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Fandom Mass Effect: Contagion Eclipse (AU)


Two Thousand Club
Eons ago, there lived an aquatic race known as the Leviathans, while they believed themselves to be the first and only apex race, they took it upon themselves to be a form of guardian to protect and any and all sapient lifeforms to come to exist within the galaxy. As time went on and the Levithans observed their subservient races create synthetic lifeforms only to have them rebel against their creators, the Levithans were eventually forced to create an Intelligence that was to seek a way to preserve organic life by creating 'pawns' that would gather genetic information throughout the galaxy in search of way to help with the perseveration of organic life.
Eventually, the intelligence betrayed its creator, the Leviathans and sent out its pawns to slaughter and harvest them for their genetic material to eventually create the very first being that the rest of the galaxy came to know as a 'Reaper'. This first Reaper named itself as 'Harbinger' as it began a cyclical rampage throughout the galaxy, harvesting organic intelligent life as way to 'preserve' organic life as its original goal was set by its creator.

Centuries passed and eventually when the human race came to exist, when the time for another cycle of extermination of organic life came to sweep the galaxy, the human race was the first ever to be able to defeat a Reaper and with that single victory a new goal was set for the remaining races. No longer would the cycle continue and with the combined effort of every single race, they were able to eventually destroy Harbinger and bring what was believed to be everlasting peace to the galaxy.


Or so they thought.


While the Leviathans had stated that they were the first and only apex lifeform to exist, insinuating that there was nothing before them, they lied. Before the Leviathans, there lived another lifeform, one that was given the name as the 'Corrupted Plague' by the Leviathans due to it being a viral lifeform rather than purely organic. The lifeform itself is a perfect combination between both organic and synthetic, it appears to be able to self-replicate as well as 'infect' both living beings and technology alike. The only reason the lifeform never seen or heard from was because after the Leviathans realized the existential threat that the lifeform could bring, they dedicated nearly all their resources to contain the threat in the deepest and darkest regions of space, far from any other organic or synthetic life.
After the extinction of the Leviathans at the hands of their own creation and finally the destruction of Harbinger and its Reapers, nothing held back the Corrupted Plague. The first case of the infection was on Eden Prime, considered to be one of the first planets humans colonized after the discovery of the mass relays.

The viral lifeform arrived and spread through the planet in an airborne state, so it was near invisible other than sightings of strange green spores floating through the air that people were inhaling. While the first symptoms of the infection were more similar to the flu or common cold, after about a week or so, when humans began deforming and their skin turned metallic, panic quickly set in. The Corruption spread throughout the colonies, rapidly taking over other humans and even rewriting DNA as well as hacking into all different sorts of tech throughout the colonies.

When the Citadel had gotten the distress signal, it was far too late, every last human on Eden Prime had been turned into mindless beast, all of which were connected to a Hivemind of sorts. From there, the Hivemind spoke through one of its infected vessels, informing the rest of the Galaxy that they were known as 'The Nexus' and that they would spread throughout the remainder of the Galaxy to assimilate all life into a singular unified consciousness, it believes that individuality is a weakness and seeks to erase all diversity, turning the galaxy into a singular unstoppable entity with itself as the helm .

After communications were cut off, the Council believed that such a threat should not be announced to the rest of the races and that the issue should be resolved as quickly and secretly as possible to avoid panic amongst the public. Sending out multiple Spectres as they were known as the greatest tool in the Council's arsenal, even they failed in their mission to contain the threat, only being absorbed and infected into the mass of the Hivemind. Luckily a single Spectre was able to return from the mission alive and uninfected, explaining what they had witnessed was nothing less than gruesome nightmare and dying was a better option than what they saw happen to their comrades.

With the threat of The Nexus being more severe than what was originally anticipated, the Council sent out a message throughout the Galaxy, they were now recruiting any and all able-bodied individuals, regardless of race or background to come to the Citadel to assist with an important mission that had the same urgency as it did when facing the Reapers originally. Of course, this included a reward so that even criminals would see some form of interest into this as well. The recruitment message indicated coordinates to the Citadel and to meet in Hanger 001 for debriefing.


