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Fandom Mass Effect: Zenith - Crew Roster

Shannon Trevor

One Thousand Club

Name: John Haverson

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Physical Description:

Tall, rugged and deeply tanned, John would be a PR Officer's dream for the next recruitment campaign. The former Colonel stands at 6'3 and weights in at approximately 220lbs. Despite being in his mid-forties John still maintains a muscular physique and is in better shape than most men half his age. The progress of time cannot be completely ignored however; grey hair is clear on his temples and laughter lines tug at the corner of each eye and furrow his brow. Neither feature could be considered a blemish but add to a distinguished handsomeness.



A Carnifex pistol and M8 Avenger assault rifle.

A stainless steel Rolex Daytona.



John is cool and relaxed in his dealings and rarely gets flustered. When dealing with a problem he will take an analytic approach but has been known to dive straight into certain situations if the only danger presented is to himself. Socially he can be considered a bit of a ‘charmer’ and is as comfortable in a bar full of rowdy Marines as he is at the latest Embassy function. Although given the choice he would choose the bar every time.


Growing up an only child in Seattle, John was accomplished pupil and star athlete. After graduating college, John took a divergent step and enrolled in the Alliance’s Officer Candidate School. An idealist of sorts, John had always been inspired by the tales of the Alliance military, fighting for humanity in the farthest reaches of the Galaxy. He enlisted with the intention of serving a short stretch and then moving on with skills gained from his time with the military and his degree. He volunteered and was accepted for Officer training with the Marines, despite vocal protests from his Father who had felt a position serving as an Officer on an Alliance ship would be safer than being stuck in the dirt with a squad of 'grunts'.

He was assigned to the notoriously tough 103rd Marine Division as a 2nd Lieutenant and proved to be a capable young Officer, rising steadily through the ranks, displaying a mature competency, willingness to learn and good leadership abilities. He saw combat battling Batarian pirates and Mercenary groups in the Skyillian Verge and was awarded the Bronze Star for saving his squad from an ambush by a group of pirates who had recently attacked a human colony on Terra Nova.

As his rise through the ranks continued, so did his responsibilities. He transferred from his position in the Marines onto the SSV Ain Jalut with the rank of Lieutenant Commander before a call went out from ONI, the Alliance's Intelligence Service, looking to recruit promising Officers into their Division. John applied and was able to successfully navigate the exhaustive round of competency tests, exams and practical and theoretical exercises. From here, little biographical info is available other than his promotion to the rank of Colonel four years ago.

With twenty five years served and a military that was not the one he had grew up in, John decided to hand in his papers and enjoy retirement. To the surprise of no one that knew him, retirement for John lasted three months before he was seeking something other than a sedate life on the Citadel. He was about to take up employment with Sirus Defense Solutions, a private security consultancy, before he received a mysterious message about leading an expedition on the hunt for a long rumoured Prothean station.

Dismissing the message as nothing more than a scam, John ignored it. He could not however ignore the sizeable amount of credits that were deposited in his account. A 'down payment' to secure his services.

With a ship already provided and several dozen dossiers of potential candidates to mull over, John is finally ready to meet his team and lead them to what could be the biggest discovery since the ruins on Mars.



Marksman, Explosives and Unarmed Combat

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Alani Michelson
Spacer (Has an American birth certificate)

Physical Description:
Alani is a short woman, standing at five feet and four inches tall. She's fairly well toned, with an hourglass figure. She has round features, a strong hur sofy jawline, and tired green eyes. Alani has freckles smattered across her cheeks and shoulders. She has dark brown hair that's cut short, but shaggy. And while she doesn't have many scars, Alani isn't blemishless. Her left thigh has a large burn that covers most of it, and small scars from shrapnel. She also has a scar on her collarbone from where a shot grazed her.

