



1.) Mitchell & Willow

2.) Tyler & London

3.) Johnathan & Luna

4.) Dylan & Hazel

5.) Oakland & Jovelyn

6.) Wren & Yoav

[h] Name [/h]

[center]  --------------------
[img= realistic picture here please ]
[h] quote here please  [/h]
[center] _________________________________________ [/center]

The external

[center] name:
nickname: optional
age: (18-21)
match: (talk to the person you want to be matched with first)
A little more interesting [center]__________________________
what you look for in a guy or girl:
[center]___________________________________ [/center]

the internal
background: (short paragraph)
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Jovelyn Lynette Belrose



You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

The external


Name: Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Nickname: Lynn

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Match: Oakland Apollo Randal

A little more interesting


Likes: Books//Reading//Fairy Tales//Music//Dancing//Winter

Dislikes: Rude People//Being enclosed//Living in a dull world//People who think she is odd//Being bossed around

Fears: Wolves//Losing the people she loves//Dark Places

What you look for in a guy or girl: Someone who is kind//Someone who is funny//Someone who is easy to talk to//Someone who is romantic

the internal


Traits: Kind//Creative//Easily Amused//Easily Distracted//Curious//Strange

Personality: As everyone can see Jovelyn is a very peculiar girl who lives with her head in the clouds. Every book, every story, and every tale fills her head with illusion of far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells and a prince in disguise. Jovelyn is just a young girl craving for adventures and dreams that one day her life will be just like the lives of the heroines in her books. She'll hear a cry for help, mount her noble steed, race across the forest and into the mountains, to save some poor villagers from a fire breathing dragon. She is an imaginative girl who lives in the daydream of a fairy tale world she created for herself.

However great this might sound, people categorize her as weird, dazed and distracted. She has never been one to fit in. Jovelyn's gaze is always far-off into the distance something most would called absent minded. Many people do not understand what her fascination with reading and books is, so they simply label her as odd and different.

Jovelyn is strange but special. She lives by the saying don't judge a book by its cover. Caring and sweet, she is willing to look past a person's flaws and see the good in people even if it's buried deep inside of them. Jovelyn is also very curious and loves a good mystery. If there is something to be discovered you can bet that she'll drop whatever she was doing and find out what that something is out of plain curiosity.

Jovelyn lives with her father, Arthur who works as a mechanic. She works as a house maid in the morning and a bookshop keeper at night. Although she loves reading, Jovelyn hardly finds time to bury herself in a book. The only time she gets is when she isn't taking inventory at the bookstore or when she is waiting for the linens to dry.

Jovelyn's life is dull and every day is the same. Still, Jovelyn dreams for one day running away and traveling the world. Jovelyn wants to leave her grey life behind and find a her great adventure out there. Matched could finally be her one chance of achieving that.​
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Hazel Valentine



There are no short cuts to any place worth going.


The external

Name: Hazel Valentine

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Match: Dylan Arce

A little more interesting


Likes: Books/ Cats/ Anime/ Green/ Skinny jeans/ Her eyes/ Simplicity/ Melted chocolate

Dislikes: Dogs/ Yellow/ Clunky, big jewelery/ Artificial cherry flavor/ Her freckles/ Hunting and fishing

Fears: The dark/ Thunder/ Being lost

What you look for in a guy or girl: Doesn't have to always talk and can keep quiet moments quiet/ Possessive, but keeps PDA to a minimum/ Easy to talk to/ Not afraid to criticize or express opinion


The internal

Traits: Absent-minded/ Klutz/ Doesn't like the outdoors(namely places you'd normally camp in)/ Good cook/

Personality: Hazel is a generally quiet girl and usually won't be the one to initiate the conversation. This is mainly because she thinks she'll be annoying the person who she's talking with. When she does get to talking, though, she can keep the flow of the conversation going fairly easily. Unless it's the person she likes. Then she'll stutter a lot and won't be able to keep eye contact.

She doesn't believe in bottling up her emotions or keeping her opinions to herself. Even though she says what she thinks, she tries her best not to be rude about it, but sometimes she just can't help if it comes off that way.

Her absent-mindedness knows no bounds. From unintentionally ignoring someone to running into walls because she was lost in thought. It has made her quite the klutz.

