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Fandom Mass Effect - The Shakarian Effect - Turian/Human - MxF/MxM/FxF


Cranky long time RP'er - probably sleeping
I'm a long time roleplayer (15+ years) who's looking to get back into it after a couple years being on and off. 
 -Average 4ish paragraphs per post but it's not abnormal for me to hit 5-8 if the situation warrants it. 
 -Mostly reply later in the evening (Atlantic Time, Canada) when it's slow at work
 -Won't hound you for replies, life happens.
 -Prefer adult rp partners ---I'm too old to rp with someone who's 15.
 -I don't do roleplays with *actions*. Just not my jam and I can't get into it. 

Curious if anyone is interested in a 1x1 Mass Effect Roleplay?

**Craving** Turian / Human - someone help me please.
-any gender combination
-prefer to play characters who aren't the main hereos. Soldiers or civilians, combo of both.

-Interspecies romance is must!  Culture clashes and "how do I date this person?! Oh No!"
 -Action, Romance, Drama, Politics, Gory battle fields and the ravages of war? Count me in. Soft and fluffy, A-okay!
-Especially craving slice of life, regular people in the messed up galaxy trying to live their lives despite everything that has/will happen  .
-Set during/post any of the main trilogy or Andromeda.
---Less crazy immediately post First Contact War/Relay 314 Incident but I am open to ideas!
-AU's can be discussed if you got a neat idea!
 -OCs preferred as Mains .
 ---Canon characters can be discussed .
---Can double/triple as needed.
 -I'm not into OC x Canon - lets go one or the other, but not both.
 -M/F - F/F - M/M
-Any Species welcome, I can work with just about anything and play most races.

Think that covers all the basics. Toss me a PM or hit my up here!

Thanks! K
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