  • Lightweight Armor
  • M-6 Carnafex (Pistol)
  • M-12 Locust (SMG)
  • M-22 Eviscerator (Shotgun)
  • L5 Biotic Implant
  • Omitool
  • Biotic Amp
Biotics - These are her combat skills, but she can do other things like lifting objects or people, making large domes as shields, and a rudimentary version of the Adair technique that allows them to lift their own bodies.
  • Pull
  • Shockwave
  • Warp
  • Barrier
  • Incendiary Ammo
  • Hand to hand combat: As part of her alliance training, Alani underwent some serious hand to hand training. While she most likely can't beat a turian, Alani can hold her own
  • Overload: Able to send off code to enemy omitools' that over loads their shields
  • Pistol, Shotgun, and SMG training: Being a biotic, Alani was never cleared for heavy weapons training. So her training consisted of small arms
  • Hacking
  • Tracking correspondence
  • Charasmatic
  • Typing 95 words a minute
  • Cooking
  • Singing
Alani is quiet at first. Staying to herself and observing the people around her. It's not easy for her to get close to people, a bit paranoid being her default way of handling them. After all, the Alliance was all secrets and misdirections. She could have understood it if they had only stood by their greatest hero... It's easy for people to mistake her caution as being cold hearted or snobbish. Alani doesn't see herself as better than anyone else, she just needs to make sure you're trust worthy enough to get to know her. Under pressure and facing anyone angry at her, she's calm and collected. People like to tease that she's the only level headed biotic they know. In reality, Alani just doesn't want to waste her energy on those types of people. Her calm and collected nature cane come in handy during a fire fight, especially with something greater at risk.

To the few people that know the real her outside of professional settings, and have proven they were trustworthy, they'll see a side of Alani most people don't know exist. While she's still a rather laid back person, Alani likes to talk about the crappy movies she owns and funny stories she has from her Alliance time. They know she's a wizard in the kitchen, someone who can salvage any meal, and a kind soul who's just a bit tired. For once...she wants something to go right.

Alani was born on an Alliance owner cargo ship called the Omaha out in the Traverse on a run to resupply one of the Hunan's newest colonies. Her mother was Navigator Brianna Michelson, a single woman who got pregnant after a one night stand during some shore leave. In most cases, Alani would have been left with family while her mother was deployed, but Briana was an orphan and didn't know where Alani's father was. So, Briana was allowed to keep Alani on board with her until they had a chance to head back to the Citadel. Alani would spend the fist 6 months of her life onboard the Omaha, being cared for by her mother and the captain of the ship, and her mother's boyfriend who started dating her before Briana found out she was pregnant. When they finally docked with the Citadel again, Briana was transferred to C-Sec as a traffic control officer.

Alani would grow up on the Citadel, living with her mother in a small apartment down in the wards. Alani was eleven when her biotics first made their appearence, hitting an early puberty. Publicly, her mother was rather excited. Privately however, her mother was talking to doctors to try and suppress this. It wouldn't work out though, as shortly after her 12th birthday, Alliance officers showed up at their apartment to take Alani off to brain camp. She was the youngest kid there, and in an already isolating situation, was even more so. She only grew attached to one person, a 15 year boy who was in a way, the older brother she never had. Training was rough, Brain Camp made to build their powers but try and break their spirits. Alani would spend 6 years in Brain Camp, with no contact with the outside world or her mother.

So she expected the first face she would see was Briana. Unfortunately, she learned during her first week of boot camp that her mother was reassigned to the Omaha. Which crashed two years before Alani graduated brain camp. There were no survivors. It was devastating news, leaving Alani completely alone in the universe. It was easy for her to throw herself into boot camp though. She focused on her training, honing her biotics and combat skills even further. On top of that, she started under going specialized training dealing with hacking and communications. It would come in handy landing her a job once she was done training.

