
I would love to reserve a female spot, please~. I saw in the rules tab that you want everyone to be heterosexual and I understand that but I'd like to propose an idea. You could classify the sexuality of each role. Like if your having eight roles, four female and four male, then just have two hetero couples and two homosexual couples. Just a thought because I'd really love for my girl to be homosexual but if you still say only heterosexual couples then I'm fine with that :3

I'll reserve a male character since their obviously needed. I suggest that you have everyone take a male role also so this isn't overly crowded. The more people in the rp, the better the chance of someone dropping out because they saw like 7 pages to read when they woke up in the morning.
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I'd have to agree with Cola,having a homosexual couple would be good also and it won't limit the ideas of the role player as well.

Also,it's kinda stating a borderline homophobic thought.

So I suppose Jewlia will be making the match for my female character? Is she fine with that? I only jump to this conclusion because no other female character you accepted so far is interested in girls and Jewlia is the last reserved female spot.
If need be, I can take another male spot to even them out for now until Jewlia joins us. 
And/or the extra girl for Cola
@ChloeeGracee When will Jewlia be posting her character? I can't wait for this to start ^^
@Bree She's on vacation and wont be on for several days! im sure when she gets back she will post her character and when she does, i will make the matches and we will start! ♥
@RavenReigns11258 hey guys, I'm on mobile but give me a few hours and I'll have my posts up
Ugh...I'm really sorry. I feel like a total loser for not checking on RPN while I was on vacation. Me and my friends had a killer time, and I guess I lost track of myself. I'll post my stuff up now. Sorry guys!

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