The Duck Overlord
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Mateo Elizondo a.k.a. Miguel
(Chris Hemsworth)
We're Both in Barrels
Full Name: Mateo Felipe Elizondo
Nickname: Teo
Age: 19
Birthday: July 7
Sign: Cancer
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Roman Catholic
Based Off Of: Miguel from The Road to El Dorado
That's the Extent of My Knowledge
Face Claim: Chris Hemsworth
Voice Claim: Kenneth Branagh
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 201 lbs
Body Figure: Athletic
Tattoos/Markings: Enriqueciste Mi Vida Down His Left Arm
Distinguishing Features: His Distinctly British/Irish Accent Despite Being Spanish
Clothing Style:
I'm Sorry About That Girl in Barcelona
To Be Written
■ Confident
■ Resourceful
■ Protective
■ Loyal
■ Fearless
■ Vain
■ Jealous
■ Shameless
■ Deceitful
■ Greedy
■ Doesn't shave his own face; he makes Tulia do it for him
■ Reflexively calls Tulia his girlfriend even though she's not
■ Sleeps as if curled around someone as a result of his days on the streets with Tulia
■ Horses
■ Anything Gold
■ Tulia
■ Conning People
■ The Aztecs
■ Jerky Men Who Mess with Tulia
■ People Who Figure Out Their Schemes
■ Rowboats
■ Arguing with Tulia
■ Conquistadores
Separation from Tulia, The World's Beauty Disappearing
How's the Escape Plan Coming?
Mateo doesn't know who his parents are. What he does know is that they left him in the most dilapidated, rundown orphanage in Spain. Even the woman who ran it knew it was pointless to care about the building. Unfortunately, that philosophy translated into not caring for the children.
However, if Mateo hadn't been dropped off at that orphanage, she never would have met Tulia. Just like him, she didn't like their home, so they made a pact to completely run away from it. They became street urchins, only dependent on each other. It was better than the orphanage, though, and that was all that mattered.
As they grew older, they became con artists in order to earn enough money to feed themselves. (Stealing bread and scraps from trash cans wasn't enough anymore.) Despite having very little education, Mateo and Tulia made very good con artists. Mateo was the pretty one, always the one with the persuasive smile and voice. His acting was exactly what made their cons successful. Disregarding the fact that he was the not-so-smart one with a surprisingly impressive vocabulary. But Tulia wouldn't have it any other way.
When they were young teenagers, a kindly older man found them and took them into his own home. He was a little on the fat side, if they were being completely honest, but he was the nicest man in the world. After some convincing, he managed to homeschool them enough that they were able to attend high school.
Tulia started dating some guy during their high school years. She fancied herself in love with him, chattering to Mateo about him every second, causing him to roll his eyes and smirk. But one night, he could sense something was wrong. Tulia had gone out on a date with the boy, but something in his gut told him she was in trouble. It was then he heard the scream. He rushed to Tulia, swooping in and rescuing her, knocking out the guy and reporting him to the proper authorities. Mateo and Tulia thought they'd been close before, but this incident made them cling tighter.
Once they reached university age, Mateo and Tulia realized they wanted to see more of the world. They applied for a college exchange program that would take them to Walt Disney University, and to their surprise, they both got in.
Nevertheless, Mateo and Tulia stick together every moment they can. Separation anxiety is prevalent in both of them. Mateo doesn't trust anybody except for his Tulia.
Theme Song: "Story of My Life" by One Direction
I'm Going to Revise That Whole Thing
Year: Second
Elective(s): Spanish, Photography
Major: History
Club(s): Art and Writing Club, Soccer Team, Football, Student Activities
Relationships: Here
Crush: Tulia?
Coding by

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