Background: Hazel came from a small country town where everyone knows everyone, and she hated it. Hunters, fishermen, farmers and small time cowboys. All they could seem to talk about was trucks, farming equipment and the deer hunt. Seriously, the town would get time off school and work every year just for the deer hunt. She liked the time off, but over something like that. She just didn't get it. Whenever she was invited over to a guy's birthday party, it consisted of a " 'coon hunt." Raccoons. And whenever it was a girl's, the gifts were camo, new fishing hooks, and ammunition. That was one of the main reasons she never had birthday parties.

Her parents were one of the many people who went to the deer hunt and they always dragged her along. Saying it was a "fun family experience." She got tired of coming along around the time when she was 13 and would make sure to be as loud as possible so they would have no choice but to leave her home.

Not many people in her age group really shared her same views on the town, therefore, she didn't have many friends growing up. Though people tried to be her friend, she just didn't want to listen about there latest catch.​
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Wren Nicole Gray




"I was never insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched."


Name: Wren Nicole Gray

Nickname: It's just Wren

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Match: Yoav


Likes: Playing guitar/Coffee/Music/ Animals/Books/ Hair Dye/Winter/Rain/Snow/Skittles/ Gummy worms/glasses /horror movies

Dislikes: Anything grape flavored/ small spaces/ when it's too hot

Fears: That people she loves will leave her/Being trapped in small enclosed places

What you look for in a guy or girl: Someone a bit out going then herself/ Someone with a sence of humor?/ Someone that is loyal and will listen/

Who can speak their mind/ Someone a bit romantic meaning they will want more then sex/

The Internal


Traits: Good at guitar/ Kind/ Can be Bubbly/ Friendly/ Awkward

Personality: Wren is a really friendly person and tries to get along with almost everyone, but she never really gets to close. She likes to have fun, but when it get's to the serious stuff, she tends to only confide in a few close friends. Though she does warm up to some people and when she does she is one of the most loyal friends that you can have. She sticks up, and protects those that she care's about, or even people that just need to be stuck up for.

Background: Wren grew up with her grandmother and grandfather, her parent's had her young and weren't ready for the responsibility, so instead of being adopted her father's mother offered to keep her and take care of her. They treated her like she was her own, she tried to have a relationship with her mother, but every time her mother disappeared, her father never came around either. She made friends in high-school and she was that girl everyone saw but never really got to know her except for her two close friends. She loved her parents but couldn't wait to get away, and just start somewhere new.​
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-------------------- ------------------------

quote here please

The external



optional age: (18-21)



match: (talk to the person you want to be matched with first)


A little more interesting




what you look for in a guy or girl:


the internal



background: (short paragraph)

Hey guys! i changed the format of the code! this is what it should look like now! oh, and of you already posted a cherrie you don't have to do all over again!

Oakland Apollo Randal




Live out of your imagination, not your history.

The external

name: Oakland Apollo Randal

nickname: Oak

age: 20

gender: Male

sexuality: Pansexual

match: Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

A little more interesting


likes: Music, Art, Reading, Writing, Nature, Animals, Being around small groups of people, Seafood, Microwavable foods, Being Outdoors, Nighttime, The moon, Movies, Asking Questions, Coffee, Being lazy, Hair gel, Being clean, Different cultures, Laughter

dislikes: Being ignored, Shorts, Insects, Fire, Candles, Smoke, Loud Children, Pumpkin flavorings, Pet fish, Realistic blood, Furniture shopping

fears: Loss, Fire/Flames of any kind, Those poison packets you find in new shoe boxes and beef jerky, Bees/Wasps

what you look for in a guy or girl: Has respect for art and music, Isn't afraid to be themselves around him, Doesn't have ridiculous expectations, Doesn't get frustrated over small problems, Loves whatever they love and is proud to do so, Has decent respect for all people, Is following their dreams or is trying to, Not quick to judge, Is fine with simple at times


the internal

traits: Artistic, Imaginative, Adaptable, Confusing, Easygoing, Gullible, Lazy, Honest, Open-minded

personality: Oakland can be a little detached at times, drifting off into his own thoughts. Sometimes he may be very straight-to-the-point, while other times, he dances around things awkwardly. He is a nice guy in generally, trying to help people out when he can, but you have to be quite blunt with him. Oak often misreads what people are saying to him, and it often causes others' frustration. He is a simple guy with odd goals and an easy-amused mind. He would an enjoy a day at an amusement park just as much as a day reading a textbook. He does not get bored very easily, but he is always worried other people will get bored being around him. Oak may seem selfish at times, but he does not realize he is. If anyone asks him to change or correct his actions, Oakland is quick to do so. In public he is a people pleaser, but he tends to be more himself in small groups, not worrying what everyone is thinking of his behavior. He is a strange young man, but he is quite interesting to talk to, if you ask the right questions.