So, I've been craving a sci-fi roleplay as of late and just haven't been sure what kind of roleplay to join or to make. So, I just decided to come up with this...just as the title says, this will be an Alternative Universe to the Mass Effect series. So, no Commander Shepard...but as needed, some known characters might be playing roles as NPCs just to make life a little easier to avoid having to make whole backstories and further information for unnecessary reasons. I've got some more lore on the infection thing that I'll put up if the roleplay gets enough interest.
Just out of curiosity,how far in the future would this be? I assume that asari (and maybe geth) who were alive during the Reaper war are probably still kicking about,but individuals from other races back then might be long gone?

Also,is everyone in the galaxy now Synthezised or will the means of victory back then be ambiguous?
I'm definitely late but I'm so excited! This seems like such a fun plot! And I love the fact it's set in mass effect!!

(On a different note, will there be Zaeed 🥺)
Just out of curiosity,how far in the future would this be? I assume that asari (and maybe geth) who were alive during the Reaper war are probably still kicking about,but individuals from other races back then might be long gone?

Also,is everyone in the galaxy now Synthezised or will the means of victory back then be ambiguous?
Great questions.
- So the roleplay will be taking place around 100 years after Mass Effect 3, which ended in 2186. So we'll be approximately around 2286. All alien races will still be as normal, none of the races will have been eradicated yet to give players diversity to be able to play as anything they want. Because this an AU, many individuals that might've been canon would be dead and if players want them to be included in the roleplay then it most likely would be mentions of them in records or they did not exist at all to keep things from being too canon with the original game story.

- Not everyone in the galaxy is synthesized yet. Currently only Eden Prime has been converted and possibly a few stragglers here and there that might be wandering throughout space, no other major planets have been affected yet.

I'm definitely late but I'm so excited! This seems like such a fun plot! And I love the fact it's set in mass effect!!

(On a different note, will there be Zaeed 🥺)
Thank you for your interest.

Zaeed should be dead in this story considering its 100 years after the events of Mass Effect 3. If he so happens to somehow be alive, it will be on heavy medications and cybernetics keeping him together. Otherwise, he would be a statue of a memorial probably somewhere if you really wanted him to be included somehow in this story.
Great questions.
- So the roleplay will be taking place around 100 years after Mass Effect 3, which ended in 2186. So we'll be approximately around 2286. All alien races will still be as normal, none of the races will have been eradicated yet to give players diversity to be able to play as anything they want. Because this an AU, many individuals that might've been canon would be dead and if players want them to be included in the roleplay then it most likely would be mentions of them in records or they did not exist at all to keep things from being too canon with the original game story.

- Not everyone in the galaxy is synthesized yet. Currently only Eden Prime has been converted and possibly a few stragglers here and there that might be wandering throughout space, no other major planets have been affected yet.

Thank you for your interest.

Zaeed should be dead in this story considering its 100 years after the events of Mass Effect 3. If he so happens to somehow be alive, it will be on heavy medications and cybernetics keeping him together. Otherwise, he would be a statue of a memorial probably somewhere if you really wanted him to be included somehow in this story.
Alright, thanks for clarifying things! Was only asking because his old ass was described as 'the best Merc in the galaxy'
Honestly the only people I think would be alive at this point would be Liara, possibly Samara, Grunt is definitely alive and maybe Wrex. However, something to take into consideration is that human lifespans are about 150 years old so there is a possibility some of the human crew might be alive but they'd be really old depending on how old they were in ME3, Turians live to be about 135 so Garrus is probably gone or again very old, same for Tali, in fact the only councilor that probably still exists is the Asari councilor.

TLDR: Pretty much anyone who isn't a Krogan, Asari or Geth is either dead or really old.

Yeah I've been in an ME mood lately did a deep dive and yes I am interested in this lol
Honestly the only people I think would be alive at this point would be Liara, possibly Samara, Grunt is definitely alive and maybe Wrex. However, something to take into consideration is that human lifespans are about 150 years old so there is a possibility some of the human crew might be alive but they'd be really old depending on how old they were in ME3, Turians live to be about 135 so Garrus is probably gone or again very old, same for Tali, in fact the only councilor that probably still exists is the Asari councilor.

