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Fandom Max/Bradley roleplay!! 🛹🛹


New Member
Hello!! I’m looking to find a role play partner to roleplay as Bradley from the Goofy movie!!
I have a plot!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
**looking for a Bradley Roleplayer!**

Max Goof, once the awkward and bullied kid from his college days, has grown up to become a renowned rockstar. However, the wounds inflicted by Bradley, his former tormentor, still linger deep within him. When fate brings them face to face at one of Max's concerts, Bradley is dragged along by a friend who happens to be a fan of Max's music.

As the music reverberates through the venue, old memories resurface and emotions run high. Max is torn between the desire for revenge and the longing for closure. Meanwhile, Bradley is taken aback by the transformation in Max and finds himself drawn to the charismatic rockstar he once bullied.

As they navigate their complicated past and conflicting emotions, they find solace in each other's company. The lines between love and hate blur, leading to a tumultuous relationship filled with heartbreak, passion, and temptation, reconciliation, forcing them to confront their demons and decide its love or something to fill the void.

In a world where fame and fortune reign, Max and Bradley must navigate the treacherous waters of the music industry while also navigating their own tumultuous relationship. Can they find a way to heal the wounds of the past and forge a new future together, or will their differences ultimately tear them apart?

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