She didn't make many friends during her training, which translated a bit poorly to her first post. Alani kept to herself, starting out as colony defense, doing patrols and keeping track of their communications to find any anomalies. A rather peaceful time was suddenly and violently turned on it's head. Alani was 22, serving at the human colony Ferris Fields when a batarian ship descended on the colony. Alani and her teammates did their best to hold off the attack, giving the colonists a chance to get to the safe houses. She and her comrades, along with a few others were captured and taking up onto the ship. A few weeks would pass, Alani being subjected to some less than ideal treatment. She would finally get the chance to make her escape when her guard fell asleep. She stole his pistol, freed her comrades and make it to the escape pods with the other hostages. They'd be out ked up by an alliance vessel three days later.

Because of this, Alani was promoted to lieutenant and handed over to serve in the fifth fleet. She was on a team meant for planetary exploration. It was a pretty good few years, and Alani would be transferred to the Citadel when she was 24. However, she was transferred at a really bad time. A month after that, while she was on duty, Saren executed his attack on the Citadel. Alani was trapped in the residential area of the presidium, doing her best to protect innocents. Using an old pistol and her biotics, Alani managed to keep a small group of ambassadors and some of the consorts safe until the attack was over. She was also witness to what Shepard did.

After the attack and things calmed down a bit, Alani was back to work on the Citadel, helping with recovery efforts and some clean up of remaining geth. But it changed four months later when news of Shepard getting spaced and the destruction of the Normandy hit the Citadel. The council and the Alliance started to discredit Shepard, and Alani was among the ones who very publicly voiced her opinion about what was going on, defending the Commander. Because of this, Alani was transferred back to the fifth fleet. They hoped that it would get to her to quiet down. It didn't though, and she was reassigned as yeoman to a small Alliance frigate. It still didn't work and she was once again transferred to the Citadel and placed under administrative leave. It was a fancy way to fire her without really firing her. They needed to keep an eye on Alani anyway.
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Name: Peros (Formerly Kartok Don'Gavarn)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Batarian
Class: Infiltrator

Homeworld: Khar'Shan




Blue Suns Armor (Red X on the Chest)
Nexus X Omni-Tool (Several modifications and upgrades: Tech Armor feature, Omni-Blade upgrade, decryption and code analysis feature, improved translator + langauge detection & analysis, Improved hacking assistant)
Sentry Interface Visor (Modifed now enjoys a bonus to accuracy aside from Shield bonus)

M-11 Suppressor
M-9 Tempest
M-92 Mantis ("Lucinda")

Combat Training
Tech Training
Espionage/Commando Training

Career History:
SIU (Special Intervention Unit) 7-Years
Batarian Military (Non Special forces) - 3 Years
Blue Suns- 2 Years
Mercenary (Solo) - 3 years

A typical cigar enthusiast with a dark sense of humor. Once a proud SIU operative and military man turned Batarian rebel with a cause. He despises old and out of touch traditions of his people, finds their caste system a scheme for credits and lining government pockets with more creds, giving them more power and keeping themselves ahead of the game, while ignoring obvious opportunity for the growth and advancement of their people.

Easy to understand why he hates politics and especially politicians. Though some like that Asari councilor are easy on the eyes. Almost tempts the mind.

Overall he's not a fan of his people's very public "Okay" with Slavery and trade. Hates outdated caste systems and loves fine cigars, strong drinks, fine company and getting shit done. What more need be said? Should be informed to those working with him, he's a blunt man, no facade unless it's necessary. Just plain words with simple enough meaning for all to understand, though being a Batarian doesn't make life easy or free of stereotypes. While his intentions can still be unknown at times, possibly due to his ability to sound blunt and simple but hide truths when needed or desired.

Kind enough, fair but tough is the short hand for this man. Often found on Omega in the Afterlife where in his opinion, stuff happens and company is very fine.