TLDR: Pretty much anyone who isn't a Krogan, Asari or Geth is either dead or really old.

Yeah I've been in an ME mood lately did a deep dive and yes I am interested in this lol
This is all very true. Although as stated before, because this is an AU..most if not all these characters aside from the councilor may or may not exist depending on the need/want of them via players.

Other than that, thank you for the information and thank you for your interest.
This is all very true. Although as stated before, because this is an AU..most if not all these characters aside from the councilor may or may not exist depending on the need/want of them via players.

Other than that, thank you for the information and thank you for your interest.
Oh I understand that but since there was a questions in that area I figured I'd put my two cents in about who would and wouldn't be alive and if they were alive what state they'd likely be in, in case anyone did want them there, but honestly the only ones I could think of that would be relevant would be Liara and possibly EDI. I mean I love Grunt, Samara and Wrex but I'm not sure where they'd be needed in this story, but with Liara being the Shadow Broker if she were in this AU I could see her making an appearance from time to time or at the very least anonymously providing information. As a matter of fact I wouldn't find it too wild for EDI to her assistant.

But again this is only relevant if they'll actually be there.
Not everyone in the galaxy is synthesized yet.
I was referring not to the Corrupted Plague,but rather the hypothetical Synthesis ending to ME3.

I was wondering if the people of the galaxy are all greenish now or if you wanted to keep the means of their victory more ambiguous. Maybe they found a way to just destroy them or drive them away.
I was referring not to the Corrupted Plague,but rather the hypothetical Synthesis ending to ME3.

I was wondering if the people of the galaxy are all greenish now or if you wanted to keep the means of their victory more ambiguous. Maybe they found a way to just destroy them or drive them away.
I'd prefer that personally, since this is an AU. Honestly a conventional war with the reapers was 100% possible and I'm assuming we're going that route since it says Harbinger was destroyed which doesn't actually happen in the games.
I was referring not to the Corrupted Plague,but rather the hypothetical Synthesis ending to ME3.

I was wondering if the people of the galaxy are all greenish now or if you wanted to keep the means of their victory more ambiguous. Maybe they found a way to just destroy them or drive them away.

While I do not mind changing it if players prefer it this way instead. The original ME ending this roleplay was going to center around was actually going to be the Destroy ending to ME3 and within the span of the 100 years the relays have just been rebuilt by the collective efforts of the different races.

If y'all prefer to have this roleplay based off the Synthesis ending, I can work around that as well, although it was not the original plan.
So do we have a set number of moves we can get or does that matter? Because while I usually pick moves as a baseline to work around for what my character is capable of as I find that fun for myself personally just a heads up, but I do my experimenting with things that are possible and exist within the lore.

To be clear I don't expect anyone to follow my rules when making a character, just expressing it's something I like to do.
So do we have a set number of moves we can get or does that matter? Because while I usually pick moves as a baseline to work around for what my character is capable of as I find that fun for myself personally just a heads up, but I do my experimenting with things that are possible and exist within the lore.

To be clear I don't expect anyone to follow my rules when making a character, just expressing it's something I like to do.
If you mean like actions you can do and a limitation to how much you can do in like a turn of some sort like tabletop, no. It will not be like that. You will be able to move freely and do what you like.

Character Sheets will have points that people can allocate to different skills of sorts and depending on how much someone puts points into a certain stat..they will be better at it than if another person put less. A person can get better at stuff they put little points in as the roleplay continues if they practice at it or is taught more, etc.

All of this really won't matter if we can't get more players though xD
If you mean like actions you can do and a limitation to how much you can do in like a turn of some sort like tabletop, no. It will not be like that. You will be able to move freely and do what you like.

Character Sheets will have points that people can allocate to different skills of sorts and depending on how much someone puts points into a certain stat..they will be better at it than if another person put less. A person can get better at stuff they put little points in as the roleplay continues if they practice at it or is taught more, etc.

All of this really won't matter if we can't get more players though xD
No I meant more like for example in ME1 we get like 12 moves and I typically pick around 12 moves for my character. For example.