background: Oakland grew up with his single mother, delivering newspapers every weekday, and taking piano lessens every Saturday. Oak loves to make his mom proud, still today, and she is happiest when he does what makes him happy. He had a few close friends growing up, but he seemed to mature more quickly than they did. He has also had relationships before, but they always ended up pulling him away from who he wants to be. Throughout childhood, he was bullied, so he just eventually stopped hanging out with people his age. Oak now teaches piano to children in his spare time, typically without pay. He does not want to have a career and insists on working odd jobs, here and there, to get by. He heard of this show, and decided it would be fun to try something different. He does not truly expect this to be a success, but he figures he is a pretty average guy, so he won't be too terrible on television.​
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Tyler Jackson Henderson


Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet

Tyler Jackson Henderson





London Jessica Diaz

Likes: Food / Sleep / Drawing / Music / Summer / Movies

Mornings / Know-It-Alls / Jerks / Heartbreakers / School

Losing someone he's really close to. Someone lying to him for a long period of time.

What he looks for in a girl:
Not quick to judge / Isn't afraid to be themselves around him / Someone who can speak there mind / Music Lover /



- Quiet

- Trustworthy

- Protective

- Nice

Can be quite blunt when meeting people which makes people think that he's cold. When in reality he can be nice. Tyler is also quiet despite being blunt, only sometimes speaking when he need to or want to. He can also be protective of people he's very close to. Overall Tyler can be nice though if he doesn't think your nice with your first impression he might be blunt to you.

Background: Tyler grew up in a wealthy family. As a little boy his parents had time for him and his younger siblings, which meant they all had a nice friendly family relationship. Though as they all grew up everybody never had time for each other. His sisters ended up moving out for college, while his brother moved out to live with his pregnant wife. The only one left to move out was Tyler, so that's what he did.
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? Willow Eleanor Dawn Laurence ?



? Sometimes you have to fall before you fly ?


? The external ?


Willow Eleanor Dawn Laurence


El, some people call her Lauren because of her last name

Optional age:







Mitchell Devon


? A little more interesting ?


Reading, writing, dancing, singing, listening to music, the rain, dancing, taking pictures, nature, being outdoors, The nighttime, the moon and stars, morning coffee, horror movies, gummy worms, pop rocks, her old converses, animals, all seasons, cooking, the color purple


Peanut butter, rude and idiotic people, Chinese food, being indoors for too long, snakes, stuck up people, really tight clothing, insecurities, loneliness, being shy, fake people


Being judged, people she loves leaving her, drowning, spiders, mice, her night terrors she has

what you look for in a guy or girl:

A guy who is more confident then her || Someone that wont judge her when she's falling apart or because of her scars on her wrist and thighs || someone who she can be her self around || Someone who isn't afraid to show her love and affection || a go with the flow kinda guy


? the internal ?


+Creative +Good at singing and cooking +Friendly +out going (at times) +really loyal -Depressed -Awkward -Curious but shy


Willow is a loving girl who just loves to much, that's why she get really heart broken when someone she loves leaves. She isn't afraid to be herself around people she knows but when she's around people she doesn't she's a bit shy. Willow loves to have fun, despite her being shy, willow loves going to parties and having a good time. She's sticks up, and protects the one she loves. Willow's a pretty go with the flow girl, but likes some rules. You can often find willow over thinking things and going over them over and over.

background:(short paragraph)

When willow was younger at the age 14, she was diagnosed with depression, her depressed led to cutting, eating disorders, alcoholism, drugs and eventually she even tried ending it all. She did anything she could do to escape the pain of the death of her mother and the physical and emotional abuse she got from her father. He did anything her do to her, yelling, hitting, and a really bad form of physical abuse. But when she finally got the age of 16, her grandma (on her moms side) finally noticed the the bruises, cuts, and lesions on her body; everywhere on her body. Her grandma got full custody of willow and now willow is in recovery from her horrible life with her father.