Role: Recon & Infiltration specialist

Background Intel:
Born Kartok Don'Gavarn in 2152 to the wealthy and deeply tied to the slave trade, Don'Gavarn family on Khar'Shan. Kartok was blessed with great caste and grew up amongst the elite in Batarian society, however this was never a point of pride for him. When your family is deeply woven into the fabric of slavery and trading of sentient life.... It's most commonly a fact to be Ashamed of within other societies and races, yet not here, not on Khar'Shan. It was integrated into their traditions practically, it was a insult to the Batarian people, discrimination by the council races and citadel law to have such restrictions and laws against it. It was basically part of caste and government. Slave trade brought credits, wealth, wealth bought caste, caste brought status amongst the Batarian, we all know how power is gained from there.

But despite early on disagreements about his people's history, their self imposed reality of limits and strength in council society and the citadel space. Standing amongst other races being poor and weak in comparison to most others. Their ethics. A outdated system and blaming of others for their problems to propel them forward in theory and keep them afloat. It was all foolish. Yet despite his views, Kartok grew up playing the game, hacked systems to fudge his age and looked out for himself, his family needn't his aid after all. Joined the Batarian military and its Paper strength form compared to older times and other military operations. They weren't as well known as the Turians and Salarian, Asari and even Humans or Krogan military. But they existed and Kartok sought what he thought was "Proper" training in order to advance himself through other ways, outside of slave trade his families business and paying the hedgemony for caste, we all know who truly gets the credits and holds power after all. Least in Kartoks you mind they did, he did. Not desiring to help the authority gain further power, he joined the military serving for three years before joining the SIU, Batarian special forces, enduring the harsh training and excelling as one of their operatives over the years.

He dealt with politics, opposing extremists, colonies who the hedgemony saw as pests to rid themselves of and take over said settlements. A list full of operations that ran quite long and far in his seven years playing the game and being amongst the best the SIU and Batarian race had to offer. But growing hate for politics, reminded hate for slavers and outdated caste systems, foolish pride and finger pointing, excuse making oppressing his people's potential and betterment led him down a new path. Kartok became the rebel with a cause that perhaps he was destined to become.

Angering his family, disowning them and they he in the process, removing the family name and his birth given one in protest and final removal of their stain upon his chest. He imposed upon himself a exile, vowed never to return to his forsaken, politician cursed homeworld and left in loud, defiant statement to his people and left. But not before freeing some slaves and ridding worlds of slave trade operations one base at a time, while trying to free further slaves in the process. Now calling himself "Peros" the former SIU commando went on a run of statements in Batarian controlled systems and blew up cargo ships and bases to act as his calling card.

Finally moving on from atonement of his actions or so the man thought by freeing those he once allowed and in come cases helped enslave years before. Peros signed on with the Blue Suns for some Mercenary work and learning of how exactly they operated, staying on for two years before getting fed up and realizing he wasn't helping his case with this lot. They were hardly better then his people's slavers and pirates. Plus some of the leaders just really pissed him off.........

Once more Peros made some statements. Using his past training and tech savvy ways Peros hacked into terminals, datapads, ship computers and altered key details, stole credit transaction Intel and took the credits for himself to fund one hell of a "Gone Rogue" statement and final screw you! To the bosses he greatly disliked and hated. He wanted to make headlines and become a legend in some sense of the word that would forever be tied to the blue Suns organization.

And if things went well, he'd have one hell of a celebration party on Omega when he was through. So it was settled, operations in progress, and yes it was plural. Peros had several small, discreet and secret operations underway to undermine blue sun plans and ventures. Just a tweaking for some fun and get them on edge, once they were good and pissed, the real fun would start. As expected they were sloppy at first, going off emotion such as anger instead of collected thought needed for real counter tactics. Allowing for Peros to buy some time and set up other infiltration operations and base by base dismantling before a final explosion to really piss them off and finalize his statement.

But his conscious started to get the better of him, not wishing to atone a second time for great wrongs and oversights. Peros started to take longer, work harder at thorough pace to ensure innocents were kept out of the line of fire and freed when and where he could. It almost led to his death by blue Suns hands, that really...... would have soured his party celebrations and much of his drinking that he would surely do. But I'm the end it was worth it, people caught in the middle or trapped as workers and prisoners by the blue Suns were freed on the bases he targeted on Xawin.