Lift Grenade x5
Warp Ammo
Flak Cannon x8
Adrenaline Rush
Barricade x4
Power Armor

Or if we were going a bit stricter like by class say for example if I pick Vanguard I can pick 12 moves but they can only by Combat or Biotic moves. If I'm and Engineer I can pick 12 tech moves. Certain moves you can only have if you have that weapon for example Assassinate being a sniper rifle move. Is what I meant.
No I meant more like for example in ME1 we get like 12 moves and I typically pick around 12 moves for my character. For example.

Lift Grenade x5
Warp Ammo
Flak Cannon x8
Adrenaline Rush
Barricade x4
Power Armor

Or if we were going a bit stricter like by class say for example if I pick Vanguard I can pick 12 moves but they can only by Combat or Biotic moves. If I'm and Engineer I can pick 12 tech moves. Certain moves you can only have if you have that weapon for example Assassinate being a sniper rifle move. Is what I meant.
Ah, so I am going to be doing something a little similar but also different. Everyone will have to pick a specific class they'd like to major in for their character but as well as be able to pick up a sub-class as well. This allowing players to pick options from two different classes to use moves from.

As for weapons, I am removing the restriction of class specific weapons for each class. Like how I believe Biotics can only use submachine guns and something else. There will be no restriction as to what class can use what kind of weapon.

Always up for mass effect,
Thank you for your interest.
Ah, so I am going to be doing something a little similar but also different. Everyone will have to pick a specific class they'd like to major in for their character but as well as be able to pick up a sub-class as well. This allowing players to pick options from two different classes to use moves from.

As for weapons, I am removing the restriction of class specific weapons for each class. Like how I believe Biotics can only use submachine guns and something else. There will be no restriction as to what class can use what kind of weapon.

Thank you for your interest.
Okay next question. What about moves that don't necessarily fall under a certain class? Are we still allowed to use those? Like for example Reave or certain moves from Andromeda that don't necessarily fall under a class but a type like Combat, Tech or Biotic. Are we still allowed to use those?

As I'm assuming we are only allowed to pick moves from our class/ subclass?

Also since weapons are not strictly for certain classes, where are we on ammo types? Like I assume you have to be a biotic to use warp ammo, but say someone wanted to use incendiary or cryo ammo is that still class specific?
Okay next question. What about moves that don't necessarily fall under a certain class? Are we still allowed to use those? Like for example Reave or certain moves from Andromeda that don't necessarily fall under a class but a type like Combat, Tech or Biotic. Are we still allowed to use those?

As I'm assuming we are only allowed to pick moves from our class/ subclass?

Also since weapons are not strictly for certain classes, where are we on ammo types? Like I assume you have to be a biotic to use warp ammo, but say someone wanted to use incendiary or cryo ammo is that still class specific?
- Yes, moves/abilities that do not fall under any specific classes are still allowed to be used. By using your example, Reave or any other ability from Andromeda that might not fall under any class from the ME series can be used as long as the class the person plays as is capable of using it. For example, someone playing as a Sentinel, Adept or Vanguard could use it since Reave is a biotic move/ability.

- Yes to that next question about picking moves.

- Ammo types will not strictly be class specific other than warp ammo as that is an actual move/ability for biotics. Ammo consumption for this will be limited, so it will be up to the player to determine exactly how much they are picking up and using. I will step in as needed to be sure that players are not overusing and practically acting as though they have a unlimited supply of such.
- Yes, moves/abilities that do not fall under any specific classes are still allowed to be used. By using your example, Reave or any other ability from Andromeda that might not fall under any class from the ME series can be used as long as the class the person plays as is capable of using it. For example, someone playing as a Sentinel, Adept or Vanguard could use it since Reave is a biotic move/ability.

- Yes to that next question about picking moves.

- Ammo types will not strictly be class specific other than warp ammo as that is an actual move/ability for biotics. Ammo consumption for this will be limited, so it will be up to the player to determine exactly how much they are picking up and using. I will step in as needed to be sure that players are not overusing and practically acting as though they have a unlimited supply of such.

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