@ArtisticKwittyKat234 @Keira Winston I will hold reservations until later today. Please have you character up by then! c:
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Luna rosemary Leaa Faye


My parents warned me about the drugs in the street but never the ones with big brown eyes and a heartbeat

The External


Luna rosemary leaa faye


Rose, Rory, Leah, Faye

Optional age: (18-21)






Match: (talk to the person you want to be matched with first)

~ Jonathon Wilson ~

A little more interesting



Art, drawing, painting, music, nature, animals, cold weather, sweaters, jeans, chokers, cats, candy, gummy bears, the moon, witches.


Coconut, red velvet, pink flowers, tornadoes, being judged, school, rules, sitting for a long time.


Heights, getting to "Serious", tornadoes

What you look for in a guy or girl:

Some one who loves to cuddle, "The bad boy", A guy who loves to do

rebellious, and break the rules, some to stay up with her all night and have a conversation. Someone who isnt afriad to show affection.

The Internal


+ Sweet, confident, outgoing, dreamer

- Rebellious,kinda of clingy to the people she loves, non-commitment


Luna is sweet, yet confident, and outgoing, She isn't afraid to go out, party, have a good time. She's a dreamer. Always dreaming big and never giving up on her dreams. Those were the good things about her. The downsides to her are that she is super rebellious, always getting into trouble. When she finds someone to loves to attached to them and doesn't let them go. Even though she's clingy to the people she loves, she doesn't like a commitment. She finds one person, clings to them and when the realationship gets way to clingy she bolts and makes a run for it.

Background: (short paragraph)​

Born from an alcoholic father and bi-polar mother, Luna has been unable to have parents as a child. She grew up fast so she could survived the repeated abuse by her parents. Her a

rtistic abilities were never an interest to them, and never did anything to encourage her, only to discourage Luna. As a result over he abuse she struggled through school, and got horriable grades and one day she just gave up and ran away. She went to go live with grandma, who gladly took her in as if she knew what was happening in her household. Like she knew the abuse. At first luna was super nice to her grandma but then she got distant and depressed and suffered from self harm, which led her to alchol, drugs, sex, anything to get her mind away from the pain of life. Then one day she overdosed and was sent to hospital. She almost died, but, she didn't. After that, her grandma saw the scars, she forced Luna to get help so she sent her to a mental instution. She got out when she was 18 and her grandma decided it was the time for her to move out. So she moved to a small apartment in the city where she started to purse her art carreer. A year later when she turned, the age she is now, 19 her grandmother died, she attended the funeral. After what happend with her grandma she decided to do something stupid and join "Matched". So, now she's here's
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Jonathon Wilson



In order for there to be light, there must be darkness



The external


Jonathon Wilson



Optional Age: (18-21)







*Luna Rosemary Leaa Faye*


A little more interesting


quiet, the night sky, cabins, the rain, land marks, snow, hot chocolate, and cuddling


people who argue, being alone, being told what to do, and being prejudged


losing his sister, having anxiety over small things, not being able to support his sister and himself

What you look for in a girl:

a pulse, a sense of humor, creativity, expression, and compassion


the internal


+caring, +intelligent, +hard working, +persistent, +admirable

-busy bee, -confidential, -solemn, -impatient, -stubborn


at first he is seen as quiet and dull. He usually stays to himself and ignores other unnecessary interactions. But to those who actually try to get to know him and nudge him to put himself out there he can be a fun and outgoing person with a hint of crude humor.

Background: (short paragraph)

Since the death of his parents in a car crash, he has been the sole provider for him and his sister, Cathy; 7, at the age of 17. Jonathon has struggled to have his sister and him under a roof and would go nights without eating so his sister wouldn't have to. Having two jobs as a bartender and waiter, he was hardly home and lacked a social life. One night at his bartending job a producer came in and offered him to take part in Matched. He was sceptical and was going to deny the offer on the spot but decided to talk it out with his sister. To his surprise she found it to be a good idea and that it would be good for him. She insisted that he call to be part of it as soon as possible. Ultimately he gave in to his sister's request and after a few phone calls he managed to put his sister in a boarding school (with the help of the producers) for the time being and that's how his journey in Matched began.
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Mitchell Devon

--------------------<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Matched.jpg.930367956994cd8e4e8763937c847126.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Matched.jpg.930367956994cd8e4e8763937c847126.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>------------------------

Life is like an ocean; it holds the harshest storms but also the most beautiful calms.


