gloves and clothes..?
His electricity doesn't effect those he doesn't want it to, that's where the magic part comes into play. Are you knew to the fantasy genre my friend? Cause this ain't sci fi.
like seriously its really interesting. flowing electricity within a wire generates a magnetic field around itself that creates force in a circular direction AROUND the wire itself. you can use this to generate a magnetic force perpendicular to a loop of wire, and fire out rods of steel at decent speed using this method. It's how rail guns work, i believe.
Like if this were sci fi my rp style would be one of logic. I know what my boundaries are. (Even though I rally didn't want Jayce this OP, the demon situation kinda ruined that lol.

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