This led him down the path of lone Merc traveling the galaxy on others creds and getting shit done at his pace and his choosing. No more hedgemony, no more caste and slaver influence, no more blue sun bosses to piss him off. He chose who he worked for and who'd have his protection, who died because he was hired for the job and so on....

Especially no more politics. Least for the most part.

Peros has become a Batarian rebel with a past and details hidden through his security conscious measures. Working who he decides is worth of his services and how much they are willing to offer him. His services don't come cheap even if he's picky and prefers keeping decent folk alive. A noted presence on Omega namely Afterlife as a patron and silent, occasional ally of Arias. A service trade agreement that remains in tact putting both parties skills and resources to good use in favor of mutual benefits.

Talents/Non-Combat Related:
Tech Savvy
Historian Adept
Tactical prowess/Chess player
Mixologist/Drink expert

Lacks the temperament for leadership, years of Batarian politics and bullshit have dwindled his reserves for such roles and the requirements for them. Prefers solo operations as proven by his famed betrayal of the blue suns and destruction of their bases on Xawin, freeing trapped prisoners and workers to solidify his gone rogue statement.

Hates vorcha with a passion. Very prejudice toward their people.

Works side deals with Aria while on Omega, leading to free drinks and company of her dancers whenever he's on Omega, which is often. Though the company never goes beyond drinks and conversation, flirting at their table. Admires their beauty but doesn't try for more then mere company.

Peros is formerly Kartok Don'Gavarn.... A self imposed exile of Khar'Shan and high ranking operative for the Hedgemony. Disowned his family name and birth name upon exile and vowed never to return. To further ensure security of his personal Intel and Dossier from leaking beyond himself and those knowledgeable of his past actions and operations, plus basic info such as lineage and caste, he's gone to great lengths to black out such details and leave little about him to be learned. Though skilled and dedicated operatives and hackers could bypass his measures with enough opportunity and time.

Name: Ryn'Mavir vas Thamlus

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Physical Description: As with most of the Quarian race, Ryn is known by his suit, not his face. He wears a pretty standard Quarian environmental suit in earth tones, with the metal showing usually a bronze or brass color. He wears a chest rig with some extra pouches. Over this is a dark brown leather long coat, with a fur collar of an off-white color. Working in the tubes and wires coming out the back of his helmet and connecting to the back of his suit are some beads and braids made up of roping material, giving it a messy ponytail vibe.

Equipment: M-5 Phalanx, M-37 Falcon Assault Rifle, customized Omni-tool, and biotic amp.

Skills: Sticky Grenade, Reave, and Throw.

Personality: Ryn'Mavir to most who meet him is a laid back, easy going gent who enjoys a good chat over some filtered turan brandy. He doesn't make much guff what race or occupation you are. If you approach with friendly intent, he will respond in kind. It's the other side of that coin where things get interesting. Any attempt to harm him or those he has chosen to be his concern ends up with double the trouble in return. He's use to being on the weaker side, so he makes up for it with his wit and intelligence, along with a heap of cunning. He has no qualms about taking whatever advantage he has to to ensure the mission is complete, including stuff like collateral damage, dirty tricks, and threats to the loved ones of his adversaries. Despite this morally grey approach to his enemies, he takes a "no man gets left behind" attitude when it comes to his allies and team.