The external

name: Mitchell Devon

nickname: Mitch; M

optional age: 20

gender: Male

sexuality: Straight

match: Willow Eleanor Dawn Laurence


A little more interesting

likes: God, Surfing, Nature (especially water), Sunsets, Music, Guitar, Stars and the Moon, Emotional Quotes, the cold, bonfires, wolves

dislikes: Being judged, cockiness, when people think lowly of themselves, his dimples

fears: heights beyond 80 ft., losing everyone/anyone he cares about

what you look for in a guy or girl: A girl who is sweet and kind. Someone who see life and the world as he does: a wonderful and beautiful creation full of possibilities and wonders. Someone who is gentle but isn't afraid to stand up for herself. Someone who wants to live their life to the fullest.


the internal


Loves Creation, good at guitar (acoustic), Has a sense for nature, artistic, romantic, not angered easily, live each day as his last, loyal, kind, caring, a bit silly and awkward at times, sometimes tries too hard


Mitch loves life. He is always trying to make each day better than the last. He finds satisfaction in nature as well as being there for others. He wants nothing more than to help people and treats each person with with care. He goes through each day with a smile on his face (especially after a good wave session or song) and one rarely sees him in a bad mood. He sometimes tries too hard when he makes friends or is trying to impress people which makes him awkward at times. This doesn't bother Mitch at all, he just shakes it off and keeps on living the life God gave him.


Mitch grew up in an orphanage. His parents had abandoned him when he was just a baby. Mitch was the loner and outcast of his "family". They were always the ones to get adopted and every time he made a friend, they were soon gone. He was rebellious, quiet, and alone. The other kids wanted nothing to do with him and the families said he was a "problem-child". Mitch had no one and that was his entire childhood.

At age 14, a family finally took him in. Mitch only agreed to go to get out of the pit he felt trapped in. He truly didn't care. He acted out against his new home. But, unlike the kids and families who rejected him because of this, this family was different. Instead of calling him a problem-child or pushing him away, this family held him and cried over him. He didn't understand. Why did they treat him like that? But it stuck them and he gave them a chance.

He grew up in a loving home. His mother home schooled him and taught him amazing lessons about God and life. His dad taught him how to surf and play guitar. Mitch no longer hated his life, he love it and embraced it fully. He wants others to experience the joy of life as well and that no matter what happens, you can live a happy and fulfilled life. He wants to show others that there are people who do care and love them even if he is the only one.



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Dylan Arce




Put your hand to mine and feel this emptiness , there's no beat in my chest, because there's nothing left


The external

name: Dylan Arce





Ask me

A little more interesting


Music, you'll find him with earphones most of the times. Darkness, Rain, Night, Dancing, Singing, Hugging, Coffee.

Cockiness, Rules, Being sat down, People that think they're attractive, Light,.


what you look for in a guy or girl:
A girl that will always be there for him, he doesn't want someone to have sex with, he just wants someone where he can cry, hug them, for minutes straight, kissing them in the cheek.


the internal

traits: +Noble +Modest +Kind +Great at rapping with emotional songs, coming from his heart

He is the best friend you had in middle school, the one you would always ask for a laugh, or relationship advice, even tough he was always the most lonely one. He is very kind and helpfull, even tough he doesn't have someone to hold on to. He mostly has a serious, sad resting face. People see him as a loner, ''emo'', but all he needs is someone to break trough those layers

He had no cliché past. He lived in his mid class life, having great parents. He went trough tough times in middle school, because his parents were so focused on getting money, they only left him a bag of lunch at that was at the most interaccion they ever had. He finally reached the age of 16, where he started working, hsi parents finally took a rest, and he could see them happy, once again.

Yeah! one more guy and then we can find the matches, then start! Guys, can you wait to find your match until everybody has their CS up please!

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