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Futuristic Matched

Lorelei Bagdes

Unlucky Member
So I'm not sure if this would be considered modern, futuristic, or fantasy. I just went with my gut. if anyone has a complaint please tell me where this would fit.

Basic plot.

A brilliant man designed a program, to test peoples personality. So that when a child is born, they are scanned and branded with a code, and they are assigned a job that best fits their personality type. The code is put in place so that, when the child grows, they can scanned So a Rock star won't end up being a fry cook. With this program in place the world began flourish. there was no longer any poverty, no one was ever without a job, and everyone was safe. When this brilliant man died, A special group called D.O.D took a hold on it and made more changes, changes that didn't need to be made. They made it law that no one was to ever waste their time searching for love, so they added timers on each persons wrist so that when the timer hit 0 you will have met you soul mate. The D.O.D also ruined how the code system worked, they no longer used the personality scanner, instead they went off of a series of test. From the time you are born to the time you are 16 the government puts you in "Special training Camp" there they determine what job is most suited for you, based off of talents, skills, and intelligence. After you turn sixteen You are given 3500 and thrown into the real world. The original program was designed to decrease rates in crime, kill poverty, and make the world flourish again. When The D.O.D took the copyrights, crime seemed to increase, for the children that never got placed, were never allowed to work, which meant they must be killed. Ever since the crime rates went up, and so did poverty so to speak, the world came to an humdrum halt.

This sounds allot like divergent lol! I tried to make it original. so now i'm going to put in a second plot to the story. But before I do, I wanna tell you how many people I need

Two Assassins



4 girls





4 boys





plot 2

while in special training camp, 8 peoples timers go off, meaning the person in front of them are their soul mates. These 8 realize that now they are expected to have children that the D.O.D would just take away the moment they are born anyways. After each one falls in love with their soulmates, the group start become a close knit. Each one of the groups go through different training. They all have different skill sets, but they all have some basic skills sets, like survival in the wilderness, and hand on hand combat, They had to admit this special training camp gave them great opportunities. Then on couple becomes pregnant, And D.O.D deems the girl unworkable which means she'll be released with no further training, into the mucks. The mucks is on whole side of the earth, that the civilization left, that's where all the tropical animals are, and all of the trees. No one but outcasts and assassins go there. The D.O.D devised a plan, So that these unworkable people don't just live off of the wilderness destroying the "perfect" balance, they send out two Assassins every few months to wipe out whoever is left alive after the animals. then there bodies are decomposed and used as fertilizer. So the group of 8 devise a plan to escape into the mucks, but to never be caught, so that maybe they could live freely and have a family.

Okay so if any one has questions please do ask, because this is more of a rough draft really. Also tell me what you think!

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