History: To get to know Ryn'Mavir, you first have to understand his ship, the Thamlus. The Thamlus was an old Turian warship that the Quarians bought and retrofitted to serve in the Migrant Fleet. Since then, the Thamlus gained a reputation of brutality. Many planets in both Council Space and the Terminus systems know the Thamlus as a fair and honest trading partner. It's crew specialized in the re-purposing and customization of technology from civilian farming equipment, to small arms, and even space vessels. Where the brutality comes in is when someone tries to double cross or take advantage of them. Any harm done to the Thamlus or the Migrant Fleet, the ship's crew is prepared to repay tenfold. And because of the outmatched and vulnerable nature of the Quarian people, the crew of the Thamlus at times employ tactics and measures considered unsavory by many. Because of the Thamlus's reputation and perceived duty to the fleet, the crew followed the example of the Solarian STG and the Council's Spectres in the creation of a group that could act with the authority to do what was necessary to safeguard the ship and the fleet. These agents were called Outriders.
Ryn'Mavir was one such Outrider. Before he was born, he was exposed to a element zero leak his mother tried to seal. She saved the ship and was able to bring Ryn to term, but passed away after child birth. He was found to be biotic by his father, who convinced the captain to help the young quarian develop his powers. The implants nearly did him in, but Ryn'Mavir survived and learned to use his biotics well. His Pilgrimage saw him spend time in a small turian mercenary group, making contacts in the Terminus Systems. His gift to the Thamlus to become part of her crew was a weapon stockpile and his contacts. While he at first seemed to settle in as a supply officer aboard the Thamlus, he became aware that the engine leak that had given him his biotics rendered him steril. Without the ability to provide children to help carry on the Quarian legacy, Ryn ended his relationship with one of the Thamlus's pilots, and put in for off ship duty. His willingness to risk his life so other quarians won't have to and his expertise with dealing with other races made him a prime candidate for the Outriders. With some additional training, he was sent out to protect his people's interests. For the next decade, he worked in the Terminus system, negotiating deals, doing favors for trade partners, and dealing with problems as they rose. He learned to live by his wits and charm as he rubbed shoulders with gangsters, small politicians, law enforcement, and merchants. He spent most of his time away from the ship and flotilla, but always took a keen interest in the Quarians that he met, helping young quarians on their pilgrimage secure worthy gifts for their new ships.
During his travels, he always took special note of rumors or information about Prothean tech. Stories of an untouched Prothean station at the edge of the galaxy were always around, but lately seemed to be coming up more and more. He past what he learned on to the Thamlus and moved on. A few months later, Ryn was called in to take part in an expedition to find the fabled station that the Thamlus helped back. His instructions were to help the expedition find the station and ensure that the Quarians got their cut.
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Name: Arlick Stratus

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Stands at 6'4" tall with a marking on her face that is a shape of a "V" in white line. Her outfit consist of black and red, with the black covering her arms and legs and red covering her body. A thin grey line traces up the arms and around her shoulder before making a straight line down the front and back of her outfit. The grey then outlines Arlicks leg and feet from the black.

Equipment: M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle, M-3 Predator

Skills: Assault turret (can only run for a minute before needs to be brought back for a cool down), Tactical Cloak, Has inside connections to the black market.

Personality: Playful when she's not busy or being shot at. Arlick tends to try not to be super serious like the other turians around her, knowing that everything thinks that they all have a stick up their ass. When the going get's tough though she puts her game face on and is ready to take point and do what is needed of her.

History: Not all turians have a squeaky clean record. Arlick is one of those cases. Middle of 4 she didn't want to go through the normal that everyone else seemed to go by of being trained to either be a soldier, engineer, administration, construction or sanitation worker. None of them sounded interesting to her. What was interesting was being a space pirate and going around the galaxy seeing the worlds. Stowing away on a ship that was set for the Citadel Arlick made her first steps to being someone that she wanted to be, something that she could control and have a say over what she wanted to do. Learning the ropes of the hustle was real, Arlick got swindled out of credits, food among other things but out of bad luck came some good luck too. She made connections and friends who helped her learn the ropes of what to do, how to talk and how not to get swindled out of credits. Soon she began to slowly build a name for herself in smuggling goods around other planets and stations for a price. It wasn't a squeaky clean life, it wasn't a life her family would be proud of but it was a life Arlick was happy with because she was the one who had a say in it.​

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